6 research outputs found

    Systemic Phaeohyphomycosis in a Dog Caused by Cladophialophora bantiana

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    Background: Cladophialophora bantiana is a dematiaceous fungus that causes phaeohyphomycosis, a generic term used to describe a variety of unusual mycoses caused by fungi that have melanin in their cell wall. C. bantiana targets the central nervous system, commonly causing localized brain infections that may result in disseminated infections. In Brazil, minimal phaeohyphomycosis data are available, and information about C. bantiana infections in animals, especially canines, is scarce. Thus, the aim of this study was to describe the clinical and pathological aspects of systemic phaeohyphomycosis caused by C. bantiana in a dog.Case: A 1-year-old female Pit Bull presented with weight loss, reduced appetite, and a history of cutaneous lesions on the right thoracic limb; however, clinical evolution was not reported. The dog had reportedly given birth recently. Physical examination revealed thinness, pale ocular and oral mucosa, submandibular lymph nodes, and enlarged popliteal lymph nodes. The animal died after convulsive crises during hospitalization. At necropsy, white-yellowish multifocal nodules were observed in the liver and right kidney. The brain featured left cerebral hemisphere asymmetry with blood vessel congestion in the leptomeninges and an irregular brownish focal area on the surface of the right occipital cortex. Cross-sections of the formalin-fixed brain exhibited compression of the left lateral ventricle and the presence of grayish and friable multifocal areas in the gray matter of the left parietal and right occipital cortices. Fragments of the lesions were collected for histopathological and microbiological examination. Histologically, the lesions were similar, characterized by hepatitis, nephritis, and granulomatous and necrotizing meningoencephalitis, multifocal to coalescing, accentuated, chronic, and associated with numerous pigmented fungi. Fontana-Masson–stained fungi exhibited a strong black color. In cleared and unstained histological slides, brownish pigmentation was observed in the cytoplasm and walls of the fungi. C. bantiana was identified via microbiological cultivation.Discussion: A diagnosis of phaeohyphomycosis caused by C. bantiana was made based on the characteristic morphology of the microscopic lesions and confirmed via isolation in microbiological culture. As numerous species cause phaeohyphomycosis, specific confirmation of the etiologic agent using several diagnostic techniques is necessary. In histopathological examinations, pigmented fungal organisms are easily seen among lesions. However, in some cases, the pigment is not apparent in the tissues. FM staining is necessary to demonstrate the presence of the melanin in fungi. As in most phaeohyphomycosis cases, it was not possible to determine the primary portal of entry. However, the lesion on the right thoracic limb probably favored the penetration of the agent. In addition to cerebral lesions, severe lesions in the hepatic and renal parenchyma were observed, which are characteristic of systemic mycosis. Infection and clinical diseases are usually associated with immunocompromised; here, the gestation period may have had an immunosuppressive effect, favoring the proliferation and dissemination of the agent. It was concluded that phaeohyphomycosis caused by C. bantiana produced severe systemic lesions in the brain and organs of the abdominal cavity. Although uncommon, phaeohyphomycosis caused by Cladophialophora bantiana should be included as a differential diagnosis for other canine diseases that present with similar clinical symptoms.Keywords: canine, fungal diseases, dematiaceous fungi, Cladosporium trichoides, Xylohypha bantiana, melanin, Fontana-Masso


