15,813 research outputs found

    The Media and Transition in Macedonia

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    Summaries In Macedonia, the media scene today, compared with five or six years ago, has a completely new structure. On the part of the print media private capital dominates, and on the part of broadcasting there are private radio and television stations which can reach more than 70 per cent of the population. But although the pluralisation is unquestionable, the democratic capacity of the media system remains undeveloped, which necessarily limits the possibilities for establishing civil society. The whole process could be named political commercialisation: the establishment of commercial broadcasters is under the patronage of the political elite. It is clear that even after the adoption of new legislation, both private and public broadcasting in Macedonia have stayed in the shadow of the government

    Dijalogom prema očuvanju klime

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    This theological reflexion explores climate as a common good and looks at how dialogue can contribute to climate preservation. The paper is structured around three main points. The first point ā€“ Raising awareness of the meaning of the common good ā€“ starts with a question ā€“ how much awareness of the common good is present at this time of particularism and fragmentation of life. The central purpose is the actualization of the common good, Ā»a central and unifying principle of social ethicsĀ« (Laudato siā€™, no. 156). Its fundamental role stems from its direct connection with global society, and, thus, the common good connects us all at a very fundamental level. The second point ā€“ Climate protection as a common good ā€“ centres around the farreaching consequences of climate change that create new forms of injustice and impoverishment of human beings on the planetary level. It is possible to encourage new forms of mutual collaboration and organization only through solidarity and shared preferential option for the poor. This ought to develop in the direction of thorough and crossā€‘linked interdisciplinary discussions about the common good that will contribute to activities which preserve life on the planet and enable new generations to have a future. The third point ā€“ Dialogue as the way forward ā€“ highlights the key significance of dialogue when considering the issue of championing the common good. The path that leads to the common good ought to reach the whole through the realisation of the integral development of all societal stakeholders, which at the same time, includes a step towards gathering around climate protection as a common good. In this context, social teaching of the Catholic Church, with an interdisciplinary dimension (cf. Centesimus annus, no. 59), enables collaboration in the service of the common good.TeoloÅ”ka refleksija se bavi pitanjem klime kao općega dobra i razmatra kako dijalog može doprinijeti očuvanju klime. Rad je strukturiran oko tri glavne točke. U prvoj točki rada ā€“ Posvijestiti značenje općega dobra ā€“ polazi se od pitanja koliko je u vremenu partikularizama i fragmentizacije života prisutna svijest o općemu dobru. SrediÅ”nja je nakana aktualizacija općega dobra, načela Ā»koje ima srediÅ”nju i ujedinjujuću ulogu u socijalnoj eticiĀ« (Laudato siā€™, br. 156). Temeljno mjesto koje mu se pridaje proizlazi iz njegove direktne povezanosti s globalnim druÅ”tvom, a samim time predstavlja i ono temeljno Å”to nas povezuje. U srediÅ”tu druge točke rada ā€“ ZaÅ”tita klime kao opće dobro ā€“ nalazi se dalekosežnost posljedica klimatskih promjena koje stvaraju nove oblike nepravdi i osiromaÅ”enja ljudi na planetarnoj razini. Tek u solidarnom i zajedničkom opredjeljenju za siromaÅ”ne moguće je poticati nove oblike zajedničke suradnje i organizacije. One će ići u smjeru temeljitih i umreženih interdisciplinarnih rasprava o općem dobru kako bi se pridonijelo djelovanjima koja će sačuvati život planete i omogućiti budućnost novim generacijama. Treća točka rada ā€“ Dijalog kao put ā€“ pokazuje da je značenje dijaloga danas od ključne važnosti i kada se promiÅ”lja pitanje puta do ostvarenja općega dobra. To je put koji cjelinu dohvaća ostvarenjem cjelovitoga razvoja svih dijelova druÅ”tva, te koji istovremeno obuhvaća iskorak prema okupljanju oko zaÅ”tite klime kao općeg dobra. U tom kontekstu socijalni nauk Katoličke crkve, koji posjeduje interdisciplinarnu dimenziju (usp. Centesimus annus, br. 59), omogućuje suradnju u službi općega dobr

