442 research outputs found

    The origin of net electric currents in solar active regions

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    There is a recurring question in solar physics about whether or not electric currents are neutralized in active regions (ARs). This question was recently revisited using three-dimensional (3D) magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) numerical simulations of magnetic flux emergence into the solar atmosphere. Such simulations showed that flux emergence can generate a substantial net current in ARs. Another source of AR currents are photospheric horizontal flows. Our aim is to determine the conditions for the occurrence of net vs. neutralized currents with this second mechanism. Using 3D MHD simulations, we systematically impose line-tied, quasi-static, photospheric twisting and shearing motions to a bipolar potential magnetic field. We find that such flows: (1) produce both {\it direct} and {\it return} currents, (2) induce very weak compression currents - not observed in 2.5D - in the ambient field present in the close vicinity of the current-carrying field, and (3) can generate force-free magnetic fields with a net current. We demonstrate that neutralized currents are in general produced only in the absence of magnetic shear at the photospheric polarity inversion line - a special condition rarely observed. We conclude that, as magnetic flux emergence, photospheric flows can build up net currents in the solar atmosphere, in agreement with recent observations. These results thus provide support for eruption models based on pre-eruption magnetic fields possessing a net coronal current.Comment: 14 pages and 11 figures (Accepted in The Astrophysical Journal

    Eruption of a Kink-Unstable Filament in Active Region NOAA 10696

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    We present rapid-cadence Transition Region And Coronal Explorer (TRACE) observations which show evidence of a filament eruption from active region NOAA 10696, accompanied by an X2.5 flare, on 2004 November 10. The eruptive filament, which manifests as a fast coronal mass ejection some minutes later, rises as a kinking structure with an apparently exponential growth of height within TRACE's field of view. We compare the characteristics of this filament eruption with MHD numerical simulations of a kink-unstable magnetic flux rope, finding excellent qualitative agreement. We suggest that, while tether weakening by breakout-like quadrupolar reconnection may be the release mechanism for the previously confined flux rope, the driver of the expansion is most likely the MHD helical kink instability.Comment: Accepted by ApJ Letters. 4 figures (Fig. 3 in two parts). For MPEG files associated with Figure 1, see: http://www.mssl.ucl.ac.uk/~drw/papers/kink/ktrace.mpg http://www.mssl.ucl.ac.uk/~drw/papers/kink/kmdi.mpg http://www.mssl.ucl.ac.uk/~drw/papers/kink/ksimu.mp

    Coronal magnetic reconnection driven by CME expansion -- the 2011 June 7 event

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    Coronal mass ejections (CMEs) erupt and expand in a magnetically structured solar corona. Various indirect observational pieces of evidence have shown that the magnetic field of CMEs reconnects with surrounding magnetic fields, forming, e.g., dimming regions distant from the CME source regions. Analyzing Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) observations of the eruption from AR 11226 on 2011 June 7, we present the first direct evidence of coronal magnetic reconnection between the fields of two adjacent ARs during a CME. The observations are presented jointly with a data-constrained numerical simulation, demonstrating the formation/intensification of current sheets along a hyperbolic flux tube (HFT) at the interface between the CME and the neighbouring AR 11227. Reconnection resulted in the formation of new magnetic connections between the erupting magnetic structure from AR 11226 and the neighboring active region AR 11227 about 200 Mm from the eruption site. The onset of reconnection first becomes apparent in the SDO/AIA images when filament plasma, originally contained within the erupting flux rope, is re-directed towards remote areas in AR 11227, tracing the change of large-scale magnetic connectivity. The location of the coronal reconnection region becomes bright and directly observable at SDO/AIA wavelengths, owing to the presence of down-flowing cool, dense (10^{10} cm^{-3}) filament plasma in its vicinity. The high-density plasma around the reconnection region is heated to coronal temperatures, presumably by slow-mode shocks and Coulomb collisions. These results provide the first direct observational evidence that CMEs reconnect with surrounding magnetic structures, leading to a large-scale re-configuration of the coronal magnetic field.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figure

