30 research outputs found

    Ethical aspects of involuntary hospitalization of psychiatric patients

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    Bibliografická citace Etika nucené hospitalizace na psychiatrii /bakalářská práce/Eva Kateřina Klimešová; vedoucí práce: ThLic. Mgr. Denisa Červenková, Th.D. - Praha, 2020. -- 49 s. Anotace Etika nucené hospitalizace na psychiatrii Práce se snaží stručně uvést do problematiky eticky nejasných situací u pacientů, kteří jsou nedobrovolně hospitalizovaní na psychiatrii. Práce hledá oporu v platných zákonech a také v církevních dokumentech, aby odhalila složitá místa, kterým musí jak lékaři, tak pacienti čelit. Nedobrovolná hospitalizace se jeví marginálním jevem, ale při pohledu zblízka zjistíme, že se jedná o tisíce lidí ročně jen v České republice. Po vymezení základních pojmů se práce stručně věnuje historii péči o duševně nemocné, legislativě a jejímu vývoji, současné situaci, kterou se snaží propojit s církevními dokumenty, které se zabývají lidskou svobodou a důstojností. Práce si je vědoma změn, které se nyní v České republice odehrávají v rámci reformy psychiatrické péče, a nabízí pouze omezený pohled na celou problematiku. Klíčová slova Nucená hospitalizace na psychiatrii, důstojnost, svoboda, etikaEthical aspects of involuntary hospitalization of psychiatric patients My thesis is a brief introduction to the topic of ill-defined ethical situations with patients, who are hospitalized involuntarily at a psychiatric ward. My work seeks support in valid laws and also in clerical documents so it can detect complexities that doctors as well as patients must face. Involuntary hospitalization seems like a marginal phenomenon, but by taking a closer look we can find out that annually there are thousands of people hospitalized involuntarily in the Czech Republic alone. After defining initial basic concepts my work shortly addresses history of care of mentally ill patients, legislature and its evolution, and current situation, which it strives to connect to clerical documents that deal with human liberty and dignity. This thesis is aware of changes within the frame of reform of psychiatric care that is taking place in the Czech Republic at the moment and it offers only limited insight into the issue as a whole. Keywords Involuntary hospitalization at a psychiatric ward, dignity, freedom, ethics Počet znaků (včetně mezer): 89 666Department of systematic Theology and PhilosophyKatedra systematické teologie a filosofieCatholic Theological FacultyKatolická teologická fakult

    Bright continuously-tunable VUV source for ultrafast spectroscopy

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    Ultrafast electron dynamics drive phenomena such as photochemical reactions, catalysis, and light harvesting. To capture such dynamics in real-time, femtosecond to attosecond light sources are extensively used. However, an exact match between the excitation photon energy and a characteristic resonance is crucial. High-harmonic generation sources are exceptional in terms of pulse duration but limited in spectral tunability in the VUV range. Here, we present a monochromatic femtosecond source continuously tunable around 21 eV photon energy utilizing the second harmonic of an OPCPA laser system to drive high-harmonic generation. The unique tunability of the source is verified in an experiment probing the interatomic Coulombic decay in doped He nanodroplets across the He absorption bands. Moreover, we achieved intensities sufficient for driving non-linear processes using a tight focusing of the VUV beam. We demonstrated it on the observation of collective autoionization of multiply excited pure He nanodroplets.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Nat. Commu

    THz streak camera performance for single-shot characterization of XUV pulses with complex temporal structures

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    The THz-field-driven streak camera has proven to be a powerful diagnostic-technique that enables the shot-to-shot characterization of the duration and the arrival time jitter of free electron laser (FEL) pulses. Here we investigate the performance of three computational approaches capable to determine the duration of FEL pulses with complex temporal structures from single-shot measurements of up to three simultaneously recorded spectra. We use numerically simulated FEL pulses in order to validate the accuracy of the pulse length retrieval in average as well as in a single-shot mode. We discuss requirements for the THz field strength in order to achieve reliable results and compare our numerical study with the analysis of experimental data that were obtained at the FEL in Hamburg - FLASH. © 2020 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreemen

    Vybrané přírodní složky Země - didaktické kazuistiky a jejich výukové situace

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    This diploma thesis focuses on the teaching of the Earth's natural components at 2nd degree of the primary school. The main goal of this thesis was to create didactic case studies focusing on the teaching of the Earth's system components in the 6th grade of 2nd degree of the primary school. The school is located in Český Krumlov. The secondary goal of this thesis was an analysis of textbooks for the 6th grade of primary school, which were approved by the ministry of Education. In the theoretical part we are focusing on the role of the topic in the Framework educational program for primary school education and the evolution of didactic of geography

    Design and verification of the intervention yoga program for children of the 5th grade of primary school

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    This bachelor thesis in the theoretical part deals generally with yoga itself, further with the yogic exercises that we can practice with children. The next chapter in this work describes children themselves and how they should ideally evolve in different directions. The last chapter of the theoretical part consists of an interventional movement program. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to verify whether yoga can influence the dexterity of children. The practical part was carried out on the pupils of the fifth grade of primary school. The program lasted 12 weeks and included 12 children. At the beginning, in its course and at the end of the program we made measurements in the form of Lüscher's test, Standing Stork test and Thomayer's test. Based on the findings and the results of the participants I concluded that yoga can really affect not only the dexterity of children, but also their mental state. All the children in the experiment group were able to complete the Thomayer´s test successfully after the 9th lesson. In the Standing Stork test the children managed to extend their performance for over as many as 20 seconds during the whole yoga program. Four of the participants even succeeded in standing in the position for the whole minute, after which the test was ended

    Ethical aspects of involuntary hospitalization of psychiatric patients

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    Ethical aspects of involuntary hospitalization of psychiatric patients My thesis is a brief introduction to the topic of ill-defined ethical situations with patients, who are hospitalized involuntarily at a psychiatric ward. My work seeks support in valid laws and also in clerical documents so it can detect complexities that doctors as well as patients must face. Involuntary hospitalization seems like a marginal phenomenon, but by taking a closer look we can find out that annually there are thousands of people hospitalized involuntarily in the Czech Republic alone. After defining initial basic concepts my work shortly addresses history of care of mentally ill patients, legislature and its evolution, and current situation, which it strives to connect to clerical documents that deal with human liberty and dignity. This thesis is aware of changes within the frame of reform of psychiatric care that is taking place in the Czech Republic at the moment and it offers only limited insight into the issue as a whole. Keywords Involuntary hospitalization at a psychiatric ward, dignity, freedom, ethics Počet znaků (včetně mezer): 89 66