59 research outputs found

    Expression of PIK3CA mutant E545K in the mammary gland induces heterogeneous tumors but is less potent than mutant H1047R.

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    The phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K) signaling cascade is a key mediator of cellular growth, survival and metabolism and is frequently subverted in human cancer. The gene encoding for the alpha catalytic subunit of PI3K (PIK3CA) is mutated and/or amplified in ∼30% of breast cancers. Mutations in either the kinase domain (H1047R) or the helical domain (E545K) are most common and result in a constitutively active enzyme with oncogenic capacity. PIK3CA(H1047R) was previously demonstrated to induce tumors in transgenic mouse models; however, it was not known whether overexpression of PIK3CA(E545K) is sufficient to induce mammary tumors and whether tumor initiation by these two types of mutants differs. Here, we demonstrate that expression of PIK3CA(E545K) in the mouse mammary gland induces heterogenous mammary carcinomas but with a longer latency than PIK3CA(H1047R)-expressing mice. Our results suggest that the helical domain mutant PIK3CA(E545K) is a less potent inducer of mammary tumors due to less efficient activation of downstream Akt signaling

    Defining the cellular precursors to human breast cancer

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    Human breast cancers are broadly classified based on their gene-expression profiles into luminal- and basal-type tumors. These two major tumor subtypes express markers corresponding to the major differentiation states of epithelial cells in the breast: luminal (EpCAM+) and basal/myoepithelial (CD10+). However, there are also rare types of breast cancers, such as metaplastic carcinomas, where tumor cells exhibit features of alternate cell types that no longer resemble breast epithelium. Until now, it has been difficult to identify the cell type(s) in the human breast that gives rise to these various forms of breast cancer. Here we report that transformation of EpCAM+ epithelial cells results in the formation of common forms of human breast cancer, including estrogen receptor-positive and estrogen receptor-negative tumors with luminal and basal-like characteristics, respectively, whereas transformation of CD10+ cells results in the development of rare metaplastic tumors reminiscent of the claudin-low subtype. We also demonstrate the existence of CD10+ breast cells with metaplastic traits that can give rise to skin and epidermal tissues. Furthermore, we show that the development of metaplastic breast cancer is attributable, in part, to the transformation of these metaplastic breast epithelial cells. These findings identify normal cellular precursors to human breast cancers and reveal the existence of a population of cells with epidermal progenitor activity within adult human breast tissues

    A Putative P-Type ATPase Required for Virulence and Resistance to Haem Toxicity in Listeria monocytogenes

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    Regulation of iron homeostasis in many pathogens is principally mediated by the ferric uptake regulator, Fur. Since acquisition of iron from the host is essential for the intracellular pathogen Listeria monocytogenes, we predicted the existence of Fur-regulated systems that support infection. We examined the contribution of nine Fur-regulated loci to the pathogenicity of L. monocytogenes in a murine model of infection. While mutating the majority of the genes failed to affect virulence, three mutants exhibited a significantly compromised virulence potential. Most striking was the role of the membrane protein we designate FrvA (Fur regulated virulence factor A; encoded by frvA [lmo0641]), which is absolutely required for the systemic phase of infection in mice and also for virulence in an alternative infection model, the Wax Moth Galleria mellonella. Further analysis of the ΔfrvA mutant revealed poor growth in iron deficient media and inhibition of growth by micromolar concentrations of haem or haemoglobin, a phenotype which may contribute to the attenuated growth of this mutant during infection. Uptake studies indicated that the ΔfrvA mutant is unaffected in the uptake of ferric citrate but demonstrates a significant increase in uptake of haem and haemin. The data suggest a potential role for FrvA as a haem exporter that functions, at least in part, to protect the cell against the potential toxicity of free haem

    Role of catecholate siderophores in gram-negative bacterial colonization of the mouse gut