    A Parametric Study of Erupting Flux Rope Rotation. Modeling the "Cartwheel CME" on 9 April 2008

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    The rotation of erupting filaments in the solar corona is addressed through a parametric simulation study of unstable, rotating flux ropes in bipolar force-free initial equilibrium. The Lorentz force due to the external shear field component and the relaxation of tension in the twisted field are the major contributors to the rotation in this model, while reconnection with the ambient field is of minor importance. Both major mechanisms writhe the flux rope axis, converting part of the initial twist helicity, and produce rotation profiles which, to a large part, are very similar in a range of shear-twist combinations. A difference lies in the tendency of twist-driven rotation to saturate at lower heights than shear-driven rotation. For parameters characteristic of the source regions of erupting filaments and coronal mass ejections, the shear field is found to be the dominant origin of rotations in the corona and to be required if the rotation reaches angles of order 90 degrees and higher; it dominates even if the twist exceeds the threshold of the helical kink instability. The contributions by shear and twist to the total rotation can be disentangled in the analysis of observations if the rotation and rise profiles are simultaneously compared with model calculations. The resulting twist estimate allows one to judge whether the helical kink instability occurred. This is demonstrated for the erupting prominence in the "Cartwheel CME" on 9 April 2008, which has shown a rotation of \approx 115 degrees up to a height of 1.5 R_sun above the photosphere. Out of a range of initial equilibria which include strongly kink-unstable (twist Phi=5pi), weakly kink-unstable (Phi=3.5pi), and kink-stable (Phi=2.5pi) configurations, only the evolution of the weakly kink-unstable flux rope matches the observations in their entirety.Comment: Solar Physics, submitte

    Quasi-periodic modulation of solar and stellar flaring emission by magnetohydrodynamic oscillations in a nearby loop

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    We propose a new model for quasi-periodic modulation of solar and stellar flaring emission. Fast magnetoacoustic oscillations of a non-flaring loop can interact with a nearby flaring active region. This interaction occurs when part of the oscillation situated outside the loop reaches the regions of steep gradients in magnetic field within an active region and produces periodic variations of electric current density. The modulation depth of these variations is a few orders of magnitude greater than the amplitude of the driving oscillation. The variations of the current can induce current-driven plasma micro-instabilities and thus anomalous resistivity. This can periodically trigger magnetic reconnection, and hence acceleration of charged particles, producing quasi-periodic pulsations of X-ray, optical and radio emission at the arcade footpoints

    Would Functional Agricultural Foods Improve Human Health?

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    Concern over diet-health relationships has moved to the forefront of public health concerns in the UK and much of the developed world. It has been estimated, for example, that obesity costs the UK National Health Service up to £6b per year (Rayner and Scarborough, 2005), but if all consumers were to follow recommended healthy eating guidelines there would be major implications for food consumption, land use and international trade (Srinivasan et al, 2006). This is unlikely to happen, at least in the short term, but it is realistic to anticipate some dietary adjustment toward the recommendations, resulting in an improvement in diet quality (Mazzocchi et al, 2007). Although consumers are reluctant to make major changes to their diets, they may be prepared to substitute existing foods for healthier alternatives. Three of the most prominent nutritional recommendations are to consume more fruit and vegetables, which contain phytochemicals beneficial to health, reduce consumption of saturated fatty acids (SFA) and increase intake of long-chain n-3 fatty acids (FA). In the first case, consumption of fruit and vegetables has been stable at around three 80 g portions per person per day according to the Health Survey for England. It is estimated that 42,200 deaths per year could be avoided in England and 411,000 Quality Adjusted Life Years (QALYs) could be saved if fruit and vegetable consumption were increased to the recommended 5 portions per day (Ofcom 2006). As well as continuing to encourage people to eat more, it could be desirable to ‘intensify’ the beneficial phytochemical content of existing fruit and vegetables.Agribusiness, Agricultural and Food Policy, Farm Management, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Industrial Organization,