    Osiguranje od rizika potresa ā€“ najnovija kretanja i budući izazovi

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    Potresi su jedna od najdestruktivnijih prirodnih opasnosti i mogu imati teÅ”ke ekonomske i druÅ”tvene posljedice, te posljedice vezane za zaÅ”titu okoliÅ”a. Osiguranje može pružiti važan doprinos noÅ”enju s financijskim posljedicama rizika potresa, iako se mogućnost osiguravanja gubitaka od potresa suočava s brojnim izazovima. Ovaj rad obrađuje nedostatnu osigurateljnu zaÅ”titu za ekstremne događaje usredotočujući se na opasnosti od prirodnih katastrofa (ā€žnat catā€œ, engl. natural catastrophe), posebice analizirajući tržiÅ”te osiguranja imovine. Nedostatna oosigurateljna zaÅ”tita (engl. protection gap) definira se kao neosigurani dio gubitaka koje je je prouzročio događaj, tj. razlika između ukupnih ekonomskihi osiguranih gubitaka. Pojam ā€žpodosiguranjeā€œ, s druge strane, bi se mogao definirati kao razlika između iznosa osiguranja koji je ekonomski koristan ā€“ Å”to može uključivati neko racionalno odabrano samoosiguranje ā€“ i iznosa koji je kupljen. Ključni doprinos ovog rada je identificiranje specifičnih izazova u vezi povećanja dostupnosti i koriÅ”tenja osiguranja od potresa, uključujući značajan potencijal za teÅ”ke, povezane gubitke od potresa, izazove u kvantificiranju izloženosti potresima i ograničenu spremnost na plaćanje osigurateljnog pokrića među domaćinstvima i poduzećima. Rad pruža pregled mjera koje se mogu implementirati kako bi se smanjila veličina očekivanih gubitaka i potaknula kupnja osigurateljnog pokrića. Osigurateljna pokrića mogu biti ponuđena od strane privatnih osiguravajućih druÅ”tava, putem javnih osigurateljnih shema ili neke kombinacije oba. U nizu država razvijeni su posebni programi osiguranja ili reosiguranja koje podržavaju Vlade ili kao inicijativa osigurateljnog sektora kako bi se osigurala osnovna ili sveobuhvatnija pokrića od rizika potresa, ponekad zajedno s pokrićem za druge prirodne katastrofe i obično ograničena na osiguranje stambenih prostora

    Specifičnosti klime Danilovgrada (Crna Gora)

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    Danilovgrad and the Bjelopavlića Plain belong to the submediterranean zone of the Mediterranean climate region. The aim of this paper was to determine some specific characteristics of the Danilovgrad climate, such as the degree of continentality, aridity and bioclimatic characteristics. Data used in the research cover the period 1955-2011. The results of the study showed the dominance of the continental effect on temperature, while oceanicity was less pronounced. In hygric terms, during most of the year the climate of Danilovgrad is characterized as low humid to perhumid. Moreover, in the period October-March it is very humid, which points to the domination of oceanic influences. During the three summer months, it is dry to very dry. Based on the average monthly values of the equivalent temperature - an indicator of physiological (subjective) feeling of heat, the winter months in Danilovgrad are not assessed as very cold. It is cold in January, and in February and December it is cool. It is fresh in March and November, comfortable in April and October, and warm in May and September. In Danilovgrad, in summer it is overheated and a little muggy. All considered indicators point to quite pronounced oscillations during the year, especially in terms of humidity. Comparing the obtained results with Podgorica, it can be concluded that the climate of Danilovgrad is more continental, a bit colder and wetter.Danilovgrad je centralno i najveće naselje na području Bjelopavlićke ravnice u Crnoj Gori. Sa klimatskog aspekta, područje Bjelopavlićke ravnice je pogodno za život i razvoj poljoprivrede. Međutim, u do sada poznatim klasifikacijama klime za Crnu Goru, dat je uopÅ”teni opis pojedinih regija i mesta, uglavnom na osnovu analize srednjih mesečnih temperatura vazduha i količine padavina. Za Danilovgrad se može reći da ima blago modifikovnu mediteransku klimu, a to znači da su leta topla i prilično suÅ”na, a zime blage i kiÅ”ovite. Prema Kepenovoj klasifikaciji, klimatska formula Danilovgrada je Csa, prosečna godiÅ”nja temperatura je 14,60C, a godiÅ”nja suma padavina 2.216 mm. Cilj nam je bio da klimu ovog mesta Å”to bolje i podrobnije opiÅ”emo, kroz analizu termičke kontinentalnosti, aridnosti i bioklimatske karakteristike. Analizom kombinovanih klimatskih elemenata, dat je kompleksniji prikaz i kvalitetnija karakterizacija klime Danilovgrada. Smatramo da će istraživanje imati značaja za lokalnu zajednicu u smislu boljeg razumevanja prirodnog okruženja i da se dobijeni rezultati mogu primeniti u poljoprivredi, vodoprivredi i energetici, turizmu i drugim delatnostima od važnosti za budući razvoj Danilovgrada i Crne Gore. Takođe, rezultati dobijeni u ovom radu biće korisni nauci, struci i opÅ”tem obrazovanju stanovniÅ”tva, jer se radi o tematici koja sve viÅ”e participira kod danaÅ”njeg čoveka. Za razmatranje specifičnosti klime Danilovgrada, koriŔćeni su podaci za instrumentalni period 1955-2011. Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali dominaciju kontinentalnog uticaja na temperaturu, dok je maritimnost slabije izražena. U higričkom smislu, tokom većeg dela godine klima Danilovgrada se karakteriÅ”e kao slabo humidna do perhumidna. Å taviÅ”e, u periodu oktobar - mart je veoma vlažno, Å”to govori o dominaciji maritimnih upliva. SuÅ”no do veoma suÅ”no je tokom tri letnja meseca. Prema bioklimatskim pokazateljima, ni jedan mesec se ne karakteriÅ”e kao veoma hladan. Na osnovu srednjih mesečnih vrednosti ekvivalentne temperature, koja je koriŔćena kao pokazatelj fizioloÅ”kog (subjektivnog) osećaja toplote, tokom januara je hladno, a u februaru i decembru veoma prohladno. Sveže je u martu i novembru, ugodno u aprilu i oktobru, a toplo u maju i septembru. U Danilovgradu je leti pregrejano i malo zaparno. Svi razmatrani pokazatelji ukazuju na prilično izražene oscilacije tokom godine, naročito u pogledu vlažnosti. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da Danilovgrad ima slične termičke, higričke i bioklimatske karakteristike kao Podgorica (Burić et al., 2007), jer je rastojanje između ova dva grada oko 20 km. Ipak, Danilovgrad je viÅ”e kontinentalniji, malo hladniji i vlažniji od Podgorice

