47 research outputs found

    O Serviço Social e a defesa intransigente dos direitos humanos

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    RESUMOO Serviço Social compreende que a construção dos direitos humanos se estabelece no processo sócio histórico. Esse artigo propõe de maneira sucinta apresentar a perspectiva crítica dos direitos humanos a partir da atuação profissional dos/as assistentes sociais. Entendendo que por meio do Projeto Ético Político se estabelece a direção de luta pela liberdade, equidade, democracia e justiça social, elementos necessários para a materialização dos direitos humanos. Sabe-se que esse processo se estabelece em um campo de disputas antagônicas em meio a sociedade capitalista. Assim, para fundamentar o tema foi realizada a comparação dos princípios existentes na Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos de 1948 e os que estão presentes no Código de Ética dos/as assistentes sociais de 1993. O artigo foi elaborado a partir de pesquisa bibliográfica e as suas principais considerações resultam na direção de que o Serviço Social tomou e como se constituiu em uma profissão de defesa intransigente dos direitos humanos. Palavras-chave: Serviço Social. Direitos Humanos. Atuação Profissional.  ABSTRACTSocial Work understands the construction of human rights establishes itself in the historical social process. The following paper proposes, briefly, to present the human rights critic perspective through the analysis of social workers performance. It assumes that through the Ethical Political Project there is the establishment of the basis for freedom, equity, democracy and social justice, which are the main elements to solidify human rights. It is known that such process is affected by antagonistic disputes within capitalist society. Thus, to found the topic there is a comparison of the principles in the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights to the ones in the 1993 social workers Ethic Code. The following paper was framed from a bibliographical research and its main considerations are based on the structure Social Work has followed and how it became a human rights uncompromising profession.          Keywords: Social Work. Human Rights. Professional Performance


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    O presente artigo apresenta a definição de democracia em Bobbio, elenca suas principais características. Realiza-se uma análise comparativa entre o ideal, e o real democrático. A pesquisa teve caráter bibliográfico, e foi realizada por meio da literatura política. O objetivo do presente trabalho é problematizar a concepção Bobbiana de democracia, comparando-a com outras perspectivas teóricas, e problematizando a expansão de um modelo europeu de “democracia modelo” (“Democracia internacional”) que desconsidera as pluralidades culturais, e suas particularidades, consequentemente reconduzindo o processo de colonização. Busca-se, portanto, elencar os desafios da democracia representativa, suas principais dificuldades de efetivação dos direitos humanos, e contestar discursos de inclusão abstratos, que defendem a universalidade dos direitos humanos, porém, que não percebem, ou ignoram o caráter evolucionista, eurocêntrico de sua essência. Desta forma se tomará como base alguns autores da Teoria Critica dos Direitos Humanos: (GALLARDO,2014), (QUIJANO,2005), (RUBIO,2015), (SANTOS, 1997), (BRAGATO,2014), (RUIZ, 2014), suas perspectivas teóricas, entre outros, para esta análise, sem qualquer pretensão de esgotamento epistemológico do vasto e multifacetado tema.Palavras-chave: Direitos Humanos. Democracia. Bobbio

    Análise da Prática do Estágio em Serviço Social

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    RESUMO O estágio consiste no processo de ensino-aprendizagem dos (as) futuros (as) profissionais. Esse artigo propõe de maneira sucinta apresentar uma análise da organização do estágio em Serviço Social. Compreendendo que esse é um processo que está sempre em construção.  Sabe-se que mesmo com as diretrizes curriculares e resoluções da ABEPSS há muito que avançar no processo de teoria e prática referente aos estágios em Serviço Social. Desse modo, se faz necessário dar visibilidade ao tema a fim de que seja evidenciada a importância do processo que define e direciona o futuro da categoria profissional. O artigo foi elaborado a partir de pesquisa bibliográfica e da experiência dos autores enquanto estagiários e suas principais considerações resultam na direção de que a prática de estágio deve fortalecer o Projeto Ético Político do Serviço Social. Palavras-chave: Serviço Social, Estágio, Ensino-aprendizagem. ABSTRACTInternship consists of the teaching-learning process of future professionals. This paper proposes a brief way to present an analysis of how Social Work programs are organized. Considering it is a permanent ongoing process. It is known that even with the curricular guidelines and resolutions of ABEPSS, there is a lot to do when it comes to Social Work internship theory and practice. Thus, it is necessary to give visibility to the theme in order to highlight the importance of this process that defines and drives the future of such professional. The paper was written by using a bibliographic research and the experience of the authors while interns and their main considerations show that internships should strengthen the Ethical Political Project of Social Work. Keywords: Social Work, Internship, Teaching and learning

    Defining Natural History: Assessment of the Ability of College Students to Aid in Characterizing Clinical Progression of Niemann-Pick Disease, Type C

