31 research outputs found

    A ā€œCrossomicsā€ Study Analysing Variability of Different Components in Peripheral Blood of Healthy Caucasoid Individuals

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    Background: Different immunotherapy approaches for the treatment of cancer and autoimmune diseases are being developed and tested in clinical studies worldwide. Their resulting complex experimental data should be properly evaluated, therefore reliable normal healthy control baseline values are indispensable. Methodology/Principal Findings: To assess intra- and inter-individual variability of various biomarkers, peripheral blood of 16 age and gender equilibrated healthy volunteers was sampled on 3 different days within a period of one month. Complex "crossomics'' analyses of plasma metabolite profiles, antibody concentrations and lymphocyte subset counts as well as whole genome expression profiling in CD4(+)T and NK cells were performed. Some of the observed age, gender and BMI dependences are in agreement with the existing knowledge, like negative correlation between sex hormone levels and age or BMI related increase in lipids and soluble sugars. Thus we can assume that the distribution of all 39.743 analysed markers is well representing the normal Caucasoid population. All lymphocyte subsets, 20% of metabolites and less than 10% of genes, were identified as highly variable in our dataset. Conclusions/Significance: Our study shows that the intra- individual variability was at least two-fold lower compared to the inter-individual one at all investigated levels, showing the importance of personalised medicine approach from yet another perspective

    Possibilities of straw protection with copper-ethanolamine preparations

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    Slama je stranski proizvod kmetijske dejavnosti in se danes pogosto uporablja kot izolacijski material in streŔna kritina v gradbeniŔtvu. Tako kot na les, tudi na slamo vplivajo biotični in abiotični dejavniki, ki povzročajo različne poŔkodbe. V zadnjem obdobju tako prihaja do pogostejŔih poŔkodb slamnatih streh in kritin, zato smo želeli preveriti možnosti za zaŔčito slame. Ker se danes baker-etanolaminski pripravek Silvanolin uporablja za zaŔčito lesa pred biotičnimi dejavniki, smo predpostavili, da bi lahko bila to tudi ustrezna zaŔčita za slamo, ki je ravno tako lignocelulozni material. Slamo smo potapljali v Silvanolin pri različnih koncentracijah (0,25 % in 0,5%) za 2 različno dolgi časovni obdobji (5 min in 60 min). Proučevali smo optimalen čas potapljanja, pri katerem smo dosegli optimalen navzem bakrovih učinkovin. Največji navzem bakra v slamo smo določili pri vzrocih, ki smo jih potapljali v pripravek viŔje koncentracije in tudi dlje časa. Po drugi strani se je izkazalo, da se baker-etanolaminski pripravki dobro vežejo v slamo. Izpiranje bakra je bilo največje prvi dan, potem pa se je zmanjŔevalo. Ugotovili smo, da zaŔčita slame z bakrovimi pripravki zavira rast micelija gliv. BoljŔo zaŔčito predstavlja 0,5 % raztopina, kjer se je ustvarila barierna cona med glivo in slamo.Straw is a by-product of the agricultural industryit is often used as an insulation and roofing material in construction. Like wood, straw is also affected by biotic and abiotic factors causing a variety of damages. Since it lately more often came to degradation of straw roofs, we examined the possibilities of straw protection. Nowadays, copper-ethanolamine preparation is used to protect wood against biological agents, therefore we assumed that this could also be the adequate protection of straw, which is also a lignocellulosic material. The straw was submerged into Silvanolin at different concentrations (0.25 % and 0.5 %) and for 2 different time periods (5 min and 60 min). We studied the optimal impregnation time to reach the optimal absorption of copper substances. The maximum absorption of copper in the straw was determined on samples that have been treated in a solution of a higher concentration, and also for a longer time. On the other hand it has been shown that the copper-ethanolamine preparations form chemical bonds with straw. Leaching of copper was the highest on the first day, but then it decreased. We came to the conclusion that the protection of straw with copper preparations affects the growth of mycelial fungi. The best protection was achieved with 0.5 % concentration of Silvanolin, where a barrier between the fungus and the straw was created

    Hot air welding of polyurethane foam

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    Poliuretansko peno lahko poleg lepljenja spajamo tudi z varjenjem z vročim zrakom. Za uspeŔno varjenje z vročim zrakom potrebujemo ustrezno napravo za varjenje, ki omogoča natančno varjenje in dobro ponovljivost procesa. Poleg naprave za varjenje potrebujemo tudi optimalne parametre varjenja, ki zagotavljajo dovolj velik vnos toplote v cono varjenja. V diplomski nalogi je predstavljena poliuretanska pena in njene glavne lastnosti. Predstavljena je naprava za varjenje in njeni sestavni deli ter optimalni parametri varjenja. Optimalne parametre smo določili s poskuŔanjem. Izveden je bil ročni natezni preizkus in mikroskopska analiza zvarnih spojev. Na osnovi rezultatov smo določili okno procesnih parametrov, ki omogočajo uspeŔno varjenje poliuretanske pene.In addition to adhesive bonding, polyurethane foams can also be joined by hot air welding. For successful hot air welding, we need appropriate welding apparatus that enables accurate welding and good reproducibility of the process. In addition to preparation for welding, we also need optimal welding parameters that ensure sufficient heat input into the welding zone. The thesis presents polyurethane foam and its main properties. The apparatus for welding and its components as well as the optimal welding parameters are presented. The optimal parameters were determined using a trial and error approach. A manual tensile test and a microscopic analysis of the welds were performed. Based on the results, we determined a window of process parameters that enable successful welding of polyurethane foams

