12 research outputs found

    Generalizirana ateroskleroza, metabolički sindrom i rezistentna hipertenzija - uzroci i posljedice

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    e components of metabolic syndrome lead to generalized atherosclerotic changes and micro- and macrovascular complications with damage to systems and organs. Consequently, patients’ treatment with the resulting changes in the target organs is costly, complicated, and unpredictable. We present a 65-year-old patient with diabetes diagnosed with hyperlipidemia, unregulated arterial hypertension in the presence of other metabolic syndrome components and who consequently developed complications of generalized atherosclerosis. Despite detailed, individually tailored therapy, in line with current recommendations, we suggest that treatment success is very closely related and dependent on dietary measures, healthy living habits, and patient cooperation.Komponente metaboličkog sindroma dovode do generaliziranih aterosklerotskih promjena te mikro i makrovaskularnih komplikacija s oštećenjem sustava i organa. Slijedom toga, liječenje bolesnika s posljedicama promjena na ciljnim organima vrlo je skupo, složeno i nepredvidljivo. Predstavljamo 65-godišnjeg pacijenta, dijabetičara, kojem je dijagnosticirana hiperlipidemija, neregulirana arterijska hipertenzija u prisutnosti drugih komponenata metaboličkog sindroma i posljedično razvijene komplikacije generalizirane ateroskleroze. Unatoč detaljnoj, individualno prilagođenoj terapiji, u skladu s trenutnim preporukama, smatramo da je uspjeh liječenja vrlo usko povezan i ovisi o prehrambenim mjerama, zdravim životnim navikama i suradnji pacijenta

    Gérard Genette - Figures III : Traduction et analyse problématique d’un extrait du chapitre « Voix »

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    On traduit aujourd'hui plus que jamais, mais les traducteurs ont une tâche très exigeante. Ils doivent respecter beaucoup de règles de la traduction et, en même temps, rester fidèles au contenu, au sens et au message du texte de départ. Notre tâche consistait à traduire et analyser notre traduction en croate d’un extrait du chapitre “Voix” dans Figure III de Gérard Genette, d'identifier les procédés de la traduction utilisés et de mettre en lumière les problèmes que nous a posés la traduction du texte. Dans la première partie de notre mémoire nous avons examiné la question de la traduction, les phases qui la précèdent et les instances qui participent de la traduction, en essayant de répondre à la question : qu'est-ce que la traduction. Ensuite, dans la deuxième partie de notre mémoire nous avons analysé les problèmes particuliers de notre traduction comme les problèmes de terminologie, et nous avons examiné en détail comment fonctionnent les emprunts dans notre traduction, en les classant dans plusieurs groupes terminologiques. Nous avons rencontré aussi des difficultés de compréhension, des problèmes concernant la traduction des noms propres, l'omission et la sur-traduction, le dépouillement et l'économie. En résumé, ce devoir nous a aidée à améliorer nos compétences dans la traduction et dans l’analyse de la traduction, et il nous a persuadée qu'il est vraiment difficile et exigeant de faire une bonne traduction

    Ruizov magični imaginarij: Čitanje Proustovog Traganja za izgubljenim vremenom

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    Glavni predmet ovog rada čini analiza, filmološka i književno-teorijska razrada filmske adaptacije Raúla Ruiza “Pronađeno vrijeme” prema istoimenom romanu posljednjeg dijela ciklusa Marcela Prousta U traganju za izgubljenim vremenom (koja međutim obuhvaća i više od njegovog posljednjeg dijela), kao i usporedba pripovjednih tehnika u romanu koje se prenose u film. Kako bi se u drugom dijelu rada detaljno pozabavili analizom filma i prizorima koji prenose samu suštinu romana te prustijansku rečenicu u slike, u prvom dijelu rada bavimo se odnosima tekstualnih (ali i filmskih) instanci, Autorom i Čitateljem, kao preduvjetom za ostvarenje adaptacije, te kasniju analizu filma. Prilikom tih razmatranja, koriste se Barhesove, Foucaultove, Proustove i druge teze ne bi li proniknuli u formu teksta i filma, te objasnili odvijanje procesa prijenosa u film, kojemu posreduje autorstvo, čitanje i prevođenje. Zatim se rad bavi pitanjem adaptacije, objašnjavajući što se i na koji način adaptira, te što Hutcheon i Chatmanu smatraju uspješnom adaptacijom, a što će nam poslužiti da učvrstimo tezu rada kako je riječ o izvanrednoj, štoviše magičnoj adaptaciji Proustovog djela. U zadnjem dijelu rada sažet ćemo se sve redateljske i snimateljske postupke kako bismo pokazali da se Ruizova režija može nazvati baroknom, te ćemo objasniti zašto film možemo nazvati avangardnim ili art filmom, iako u njemu primjećujemo i druge tendencije