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    Niemann-Pick Disease, type C (NPC) is a fatal, neurodegenerative, lysosomal storage disorder. It is a rare disease with broad phenotypic spectrum and variable age of onset. These issues make it difficult to develop a universally accepted clinical outcome measure to assess urgently needed therapies. To this end, clinical investigators have defined emerging, disease severity scales. The average time from initial symptom to diagnosis is approximately 4 years. Further, some patients may not travel to specialized clinical centers even after diagnosis. We were therefore interested in investigating whether appropriately trained, community-based assessment of patient records could assist in defining disease progression using clinical severity scores. In this study we evolved a secure, step wise process to show that pre-existing medical records may be correctly assessed by non-clinical practitioners trained to quantify disease progression. Sixty-four undergraduate students at the University of Notre Dame were expertly trained in clinical disease assessment and recognition of major and minor symptoms of NPC. Seven clinical records, randomly selected from a total of thirty seven used to establish a leading clinical severity scale, were correctly assessed to show expected characteristics of linear disease progression. Student assessment of two new records donated by NPC families to our study also revealed linear progression of disease, but both showed accelerated disease progression, relative to the current severity scale, especially at the later stages. Together, these data suggest that college students may be trained in assessment of patient records, and thus provide insight into the natural history of a disease

    Measurements of precipitation particles in warm cumuli over Southeast Texas

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    The SS: The End Result

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    Estimating the Long-Term Hydrological Budget over Heterogeneous Surfaces

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    Estimates of the hydrological budget in the Walnut River Watershed (WRW; 5000 km2) of southern Kansas were made with a parameterized subgrid-scale surface (PASS) model for the period 1996–2002. With its subgrid-scale distribution scheme, the PASS model couples surface meteorological observations with satellite remote sensing data to update root-zone available moisture and to simulate surface evapotranspiration rates at high resolution over extended areas. The PASS model is observationally driven, making use of extensive parameterizations of surface properties and processes. Heterogeneities in surface conditions are spatially resolved to an extent determined primarily by the satellite data pixel size. The purpose of modeling the spatial and interannual variability of water budget components at the regional scale is to evaluate the PASS model’s ability to bridge a large grid cell of a climate model with its subgrid-scale variation. Modeled results indicate that annual total evapotranspiration at the WRW is about 66%–88% of annual precipitation—reasonable values for southeastern Kansas—and that it varies spatially and temporally. Seasonal distribution of precipitation plays an important role in evapotranspiration estimates. Comparison of modeled runoff with stream gauge measurements demonstrated close agreement and verified the accuracy of modeled evapotranspiration at the regional scale. In situ measurements of energy fluxes compare favorably with the modeled values for corresponding grid cells, and measured surface soil moisture corresponds with modeled root-zone available moisture in terms of temporal variability despite very heterogeneous surface conditions. With its ability to couple remote sensing data with surface meteorology data and its computational efficiency, PASS is easily used for modeling surface hydrological components over an extended region and in real time. Thus, it can fill a gap in evaluations of climate model output using limited field observations

    Pessoa com deficiência entre o modelo biomédico e o modelo biopsicossocial: concepções em disputa (Person with disabilities between the biomedical model and the biopsychosocial model: conceptions in dispute)

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    This article discusses concepts in dispute about people with disabilities, based on an analysis of the biomedical and biopsychosocial model. It is about discussing conceptions that directly affect public policies for this segment. Understanding that public policies are the result of disputes of economic interests, social forces and governmental actions. Thus, it is in this scenario that it seeks to ensure the defense of access to public policies for people with disabilities. The essay aims to analyze the biopsychosocial model of the Brazilian law of inclusion of 2015, in the context of dispute with the biomedical model, taking into account the categories: barriers, impediments, participation and equal conditions. The debated problem is presented in the investigation of the applicability of the biopsychosocial model in public policies aimed at people with disabilities. The article was elaborated with the dialectical critical method, based on a bibliographic research and its main considerations result in the defense of the biopsychosocial model of public policies that ensure the human dignity of people with disabilities Recognizing them as social subjects of rights.O artigo aborda conceitos em disputa sobre pessoa com deficiência, a partir de uma análise entre o modelo biomédico e biopsicossocial. Trata-se de discutir concepções que incidem diretamente nas políticas públicas para esse segmento. Entendendo que as políticas públicas são resultado das disputas de interesses econômicos, das forças sociais e das ações governamentais. Sendo assim, é neste cenário que se busca garantir a defesa do acesso as políticas públicas para as pessoas com deficiência. O ensaio tem o objetivo de analisar o modelo biopsicossocial da Lei Brasileira de Inclusão de 2015, no contexto de disputa com o modelo biomédico, levando em consideração as categorias: barreiras, impedimentos, participação e a igualdade de condições. A problemática debatida se apresenta na investigação da aplicabilidade do modelo biopsicossocial nas políticas públicas destinadas as pessoas com deficiência. O artigo foi elaborado com o método crítico dialético, a partir de uma pesquisa bibliográfica e as suas principais considerações resultam na defesa do modelo biopsicossocial das políticas públicas que assegurem a dignidade humana das pessoas com deficiência reconhecendo-as como sujeitos sociais de direitos