3,767 research outputs found

    An explicit expression for the Fisher information matrix of a multiple time series process

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    AbstractThe principal result in this paper is concerned with the derivative of a vector with respect to a block vector or matrix. This is applied to the asymptotic Fisher information matrix (FIM) of a stationary vector autoregressive and moving average time series process (VARMA). Representations which can be used for computing the components of the FIM are then obtained. In a related paper [A. Klein, A generalization of Whittle’s formula for the information matrix of vector mixed time series, Linear Algebra Appl. 321 (2000) 197–208], the derivative is taken with respect to a vector. This is obtained by vectorizing the appropriate matrix products whereas in this paper the corresponding matrix products are left unchanged

    Resonances for a diffusion with small noise

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    We study resonances for the generator of a diffusion with small noise in RdR^d :Lϵ=ϵΔ+F L_\epsilon = -\epsilon\Delta + \nabla F \cdot \nabla, when the potential F grows slowly at infinity (typically as a square root of the norm). The case when F grows fast is well known, and under suitable conditions one can show that there exists a family of exponentially small eigenvalues, related to the wells of F . We show that, for an F with a slow growth, the spectrum is R+, but we can find a family of resonances whose real parts behave as the eigenvalues of the "quick growth" case, and whose imaginary parts are small.Comment: 36

    O Comportamento de corte de Heliconius erato phyllis (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae) e como ele se altera perante fêmeas acasaladas : conflito entre sinais de atração e repulsão?

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    Observações de fêmeas de Heliconius erato phyllis sendo intensamente cortejadas alguns dias após a cópula contradizem a proposta de repulsividade esperada pela presença de um antiafrodisíaco transferido pelos machos; além disso, dados sobre a corte das borboletas Heliconius são quase ausentes na literatura. Neste trabalho se objetivou descrever o comportamento de corte de H erato phyllis e compará-lo quali-quantitativamente em relação a fêmeas virgens e acasaladas. As diferenças encontradas indicam que a seqüência da corte perante fêmeas acasaladas é bloqueada na transição que levaria ao comportamento imediatamente anterior à cópula. Sugerimos que a atratividade das fêmeas seja mediada por dois sinais químicos antagônicos: o antiafrodisíaco depositado durante a cópula e um feromônio de atração importante na fase de pupa, presente apenas em fêmeas jovens

    Análise da coloração das asas no contexto sexual em um par mimético de borboletas Heliconius

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    Este estudo investiga a coloração das asas de duas borboletas miméticas – Heliconius erato phyllis e H. besckei – como sinais sexuais. Para saber se dois elementos do padrão de cores possuem função como sinais de reconhecimento de parceiros na primeira espécie foram feitos experimentos comportamentais com modelos de fêmeas. Tanto a mancha vermelha quanto a barra amarela se revelaram igualmente importantes para atrair os machos e disparar o início do cortejo. Se os mesmos sinais envolvidos no mimetismo são usados no contexto sexual, a possibilidade de um conflito de funções e de interferência reprodutiva entre estas espécies é reforçada. A fim de verificar se existe alguma diferença na natureza da coloração entre as duas espécies, quatro regiões das asas foram analisadas por espectrofotometria. A principal diferença foi um pico de ultravioleta marcante em H. erato, mas quase ausente em H. besckei; um possível mecanismo de discriminação específica que amenizaria os custos da multifuncionalidade. A terceira abordagem do estudo tratou de verificar se existe alguma diferença de tamanho dos elementos da coloração entre os sexos de cada espécie. Encontramos que três desses elementos são maiores nos machos em ambas as espécies, mas o que não possui diferença não é o mesmo. Também verificamos que os elementos da face dorsal têm seu tamanho fortemente correlacionado com os da face ventral. Estes padrões de variação podem ser resultado de um processo de seleção sexual epigâmica e de restrições evolutivas relacionadas a outras funções (defesa e termorregulação) ou ao desenvolvimento. Os resultados deste estudo são discutidos no contexto ecológico-evolutivo das espécies em questão, principalmente no que diz respeito ao reforço do isolamento reprodutivo e às pressões seletivas que atuam sobre seu padrão de coloração.This study investigates the wing coloration of two mimetic butterflies – Heliconius erato phyllis and H. besckei – as sexual signals. To know if two elements of the color pattern have function as mate recognition signals in the first species, behavioral experiments were done with female models. Both the red patch and the yellow bar were proved to be important to attract the males and release the courtship beginning. If the same signals involved in the mimicry are used in the sexual context, the possibility of a conflict of functions and reproductive interference between these species is reinforced. To verify whether there was some difference in the nature of the coloration between the two species, four wing regions were analyzed by spectrophotometry. The main difference was a marked peak of ultraviolet in H. erato almost nonexistent in H. besckei; a possible mechanism of specific discrimination witch would mitigate the costs of multifunctionality. The third approach of the study attempted to verify if there was some difference in the size of the coloration elements between the sexes of each species. We found that three of these elements are bigger in the males in both of them, but the one witch doesn’t have difference is not the same. We also observed that the elements of the dorsal face have its size strongly correlated with the ventral face ones. These variation patterns can be result of an epigamic sexual selection process and of evolutionary constraints related to other functions (defense and thermoregulation) or to development. The results of this study are discussed in the ecological-evolutionary context of the species in question, particularly with regard to the reinforcement of reproductive isolation and to the selective pressures that act on its coloration pattern