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    Cutaneous habronemosis is a pathology that affects several species of animals, including horses. It is caused by the nematodes of the genus Habronema spp. and Draschia megastoma, where the adult worms of these species release eggs in the feces of horses, since these turn into larvae and are ingested by the flies of the species Stomoxys calcitranse and Musca Doméstica. These contaminated flies deposit their larvae in open wounds or humid regions, presenting a predilection for the eyes and lips. The presumptive diagnosis is given by the history of lesions that are difficult to heal, which is confirmed by histopathological examination or even scraping of the lesion. Despite the higher frequency of conventional treatments, healing has a long period and there is a possibility of parasitic resistance and relapses. Therefore, some professionals opt for new therapies and new drugs, in order to have a better result and not develop resistance to certain drugs. In view of this, this article aims to present a brief study bringing several therapeutic ways to treat cutaneous habronemosis.A habronemose cutânea é uma patologia que acomete diversas espécies de animais, entre elas os equinos. É causada pelos nematódeos do gênero Habronema spp. e Draschia megastoma, onde os vermes adultos dessas espécies liberam ovos nas fezes dos equinos, uma vez que esses se transformam em larvas e são ingeridos pelas moscas da espécie Stomoxys calcitranse e Musca Doméstica. Essas moscas contaminadas, depositam suas larvas em feridas abertas ou regiões úmidas, apresentando predileção pelos olhos e lábios. O diagnóstico presuntivo se dar pelo histórico de lesões de difícil cicatrização, o qual é confirmado através do exame histopatológico ou até raspado da lesão. Apesar da maior frequência dos tratamentos convencionais, a cicatrização tem um período demorado e há possibilidade de resistência parasitária e recidivas. Logo, alguns profissionais optam por novas terapias e novos fármacos, afim de ter um melhor resultado e não desenvolver resistência a certos fármacos. Diante disso, o presente artigo tem o objetivo de apresentar um breve estudo trazendo diversas formas terapêuticas para tratar a habronemose cutânea.&nbsp


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    A insuficiência renal crônica (IRC) consiste em uma lesão irreversível e que ocorre de forma progressiva. Dessa forma, visto como um tratamento duradouro, a hemodiálise (HD) assume um papel importante e eficaz. Objetivou-se analisar o nível de qualidade de vida de pacientes portadores renais crônicos submetidos à hemodiálise. Foi realizada Revisão Integrativa da Literatura, realizada a partir de buscas na Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde. Inicialmente, foram encontrados 535 artigos e após a utilização dos critérios de inclusão e exclusão, se restringiram em 16 publicações selecionadas em definitivo. Foi constatado nesta abordagem que o nível de qualidade de vida de pacientes portadores renais crônicos submetidos à hemodiálise, em geral, foi insatisfatório (93,75%). A Hemodiálise conduz a melhoria na qualidade de vida em longo prazo, mas, não tem conseguido garantir um bom nível de qualidade de vida entre os pacientes hemodialíticos. Então, necessita-se de intervenções que minimizem os efeitos negativos da terapêutica.

    Experimental poisoning by Callaeum psilophyllum in rabbits and goats<br>Intoxicação experimental por Callaeum psilophyllum em coelhos e caprinos

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    Callaeum (Mascagnia) psilophyllum is found in the same regions than Amorimia (Mascagnia) rigida, a sodium monofluoroacetate containing plant that cause sudden death associated with exercise in ruminants. With the objective to determine the toxicity of C. psilophyllum, leaves of the plant were administered to rabbits and goats. In rabbits doses of 6-12 g.kg-1 body weight caused tachycardia, dyspnea, and mydriasis. One rabbit, that ingested 10 g/kg, showed clinical signs similar to those caused by A. rigida in rabbits. Four goats showed diarrhea after the ingestion of green or dry leaves of the plant. Three died and one recovered. The results in rabbits suggest that C. psilophyllum contains fluoroacetate. However, clinical signs in goats suggest that C. psilophyllum contains another substance responsible for the digestive signs. <p><p>Callaeum (Mascagnia) psilophyllum é encontrada nas mesmas regiões que Amorimia (Mascagnia) rigida, uma planta que contêm monofluoroacetato de sódio e causa morte súbita associada ao exercício em ruminantes. Com o objetivo de determinar a toxicidade de C. psilophyllum, folhas desta planta foram administradas a coelhos e caprinos. Em coelhos, doses de 6-12 g.kg-1 de peso corporal causaram taquicardia, dispneia e midríase. Um coelho, que ingeriu 10 g.kg-1, apresentou sinais clínicos semelhantes aos causados por A. rigida em coelhos. Em caprinos, quatro animais apresentaram diarreia após a ingestão de folhas verdes ou secas da planta. Três caprinos morreram e um se recuperou. Os resultados em coelhos sugerem que C. psilophyllum contêm fluoroacetato. No entanto, os sinais clínicos em caprinos sugerem que C. psilophyllum contêm outra substância responsável pelos sinais digestivos

    Acute and sub-chronic toxicity study of the extract and powder of Operculina macrocarpa (L.) Urb. in mice

