21 research outputs found

    Learn the Time to Learn: Replay Scheduling in Continual Learning

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    Replay methods have shown to be successful in mitigating catastrophic forgetting in continual learning scenarios despite having limited access to historical data. However, storing historical data is cheap in many real-world applications, yet replaying all historical data would be prohibited due to processing time constraints. In such settings, we propose learning the time to learn for a continual learning system, in which we learn replay schedules over which tasks to replay at different time steps. To demonstrate the importance of learning the time to learn, we first use Monte Carlo tree search to find the proper replay schedule and show that it can outperform fixed scheduling policies in terms of continual learning performance. Moreover, to improve the scheduling efficiency itself, we propose to use reinforcement learning to learn the replay scheduling policies that can generalize to new continual learning scenarios without added computational cost. In our experiments, we show the advantages of learning the time to learn, which brings current continual learning research closer to real-world needs

    Nerdery, Snobbery and Connoisseurship : Developing conceptual clarity within the area of refined consumption

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    As consumers in Western consumer culture have increasingly turned from high cultural to low cultural consumption categories to cultivate themselves, the meanings of the traditional and socio-cultural concepts used to represent different forms of consumer expertise have been blurred or altered. Drawing upon sociocultural literature on taste and distinction we attempt to provide theoretical clarity to the concepts of connoisseurship, snobbery, and nerdery; concepts that are often used interchangeably and without rigor in both (contemporary) popular and academic discourse. The outcome of our conceptual analysis is concretised using a semiotic square to illustrate how the concepts differ from each other. Our analysis suggests that the democratisation of consumption through the imprinting of status meanings upon traditionally illegitimate cultural objects may lead to the “bastardisation” of taste regarding those same illegitimate cultural categories – a performance formerly restricted to high culture

    Fine-Grained and Continual Visual Recognition for Assisting Visually Impaired People

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    In recent years, computer vision-based assistive technologies have enabled visually impaired people to use automatic visual recognition on their mobile phones. These systems should be capable of recognizing objects on fine-grained levels to provide the user with accurate predictions. Additionally, the user should have the option to update the system continuously to recognize new objects of interest. However, there are several challenges that need to be tackled to enable such features with assistive vision systems in real and highly-varying environments. For instance, fine-grained image recognition usually requires large amounts of labeled data to be robust. Moreover, image classifiers struggle with retaining performance of previously learned abilities when they are adapted to new tasks. This thesis is divided into two parts where we address these challenges. First, we focus on the application of using assistive vision systems for grocery shopping, where items are naturally structured based on fine-grained details. We demonstrate how image classifiers can be trained with a combination of natural images and web-scraped information about the groceries to obtain more accurate classification performance compared to only using natural images for training. Thereafter, we bring forward a new approach for continual learning called replay scheduling, where we select which tasks to replay at different times to improve memory retention. Furthermore, we propose a novel framework for learning replay scheduling policies that can generalize to new continual learning scenarios for mitigating the catastrophic forgetting effect in image classifiers. This thesis provides insights on practical challenges that need to be addressed to enhance the usefulness of computer vision for assisting the visually impaired in real-world scenarios.De senaste Ären har teknologiska hjÀlpmedel baserade pÄ datorseende möjliggjort för synskadade personer att anvÀnda sig av automatisk visuell igenkÀnning pÄ deras mobiltelefoner. Dessa system bör kunna kÀnna igen objekt pÄ finfördelade nivÄer för att förse anvÀndaren med noggranna prediktioner. AnvÀndaren bör Àven ha möjligheten att uppdatera systemet kontinuerligt till att kÀnna igen nya objekt av intresse. Dock finns det flera utmaningar som behöver avklaras för att aktivera dessa funktioner i synhjÀlpmedelssystem i reella och mycket varierande miljöer. Exempelvis behöver finfördelad bildigenkÀnning vanligtvis stora mÀngder mÀrkt data för att vara robust. Dessutom har bildklassificerare besvÀr med att behÄlla sin prestanda av tidigare inlÀrda förmÄgor nÀr de anpassas till nya uppgifter. Denna avhandling Àr uppdelad i tvÄ delar, dÀr vi tar oss an dessa utmaningar. Först fokuserar vi pÄ tillÀmpningen av att anvÀnda synhjÀlpmedelssystem för att handla matvaror, dÀr varorna Àr naturligt strukturerade enligt finfördelade detaljer. Vi pÄvisar hur bildklassificerare kan trÀnas med en kombination av naturliga bilder och webbskrapad information om matvarorna för att erhÄlla mer trÀffsÀker klassificeringsförmÄga jÀmfört med att enbart anvÀnda naturliga bilder för trÀning. DÀrefter lÀgger vi fram ett nytt tillvÀgagÄngssÀtt för kontinuerlig inlÀrning som kallas replay scheduling (repris-schemalÀggning), dÀr vi vÀljer vilka uppgifter som ska repeteras vid olika tidpunkter för att förbÀttra bibehÄllande av minnen. Vi föreslÄr Àven ett nytt ramverk för inlÀrning av policyer för replay scheduling som kan generalisera till nya scenarion för kontinuerlig inlÀrning för att mildra effekten av katastrofal glömska i bildklassificerare. Denna avhandling ger insyn till praktiska utmaningar som behöver lösas för att förbÀttra anvÀndbarheten hos datorseende till att hjÀlpa synskadade personer i verkliga scenarier.QC 20221014</p

