230 research outputs found

    Role of Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor in Obesity, Insulin Resistance, Type 2 Diabetes, and Associated Hepatic Co-Morbidities: A Comprehensive Review of Human and Rodent Studies

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    <p>Obesity is associated with a chronic low-grade inflammatory state that drives the -development of obesity-related co-morbidities such as insulin resistance/type 2 diabetes, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), and cardiovascular disease. This metabolic inflammation is thought to originate in the adipose tissue, which becomes inflamed and insulin resistant when it is no longer able to expand in response to excess caloric and nutrient intake. The production of inflammatory mediators by dysfunctional adipose tissue is thought to drive the development of more complex forms of disease such as type 2 diabetes and NAFLD. An important factor that may contribute to metabolic inflammation is the cytokine macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF). Increasing evidence suggests that MIF is released by adipose tissue in obesity and that it is also involved in metabolic and inflammatory processes that underlie the development of obesity-related pathologies. This review provides a comprehensive summary of our current knowledge on the role of MIF in obesity, its production by adipose tissue, and its involvement in the development of insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, and NAFLD. We discuss the main findings from recent clinical studies in obese subjects and weight-loss intervention studies as well as results from clinical studies in patients with insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. Furthermore, we summarize findings from experimental disease models studying the contribution of MIF in obesity and insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, and hepatic lipid accumulation and fibrosis. Although many of the findings support a pro-inflammatory role of MIF in disease development, recent reports also provide indications that MIF may exert protective effects under certain conditions.</p

    Electric field and aging effects of uniaxial ferroelectrics Sr x Ba1-x Nb2O6 probed by Brillouin scattering

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    This study was supported in part by the Marubun Research Promotion Foundation and JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number JP17K05030.Static and dynamic heterogeneity of disordered system is one of the current topics in materials science. In disordered ferroelectric materials with random fields, dynamic polar nanoregions (PNRs) appear at Burns temperature and freeze into nanodomain state below Curie temperature (T C). This state is very sensitive to external electric field and aging by which it gradually switches into macrodomain state. However, the role of PNRs in such states below T C is still a puzzling issue of materials science. Electric field and aging effects of uniaxial ferroelectric Sr x Ba1-x Nb2O6 (x = 0.40, SBN40) single crystals were studied using Brillouin scattering to clarify the critical nature of PNRs in domain states below T C. On field heating, a broad anomaly in longitudinal acoustic (LA) velocity at low temperature region was due to an incomplete alignment of nanodomains caused by the interaction between PNRs. A sharp anomaly near T C was attributed to the complete switching of nanodomain to macrodomain state owing to the lack of interaction among PNRs. After isothermal aging below T C, the noticeable increase of LA velocity was observed. It was unaffected by cyclic temperature measurements up to T C, and recovered to initial state outside of a narrow temperature range above and below aging temperature.Japan Society for the Promotion of Scienc

    Beneficial Effects of Alternate Dietary Regimen on Liver Inflammation, Atherosclerosis and Renal Activation

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    Background: Alternate day calorie restriction (CR) has been shown to be almost as beneficial as daily CR. The question arises whether this concept is also applicable to alternating dietary composition. Objective: To seek evidence that alternating high cholesterol (HC) - cholesterol-free (CON) Western diet can effectively diminish hepatic and renal inflammation and cardiovascular risk factors as compared with daily HC-supplemented Western diet. Design: Four groups of ApoE*3Leiden mice, a humanized model for atherosclerosis, were subjected to different feeding treatments for 16 weeks. Mice were fed CON diet; CON diet with 1% w/w cholesterol (HC); alternate (ALT) diet regimen of CON (4 days) and HC (3 days); or CON diet supplemented with 0.43% (w/w) cholesterol (MC), with overall dietary cholesterol intake equal to ALT. Plasma was analyzed for cardiovascular risk factors, aorta for atherosclerotic lesion formation, and liver and kidney for inflammation. Results: ALT diet but not MC was almost as effective as daily CON feeding in preventing disease development. Compared to HC, the ALT group showed 62% lower hepatic nuclear factor kappa B (NF-?B) activity (P<0.001), a reduction of the circulating inflammatory markers E-selectin (-20%; P<0.05), vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1; -15%; P<0.05) and Serum Amyloid A (SAA; -31%; P<0.05), smaller atherosclerotic lesion sizes (-51%; 46497±10791 µm2 vs. 94664±16470 µm2; P<0.05) and diminished renal expression of specific inflammation and activation markers (VCAM-1, -27%; P<0.05; monocyte chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1); -37%; P<0.01). Conclusion: Alternate HC-CON feeding reproduced most of the beneficial effects of daily cholesterol-free diet, including strongly diminished hepatic, vascular and renal activation and inflammation; also atherosclerosis was reduced by half as compared to HC, albeit still higher compared to the CON group. © 2011 Wielinga et al