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    We investigated the importance of the production of catecholate siderophores, and the utilization of their iron (III) complexes, to colonization of the mouse intestinal tract by Escherichia coli. First, a ΔtonB strain was completely unable to colonize mice. Next, we compared wild type E. coli MG1655 to its derivatives carrying site-directed mutations of genes for enterobactin synthesis (ΔentA::Cm; strain CAT0), ferric catecholate transport (Δfiu, ΔfepA, Δcir, ΔfecA::Cm; CAT4), or both (Δfiu, ΔfepA, ΔfecA, Δcir, ΔentA::Cm; CAT40) during colonization of the mouse gut. Competitions between wild type and mutant strains over a 2-week period in vivo showed impairment of all the genetically engineered bacteria relative to MG1655. CAT0, CAT4 and CAT40 colonized mice 10[superscript 1]-, 10[superscript 5]-, and 10[superscript 2]-fold less efficiently, respectively, than MG1655. Unexpectedly, the additional inability of CAT40 to synthesize enterobactin resulted in a 1000-fold better colonization efficiency relative to CAT4. Analyses of gut mucus showed that CAT4 hyperexcreted enterobactin in vivo, effectively rendering the catecholate transport-deficient strain iron-starved. The results demonstrate that, contrary to prior reports, iron acquisition via catecholate siderophores plays a fundamental role in bacterial colonization of the murine intestinal tract

    A Tumorigenic Actin Mutant Alters Fibroblast Morphology and Multicellular Assembly Properties

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    Tumor initiation and progression are accompanied by complex changes in the cytoarchitecture that at the cellular level involve remodeling of the cytoskeleton. We report on the impact of a mutant -actin (G245D-actin) on cell structure and multicellular assembly properties. To appreciate the effects of the Gly245Asp substitution on the organization of the actin cytoskeleton, we examined the polymerization properties of G245D-actin in vitro by pyrene polymerization assays and total internal reflection fluorescence microscopy (TIRF). The mutant actin on its own has a significantly reduced polymerization efficiency compared to native actin but also modifies the polymerization of actin in copolymerization experiments. Comparison of the structure of Rat-2 fibroblasts and a stably transfected derivate called Rat-2-sm9 revealed the effects of G245D-actin in a cellular environment. The overall actin levels in Rat-2-sm9 show a 1.6-fold increase with similar amounts of mutant and wild-type actin. G245D-actin expression renders Rat-2-sm9 cells highly tumorigenic in nude mice. In Rat-2-sm9 monolayers, G245D-actin triggers the formation of extensive membrane ruffles, which is a characteristic feature of many transformed cells. To approximate complex cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions that occur in tumors and might modulate the effects of G245D-actin, we extended our studies to scaffold-free 3D spheroid cultures. Bright field and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) show that Rat-2-sm9 and Rat-2 cells share essential features of spheroid formation and compaction. However, the resulting spheroids exhibit distinct phenotypes that differ mainly in surface structure and size. The systematic comparison of transformed and normal spheroids by SEM provides new insights into scaffold-free fibroblast spheroid formation. (c) 2013 Wiley Periodicals, In

    Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B restrains mammary alveologenesis and secretory differentiation

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    Tyrosine phosphorylation plays a fundamental role in mammary gland development. However, the role of specific tyrosine phosphatases in controlling mammary cell fate remains ill defined. We have identified protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) as an essential regulator of alveologenesis and lactogenesis. PTP1B depletion increased the number of luminal mammary progenitors in nulliparous mice, leading to enhanced alveoli formation upon pregnancy. Mechanistically, Ptp1b deletion enhanced the expression of progesterone receptor and phosphorylation of Stat5, two key regulators of alveologenesis. Furthermore, glands from Ptp1b knockout mice exhibited increased expression of milk proteins during pregnancy due to enhanced Stat5 activation. These findings reveal that PTP1B constrains the number of mammary progenitors and thus prevents inappropriate onset of alveologenesis in early pregnancy. Moreover, PTP1B restrains the expression of milk proteins during pregnancy and thus prevents premature lactogenesis. Our work has implications for breast tumorigenesis because Ptp1b deletion has been shown to prevent or delay the onset of mammary tumors
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