    Prepričanja in staliŔča zdravnikov družinske medicine o pristopih k prepoznavanju in zdravljenju medicinsko nepojasnjenih stanj

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    Namen: Namen prispevka je na podlagi analize mnenj identificirati prepričanja in staliŔča zdravnikov družinske medicine (ZDM) o pristopih k prepoznavanju in zdravljenju medicinsko nepojasnjenih stanj (MNS). Metode: Uporabljene so bile kvalitativne in kvantitativne metode raziskovanjanamenski vzorec za izvedbo je predstavljalo pet fokusnih skupin (Maribor in Ljubljana) v obdobju od julija do septembra 2011. Ugotovitve so bile kot vpraŔanja uporabljene v kvantitativnem delu raziskave s slučajnostnim vzorčenjem (N = 90), povabljeni pa so bili ZDM iz celotne Slovenije (januar - marec 2012). Za analizo kvalitativnega materiala in proces kodiranja smo uporabili računalniŔko orodje ATLAS.ti 7, kvantitativne podatke smo statistično obdelali s statističnim programskim paketom SPSS 21.0. Rezultati: V procesu kodiranja smo oblikovali 64 kod in jih razvrstili v osem kategorij. V kvantitativnem delu se je odzvalo 63 (70 %) povabljenih ZDM, ki so poudarili preprečevanje in zdravljenje bolnikov z MNS (84,1 %n = 53), pomen dobre komunikacije z bolnikom v 77,8 % (n = 49), medtem ko je bilo 93,7 % (n = 59) ZDM mnenja, da jih bolniki z MNS izčrpajo, utrudijo in frustrirajo. Kot potencialne vzroke za MNS so ZDM opisali težave v bolnikovi interakciji z okolico (100 % , n = 63), pretekle in sedanje stresne dogodke (96,8 %, n = 61) ter skrite psihiatrične bolezni (68,3 %, n = 43). Kvaliteto obravnave bolnikov z MNS bi v največji meri izboljŔalo izobraževanje s področja osnovnih psihoterapevtskih tehnik in na temo pristopa k težavnemu bolniku (95,2 %, n = 60) ter s področja veŔčin komuniciranja (95,2 %, n = 60). Zaključek: Ugotovili smo, da slovenski ZDM namenjajo velik poudarek preprečevanju in zdravljenju bolnikov z MNS, hkrati pa jih ti bolniki izčrpajo, utrudijo in frustriraj

    Revisiting the corresponding-states-based correlation for pool boiling critical heat flux

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    A corresponding-states correlation for predicting the critical heat flux (CHF) in pool boiling conditions is proposed, and only requires knowledge of physical property constants of the fluid at any fluid temperature: molar mass, critical temperature, critical pressure, and the Pitzer acentric factor. If a fourth corresponding equation of state (EoS) parameter is added, a more accurate CHF correlation is obtained and matches Kutateladzeā€“Zuber prediction within Ā±10% in the reduced temperature range of 0.55ā€“0.95. This way, CHF can be easily predicted for any reduced temperature within the range of correlationā€™s validity by only knowing basic properties of the fluid. Additionally, two corresponding-states correlations for determining the capillary length are proposed and also do not rely on any temperature- and pressure-dependent fluid properties. A simpler correlation only using the Pitzer acentric factor is shown to be imprecise, and a more complex correlation also accounting for the fourth corresponding EoS parameter is recommended. These correlations are fundamental for further developments, which would allow for accurate prediction of CHF values on functionalized surfaces through further studies on the influence of interactions of fluid properties with other parameters, such as wetting and active nucleation site density

    Dataset for: Electronic Lab Notebooks: Can they replace Paper?

