943 research outputs found

    Application of Remote Sensing Techniques for Appraising Changes in Wildlife Habitat

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    An attempt was made to investigate the potential of airborne, multispectral, line scanner data acquisition and computer-implemented automatic recognition techniques for providing useful information about waterfowl breeding habitat in North Dakota. The spectral characteristics of the components of a landscape containing waterfowl habitat can be detected with airborne scanners. By analyzing these spectral characteristics it is possible to identify and map the landscape components through analog and digital processing methods. At the present stage of development multispectral remote sensing techniques are not ready for operational application to surveys of migratory bird habitat and other such resources. Further developments are needed to: (1) increase accuracy; (2) decrease retrieval and processing time; and (3) reduce costs

    Remote functionalisation via sodium alkylamidozincate intermediates : access to unusual fluorenone and pyridyl ketone reactivity patterns

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    Treating fluorenone or 2-benzoylpyridine with the sodium zincate [(TMEDA)center dot Na(mu-Bu-t)(mu-TMP)Zn(Bu-t)] in hexane solution, gives efficient Bu-t addition across the respective organic substrate in a highly unusual 1,6-fashion, producing isolable organometallic intermediates which can be quenched and aerobically oxidised to give 3-tert-butyl-9H-fluoren-9-one and 2-benzoyl-5-tert-butylpyridine respectively

    Mist Generation Behavior in Ultrasonic Atomizer for Aerosol Jet Printing

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    Continuous ultrasonic atomization in a closed chamber is expected to generate a mist with an equilibrium droplet concentration and size distribution. Such a mist of microdroplets with controllable mist density has been used for Aerosol Jet printing in the fabrication of a variety of additively manufactured microscale devices. Despite many unique capabilities demonstrated with the Aerosol Jet printing technology, its ultrasonic atomization behavior appears to be rather sensitive to the ink properties with gaps in our understanding of the fundamental physics underlying its operation. In this work, we investigate some basic mechanisms in the Aerosol Jet ultrasonic atomizer with a lumped-parameter kinetic coagulation model for highly concentrated mist. To mitigate the difficulty with unavailable knowledge about the complex turbulent flow inside the atomizer chamber, we present results for several orders of magnitude of the turbulent energy dissipation rates in order to examine a range of possibilities. The same approach is taken for analyzing the scavenging effect of the swirling bulk liquid. Our results also demonstrate the theoretical possibility for achieving a mist saturation condition where the mist output from the atomizer can become insensitive to process variables. As observed in experiments, such a saturated mist is highly desirable for Aerosol Jet printing with maximized and well-controlled throughput in additive manufacturing.Comment: 18 pages, 9 figure

    Determinants of tetanus, pneumococcal and influenza vaccination in the elderly: a representative cross-sectional study on knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP)

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    Severity and incidence of vaccine-preventable infections with influenza viruses, s. pneumoniae and c. tetani increase with age. Furthermore, vaccine coverage in the elderly is often insufficient. The aim of this study is to identify socio-economic and knowledge-, attitude- and practice- (KAP)-related determinants of vaccination against influenza, pneumococcal disease and tetanus in the older German population


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    http://www.archive.org/details/investigationofe00kletU.S. Navy (U.S.N.) author

    Occurrence and diversity of bacterial communities in Tuber magnatum during truffle maturation

