9 research outputs found

    L’interprĂ©tation communautaire : un modĂšle de communication « trialogique »

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    Il sera question de rĂ©flĂ©chir sur l’interprĂ©tation communautaire, particuliĂšrement sur les rapports qui existent entre le professionnel, le client et l’interprĂšte lors d’un Ă©change interculturel. AsymĂ©trique, ce type d’intervention gĂ©nĂšre plusieurs niveaux de difficultĂ©s (langue, culture, code moral, pouvoir). En se servant du concept de tiers de MikhaĂŻl Bakhtine, il s’agira d’introduire une discussion sur les facteurs humains qui entrent en jeu lors d’une entrevue, au moment oĂč l’interprĂšte risque d’obĂ©ir Ă  sa conscience ou Ă  ses sentiments et non pas aux normes professionnelles et sociales.Mots-clĂ©s: interprĂ©tation communautaire, communication interculturelle, tiers, « trialogue ».Community Interpreting: A Trialogic Communication - This article explores some aspects of community interpreting, particularly the relationship between the professional, the client, and the interpreter, when participating in an intercultural exchange. Being asymetrical, this type of intervention generates many levels of difficulty (language, culture, moral code, power). Introducing Mikhail Bakhtin’s concept of the third, we will discuss the human dimension of community interpreting, when the interpreter might obey his/her conscience and feelings rather than professional and social norms.Keywords: community interpreting, intercultural communication, the third, trialogue

    Note from the Guest Editor

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    Que signifie la liberté en traduction littéraire ? Entre le produit, le processus, l'activité et la réflexion critique

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    Traditionally, literary translation was discussed in terms of form and content dichotomy. Yet when we take a closer look, translation is a complex phenomenon inscribed in a particular social and cultural space. In this article we investigate translation from three different perspectives: linguistic, social, and hermeneutical. The first focuses on the interlinguistic transfer, the second on the society that regulates professional behavior, while the last approach gives insight into the translator's subjectivity able to question the social order and defend transgressive practices of translation

    Interpretação Comunitária: um Modelo de Comunicação “Trialógica”

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    This article explores some aspects of community interpreting, particularly the relationship between the professional, the client, and the interpreter, when participating in an intercultural exchange. Being asymetrical, this type of intervention generates many levels of difficulty (language, culture, moral code, power). Introducing Mikhail Bakhtin’s concept of the third, we will discuss the human dimension of community interpreting, when the interpreter might obey his/her conscience and feelings rather than professional and social norms.Il sera question de rĂ©flĂ©chir sur l’interprĂ©tation communautaire, particuliĂšrement sur les rapports qui existent entre le professionnel, le client et l’interprĂšte lors d’un Ă©change interculturel. AsymĂ©trique, ce type d’intervention gĂ©nĂšre plusieurs niveaux de difficultĂ©s (langue, culture, code moral, pouvoir). En se servant du concept de tiers de MikhaĂŻl Bakhtine, il s’agira d’introduire une discussion sur les facteurs humains qui entrent en jeu lors d’une entrevue, au moment oĂč l’interprĂšte risque d’obĂ©ir Ă  sa conscience ou Ă  ses sentiments et non pas aux normes professionnelles et sociales.Trata-se de uma reflexĂŁo sobre a interpretação comunitĂĄria, em especial o que concerne a relação existente entre o profissional, o cliente, e o intĂ©rprete durante um intercĂąmbio intercultural. AssimĂ©trico, esse tipo de intervenção gera vĂĄrios nĂ­veis de dificuldades (lĂ­ngua, cultura, cĂłdigo moral, poder). Utilizando o conceito de terceiro de Mikhail Bakhtin, o objetivo Ă© introduzir uma discussĂŁo sobre os fatores humanos que entram em jogo durante uma entrevista, quando o intĂ©rprete corre o risco de obedecer Ă  sua consciĂȘncia ou sentimentos em vez de normas profissionais e sociais

    Freedom in literary translation and its meaning : translation as product, process, social activity or critical perspective

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    Traditionally, literary translation was discussed in terms of form and content dichotomy. Yet when we take a closer look, translation is a complex phenomenon inscribed in a particular social and cultural space. In this article we investigate translation from three different perspectives: linguistic, social, and hermeneutical. The first focuses on the interlinguistic transfer, the second on the society that regulates professional behavior, while the last approach gives insight into the translator's subjectivity able to question the social order and defend transgressive practices of translation


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