31 research outputs found

    Direct experimental evidence of tunable charge transfer at the LaNiO3/CaMnO3LaNiO_{3}/CaMnO_{3} ferromagnetic interface

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    Interfacial charge transfer in oxide heterostructures gives rise to a rich variety of electronic and magnetic phenomena. Designing heterostructures where one of the thin-film components exhibits a metal-insulator transition opens a promising avenue for controlling such phenomena both statically and dynamically. In this letter, we utilize a combination of depth-resolved soft X-ray standing-wave and hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopies in conjunction with polarization-dependent X-ray absorption spectroscopy to investigate the effects of the metal-insulator transition in LaNiO3LaNiO_{3} on the electronic and magnetic states at the LaNiO3/CaMnO3LaNiO_{3}/CaMnO_{3} interface. We report on a direct observation of the reduced effective valence state of the interfacial Mn cations in the metallic superlattice with an above-critical LaNiO3LaNiO_{3} thickness (6 u.c.) due to the leakage of itinerant Ni 3d ege_{g} electrons into the interfacial CaMnO3CaMnO_{3} layer. Conversely, in an insulating superlattice with a below-critical LaNiO3LaNiO_{3} thickness of 2 u.c., a homogeneous effective valence state of Mn is observed throughout the CaMnO3CaMnO_{3} layers due to the blockage of charge transfer across the interface. The ability to switch and tune interfacial charge transfer enables precise control of the emergent ferromagnetic state at the LaNiO3/CaMnO3LaNiO_{3}/CaMnO_{3} interface and, thus, has far-reaching consequences on the future strategies for the design of next-generation spintronic devices

    Observation of Coherently Coupled Cation Spin Dynamics in an Insulating Ferrimagnetic Oxide

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    Many technologically useful magnetic oxides are ferrimagnetic insulators, which consist of chemically distinct cations. Here, we examine the spin dynamics of different magnetic cations in ferrimagnetic NiZnAl-ferrite (Ni0.65_{0.65}Zn0.35_{0.35}Al0.8_{0.8}Fe1.2_{1.2}O4_4) under continuous microwave excitation. Specifically, we employ time-resolved x-ray ferromagnetic resonance to separately probe Fe2+/3+^{2+/3+} and Ni2+^{2+} cations on different sublattice sites. Our results show that the precessing cation moments retain a rigid, collinear configuration to within \approx2^\circ. Moreover, the effective spin relaxation is identical to within <<10% for all magnetic cations in the ferrite. We thus validate the oft-assumed ``ferromagnetic-like'' dynamics in resonantly driven ferrimagnetic oxides, where the magnetic moments from different cations precess as a coherent, collective magnetization

    Dependence of spin pumping and spin transfer torque upon Ni81Fe19 thickness in Ta/Ag/Ni81Fe19/Ag/Co2MnGe/Ag/Ta spin-valve structures

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from American Physical Society via the DOI in this record.Spin pumping has been studied within Ta / Ag / Ni 81 Fe 19 (0–5 nm) / Ag (6 nm) / Co 2 MnGe (5 nm) / Ag / Ta large-area spin-valve structures, and the transverse spin current absorption of Ni 81 Fe 19 sink layers of different thicknesses has been explored. In some circumstances, the spin current absorption can be inferred from the modification of the Co 2 MnGe source layer damping in vector network analyzer ferromagnetic resonance (VNA-FMR) experiments. However, the spin current absorption is more accurately determined from element-specific phase-resolved x-ray ferromagnetic resonance (XFMR) measurements that directly probe the spin transfer torque (STT) acting on the sink layer at the source layer resonance. Comparison with a macrospin model allows the real part of the effective spin mixing conductance to be extracted. We find that spin current absorption in the outer Ta layers has a significant impact, while sink layers with thicknesses of less than 0.6 nm are found to be discontinuous and superparamagnetic at room temperature, and lead to a noticeable increase of the source layer damping. For the thickest 5-nm sink layer, increased spin current absorption is found to coincide with a reduction of the zero frequency FMR linewidth that we attribute to improved interface quality. This study shows that the transverse spin current absorption does not follow a universal dependence upon sink layer thickness but instead the structural quality of the sink layer plays a crucial role.The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of EPSRC Grant No. EP/J018767/1, and the award of the Exeter-Brown Scholarship in High Frequency Spintronics to C.J.D

    Manipulating chiral-spin transport with ferroelectric polarization

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    A collective excitation of the spin structure in a magnetic insulator can transmit spin-angular momentum with negligible dissipation. This quantum of a spin wave, introduced more than nine decades ago, has always been manipulated through magnetic dipoles, (i.e., timereversal symmetry). Here, we report the experimental observation of chiral-spin transport in multiferroic BiFeO3, where the spin transport is controlled by reversing the ferroelectric polarization (i.e., spatial inversion symmetry). The ferroelectrically controlled magnons produce an unprecedented ratio of up to 18% rectification at room temperature. The spin torque that the magnons in BiFeO3 carry can be used to efficiently switch the magnetization of adja-cent magnets, with a spin-torque efficiency being comparable to the spin Hall effect in heavy metals. Utilizing such a controllable magnon generation and transmission in BiFeO3, an alloxide, energy-scalable logic is demonstrated composed of spin-orbit injection, detection, and magnetoelectric control. This observation opens a new chapter of multiferroic magnons and paves an alternative pathway towards low-dissipation nanoelectronics

    The role of GRK6 in animal models of Parkinson's Disease and L-DOPA treatment

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    G protein-coupled Receptor Kinase 6 (GRK6) belongs to a family of kinases that phosphorylate GPCRs. GRK6 levels were found to be altered in Parkinson's Disease (PD) and D2 dopamine receptors are supersensitive in mice lacking GRK6 (GRK6-KO mice). To understand how GRK6 modulates the behavioral manifestations of dopamine deficiency and responses to L-DOPA, we used three approaches to model PD in GRK6-KO mice: 1) the cataleptic response to haloperidol; 2) introducing GRK6 mutation to an acute model of absolute dopamine deficiency, DDD mice; 3) hemiparkinsonian 6-OHDA model. Furthermore, dopamine-related striatal signaling was analyzed by assessing the phosphorylation of AKT/GSK3β and ERK1/2. GRK6 deficiency reduced cataleptic behavior, potentiated the acute effect of L-DOPA in DDD mice, reduced rotational behavior in hemi-parkinsonian mice, and reduced abnormal involuntary movements induced by chronic L-DOPA. These data indicate that approaches to regulate GRK6 activity could be useful in modulating both therapeutic and side-effects of L-DOPA

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