774 research outputs found

    Post Launch Calibration and Testing of the Advanced Baseline Imager on the GOES-R Satellite

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    The Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite R (GOES-R) series is the planned next generation of operational weather satellites for the United State's National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The first launch of the GOES-R series is planned for October 2016. The GOES-R series satellites and instruments are being developed by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). One of the key instruments on the GOES-R series is the Advance Baseline Imager (ABI). The ABI is a multi-channel, visible through infrared, passive imaging radiometer. The ABI will provide moderate spatial and spectral resolution at high temporal and radiometric resolution to accurately monitor rapidly changing weather. Initial on-orbit calibration and performance characterization is crucial to establishing baseline used to maintain performance throughout mission life. A series of tests has been planned to establish the post launch performance and establish the parameters needed to process the data in the Ground Processing Algorithm. The large number of detectors for each channel required to provide the needed temporal coverage presents unique challenges for accurately calibrating ABI and minimizing striping. This paper discusses the planned tests to be performed on ABI over the six-month Post Launch Test period and the expected performance as it relates to ground tests

    Leukocyte Expression of Heme Oxygenase-1 [hmox1] Varies Inversely with Severity of Tricuspid Regurgitation in Acute Pulmonary Embolism.

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    Objective: Pulmonary embolism (PE) can cause intracardiac hemolysis and increased plasma hemoglobin and arginase-1, which can worsen pulmonary vasoconstriction. We test the hypothesis that patients with PE that causes tricuspid regurgitation (TR), indicative of higher pulmonary arterial pressures, have decreased leukocyte expression of hmox-1 compared with patients with PE and no TR and patients without PE. Design: Prospective, noninterventional study. Patients: Normotensive patients with suspected PE (n=87) who underwent CT pulmonary angiography and transthoracic Doppler-echocardiography. Measurements: Significant TR was defined as a jet velocity > 2.7m/s. Leukocyte expression of hmox-1, haptoglobin, haptoglobin related gene, the haptoglobin receptor, CD163 and cox-2 genes were assessed by quantitative rtPCR, and the hmox-1 promoter was examined for the −413 A→T SNP and GT repeat polymorphisms. Results: Of the 44 (50%) with PE+, 22 had TR+, and their mean pulmonary vascular occlusion (39±32%) did not differ significantly from patients who were TR− (28±26%, P=0.15). Patients with PE+ and TR+ had significantly lower expression of hmox-1 and haptoglobin genes than patients without PE+ and no TR. Expression of hmox-1 varied inversely with TR velocity (r2=0.45, P<0.001) for PE+ (n=22) but not patients without PE. Hmox-1 expression did not vary significantly with genotype. Cox-2 did not differ between groups and had no correlation with TR. Conclusions: Severity of TR varied inversely with hmox-1 expression, suggesting that hmox-1 expression affects pulmonary vascular reactivity after PE

    Beliefs around luck : confirming the empirical conceptualization of beliefs around luck and the development of the Darke and Freedman beliefs around luck scale

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    The current study developed a multi-dimensional measure of beliefs around luck. Two studies introduced the Darke and Freedman beliefs around luck scale where the scale showed a consistent 4 component model (beliefs in luck, rejection of luck, being lucky, and being unlucky) across two samples (n = 250; n = 145). The scales also show adequate reliability statistics and validity by ways of comparison with other measures of beliefs around luck, peer and family ratings and expected associations with measures of personality, individual difference and well-being variables

    A multilevel evolutionary framework for sustainability analysis

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    Sustainability theory can help achieve desirable social-ecological states by generalizing lessons across contexts and improving the design of sustainability interventions. To accomplish these goals, we argue that theory in sustainability science must (1) explain the emergence and persistence of social-ecological states, (2) account for endogenous cultural change, (3) incorporate cooperation dynamics, and (4) address the complexities of multilevel social-ecological interactions. We suggest that cultural evolutionary theory broadly, and cultural multilevel selection in particular, can improve on these fronts. We outline a multilevel evolutionary framework for describing social-ecological change and detail how multilevel cooperative dynamics can determine outcomes in environmental dilemmas. We show how this framework complements existing sustainability frameworks with a description of the emergence and persistence of sustainable institutions and behavior, a means to generalize causal patterns across social-ecological contexts, and a heuristic for designing and evaluating effective sustainability interventions. We support these assertions with case examples from developed and developing countries in which we track cooperative change at multiple levels of social organization as they impact social-ecological outcomes. Finally, we make suggestions for further theoretical development, empirical testing, and application

    Leptin is a four-helix bundle: secondary structure by NMR

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    AbstractLeptin is a signaling protein that in its mutant forms has been associated with obesity and Type II diabetes. The lack of sequence similarity has precluded analogies based on structural resemblance to known systems. Backbone NMR signals for mouse leptin (13C/15N -labeled) have been assigned and its secondary structure reveals it to be a four-helix bundle cytokine. Helix lengths and disulfide pattern are in agreement with leptin as a member of the short-helix cytokine family. A three-dimensional model was built verifying the mechanical consistency of the identified elements with a short-helix cytokine core