    Exploring pathway interactions in insulin resistant mouse liver

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Complex phenotypes such as insulin resistance involve different biological pathways that may interact and influence each other. Interpretation of related experimental data would be facilitated by identifying relevant pathway interactions in the context of the dataset.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We developed an analysis approach to study interactions between pathways by integrating gene and protein interaction networks, biological pathway information and high-throughput data. This approach was applied to a transcriptomics dataset to investigate pathway interactions in insulin resistant mouse liver in response to a glucose challenge. We identified regulated pathway interactions at different time points following the glucose challenge and also studied the underlying protein interactions to find possible mechanisms and key proteins involved in pathway cross-talk. A large number of pathway interactions were found for the comparison between the two diet groups at t = 0. The initial response to the glucose challenge (t = 0.6) was typed by an acute stress response and pathway interactions showed large overlap between the two diet groups, while the pathway interaction networks for the late response were more dissimilar.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Studying pathway interactions provides a new perspective on the data that complements established pathway analysis methods such as enrichment analysis. This study provided new insights in how interactions between pathways may be affected by insulin resistance. In addition, the analysis approach described here can be generally applied to different types of high-throughput data and will therefore be useful for analysis of other complex datasets as well.</p

    Understanding the combined effects of sleep deprivation and acute social stress on cognitive performance using a comprehensive approach

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    Background: Sleep deprivation (SD) and acute social stress are common, often unavoidable, and frequently co-occurring stressors in high-risk professions. Both stressors are known to acutely induce inflammatory responses and an increasing body of literature suggests this may lead to cognitive impairment. This study examined the combined effects of total SD and acute social stress on cognitive performance and took a comprehensive approach to explore their (shared) underlying mechanism leading to cognitive decline. Method: We recorded cognitive performance on a response inhibition task and a multitask and monitored a range of inflammatory, psychophysiological and self-reported markers in 101 participants, both before and after one night of either sleep (control group: N = 48) or SD (N = 53), and both before and after a social stressor (Trier Social Stress Test). Results: SD decreased cognitive performance. The social stress test also results in cognitive performance decline in the control group on the response inhibition task, but improved rather than decreased performance of sleep deprived participants on both tasks. The subjective ratings of mental effort also reflect this antagonistic interaction, indicating that the social stressor when sleep-deprived also reduced mental effort. In the inflammatory and physiological measures, this pattern was only reflected by IL-22 in blood. SD reduced blood IL-22 concentrations, and the social stress reduced IL-22 in the control group as well, but not in sleep-deprived participants. There were no interactive effects of SD and social stress on any other inflammatory or psychophysiological measures. The effects of the social stress test on autonomic measures and subjective results suggest that increased arousal may have benefited sleep-deprived participants’ cognitive performance. Discussion: SD generally decreased cognitive performance and increased required mental effort. By contrast, the isolated effects of a social stressor were not generic, showing a positive effect on cognitive performance when sleep deprived. Our study is the first that studied combined effects of sleep deprivation and acute social stress on cognitive performance and inflammatory markers. It provides a comprehensive overview of effects of these stressors on a range of variables. We did not show unequivocal evidence of an underlying physiological mechanism explaining changes in performance due to (the combination of) sleep deprivation and social stress, but consider IL-22 as a possible cytokine involved in this mechanism and certainly worth following up on in future research.</p

    Understanding the effects of sleep deprivation and acute social stress on cognitive performance using a comprehensive approach