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    none9Tuber magnatum, an ascomycetous fungus and obligate ectomycorrhizal symbiont, forms hypogeous fruit bodies, commonly called Italian white truffles. The diversity of bacterial communities associated with T. magnatum truffles was investigated using culture-independent and -dependent 16S rRNA genebased approaches. Eighteen truffles were classified in three groups, representing different degrees of ascocarp maturation, based on the percentage of asci containing mature spores. The culturable bacterial fraction was 4.17 (+/- 1.61) x 10.000.000, 2.60 (+/- 1.22) x 10.000.000 and 1.86 (+/-1.32) x 1.000.000 cfu g-1 for immature, intermediate and mature ascocarps respectively. The total of bacteria count was two orders of magnitude higher than the cfu g-1 count. Sequencing results from the clone library showed a significant presence of alpha-Proteobacteria (634 of the 771 total clones screened, c. 82%) affiliated with Sinorhizobium, Rhizobium and Bradyrhizobium spp. The bacterial culturable fraction was generally represented by gamma-Proteobacteria (210 of the 384 total strains isolated, c. 55%), which were mostly fluorescent pseudomonads. Fluorescent in situ hybridization confirmed that alpha-Proteobacteria (85.8%) were the predominant components of truffle bacterial communities with beta-Proteobacteria (1.5%), gamma-Proteobacteria (1.9%), Bacteroidetes (2.1%), Firmicutes (2.4%) and Actinobacteria (3%) only poorly represented. Molecular approaches made it possible to identify alpha-Proteobacteria as major constituents of a bacterial component associated with T. magnatum ascoma, independently from the degree of maturation.openE. BARBIERI; C. GUIDI; J. BERTAUX; P. FREY-KLETT; J. GARBAYE; P. CECCAROLI; R. SALTARELLI; A. ZAMBONELLI; V. STOCCHIBarbieri, Elena; C., Guidi; J., Bertaux; P., FREY KLETT; J., Garbaye; Ceccaroli, Paola; Saltarelli, Roberta; A., Zambonelli; Stocchi, Vilbert

    Flooding of Regular Phase Space Islands by Chaotic States

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    We investigate systems with a mixed phase space, where regular and chaotic dynamics coexist. Classically, regions with regular motion, the regular islands, are dynamically not connected to regions with chaotic motion, the chaotic sea. Typically, this is also reflected in the quantum properties, where eigenstates either concentrate on the regular or the chaotic regions. However, it was shown that quantum mechanically, due to the tunneling process, a coupling is induced and flooding of regular islands may occur. This happens when the Heisenberg time, the time needed to resolve the discrete spectrum, is larger than the tunneling time from the regular region to the chaotic sea. In this case the regular eigenstates disappear. We study this effect by the time evolution of wave packets initially started in the chaotic sea and find increasing probability in the regular island. Using random matrix models a quantitative prediction is derived. We find excellent agreement with numerical data obtained for quantum maps and billiards systems. For open systems we investigate the phenomenon of flooding and disappearance of regular states, where the escape time occurs as an additional time scale. We discuss the reappearance of regular states in the case of strongly opened systems. This is demonstrated numerically for quantum maps and experimentally for a mushroom shaped microwave resonator. The reappearance of regular states is explained qualitatively by a matrix model.Untersucht werden Systeme mit gemischtem Phasenraum, in denen sowohl reguläre als auch chaotische Dynamik auftritt. In der klassischen Mechanik sind Gebiete regulärer Bewegung, die sogenannten regulären Inseln, dynamisch nicht mit den Gebieten chaotischer Bewegung, der chaotischen See, verbunden. Dieses Verhalten spiegelt sich typischerweise auch in den quantenmechanischen Eigenschaften wider, so dass Eigenfunktionen entweder auf chaotischen oder regulären Gebieten konzentriert sind. Es wurde jedoch gezeigt, dass aufgrund des Tunneleffektes eine Kopplung auftritt und reguläre Inseln geflutet werden können. Dies geschieht wenn die Heisenbergzeit, das heißt die Zeit die das System benötigt, um das diskrete Spektrum aufzulösen, größer als die Tunnelzeit vom Regulären ins Chaotische ist, wobei reguläre Eigenzustände verschwinden. Dieser Effekt wird über eine Zeitentwicklung von Wellenpaketen, die in der chaotischen See gestartet werden, untersucht. Es kommt zu einer ansteigenden Wahrscheinlichkeit in der regulären Insel. Mithilfe von Zufallsmatrixmodellen wird eine quantitative Vorhersage abgeleitet, welche die numerischen Daten von Quantenabbildungen und Billardsystemen hervorragend beschreibt. Der Effekt des Flutens und das Verschwinden regulärer Zustände wird ebenfalls mit offenen Systemen untersucht. Hier tritt die Fluchtzeit als zusätzliche Zeitskala auf. Das Wiederkehren regulärer Zustände im Falle stark geöffneter Systeme wird qualitativ mithilfe eines Matrixmodells erklärt und numerisch für Quantenabbildungen sowie experimentell für einen pilzförmigen Mikrowellenresonator belegt