145 research outputs found

    Better health and ambient assisted living (AAL) from a global, regional and local economic perspective

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    Assisting technologies aim to provide more support in the meeting of one's daily needs and the preservation of one's autonomy and quality of life. Continual developments in medicine, medical equipment, nursing and medical care are assumed to lead to new types of care being created. A high degree of social and economic relevance has been attributed to assisting technologies, as well as information and communication systems, by scientists and politicians alike, particularly in connection with the development, promotion and organization of so-called senior-friendly environments and with ambient assisted living (AAL). Here the focus is especially upon the aged of the future, their specific demands and resources, which these technologies should be able to serve while adhering to their individual requirements. These new technologies can also be extremely relevant to people surrounding the elderly. They can make a considerable difference to the way in which people are able to live together for example by assisting the nursing care provided by close relatives and they may represent new opportunities to the providers of outpatient and inpatient nursing and medical care. -- Assistierende Technologien sollen der besseren Unterstützung bei der Deckung von Bedürfnissen des täglichen Lebens und zur Erhaltung von Selbständigkeit und Lebensqualität dienen. Es ist davon auszugehen, dass durch die kontinuierliche Entwicklung in der Medizin, der Medizintechnik sowie assistierender Technologien in der medizinischen und pflegerischen Versorgung neue Versorgungsmöglichkeiten geschaffen werden. Insbesondere im Zusammenhang mit der Entwicklung, der Förderung und der Ausgestaltung sogenannter altersgerechter Lebenswelten bzw. eines ambient assisted living (AAL) wird den unterstützenden Technologien und Informations- und Kommunikationstechniken von wissenschaftlicher und politischer Seite eine hohe gesellschaftliche und wirtschaftliche Relevanz zugewiesen. Im Fokus stehen dabei vor allem die zukünftigen Älteren und ihre spezifischen Bedarfe und Ressourcen, die diese Technologien ihren individuellen Bedürfnissen entsprechend nutzen können sollen. Derartige Techniken können aber auch für Personen aus dem sozialen Umfeld der Älteren von hoher Relevanz sein. So können diese die Gestaltung des Zusammenlebens erheblich ändern - beispielsweise durch die Unterstützung bei der pflegerischen Versorgung durch Angehörige - und beispielsweise den Anbietern im Bereich der gesundheitlichen und pflegerischen ambulanten und stationären Versorgung neue Möglichkeiten der Versorgung bieten.

    Changes in Physical Fitness during the COVID-19 Pandemic in German Children

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    With the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in December 2019, each country has developed strategies to try to control the virus. The restrictions and subsequent consequences also limited the possibilities and structures for being physically active. Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine changes in physical fitness in a cohort that was investigated over an extended period. Physical fitness testing was conducted with the IPPTP-R in a primary school from a small rural community annually since 2012. Mean values of test items were calculated for each cohort. We conducted an ANCOVA to examine the differences between cohorts PreCOVID and 2020 as the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic, and between PreCOVID and 2021 as the second year of the COVID-19 pandemic. Overall, no evidence for a negative effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on physical fitness in children between the ages of 7 and 9 years was found. In strength tests, performances increased when comparing the PreCOVID cohort and COVID-19 cohorts (Push-Ups: p < 0.001, ηp_{p}2^{2} = 0.032; p = 0.017, ηp_{p}2^{2} = 0.006). No evidence for a change was found for endurance (6-min Run: p = 0.341, ηp_{p}2^{2} = 0.001; p = 0.267, ηp_{p}2^{2} = 0.001. The rural community maintained physical fitness despite restrictions and limitations through the environmental circumstances. Considering this, it is a positive example of how adequate long-term efforts promoting physical fitness make an impact and an active friendly environment helps to overcome COVID-19 pandemics limiting the structures for being physically active

    The Fitness Barometer: A Best Practice Example for Monitoring Motor Performance With Pooled Data Collected From Practitioners