    Profitability Determinants of the Macedonian Banking Sector in Changing Environment

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    AbstractThis paper analyzes bank-specific, industry-specific and macroeconomic determinants of bank profitability. Dynamic panel analysis is applied on the sample of 16 banks in the Macedonian banking system in the period between 2005 and 2010. According to the obtained results, among internal factors of bank profitability, the most important one is operating expense management. Further, the profitability is influenced by solvency risk and liquidity risk. Regarding the external variables, economic growth, banking system reform and concentration show significant effect on bank profitability in the Republic of Macedonia

    Opazovanje in simulacija nestabilnih pogojev med kontinuirnim litjem

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    Continuous casting comprises thermal, mechanical and chemical processes running in a complex system that contains a number of elements, such as a solidifying steel strand, a mould with an oscillation mechanism, a withdrawal mechanism, a water cooling sub-system with nozzles, several control sub-systems, etc. An external observer might see the process as robust and stable, but in reality there are fluctuations in the internal thermal and mechanical quantities, reflected in the structure and quality of the product. The research on unsteady behaviour of the quantities such as a solidifying strand temperature field, solid shell thickness and metallurgical length was conducted using an industrial diagnostic system DGS complemented with special measurement equipment and a thermal numerical model. Selected results of the monitoring and simulation of the non-standard process states are shown and analysed in the paper. Methods for determining the boundary conditions for the numerical model are also presented. The effect of the Leidenfrost phenomenon on the heat-transfer coefficient during water cooling by nozzles is also discussed. Since the determination of precise and immediate boundary conditions has technical limits, the model provides only smoothed values in time and space. As knowledge of the instantaneous state of the fluctuating process is a prerequisite for achieving quality and defect-free production, it is appropriate to complement the thermal numerical model by on-line monitoring of the machine's internal state. The results of the simulations are closely linked to the real process data.Kontinuirno litje obsega termične, mehanske in kemične procese, ki tečejo v kompleksnem sistemu, ki vsebuje vrsto elementov, kot so: strjujoča se jeklena žila (gredica), kokila z oscilacijskim mehanizmom, izvlečni mehanizem, vodno hlajenje s podsistemom hladilnih Ŕob, več kontrolnih podsistemov itd. Zunanji opazovalec lahko vidi proces kot robusten in stabilen, toda v resnici imamo vrsto fluktuacij (nihanj) internih termičnih in mehanskih veličin in kakovosti produkta (nastajajoče konti lite gredice). Raziskave (časovno) nestabilnega obnaŔanja veličin, kot so: temperaturno polje strjujoče se konti gredice, debelina trdne skorje in metalurŔka dolžina, so avtorji prispevka izvajali z industrijskim diagnostičnim sistemom (DGS), dopolnjenim s specialno merilno opremo in termičnim numeričnim modelom. V članku avtorji predstavljajo izbrane rezultate analiz, opazovanja in simulacije nestandardni procesnih stanj. Prav tako predstavljajo metode določevanja robnih pogojev za numerični model. Diskusija obsega tudi t.i. Leidenfrostov fenomen in njegov vpliv na koeficient prenosa toplote med vodnim hlajenjem s Ŕobami. Za natančno določitev vsakokratnih robnih pogojev obstajajo tehnične omejitve. Zato so v postavljenem modelu uporabljene le zglajene vrednosti v realnem času in prostoru. Poznavanje trenutnega stanja ves čas spreminjajočega stanja, je predpogoj za doseganje kvalitetne proizvodnje brez napak. Zato je primerno uporabljati termični numerični model s tekočim (on-line) oz. neposrednim spremljanjem internega stanja na konti livni napravi. Predstavljeni rezultati so tesno povezani z realnimi procesnimi podatki.Web of Science52211711