    Brand Culture : In Search of Identity

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    Fine-Grained and Continual Visual Recognition for Assisting Visually Impaired People

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    In recent years, computer vision-based assistive technologies have enabled visually impaired people to use automatic visual recognition on their mobile phones. These systems should be capable of recognizing objects on fine-grained levels to provide the user with accurate predictions. Additionally, the user should have the option to update the system continuously to recognize new objects of interest. However, there are several challenges that need to be tackled to enable such features with assistive vision systems in real and highly-varying environments. For instance, fine-grained image recognition usually requires large amounts of labeled data to be robust. Moreover, image classifiers struggle with retaining performance of previously learned abilities when they are adapted to new tasks. This thesis is divided into two parts where we address these challenges. First, we focus on the application of using assistive vision systems for grocery shopping, where items are naturally structured based on fine-grained details. We demonstrate how image classifiers can be trained with a combination of natural images and web-scraped information about the groceries to obtain more accurate classification performance compared to only using natural images for training. Thereafter, we bring forward a new approach for continual learning called replay scheduling, where we select which tasks to replay at different times to improve memory retention. Furthermore, we propose a novel framework for learning replay scheduling policies that can generalize to new continual learning scenarios for mitigating the catastrophic forgetting effect in image classifiers. This thesis provides insights on practical challenges that need to be addressed to enhance the usefulness of computer vision for assisting the visually impaired in real-world scenarios.De senaste Ären har teknologiska hjÀlpmedel baserade pÄ datorseende möjliggjort för synskadade personer att anvÀnda sig av automatisk visuell igenkÀnning pÄ deras mobiltelefoner. Dessa system bör kunna kÀnna igen objekt pÄ finfördelade nivÄer för att förse anvÀndaren med noggranna prediktioner. AnvÀndaren bör Àven ha möjligheten att uppdatera systemet kontinuerligt till att kÀnna igen nya objekt av intresse. Dock finns det flera utmaningar som behöver avklaras för att aktivera dessa funktioner i synhjÀlpmedelssystem i reella och mycket varierande miljöer. Exempelvis behöver finfördelad bildigenkÀnning vanligtvis stora mÀngder mÀrkt data för att vara robust. Dessutom har bildklassificerare besvÀr med att behÄlla sin prestanda av tidigare inlÀrda förmÄgor nÀr de anpassas till nya uppgifter. Denna avhandling Àr uppdelad i tvÄ delar, dÀr vi tar oss an dessa utmaningar. Först fokuserar vi pÄ tillÀmpningen av att anvÀnda synhjÀlpmedelssystem för att handla matvaror, dÀr varorna Àr naturligt strukturerade enligt finfördelade detaljer. Vi pÄvisar hur bildklassificerare kan trÀnas med en kombination av naturliga bilder och webbskrapad information om matvarorna för att erhÄlla mer trÀffsÀker klassificeringsförmÄga jÀmfört med att enbart anvÀnda naturliga bilder för trÀning. DÀrefter lÀgger vi fram ett nytt tillvÀgagÄngssÀtt för kontinuerlig inlÀrning som kallas replay scheduling (repris-schemalÀggning), dÀr vi vÀljer vilka uppgifter som ska repeteras vid olika tidpunkter för att förbÀttra bibehÄllande av minnen. Vi föreslÄr Àven ett nytt ramverk för inlÀrning av policyer för replay scheduling som kan generalisera till nya scenarion för kontinuerlig inlÀrning för att mildra effekten av katastrofal glömska i bildklassificerare. Denna avhandling ger insyn till praktiska utmaningar som behöver lösas för att förbÀttra anvÀndbarheten hos datorseende till att hjÀlpa synskadade personer i verkliga scenarier.QC 20221014</p

    Conjugate-Prior-Regularized Multinomial pLSA for Collaborative Filtering

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    Collaborative filtering is a method for making predictions about consumer interests by collecting preferences or information about opinions from other consumers. For this purpose statistical modeling techniques are applied to learn personalized models for each consumer based on every purchase or provided rating to the available items. Such a technique is probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis (pLSA), which within this thesis attempts to model consumers into groups based on similarities in movie preferences to improve personalized rating predictions on unseen movies. The main challenge with pLSA in collaborative filtering is the overfitting problem, which results in model parameters that are strictly determined by the past ratings and thus gives unreliable predictions for unknown data. To counteract the overfitting a regularization method called conjugate-prior-regularization is proposed to introduce additional information about the proportions of the model parameters. It is shown that the proposed regularization provides more robust learning from sparse datasets and also improves the recommendation performance on discrete ratings