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    This is the dataset for the journal paper: Kanza, S, Willoughby, C, Gibbins, N, Whitby, RJ, Frey, J, Erjavec, J, Zupan&#x10D;i&#x10D;, K, Hren, M &amp; Kova&#x10D;, K 2017, &#39;Electronic Lab Notebooks: Can they replace Paper?&#39; Journal of Cheminformatics. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13321-017-0221-3 The files in this dataset broken down by study are: Studies A/B - BioSistemika&#39;s ELN Webinar Survey &amp; ELN Survey Data - description: Survey of current ELN Usage, and Survey of ELN features, costs and barriers. - file: DatasetAB-BioSistemikaELNStudies.xlsx Study C - University of Southampton ELN Market Survey - description: Study of the current ELN Market: Active/Inactive ELNs, ELN Licensing and Platforms. - file: Dataset C - ELN Market Data.xlsx Study D - University of Southampton Lab Practice Study Data - description: Focus groups with physicists, chemists and biologists. Lab observations of 4 different chemistry labs at the University to better understand current Lab Practice. - file: Dataset D - Focus Group Questions.PDF - file: Dataset D - Anonymised Focus Group Transcripts.txt Study E - University of Southampton&#39;s Dial-a-Molecule (DaM) Survey and iLabber Pilot Project - description: Surveys to gain knowledge and understand attitudes towards using ELNs and issues identified with using the trialled ELN. - file: DatasetE_Survey 1.xls - file: DatasetE_Survey 2 pre iLabber.xlsx - file: DatasetE_Survey3-Part.xlsx - file: DatasetE_Survey3a3bPostiLabber</span

    Introduction of chronical wounds healing with Lucilia sericata larvae in Slovenia

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    IzhodiŔča Ker so kronične rane danes pogosto okužene z bakterijskimi sevi, odpornimi na antibiotike, je njihovo zdravljenje težavno. Namen raziskovalnega projekta je bil uvesti v Slovenijo novo metodo zdravljenja kroničnih ran z uporabo ličink muh Lucilia sericata. Metode Za zdravljenje kroničnih ran smo uporabili sterilne larve L. sericata, pridobljene v kontinuirani kulturi na Oddelku za biologijo Biotehniske fakultete UL. Na ta način smo zdravili 32 ran pri 30 bolnikih. Ličinke smo na rani pustili delovati dva do tri dnič nato smo jih odstranili in po potrebi ponovno namestili. Pred namestitvijo in po njej smo jemali mikrobioloÅ”ke brise tkiva vrani in iz njih osamili ter identificirali bakterijske vrste. Med biokirurskim zdravljenjem smo spremljali potek zdravljenja, bolnikovo počutje, morebitne bolečine, pokretnost, samostojnost in psiholoski odziv ob terapiji. Rezultati Z biokirurskim zdravljenjem smo uspeli zaceliti in očistiti 24 ran od 32 (75%). V primeru kombinirane arterijsko-venske razjede smo uspeli popolnoma zaceliti eno rano in očistiti 8 ran, v primeru venske razjede na nogi in sestih diabetičnih razjed so se vse rane očistile. V primerih preležanin in pooperativnih kroničnih ran smo z biokirurgijo vse ranev celoti očistili. 16 bolnikov je med nosenjem ličink občutilo neprijeten občutek, pri dveh so se pojavile bolečine, ki so se po dodatku analgetikov pomirile. Med zdravljenjem si je pri hoji z berglami pomagalo 17 (57%) bolnikov. Ugotovili smo, da je 17 bolnikov (57%) čutilo strah in depresijo ter nelagoden občutek. Zaključki Metoda zdravljenja z ličinkami muhe L. sericata je bila uspeÅ”no uvedena v Slovenijo. Zaradi enostavnosti in uspeÅ”nosti bi jo bilo potrebno kot način zdravljenja uvesti tudi v vsakdanjo slovensko klinično prakso. Z biokirurgijo se kronične rane hitreje celijo, preprečimo nadaljnja vnetja in propadanje tkiva ter bolniku omogočimo normalno vključevanje v vsakdanje življenje.Background Due to infection of chronic wounds with antibiotic resistant bacterial strains, their healing can be very difficult. The main purpose of the presented research study was the introduction of a new method for chronic wounds healing, using Lucilia sericata fly larvae into Slovenia. Methods For chronic wound healing sterile larvae of L. sericata fly were prepared from a continuous fly culture, maintained at the Department of Biology, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana. In this way 32 wounds of 30 patients were treated. Larvae were applied on the wounds for two to three days. Than they were washed off and replaced, if necessary. Microbiological smears were collected before and after the application of the larvae on the wounds. Microorganisms were then isolated and identified. During larval therapy healing improvement, patientćs general state, potential presence of pain, mobility, patientćs independence and psychological reaction to the therapy were monitored. Results Using biosurgical therapy 24 (75%) out of 32 wounds were cleaned and healed. In the case of combined arterio-venous leg ulcers onewound was completely healed and eight of them were cleaned of necrosis and infection. In the case of a venous leg ulcer, six diabetic ulcers, eight casesof chronic postoperative wounds and pressure ulcers, wounds were completely cleaned after the treatment. 16 patients reported unpleasant feeling during larval treatment and two patients felt pain which diminished after the treatment with analgesics. 17 (57%) patients had to use crutches during biosurgical treatment and the same number of patients felt uncomfortable, frightened and depressed during the application of larvae