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the experimental acute and sub-chronic toxicities of Operculina macrocarpa with plant extract and powder, respectively, in male and female mice. Phytochemical prospection was performed with extract and administration in single doses by intraperitoneal route to six groups and control at 1230, 970, 700, 350, 120 and 30 mg/kg doses and distilled water (0.1 ml/10 g), respectively. Sub-chronic doses of 1230, 700, 30 mg/kg/day and satellite (1230 mg/kg/day) were administered orally in feed. Major endpoints included alterations in the central and autonomic nervous system, water and food intake, body weight, hematological and biochemical parameters. Phytochemical screening identified compounds: Alkaloids, flavonoids, xanthones, leucoanthocyanidins and tannins condensate. In the acute study, mortality was observed with toxicity signs to the central nervous system (CNS) at LD50 of 270 mg/kg. There were no significant changes in water and food intake, body weight,  haematological and biochemical parameters, and histopathological examination in the subchronic study (p value). Results indicate that the oral administration of O. macrocarpa powder in feed is less toxic and relatively safer.Key words: Mice, Operculina macrocarpa, hematological parameters, toxicity

    Systemic Phaeohyphomycosis in a Dog Caused by Cladophialophora bantiana

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    Background: Cladophialophora bantiana is a dematiaceous fungus that causes phaeohyphomycosis, a generic term used to describe a variety of unusual mycoses caused by fungi that have melanin in their cell wall. C. bantiana targets the central nervous system, commonly causing localized brain infections that may result in disseminated infections. In Brazil, minimal phaeohyphomycosis data are available, and information about C. bantiana infections in animals, especially canines, is scarce. Thus, the aim of this study was to describe the clinical and pathological aspects of systemic phaeohyphomycosis caused by C. bantiana in a dog.Case: A 1-year-old female Pit Bull presented with weight loss, reduced appetite, and a history of cutaneous lesions on the right thoracic limb; however, clinical evolution was not reported. The dog had reportedly given birth recently. Physical examination revealed thinness, pale ocular and oral mucosa, submandibular lymph nodes, and enlarged popliteal lymph nodes. The animal died after convulsive crises during hospitalization. At necropsy, white-yellowish multifocal nodules were observed in the liver and right kidney. The brain featured left cerebral hemisphere asymmetry with blood vessel congestion in the leptomeninges and an irregular brownish focal area on the surface of the right occipital cortex. Cross-sections of the formalin-fixed brain exhibited compression of the left lateral ventricle and the presence of grayish and friable multifocal areas in the gray matter of the left parietal and right occipital cortices. Fragments of the lesions were collected for histopathological and microbiological examination. Histologically, the lesions were similar, characterized by hepatitis, nephritis, and granulomatous and necrotizing meningoencephalitis, multifocal to coalescing, accentuated, chronic, and associated with numerous pigmented fungi. Fontana-Masson–stained fungi exhibited a strong black color. In cleared and unstained histological slides, brownish pigmentation was observed in the cytoplasm and walls of the fungi. C. bantiana was identified via microbiological cultivation.Discussion: A diagnosis of phaeohyphomycosis caused by C. bantiana was made based on the characteristic morphology of the microscopic lesions and confirmed via isolation in microbiological culture. As numerous species cause phaeohyphomycosis, specific confirmation of the etiologic agent using several diagnostic techniques is necessary. In histopathological examinations, pigmented fungal organisms are easily seen among lesions. However, in some cases, the pigment is not apparent in the tissues. FM staining is necessary to demonstrate the presence of the melanin in fungi. As in most phaeohyphomycosis cases, it was not possible to determine the primary portal of entry. However, the lesion on the right thoracic limb probably favored the penetration of the agent. In addition to cerebral lesions, severe lesions in the hepatic and renal parenchyma were observed, which are characteristic of systemic mycosis. Infection and clinical diseases are usually associated with immunocompromised; here, the gestation period may have had an immunosuppressive effect, favoring the proliferation and dissemination of the agent. It was concluded that phaeohyphomycosis caused by C. bantiana produced severe systemic lesions in the brain and organs of the abdominal cavity. Although uncommon, phaeohyphomycosis caused by Cladophialophora bantiana should be included as a differential diagnosis for other canine diseases that present with similar clinical symptoms.Keywords: canine, fungal diseases, dematiaceous fungi, Cladosporium trichoides, Xylohypha bantiana, melanin, Fontana-Masso