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    Introduction: Motor Performance (MP) in children is an important resource for their future active lifestyle and health. Monitoring of MP is crucial to derive information of trends and to implement specific programs on the base of current MP levels. A variety of MP assessment tools exist, making it difficult to determine a “gold-standard” for assessment and to compare the findings. In Germany, the German Motor Test 6–18 (GMT 6–18) and Kinderturntest Plus 3–10 (KITT+ 3–10) are widely used MP assessment tools. The aim of this paper is to show which key questions can be answered within the context of a best practice example of a MP assessment tool and what can be derived from this for a practical application (the Fitness Barometer). Methods: The raw data of the Fitness Barometer was collected with the MP assessment tools GMT 6–18 and KITT+ 3–10 from 2012 through 2020. Data was pooled anonymously with the e-Research infrastructure MO|REdata and categorized into percentiles for MP and BMI. Overall, we included data of 23,864 children for the statistical analyses. T-tests for independent samples, percentage frequency analysis, descriptive statistics (chi- square-test) and single analysis of variance were conducted. Results and Discussion: Children tested reached a mean value of 57.03 (SD = 18.85). Of the sample, 12.7% children were overweight or obese and there is a significant difference between age groups [χ2^{2}(4)_{(4)} = 178.62, p < 0.001, Cramer V = 0.09; n = 23.656]. The relationship between BMI category and mean value of MP was significant [F(4,19,523)_{(4,19,523)}= 224.81, p < 0.001]. During 2020, the year of the COVID-19 pandemic, mean value of endurance and speed decreased [Welch\u27s F(1,573)_{(1,573)}= 8.08, p = 0.005; Welch\u27s F(1,610)_{(1,610)}= 35.92, p < 0.001]. The GMT 6–18 and KITT+ 3–10 are valid, objective, reliable, and economic MP assessment tools for monitoring MP levels and derive added practical value. Specific programs and interventions should focus on the findings of these. The Fitness Barometer is a best practice example how a standardized assessment tool of monitoring MP point to trends on which practical evidence-based suggestions can be derived with many various partners and expertise

    Ausbildung und Mitbestimmung in klein- und mittelständischen Betrieben in Deutschland: Welchen Beitrag leisten Betriebsräte in Ausbildungsfragen?

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    Für die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit des deutschen Wirtschaftssystems sind die Beschäftigten des mittleren Qualifikationssegments von entscheidender Bedeutung. Das duale Berufsbildungssystem trägt mit seiner hohen Ausbildungsqualität in erheblichem Maße zur Deckung des Fachkräftebedarfs bei. Diese Ausbildungsqualität wird durch das Zusammenspiel von Kammern einerseits und von Betriebsräten und Gewerkschaften andererseits gewährleistet. Zur Sicherung der Ausbildungsqualität im Betrieb räumt der Gesetzgeber den Betriebsräten umfangreiche Beteiligungsrechte ein. Anhand von Fallstudien kann gezeigt werden, dass die Interessenvertretungen wie "betriebsinterne Kontrolleure" agieren. Solange die Betriebe gewährleisten, dass die Auszubildenden ihre Ausbildung erfolgreich abschließen können, sehen Betriebsräte keine Veranlassung zu intervenieren. Erst wenn sie die Ausbildung auf institutioneller oder individueller persönlicher Ebene gefährdet sehen, sehen Betriebsräte ggf. eine Notwendigkeit zur Intervention. Eine entsprechende Entscheidung ist vor dem Hintergrund der Interessenvertretung der Gesamtbelegschaft abzuwäge

    Secular Trends in Physical Fitness of Children and Adolescents: A Review of Large-Scale Epidemiological Studies Published after 2006