    An Explicit Expression for the Fisher Information Matrix of a Multiple Time

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    Abstract The principal result in this paper is concerned with the derivative of a vector with respect to a block vector or matrix. This is applied to the asymptotic Fisher information matrix (FIM) of a stationary vector autoregressive and moving average time series process (VARMA). Representations which can be used for computing the components of the FIM are then obtained. In a related paper [1], the derivative is taken with respect to a vector. This is obtained by vectorizing the appropriate matrix products whereas in this paper the corresponding matrix products are left unchanged


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    Para efeitos de comparação e conhecimento sobre diferentes substratos, foram feitas análises para determinação da densidade do substrato, e a capacidade de retenção de líquidos e espaço de aeração. Os substratos diferem de um para outro em relação a essas variáveis, portanto é interessante conhecer as características específicas de cada um, para melhor adaptação das plantas cultivadas no mesmo, sendo que alguns materiais não possuem essas informações no rótulo. As análises foram realizadas na Unoesc de São José do Cedro, onde foi realizado a aferição da porosidade, pH e densidade de cada substrato e depois avaliado na Unoesc de Maravilha. Com os resultados obtidos evidenciou-se que o substrato tecnomax apresentou menor potencial mátrico em relação ao substrato turfa

    Mining and the Sustainable Development Goals: A Systematic Literature Review

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    193 United Nations members are signatories of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Even though it does not make it legally binding to the country members, the SDGs establishment incites national and managerial frameworks to achieve the SDGs. The mining industry inserts itself in this context by its global presence and frequent location within ecologically sensitive and less developed areas. This paper aims to consolidate the state of academic research on mining, sustainability and sustainable development, by organizing the results of previous studies within a systematic review on the SDGs set. To do so, the ISI Web of ScienceTM Core Collection database was chosen as a database of record, as it is one of the most widespread databases of academic journals. We have used all years available in the ISI database, from 1945 to 2016 (for complete years). The systematic review process comprised of five steps: (i) to search terms [(“sustainability” or “sustainable development”) and mining] on the database and to apply filters of criteria; (ii) organizing papers; (iii) metrics and relations between papers and authors; (iv) classification of the results through content analysis techniques; and (v) synthesis. The results were divided in two groups: the highly cited and the most recent papers, to include papers that have academic impact and those which show the newest contributions to the field. The results showed that, in spite of a growing amount of publications in the past years that relates to mining and sustainability, the main focus of these publications are still on the environmental dimensions of the UN goals. This suggests that more practical and academic work in the mining sector are required to fill in the blank spaces regarding the other set of goals that compose the SDGs framework