340 research outputs found

    Calibration of sensors in sensor networks

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    In this paper we present a new approach to calibrate sensors in sensor networks in an uncontrolled environment. The proposed algorithm makes a model ofthe distribution ofthe measured quantity. This model can be used to estimate and correct the bias of the sensor The proposed, centralized calibration algorithm is a macro-calibration algorithm which tries to improve the system response as a whole, instead of optimizing the response of an individual sensor The algorithm decides, based on measurements to apply the calculated corrections or not. Testing shows that the algorithm can be applied on e.g. temperature sensors. Systematic measurement errors can be reduced. A combination of a few accurate (expensive) sensors, and a large amount of less accurate (cheap) sensors, can be used together with the algorithm in real life applications to improve the quality of the measurements

    A new wireless underground network system for continuous monitoring of soil water contents

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    A new stand-alone wireless embedded network system has been developed recently for continuous monitoring of soil water contents at multiple depths. This paper presents information on the technical aspects of the system, including the applied sensor technology, the wireless communication protocols, the gateway station for data collection, and data transfer to an end user Web page for disseminating results to targeted audiences. Results from the first test of the network system are presented and discussed, including lessons learned so far and actions to be undertaken in the near future to improve and enhance the operability of this innovative measurement approac

    The effects of psychotherapy for depression on anxiety symptoms: a meta-analysis

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    Background More than half of patients who present with depressive disorders also have elevated comorbid anxiety symptoms. Given the high comorbidity between these disorders, it is important to understand the extent that psychotherapies for depression additionally ameliorate symptoms of anxiety.Methods Systematic searches were conducted in PubMed, PSYCinfo, EMBASE, and the Cochrane Registry of Controlled Trials. Included studies were randomized controlled trials that compared psychotherapy compared with a control condition for the treatment of adults with a primary diagnosis or elevated symptoms of depression and that examined the effects of treatment on anxiety outcomes. Acute phase depression and anxiety (continuous measure) outcomes were extracted. Effect sizes were calculated by subtracting the average post-treatment scores of the psychotherapy group from the average post-treatment scores of the comparison group divided by the pooled standard deviation.Results Fifty-two studies of varying quality met the inclusion criteria. Pooled effect sizes showed that anxiety outcomes were significantly lower in the psychotherapy conditions than in control conditions at post-treatment [g = 0.52; 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.44-0.60; NNT (numbers-needed-to-treat) = 3.50]. Moderate heterogeneity was observed (I2 = 55%, 95% CI 40-66). Bivariate metaregression analysis revealed a significant association between depression and anxiety effect sizes at post-treatment Longer-term follow-ups of up to 14 months post-baseline showed indications for a small lasting effect of psychotherapy on anxiety outcomes (g = 0.27).Conclusions This meta-analysis provides evidence that psychotherapy aimed at depression can also reduce anxiety symptoms in relation to control conditions

    Comprehensive meta-analysis of excess mortality in depression in the general community versus patients with specific illnesses

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    Objective: Several hundred studies have shown that depression is associated with an elevated risk of dying at follow-up. It is not clear, however, whether the mechanisms for this association are disease specific, leading to higher mortality in specific patient groups, or generic, resulting in comparable mortality rates in all patient groups as well as in community samples. The authors conducted a comprehensive meta-analysis of prospective studies of community as well as patient samples associating depression at baseline with excess mortality at follow-up


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    Zelfbeheer, een modegril of een serieuze methode ter verbetering van de kwaliteit van het openbaar bestuur? Een modegril in de zin dat de overheid tegenwoordig teveel bedrijfskundig benaderd wordt; men legt vooral de nadruk op het dynamische karakter dat de rijksdienst zou moeten bezitten en de efficiency verbetering. Ambtenaren zouden meer doordrongen moeten zijn van de financiële kanten van hun werk. De vraag is echter of deze invalshoek wel geschikt is voor de overheid, gezien de omvang en complexiteit van het openbaar bestuur. Bovendien verschillen de doeleinden van de overheid (de immateriële) met die van het bedrijfsleven (de materiele). Benita Plesch, plaatsvervangend secretaris generaal van Binnenlandse Zaken, ziet zelfbeheer als een serieuze poging tot kwaliteitsverbetering. Een gesprek met één van de weinige vrouwelijke topmanagers binnen het openbaar bestuur