2,969 research outputs found

    Continuous image distortion by astrophysical thick lenses

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    Image distortion due to weak gravitational lensing is examined using a non-perturbative method of integrating the geodesic deviation and optical scalar equations along the null geodesics connecting the observer to a distant source. The method we develop continuously changes the shape of the pencil of rays from the source to the observer with no reference to lens planes in astrophysically relevant scenarios. We compare the projected area and the ratio of semi-major to semi-minor axes of the observed elliptical image shape for circular sources from the continuous, thick-lens method with the commonly assumed thin-lens approximation. We find that for truncated singular isothermal sphere and NFW models of realistic galaxy clusters, the commonly used thin-lens approximation is accurate to better than 1 part in 10^4 in predicting the image area and axes ratios. For asymmetric thick lenses consisting of two massive clusters separated along the line of sight in redshift up to \Delta z = 0.2, we find that modeling the image distortion as two clusters in a single lens plane does not produce relative errors in image area or axes ratio more than 0.5%Comment: accepted to GR

    Accuracy of the thin-lens approximation in strong lensing by smoothly truncated dark matter haloes

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    The accuracy of mass estimates by gravitational lensing using the thin-lens approximation applied to Navarro–Frenk–White mass models with a soft truncation mechanism recently proposed by Baltz, Marshall and Oguri is studied. The gravitational lens scenario considered is the case of the inference of lens mass from the observation of Einstein rings (strong lensing). It is found that the mass error incurred by the simplifying assumption of thin lenses is below 0.5 per cent. As a byproduct, the optimal tidal radius of the soft truncation mechanism is found to be at most 10 times the virial radius of the mass model

    The effect of inrush transients on pv inverter's grid impedance measurement based on inter-harmonic injection

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    This paper addresses a cause for false tripping of photovoltaic inverters with antiislanding protection based on impedance measurement with inter-harmonic injection. Earlier discussions about tripping problems happening when several devices are doing the measurement at the same time are supplemented with a problem caused by inrush transients of nearby devices. A series of experiments was conducted in the Power Quality laboratory of the TU/e, on a PV inverter which complies with the DIN VDE 0126 standard. Impedance measurement was done in parallel with the inverter and measurement results are presented. A criterion for false tripping caused by transients is explored. Also, influences of network impedance and grid harmonic pollution on false tripping were analyzed. In the end, some signal processing techniques are proposed to avoid this problem

    Spacetime perspective of Schwarzschild lensing

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    We propose a definition of an exact lens equation without reference to a background spacetime, and construct the exact lens equation explicitly in the case of Schwarzschild spacetime. For the Schwarzschild case, we give exact expressions for the angular-diameter distance to the sources as well as for the magnification factor and time of arrival of the images. We compare the exact lens equation with the standard lens equation, derived under the thin-lens-weak-field assumption (where the light rays are geodesics of the background with sharp bending in the lens plane, and the gravitational field is weak), and verify the fact that the standard weak-field thin-lens equation is inadequate at small impact parameter. We show that the second-order correction to the weak-field thin-lens equation is inaccurate as well. Finally, we compare the exact lens equation with the recently proposed strong-field thin-lens equation, obtained under the assumption of straight paths but without the small angle approximation, i.e., with allowed large bending angles. We show that the strong-field thin-lens equation is remarkably accurate, even for lightrays that take several turns around the lens before reaching the observer.Comment: 22 pages, 6 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Proof by analogy in mural

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    One of the most important advantages of using a formal method of developing software is that one can prove that development steps are correct with respect to their specification. Conducting proofs by hand, however,can be time consuming to the extent that designers have to judge whether a proof of a particular obligation is worth conducting. Even if hand proofs are worth conducting, how do we know that they are correct? One approach to overcoming this problem is to use an automatic theorem proving system to develop and check our proofs. However, in order to enable present day theorem provers to check proofs, one has to conduct them in much more detail than hand proofs. Carrying out more detailed proofs is of course more time consuming. This paper describes the use of proof by analogy in an attempt to reduce the time spent on proofs. We develop and implement a proof follower based on analogy and present two examples to illustrate its characteristics. One example illustrates the successful use of the proof follower. The other example illustrates that the follower's failure can provide a hint that enables the user to complete a proof