    Prikaz slučaja kasnog tipa primarnog limfedema – od dijagnoze do uspješne terapije

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    We present a case report of a 46-year-old nurse with lower limb, late onset, second degree primary lymphedema diagnosed thirty years after symptoms onset. Lack of specialised lymphedema clinics, lymphedema specialists, lymphedema management guidelines and lymphedema registry are main causes for prolonged diagnosis in Croatia. Primary lymphedema treatment was con-ducted through 45-minutes sessions three times a week in total 7 sessions. Treatment sessions consisted of limb circumference mea-surements and manual lymph drainage followed by Partsch compression therapy protocol and education. Instructions for physical activity were made likewise. Significant volume reduction was successful despite long primary lymphedema duration. Changes in quality of life and physical activity were noted by self-administered questionnaires. Compression garment specialist made measures for flat knitted stockings compression class III. that are indicated for lymphedema and have important role in the maintenance phase of limb volume. Despite the fact that primary lymphedema is chronic condition, and it has been left untreated for over thirty years in our patient. With proper lymphedema therapy management and teamwork it is possible to achieve and maintain satisfying treatment results especially if you have motivated and properly educated patientPrikaz slučaja 46 godišnje medicinske sestre koja ima drugi stupanj kasnog primarnog limfedema donjih ekstremiteta koji je dijagnosticiran 30 godina nakon pojave prvih simptoma. Nepostojanje ambulante za limfedem, liječnika specijalista koji se bavi limfedemom, smjernica za zbrinjavanje limfedema niti registra za limfedem glavni su uzroci kašnjenja postavljanja dijagnoze limfedema u Hrvatskoj. Terapija limfedema provedena je kroz sedam tretmana u trajanju od 45 minuta, tri puta tjedno. Korišteni su fizioterapijski postupci: ručna limfna drenaža u kombinaciji s kompresivnom terapijom po dr. Partch i edukacija. Dane su upute o provođenju tjelesne aktivnosti. Postignuto je smanjenje volumena unatoč dugotrajnom trajanju limfedema. Promjene u kvaliteti života i razini tjelesne aktivnosti zabilježili smo uz pomoć upitnika. Po završetku terapije pacijentica je upućena ortotičarki radi uzimanja mjera za ravno tkanu kompresivnu odjeću kompresijske klase III. koja je prikladna za fazu održavanja volumena limfedema. Unatoč činjenici da je primarni limfedem kronično stanje, koje je u slučaju naše pacijentice bilo neliječeno preko trideset godina, uz pomoć timskog rada i sveobuhvatnog terapijskog pristupa zbrinjavanju primarnog limfedema moguće je dobiti zadovoljavajuće rezultate terapije te iste održati, posebno ukoliko imate motiviranog i dobro educiranog pacijenta