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    Different professionals (e.g. in the military) have to perform cognitive challenging tasks in multi-stressor environments. However, our understanding how combined stressors interact and affect cognitive performance is limited (Van Dongen &amp; Belenky, 2009). This study examined how sleep deprivation (SD) and acute social stress affect cognitive performance in isolation and in combination, and used a comprehensive approach to find evidence for a (shared) mechanism. Recent research suggests that SD leads to higher amounts of proinflammatory markers (i.e. cytokines) in the blood, which assumedly contribute to a decline in cognitive performance (Irwin, 2019; Shields et al., 2017). In addition, acute social stressors have also been shown to elicit an immune response, as reflected by circulating cytokines in blood (Marsland et al., 2017; Prather et al., 2014). These findings suggest that different stressors may affect cognitive performance through an effect on the immune system. We therefore hypothesize that individuals showing a high proinflammatory response to a combination of two stressors (SD and acute social stress) are more vulnerable to cognitive decline compared to individuals showing a lower proinflammatory response. To test this hypothesis, we measured not only cognitive performance, but also the physiological response and biochemical determinants of metabolism and inflammation at baseline and after SD, but also in response to an acute social stressor (Tkacheenko &amp; Dinges, 2018)

    Orthopedic surgery increases atherosclerotic lesions and necrotic core area in ApoE-/- mice

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    Background and aims Observational studies show a peak incidence of cardiovascular events after major surgery. For example, the risk of myocardial infarction increases 25-fold early after hip replacement. The acuteness of this increased risk suggests abrupt enhancement in plaque vulnerability, which may be related to intra-plaque inflammation, thinner fibrous cap and/or necrotic core expansion. We hypothesized that acute systemic inflammation following major orthopedic surgery induces such changes. Methods ApoE−/− mice were fed a western diet for 10 weeks. Thereafter, half the mice underwent mid-shaft femur osteotomy followed by realignment with an intramedullary K-wire, to mimic major orthopedic surgery. Mice were sacrificed 5 or 15 days post-surgery (n = 22) or post-saline injection (n = 13). Serum amyloid A (SAA) was measured as a marker of systemic inflammation. Paraffin embedded slides of the aortic root were stained to measure total plaque area and to quantify fibrosis, calcification, necrotic core, and inflammatory cells. Results Surgery mice showed a pronounced elevation of serum amyloid A (SAA) and developed increased plaque and necrotic core area already at 5 days, which reached significance at 15 days (p = 0.019; p = 0.004 for plaque and necrotic core, respectively). Macrophage and lymphocyte density significantly decreased in the surgery group compared to the control group at 15 days (p = 0.037; p = 0.024, respectively). The density of neutrophils and mast cells remained unchanged. Conclusions Major orthopedic surgery in ApoE−/− mice triggers a systemic inflammatory response. Atherosclerotic plaque area is enlarged after surgery mainly due to an increase of the necrotic core. The role of intra-plaque inflammation in this response to surgical injury remains to be fully elucidated. © 2016 Elsevier Ireland Lt

    A Dietary Mixture Containing Fish Oil, Resveratrol, Lycopene, Catechins, and Vitamins E and C Reduces Atherosclerosis in Transgenic Mice123

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    Chronic inflammation and proatherogenic lipids are important risk factors of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Specific dietary constituents such as polyphenols and fish oils may improve cardiovascular risk factors and may have a beneficial effect on disease outcomes. We hypothesized that the intake of an antiinflammatory dietary mixture (AIDM) containing resveratrol, lycopene, catechin, vitamins E and C, and fish oil would reduce inflammatory risk factors, proatherogenic lipids, and endpoint atherosclerosis. AIDM was evaluated in an inflammation model, male human C-reactive protein (CRP) transgenic mice, and an atherosclerosis model, female ApoE*3Leiden transgenic mice. Two groups of male human-CRP transgenic mice were fed AIDM [0.567% (wt:wt) powder and 0.933% (wt:wt oil)] or placebo for 6 wk. The effects of AIDM on basal and IL-1β–stimulated CRP expression were investigated. AIDM reduced cytokine-induced human CRP and fibrinogen expression in human-CRP transgenic mice. In the atherosclerosis study, 2 groups of female ApoE*3Leiden transgenic mice were fed an atherogenic diet supplemented with AIDM [0.567% (wt:wt) powder and 0.933% (wt:wt oil)] or placebo for 16 wk. AIDM strongly reduced plasma cholesterol, TG, and serum amyloid A concentrations compared with placebo. Importantly, long-term treatment of ApoE*3Leiden mice with AIDM markedly reduced the development of atherosclerosis by 96% compared with placebo. The effect on atherosclerosis was paralleled by a reduced expression of the vascular inflammation markers and adhesion molecules inter-cellular adhesion molecule-1 and E-selectin. Dietary supplementation of AIDM improves lipid and inflammatory risk factors of CVD and strongly reduces atherosclerotic lesion development in female transgenic mice