    Verbundprojekt WASA-BOSS: Weiterentwicklung und Anwendung von Severe Accident Codes – Bewertung und Optimierung von Störfallmaßnahmen; Teilprojekt B: Druckwasserreaktor-Störfallanalysen unter Verwendung des Severe-Accident-Code ATHLET-CD

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    Innerhalb des Vorhabens wurde ein ATHLET-CD-Eingabedatensatz fĂŒr einen generischen deutschen DWR vom Typ KONVOI entwickelt. Das ATHLET-CD-Modell wurde fĂŒr die Simulation schwerer StörfĂ€lle aus den Störfallkategorien Station Blackout (SBO) und KĂŒhlmittelverluststörfĂ€llen mit kleinen Lecks (SBLOCA) eingesetzt. Dabei ist die vollstĂ€ndige Störfalltransiente fĂŒr den Zeitbereich zwischen dem einleitenden Ereignis bis zum Versagen des ReaktordruckbehĂ€lters (RDB) abgedeckt und alle wesentli-chen PhĂ€nomene schwerer StörfĂ€llen werden abgebildet: Beginn der Kernaufheizung, Spaltproduktfrei-setzung, Aufschmelzen von Brennstoff- und Absorbermaterialien, Oxidationsprozesse mit Freisetzung von Wasserstoff, Verlagerung von geschmolzenem Material, Verlagerung in das untere Plenum, SchĂ€-digung und Versagen des RDB. Das Modell wurde fĂŒr die Analyse möglicher prĂ€ventiver und mitigativer Notfallmaßnahmen fĂŒr SBO und SBLOCA angewandt. DafĂŒr wurden die Notfallmaßnahmen primĂ€rseitige Druckentlastung (PDE), primĂ€rseitiges Einspeisen mit mobilen Pumpensystemen sowie fĂŒr SBLOCA das verzögerte Einspeisen der kaltseitigen Druckspeicher untersucht und die Eigenschaften und Einleitekriterien der Maßnahmen variiert. Es wurden die ZeitverlĂ€ufe der Unfallszenarien analysiert und die verbleibenden Zeitspannen fĂŒr die Einleitung zusĂ€tzlicher Maßnahmen ermittelt. FĂŒr ein SBO-Szenario mit PDE wurde fĂŒr die FrĂŒhphase der Transiente (bis zum Beginn der Kernschmelze) eine Unsicherheits- und SensititvitĂ€tsanalyse durchgefĂŒhrt. ZusĂ€tzlich wurde fĂŒr ein SBLOCA-Szenario ein Code-zu-Code-Vergleich zwischen ATHLET-CD und dem Störfallcode MELCOR erarbeitet

    Study of flare energy release using events with numerous type III-like bursts in microwaves

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    The analysis of narrowband drifting of type III-like structures in radio bursts dynamic spectra allows to obtain unique information about primary energy release mechanisms in solar flares. The SSRT spatially resolved images and a high spectral and temporal resolution allow direct determination not only the positions of its sources but also the exciter velocities along the flare loop. Practically, such measurements are possible during some special time intervals when the SSRT (about 5.7 GHz) is observing the flare region in two high-order fringes; thus, two 1D scans are recorded simultaneously at two frequency bands. The analysis of type III-like bursts recorded during the flare 14 Apr 2002 is presented. Using-muliwavelength radio observations recorded by SSRT, SBRS, NoRP, RSTN we study an event with series of several tens of drifting microwave pulses with drift rates in the range from -7 to 13 GHz/s. The sources of the fast-drifting bursts were located near the top of the flare loop in a volume of a few Mm in size. The slow drift of the exciters along the flare loop suggests a high pitch-anisotropy of the emitting electrons.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures, Solar Physics, in press, 201