    Criteria for the Choice of EFL Resource Material at Primary Schools in Latvia

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    Diplomdarba tēma ir: “Kritēriji angÄŒu valodas mācÄ«bu materiāla izvēlē Latvijas pamatskolās.” PētÄ«jumi mācÄ«bu materiāla izvēles jomā ir nepietiekami, jo piedāvājums patstāvÄ«gi mainās. Darbā pētÄ«tas reālas situācijas un vide. Darba mērÄ·is – pētÄ«t, teorētiski pamatot, aprakstÄ«t un analizēt kritērijus mācÄ«bu materiāla izvēlē Latvijas pamatskolās. Lai pierādÄ«tu izvirzÄ«to hipotēzi, autore lieto sekojoĆĄas metodes – salÄ«dzinoĆĄo literatĆ«ras analÄ«zi, kas tiek iekÄŒauta darba teorētiskajā daČā; aprakstoĆĄo metodi mācÄ«bu grāmatu analizēơanai; anketu pētÄ«ĆĄanu un rezultātu apkopoĆĄanu un mācÄ«bu grāmatas “Opportunities” pre-intermediate lasÄ«ĆĄanas un rakstÄ«ĆĄanas uzdevumu vērtējumu. Veiktais pētÄ«jums liecina par to, ka lietotais materiāls veiksmÄ«gai angÄŒu valodas apgĆ«ĆĄanai ir svarÄ«gs gan skolēniem, gan skolotājiem. Darbā ir ietverta divu mācÄ«bu grāmatu analÄ«ze: Michael Harris, David Mower un Anna Sikorzynska “Opportunities” pre-intermediate, un Kathy Gude un Michael Duckworth “Matrix” pre-intermediate. Latvijā nav izstrādāta vienota sistēma, pēc kuras skolotāji, kas pasniedz angÄŒu valodu kā sveĆĄvalodu, var izvēlēties atbilstoĆĄu mācÄ«bu materiālu. Analizējot skolotāju anketas var secināt, ka skolotāji strādā pēc daĆŸÄdām grāmatām, un tās visas atbilst priekĆĄmeta standartam. Skolēnu intereses un vajadzÄ«bas mĆ«sdienu sabiedrÄ«bā ir ÄŒoti atĆĄÄ·irÄ«gas, taču skolotāji anketās uzsver, ka jebkuram cilvēkam, kas ir speciālists savā jomā, ir jābĆ«t spējÄ«gam pielāgoties jebkurai situācijai, arÄ« skolotājam vajadzētu prast atrast piemērotu, skolēnu vajadzÄ«bām un priekĆĄmeta standartam atbilstoĆĄu materiālu, lai padziÄŒinātu skolēnu zināƥanas. Latvijā ir ÄŒoti plaĆĄs mācÄ«bu grāmatu klāsts un nav iespējama ideālas mācÄ«bu grāmatas definÄ«cija. Darbs sastāv no ievada, trÄ«s nodaČām, secinājumiem, tēzēm, literatĆ«ras saraksta un seĆĄiem pielikumiem.The theme of the present research is “Criteria for the choice of EFL resource material at primary schools in Latvia”. The previous studies in this area seem to be insufficient. The author of the research studies real situations and settings where the results of the investigation can be implemented. The study is important due to the achieved results. The research data was gathered by using a descriptive method, discourse analysis and two questionnaires for teachers and students of pre-intermediate level. The aim of the questionnaire given to the teachers was to obtain general information about their teaching practice and material used in the schools they work at. The paper includes the results obtained in the pilot study designed to evaluate reading and writing tasks provided in the coursebooks “Opportunities” and Matrix”. The present research shows that the selected material used during the English lessons is important for teachers and students. The paper analyses two coursebooks: Michael Harris, David Mower with Anna Sikorzynska “Opportunities” pre-intermediate, published by Longman in 2000 and Kathy Gude with Michael Duckworth “Matrix” pre-intermediate, published by Oxford University Press in 2002. It is recommended to use “Opportunities” as the background resource material to teach pre-intermediate level students. There is no definition of an ideal coursebook possible. During the process of writing the author of the research came to the conclusion that the choice of the coursebooks nowadays is wide and it depends on the teacher and the students which resource material they use to learn English as a foreign language. The paper consists of an introduction, three chapters, conclusions, theses, bibliography and 6 annexes

    Masculinising domesticity: an investigation of men’s domestic foodwork

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    This study examines how men configure their gendered identity in relation to a traditionally feminised domain. Hegemonic masculinity is said to structure men’s dominance over women. We use the lens of hegemonic masculinity along with social fields of cultural production to understand new allocations of status capital in relation to gendered identity work. Sweden, a country permeated by an ideology of egalitarianism and having a history of high economic and symbolic incentives for the domestic field, has seemingly legitimised the domestic consumption field in the search for higher status. By exploring the transforming meanings of masculinity when men enter a traditionally feminine consumption domain in this particular cultural context, we identify how feminised masculinities are shaped into hegemonic masculinity. This in turn suggests that the currently most honoured way of being a man includes forms of masculinities that incorporate egalitarian relationships between men and women