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    Physical fitness (PF) of children and adolescents is an important resource for their future health. Population-based studies, however, rarely report secular changes of PF, although monitoring of these is crucial to deriving information for adequate interventions. This review aims to report trends in PF of children and adolescents. A literature search was conducted in PubMed in July 2019. Cohort studies published in English allowing statements to be made on trends in PF by comparing youth between the ages of four and 18 years were included. The review identified 24 studies from 16 countries meeting the inclusion criteria, with an overall sample size of more than 860,000 children and adolescents. Through a standardized quality assessment tool, we classified two studies as strong, 21 as moderate, and only one as weak. We analyzed specific secular trends separately for the five different dimensions: endurance, strength, speed, flexibility, and coordination. The majority of studies report a decline of PF over time; however, a few studies report conflicting results. Performance in endurance, strength, and flexibility decreased over time, whereas there was no consistent trend reported for speed and coordination. Overall, there is no international standard on examining and reporting changes or secular trends in PF of children and adolescents, and comparability of studies is limited due to heterogeneous conditions of conducting and analyzing PF tests. Consequently, standardized and consistent international monitoring should be implemented

    Avaliação de fungicidas para o controle da brusone de panícula na cultura do arroz irrigado

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    Chemical control of panicle blast, caused by Pyricularia oryzae, is ineffective in many cases, due to the use of non-recommended products or applied improperly. In order to evaluate fungicides efficiency in the control of panicle blast, two experiments were performed in Itajaí and Garuva counties of Santa Catarina state, during 2008/09 planting season. The fungicides were evaluated as single application, at R3 stage (early heading) and two applications at R2 (late boot) and R4 stage (full heading), in an outflow of 200 L ha-1. It was found that when the incidence of panicle blast (PB) was 37.5%, there was a higher level of disease control in treatments with two applications of fungicides, compared to treatments receiving only one application. On the other hand, when the incidence of PB was 20.6%, no significant differences between treatments with one or two applications of fungicides were verified. Two applications of propiconazol + trifloxystrobin, tebuconazol + trifloxystrobin, the tank mixture tricyclazol + tebuconazol and the tricyclazol followed by tebuconazol + trifloxystrobin, proved to be over 90% effective to control panicle blast. It's not observed significant gains in productivity resulting from the use of fungicides.O controle químico da brusone de panícula, causada pelo fungo Pyricularia oryzae, é em muitos casos ineficaz, em virtude da utilização de produtos não recomendados, aplicados de forma inadequada. Com o objetivo de avaliar a eficiência de fungicidas no controle da brusone de panícula, foram conduzidos dois experimentos na safra 2008/09 nos municípios de Itajaí e Garuva, SC. Os fungicidas foram avaliados em aplicação única, realizada no estádio R3 (início do florescimento) e em duas aplicações, realizadas nos estádios R2 (emborrachamento) e R4 (pleno florescimento), utilizando-se um volume de calda de 200 L ha-1. Verificou-se que, quando a incidência da brusone de panículas (BP) foi de 37,5%, houve um maior nível de controle da doença nos tratamentos que receberam duas aplicações de fungicidas, comparado aos tratamentos que receberam somente uma aplicação. Por outro lado, quando a incidência da BP foi de 20,6%, não foram observadas diferenças entre os tratamentos que receberam uma ou duas aplicações de fungicidas. Os fungicidas propiconazol + trifloxistrobina, tebuconazol + trifloxistrobina e a mistura em tanque triciclazol + tebuconazol em duas aplicações, e a sucessão triciclazol / tebuconazol + trifloxistrobina, proporcionaram acima de 90% de controle da brusone de panícula. Não se observou ganhos significativos de produtividade em decorrência da utilização de fungicidas

    Manejo de caramujos em lavouras de arroz irrigado, em sistema de cultivo pré-germinado

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    A incidência de caramujos no cultivo do arroz irrigado tem sido relatadacomo altamente prejudicial em algumas regiões dos Estados de Santa Catarina e do Rio Grande do Sul, onde se pratica o sistema de cultvo pré-germinado. Nesse sistema de cultivo os caramujos têm à disposição plantas tenras de arroz para se alimentar, em função de o desenvolvimento inicial da lavoura já ocorrer em área inundada