    Management of asthma exacerbations in children

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    Asthma exacerbations are episodes of worsening asthma symptoms with shortness of breath, cough, wheeze and/or tight chest that require an increase in asthma treatment. A major change in the recommendations for managing mild asthma exacerbations is the move away from using inhaled short-acting beta-2 agonists (SABAs) as the sole reliever, toward a combination of a rapid-onset, long-acting beta-2 agonist, formoterol, in combination with an inhaled corticosteroid (ICS), or a SABA used together with an ICS in separate inhalers, in older children and adolescents. In children <11 years of age who are adherent to daily ICS treatment, the ICS dose should not be increased short term. A written asthma plan should include instructions on how to self-manage asthma exacerbations, and when to present to a medical facility. Oxygen is an essential component of the management of asthma exacerbations at both primary care and emergency department facilities, together with inhaled SABAs via metered-dose inhaler and spacer, and oral corticosteroids

    Steering proton migration in hydrocarbons using intense few-cycle laser fields

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    Proton migration is a ubiquitous process in chemical reactions related to biology, combustion, and catalysis. Thus, the ability to control the movement of nuclei with tailored light, within a hydrocarbon molecule holds promise for far-reaching applications. Here, we demonstrate the steering of hydrogen migration in simple hydrocarbons, namely acetylene and allene, using waveform-controlled, few-cycle laser pulses. The rearrangement dynamics are monitored using coincident 3D momentum imaging spectroscopy, and described with a quantum-dynamical model. Our observations reveal that the underlying control mechanism is due to the manipulation of the phases in a vibrational wavepacket by the intense off-resonant laser field.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Fermat Potentials for Non-Perturbative Gravitational Lensing

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    The images of many distant galaxies are displaced, distorted and often multiplied by the presence of foreground massive galaxies near the line of sight; the foreground galaxies act as gravitational lenses. Commonly, the lens equation, which relates the placement and distortion of the images to the real source position in the thin-lens scenario, is obtained by extremizing the time of arrival among all the null paths from the source to the observer (Fermat's principle). We show that the construction of envelopes of certain families of null surfaces consitutes an alternative variational principle or version of Fermat's principle that leads naturally to a lens equation in a generic spacetime with any given metric. We illustrate the construction by deriving the lens equation for static asymptotically flat thin lens spacetimes. As an application of the approach, we find the bending angle for moving thin lenses in terms of the bending angle for the same deflector at rest. Finally we apply this construction to cosmological spacetimes (FRW) by using the fact they are all conformally related to Minkowski space.Comment: accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Wide-field weak lensing by RXJ1347-1145

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    We present an analysis of weak lensing observations for RXJ1347-1145 over a 43' X 43' field taken in B and R filters on the Blanco 4m telescope at CTIO. RXJ1347-1145 is a massive cluster at redshift z=0.45. Using a population of galaxies with 20<R<26, we detect a weak lensing signal at the p<0.0005 level, finding best-fit parameters of \sigma_v=1400^{+130}_{-140} km s^{-1} for a singular isothermal sphere model and r_{200} = 3.5^{+0.8}_{-0.2} Mpc with c = 15^{+64}_{-10} for a NFW model in an \Omega_m = 0.3, \Omega_\Lambda = 0.7 cosmology. In addition, a mass to light ratio M/L_R =90 \pm 20 M_\odot / L_{R\odot} was determined. These values are consistent with the previous weak lensing study of RXJ1347--1145 by Fischer and Tyson, 1997, giving strong evidence that systemic bias was not introduced by the relatively small field of view in that study. Our best-fit parameter values are also consistent with recent X-ray studies by Allen et al, 2002 and Ettori et al, 2001, but are not consistent with recent optical velocity dispersion measurements by Cohen and Kneib, 2002.Comment: accepted to ApJ, tentative publication 10 May 2005, v624

    Successful Method for Converting an Existing Woodland Stewardship Program to an Online Program

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    In 2016, we debuted an online version of a long-running woodland stewardship Extension program to reach property owners unable to attend traditional workshops. In the first 2 years, 119 participants enrolled. They owned or managed 1,796 ac, and many were in an atypical age demographic. In a follow-up survey of 67 participants, 96% of respondents indicated having undertaken one or more of the targeted land care practices, and two thirds indicated having converted some lawn to natural area. Additionally, participant feedback led to several program improvements. The online course is an effective means for imparting an important stewardship ethic. Our methods and lessons learned may guide other Extension staff wishing to convert existing programming to online offerings
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