    Serbian Citizens’ Opinion on the COVID-19 Epidemic

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    Aim: The Centre for International Public Policy has undertaken a public opinion research in which we tested the opinions of the citizens of Serbia on the coronavirus epidemic. The respondents had the opportunity to express their opinion on measures undertaken by the Serbian Government to combat the virus, to state their trust in the media, as well as the health system in general. In addition, we tested the prevalence of different conspiracy theories among citizens, whether the pandemic gave China a new image in the minds of the people and, most importantly, the level of solidarity among Serbian citizens as well as within the European / international community as a whole. Methods: In seven days, from 8-15th April 2020, we gathered a convenient sample of N=5989 respondents, which makes this the largest public opinion research project in Serbia on the topic of COVID-19 since the start of the epidemic. The electronic questionnaire consisted of 24 questions of mixed and closed type. Results: The findings of this research suggest that citizens of Serbia are not afraid of COVID-19, but are nevertheless cautious (86%). The percentage of those willing to consult a doctor when they notice any symptoms lies at 70%. Half of the respondents do not believe in alternative theories regarding the origin of the COVID-19 virus. The majority of the respondents (55%) hold government officials accountable for spreading panic through public speeches and daily public addresses. Moreover, 60% of the respondents do not trust the Serbian media outlets that are currently reporting on the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, over half of the respondents are prepared to report their neighbour when he or she is coming from abroad and violates the obligation to self-isolate. However, mostly due to the significant fines, 65% of the respondents would not report the elderly when they are breaking the limited-movement restriction measures. Conclusion: As before the epidemic, opinions of the Serbian population on current topics are somewhat polarized. Although the majority of the respondents are cautious, a significant number also believes in conspiracy theories and does not fully trust the information provided by the media or the government.                                                                               &nbsp

    Serbian Citizens’ Opinion on the COVID-19 Epidemic

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    Aim: The Centre for International Public Policy has undertaken a public opinion research in which we tested the opinions of the citizens of Serbia on the coronavirus epidemic. The respondents had the opportunity to express their opinion on measures undertaken by the Serbian Government to combat the virus, to state their trust in the media, as well as the health system in general. In addition, we tested the prevalence of different conspiracy theories among citizens, whether the pandemic gave China a new image in the minds of the people and, most importantly, the level of solidarity among Serbian citizens as well as within the European / international community as a whole. Methods: In seven days, from 8-15th April 2020, we gathered a convenient sample of N=5989 respondents, which makes this the largest public opinion research project in Serbia on the topic of COVID-19 since the start of the epidemic. The electronic questionnaire consisted of 24 questions of mixed and closed type. Results: The findings of this research suggest that citizens of Serbia are not afraid of COVID-19, but are nevertheless cautious (86%). The percentage of those willing to consult a doctor when they notice any symptoms lies at 70%. Half of the respondents do not believe in alternative theories regarding the origin of the COVID-19 virus. The majority of the respondents (55%) hold government officials accountable for spreading panic through public speeches and daily public addresses. Moreover, 60% of the respondents do not trust the Serbian media outlets that are currently reporting on the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, over half of the respondents are prepared to report their neighbour when he or she is coming from abroad and violates the obligation to self-isolate. However, mostly due to the significant fines, 65% of the respondents would not report the elderly when they are breaking the limited-movement restriction measures. Conclusion: As before the epidemic, opinions of the Serbian population on current topics are somewhat polarized. Although the majority of the respondents are cautious, a significant number also believes in conspiracy theories and does not fully trust the information provided by the media or the government.                            &nbsp

    Crescentic Glomerulonephritis Due to Enterococcal Endocarditis

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    Glomerulonephritis following an enterococcal endocarditis is an extremely rare and life-threatening condition. We present the case of a 71-year-old patient with rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis following enterococcal endocarditis after surgical replacement of the aortic valve. The combination of antibiotic therapy, corticosteroid therapy and haemodialysis led to an improvement in renal function; however, the severity of cardiac deterioration resulted in a fatal outcome

    Resistant and Relapsing Collapsing Glomerulopathy Successfully Treated with Rituximab—A Case Report

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    Collapsing glomerulopathy (CG) or collapsing focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (cFSGS) is an aggressive disease with a high tendency of progression to end-stage renal disease due to common resistance to conventional immunosuppressants. Rituximab (RTX), a monoclonal antibody against CD20 B cells, showed some benefit in the treatment of CG. We are reporting about female patients with an idiopathic form of CG presenting with nephrotic syndrome (NS) and renal insufficiency resistant to several immunosuppressive agents such as steroids (ST), calcineurin inhibitors (CNI), and cyclophosphamide (CYC). This multidrug-resistant disease responded to RTX with complete remission. Forty-four months after initial RTX administration, a relapse of CG with severe NS and acute renal insufficiency occurred. Repeated application of RTX led to complete remission again. To the best of our knowledge, we are reporting the first case of the relapsing multidrug-resistant form of CG, which responded to RTX. Current data about the treatment of CG with RTX is lacking and is based on rare case reports and small case series. Thus, our report can contribute to determining the role of RTX in the treatment of CG