    Ăśberlegungen zur Fortschreibung der Bodenkundlichen Kartieranleitung

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    Der kontinuierliche Zuwachs an bodenkundlichen Wissen spiegelt sich in den verschiedenen Auflagen der Bodenkundlichen Kartieranleitung wider. Seit der 2. Auflage erfuhr die bodenkundliche Kartieranleitung nach jeweils einer guten Dekade eine substantielle Überarbeitung und Neuauflage. Auf diese Weise konnten sowohl die Entwicklung der bodenkundlichen Kenntnissen als auch der technischen Möglichkeiten kontinuierlich in die Bodenkundliche Kartieranleitung einfließen. Dies betrifft ein weites Spektrum unterschiedlicher Themengebiete, das von der Profilbeschreibung mit Parametern über die verschiedenartigen Systematiken, bodenphysikalischen Kennwerte und Methoden bis zur DV-gerechten Verschlüsselung und dem Aufbau von Fachinformationssystemen reicht. Diese Erfordernisse vor Augen erteilte der Direktorenkreis der Staatlichen Geologischen Dienste (SGD) im Herbst 2016 der AG Boden den Auftrag, bis zum Februar 2017 auf Grundlage einiger Festlegungen ein Konzept zur Fortschreibung der Bodenkundlichen Kartieranleitung vorzulegen. Das Konzept sieht eine Gliederung der Kartieranleitung in vier thematische Teile vor, um so zukünftig für die Bearbeitung einzelner Komplexe nicht die vollständige Kartieranleitung novellieren zu müssen. Teil A Grundlagen: Einleitung, Hinweise zur Erstellung von Legenden und Karten, Stichwortverzeichnis, Glossar; Teil B Gelände: Beschreibungsparameter und Schlüssellisten, Horizontkennzeichnung; Teil C Auswertung: Kennwerte, Methoden; Teil D Systematik: Boden- und Substratsystematik, periglaziäre Lagen. Im Rahmen der Erarbeitung erfolgt sowohl ein Abgleich mit den seitens der SGD zusätzlich gesammelten Informationen und Erweiterungen von Schlüssellisten als auch den vorliegenden geowissenschaftlichen Kartieranleitungen, Schlüssel- und Begriffslistenlisten. Bessere Erläuterungen, eine klarere Struktur und übersichtlichere Darstellung sollen eine Verbesserung der Datenqualität unterstützen. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt bildet die Klärung der Rahmenbedingungen für die digitale Bereitstellung, einschließlich Datenstrukturen und Kommunikationsmöglichkeiten

    The effects of physical exercise on plasma levels of relaxin, NTproANP, and NTproBNP in patients with ischemic heart disease

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    The insulin-like and vasodilatatory polypeptide relaxin (RLX), formerly known as a pregnancy hormone, has gained interest as a potential humoral mediator in human heart failure. Controversy exists about the relation between plasma levels of RLX and the severity of heart failure. The present study was designed to determine the course of RLX, atrial, and brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proANP and NT-proBNP) during physical exercise in patients with ischemic heart disease (IHD) and to relate hormone levels to peak cardiac power output (CPO) as a measure of cardiopulmonary function with prognostic relevance. 40 patients with IHD were studied during right-heart-catheterization at rest and during supine bicycle ergometry. RLX, NTproBNP, and NTproANP were determined before, during exercise, and after recovery. NT-proANP and NT-proBNP levels increased during maximal charge, and recovery while RLX levels decreased. Cardiac power output at maximal charge correlated inversely with NTproANP and NTproBNP but positively with RLX. Patients with high degree heart failure (CPO < 1.96 W) had higher NTproANP and NTproB-NP and lower RLX levels than patients with low degree heart failure. While confirming the role of NTproANP and NTproBNP as markers for the severity of heart failure, the present data do not support the concept that plasma levels of RLX are related to the severity of myocardial dysfunction and that systemic RLX acts as a compensatory vasodilatatory response hormone in ischemic heart disease
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