89 research outputs found

    The Use of Dry Cupping with Active Movement to Increase Functional Mobility and Decrease Pain in a Patient with Cervical Disc Disorder: A Case Report

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    Background: Cervical disc disorders are very common in today’s population and many physical therapists treat these patients daily with varying interventions, including soft tissue massage, manipulations, stretches and exercises. Another potential intervention is dry cupping, which is a technique that decreases fascial tension under the skin and allows increased blood flow to the area, to promote muscle healing. The purpose of this case study is to describe the successful use of dry cupping with active movement as part of the physical therapy treatment of a patient with cervical disc disorder. Case Description: The patient was a 41 year old female who came to physical therapy via direct access due to prolonged bilateral neck pain that extended down her left ribs to her left hip. She also had a long standing history of C4-C5 radiculopathy. The patient presented with decreased and painful cervical range of motion and strength, as well as cervical and upper thoracic hypomobility. Intervention: The patient was seen 2 times per week for 10 weeks. The final 6 weeks of treatment included one session each week of cupping with active movement. The dry cupping treatment included 4-5 cups on both the left and right trapezius, rhomboids, and supraspinatus muscles depending on palpation of musculature and restrictions in movement each session. The patient then completed several movements with the cups on her skin. Outcome Measures: The outcome measures used were the Upper Extremity Quick-Dash, pain scale, self rated functional improvement, as well as active range of motion measured with goniometry and manual muscle testing. Discussion: This case report supports the use of dry cupping with active movement as an intervention to decrease cervical pain and dysfunction in patients with cervical disc disorders, without adverse side effects

    A treatment programme for improving story-telling ability: a case study

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    The purpose of the present investigation was to measure the effects of a treatment programme on the story-telling ability of a second-grade language/learning-disabled male. Treatment was conducted twice a week for a period of 12 weeks. Results revealed an improvement in both the length and complexity of the subject's oral stories. These results are discussed relative to the role of language treatment on academic success.Yeshttps://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/manuscript-submission-guideline

    Does faith move stock markets? Evidence from Saudi Arabia

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    This paper investigates the effects of religious beliefs on stock prices. Our findings support the viewpoint that the religious tenets have important bearing on portfolio choices of investors. It is found that Shariah-compliant stocks have higher return and volatility than their non-Shariah compliant counterparts

    Computer Crime and Insurance

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    L’usage des ordinateurs pose de sérieux problèmes de contrôle. Des sommes considérables peuvent être en jeu et faire l’objet de vol pur et simple, de détournements, de pertes prenant des formes diverses : brouillage des données, usage illicite des secrets de fabrication ou de commercialisation. À ces risques nouveaux, l’assurance apporte certaines solutions. L’auteur étudie le cas de deux polices émises, l’une par Lloyd’s et l’autre par Aetna Casualty and Surety. Les deux garanties ont trait aux affaires traitées par les banques et autres institutions financières. Elles se limitent au vol sous diverses formes et comportent certaines exclusions qu’il faut connaître

    Evropská škola v Bruselu

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    V závěrečné práci se budu věnovat popisu fungování Evropské školy v Bruselu. Smyslem této práce bude přiblížit historické souvislosti vedoucí k založení evropských škol, k jakému účelu byly zakládány a k jakému účelu slouží dnes. V práci se taktéž budu věnovat popisu výkonu své učitelské profese na konkrétní evropské škole. Struktura školy, členění školy na 1. a 2. stupeň, počet sekcí atd. Tato práce bude mít za cíl přiblížit fungování evropské školy v rámci vzdělávání českých dětí žijících v zahraničí s poukázáním na jednotlivé odlišnosti ve výuce a ve využívání různých způsobů ve vzdělávacím procesu

    Financial statements - selected problems of measurement

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    The aim of the bachelor thesis is to introduce methodology of measuring of selected assets in Czech republic and according to IAS/IFRS with comparison of both systems. In the first two parts of thesis are defined financial statements in both systems, their known types, basic principles entities must comply with in annual financial reporting and processes that assure their compliance. In the main part are explained measuring principles at particular types of assets including the comparison between Czech republic and IAS/IFRS. The last part deals with differences in financial statements from the view of two most imporatant statements, balance sheet and income statement

    New, environmentally friendly technologies of thermal insulation for power industry

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    Opracowano nowe ognioodporne materiały termoizolacyjne wielokrotnego użycia, służące do izolacji cieplnej turbin i rurociągów pary przegrzanej w energetyce zawodowej. Wyroby te pozwalają zmienić technologię izolowania turbin i rurociągów pary przegrzanej, a w efekcie obniżyć koszty remontów, zdecydowanie poprawić warunki pracy ekip remontowych oraz wyeliminować problem powstawania, stwarzających duże zagrożenie ekologiczne, odpadów włóknistych.New, fireproof insulation materials of the repeated use for thermal insulation of power station turbines and superheated steam pipelines were developed. This products allow to change the technology of turbines and superheated steam pipelines insulations and consequently to lower costs of repairs, improvement of repair teams working conditions and elimination the problem of generation of dangerous fibrous waste materials