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    Our studies included some autochthonous and regional grape varieties grown in the Republic of North Macedonia. The autochthonous varieties were examined - White winter, Konchanka, Stanushina, Ohrid black and Ohrid white, and the regional varieties - Vranec, Prokupec, Smederevka, Zilavka and Zupljanka were examined. The tests were divided into three methodological units. The first method was applied to all varieties - data collection, history and comparison with other tests. The second method was performed on all varieties - ampelographic identification because we had samples from all varieties. In some of the varieties, the third method was performed, that is, genetic (DNA) identification was made in the period from 2010 to 2020 in different examination centers and at different times. The results are compared with the results of a study by Professor M. Aradhya of the USDA Research Center, Davis CA, USA. He has performed a wide range of genetic identification on a number of autochthonous varieties in Europe and Asia, including varieties in the Balkans. With the second method of examination - ampelographic identification according to O.I.V. descriptors we got the most realistic results. An ampelographic description of certain characteristics of the individual organs of the vine was performed and it was concluded that the varieties according to their anatomical and physiological characteristics belong to 2 groups: ecological-geographical group Black Sea varieties, subgroup Balcanica and ecological-geographical group Eastern varieties, subgroup Antasiatica

    Effects of abandonment on plant diversity in seminatural grasslands along soil and climate gradients

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    Questions: What are the effects of abandonment on plant diversity in semi-natural grasslands? Do the effects of abandonment on taxonomic and functional diversity vary along environmental gradients of climate and soil? Location: West and mid-Norway. Methods: Plant composition was surveyed in 110 subplots of 4 m2 in 14 sites across grazed and abandoned semi-natural grasslands. Climate data were extracted and soil composition analysed. To reduce the number of explanatory variables and deal with collinearity, we performed PCA. Data on the plant species vegetative height (H), leaf dry matter content (LDMC), specific leaf area (SLA), seed mass (SM) and number of seeds per plant (SNP) for 175 species were extracted from the LEDA database. Measures of plant diversity (species richness, CWM of functional traits and functional diversity (evenness and range)) were calculated for each subplot. To estimate the effects of abandonment on plant diversity and examine how these effects are moderated by gradients in soil and climate, we fitted mixed models to the data including site as a random effect. Results: Species richness in the subplots was lower in abandoned semi-natural grasslands, especially on more calcareous soils. CWM H, LDMC and SM were higher in abandoned semi-natural grasslands. CWM LDMC was only higher in the driest subplots. The ranges in H, SLA and SM, as well as evenness in LDMC were also higher in abandoned semi-natural grasslands, but the range in LDMC was lower. Conclusions: It is important to assess both taxonomic and functional diversity to understand ecosystem processes. The species pool in ecosystems influenced by a long history of intermediate grazing includes a high proportion of low stature, grazing-tolerant plant species. Abandonment of extensive land-use practices will cause a decline in taxonomic diversity (plant species richness) in such systems due to increased abundance of plants with high stature that outcompete the lower, grazing-tolerant plants. This process is predominant especially if moisture, soil fertility and pH are at intermediate levels. Changes in species communities due to abandonment will also influence ecosystem functioning, such as nutrient turnover and fodder production resilience. (RƩsumƩ d'auteur

    Individualistic responses of forest herb traits to environmental change

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    Intraspecific trait variation (ITV; i.e. variability in mean and/or distribution of plant attribute values within species) can occur in response to multiple drivers. Environmental change and land-use legacies could directly alter trait values within species but could also affect them indirectly through changes in vegetation cover. Increasing variability in environmental conditions could lead to more ITV, but responses might differ among species. Disentangling these drivers on ITV is necessary to accurately predict plant community responses to global change. We planted herb communities into forest soils with and without a recent history of agriculture. Soils were collected across temperate European regions, while the 15 selected herb species had different colonizing abilities and affinities to forest habitat. These mesocosms (384) were exposed to two-level full-factorial treatments of warming, nitrogen addition and illumination. We measured plant height and specific leaf area (SLA). For the majority of species, mean plant height increased as vegetation cover increased in response to light addition, warming and agricultural legacy. The coefficient of variation (CV) for height was larger in fast-colonizing species. Mean SLA for vernal species increased with warming, while light addition generally decreased mean SLA for shade-tolerant species. Interactions between treatments were not important predictors. Environmental change treatments influenced ITV, either via increasing vegetation cover or by affecting trait values directly. Species' ITV was individualistic, i.e. species responded to different single resource and condition manipulations that benefited their growth in the short term. These individual responses could be important for altered community organization after a prolonged period
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