102 research outputs found

    Fauna cayanensis ...

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    Monism in Aristotle’s Metaphysics I.3–5

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    Scholars have often seen Parmenides as entirely opposed to earlier materialistic philosophy. In this paper I argue that what is more striking in Aristotle’s Metaphysics Book I is the degree of continuity that he sees between Parmenides and the material monists. I explore this coupling of Parmenides with the material monists to understand better what he takes to be distinctive and problematic with Parmenides’ monism

    The good land in Varberg : a case study about valuation and management of arable land in Varberg

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    This is a bachelor thesis about arable land in Varberg, from sustainability and it’s relation to local government and management. Arable land has become more important as a natural resource from a global point of view and in concerns of higher demands of food supply, as a result of population growth, higher consumption worldwide and climate change. But the arable land in Sweden is being exploited an increasingly rapid pace and the arable land in Varberg is not an exception of this development. The issue is most topical and the discussion holds questions about a declining agricultural sector, the formal and administrative protection of arable land and because other interests of land use often is given higher priority in community development and planning. Varberg is a growing community with a rural landscape and agriculture, often with livestock production close to the city. This structure gives great challenges for society planners, politicians and other policymakers. I would like to give an overview of the public management and governance in Varberg about this topic and also what role concerned actors are given in stages of the planning process. The thesis illuminates how arable land is prescribed within the local government in aspects of the layout plan and how different tools such as legislation, governance and other administration factors are used in planning. Focus lies on those processes, instruments and connections which are central of this management at a community level. I have used a qualitative approach and conducted interviews to collect my data. The analyze is made with the concepts of sustainable development and governance. Governance can be described as methods for interactive management and a development which have led to better interactions between different actors of the society. The thesis shows that there is a basic need of new methods for valuation systems and instruments for protection of fertile arable land in community planning, but also to find new frameworks for dialogue and creation of interactive governance.Detta Ă€r en samhĂ€llsvetenskaplig text som skrivs för att erhĂ„lla en kandidatexamen i landsbygdsutveckling. Studien handlar om Varbergs Ă„kermark i ett hĂ„llbarhetsperspektiv i relation till kommunal planering. Jordbruksmark har fĂ„tt en ökad global betydelse, som ett resultat av befolkningsutveckling, klimatförĂ€ndringar och konsumtionsutveckling. Men den svenska Ă„kermarken försvinner i allt snabbare takt och Ă„kermark i Varberg Ă€r inget undantag i denna utveckling. FrĂ„gan Ă€r högst aktuell och till diskussionen hör frĂ„gor som en krympande jordbrukssektor, jordbruksmarkens formella skydd och konkurrens med andra markanvĂ€ndningsintressen. Varberg Ă€r en tillvĂ€xtkommun med mĂ„nga tĂ€tortsnĂ€ra lantbruk, ofta med djurhushĂ„llning. Den befintliga strukturen leder till stora utmaningar för samhĂ€llsplanerare samtidigt som avvĂ€gningar av olika intressemotsĂ€ttningar hela tiden mĂ„ste göras av kommunens politiker och beslutsfattare. Jag vill kunna ge en förstĂ„else för den offentliga styrning i Varberg som hanterar jordbruksmarken och vilken roll berörda aktörer spelar i denna. Studien belyser bland annat vilka föreskrifter som reglerar Ă„kermarken i Varberg kommuns översiktsplan och hur olika verktyg sĂ„som lagstiftning, mĂ„lstyrning och andra underlag tillĂ€mpas i planeringen. Fokus ligger pĂ„ de processer, styrmedel och samband som ligger till grund för kommunens förvaltningsstrategi i offentlig styrning och förvaltning av Ă„kermark. Jag har anvĂ€nt en kvalitativ ansats och genomfört semistrukturerade intervjuer, för att samla min empiri. Teori och mitt analytiska ingĂ„ngssĂ€tt baseras pĂ„ begreppen hĂ„llbar samhĂ€llsutveckling och governance. Governance handlar grundlĂ€ggande om en utveckling mot en mer interaktiv samhĂ€llsstyrning och ett ökat samspel mellan olika samhĂ€llsaktörer för att öka den offentliga förvaltningens förmĂ„ga. Studien visar att det finns ett behov av nya metoder eller styrmedel för hushĂ„llning av produktiv jordbruksmark i kommunal planering samt nya forum för dialog mellan olika samhĂ€llsaktörer som kan hjĂ€lpa till att skapa en mer interaktiv styrning

    From rice to sugar, from smallholder to businessman

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    Many governments in Africa envisage the potential to create rural employment, improve energy balances and strengthen their national economies by encouraging investment in large-scale agriculture. This trend is being intensified by global demand for alternative sources of energy and food, against a background of high oil prices and growing world population. Bagamoyo EcoEnergy is a Swedish-owned, large-scale agriculture investment project taking place in Bagamoyo district, eastern Tanzania. The company has been allocated land for producing sugar for the domestic market and is promoting new jobs, wealth creation, power and better infrastructure. In 2013, EcoEnergy (EE) received a credit guarantee of 120 million SEK from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). One of the main components of the project is an outgrower scheme intended to organise farmers to produce and sell sugar cane to the company. Outgrower schemes have become a commonly used model throughout Africa for generating mutual benefits between ago-food companies and smallholders. Features characterising outgrower schemes are often use of contracts, organisation of farmers, technical support, advisory services and market access for the farmers, in exchange for their produce. EcoEnergy has targeted smallholders in two rice growing schemes in two separate villages to potentially become the first commercial sugar cane outgrowers. This thesis examines some key organisational aspects of these smallholder groups, particularly potential risks and opportunities associated with implementation of the outgrower plans in the respective villages. In semi-structured interviews, the main method used for data collection, members of the two organisations shared their experiences of the rice schemes and their views on the planned outgrower schemes for sugar cane. The results revealed a rice production enterprise fraught with difficulties and threats, such as cooperation issues, insufficient credit for maintenance costs and purchases, poor marketability, infrastructure and quality of rice variety, and environmental calamities. Changing the crop from rice to sugar cane is a major uncertainty and further potential threat to the organisations. Smallholders have no experience of sugar cane production and no tradition of farming collectively on the land. Moreover, the huge commercial loans required are arguably disproportionate to smallholders‟ current management capacity, while their visions and objectives are being heavily influenced and determined based on the plans of EE. To avoid dependence, members should be allowed to devise an organisation that best suits their needs.MĂ„nga lĂ€nder i Afrika ser en potential i att skapa nya arbetstillfĂ€llen pĂ„ landsbygden och stĂ€rka den nationella ekonomin genom att öppna upp för storskaliga jordbruksinvesteringar. Den hĂ€r trenden intensifieras Ă€ven av en global efterfrĂ„gan av alternativa energikĂ€llor och livsmedel i relation till höga oljepriser. Bagamoyo EcoEnergy (BEE) Ă€r ett svenskĂ€gt storskaligt jordbruksprojekt i Bagamoyo distriktet, Tanzania. Företaget har tilldelats mark med syftet att producera sockerrör för den inhemska sockermarknaden. Projektet Ă€r tĂ€nkt att skapa nya arbetstillfĂ€llen och vĂ€lfĂ€rd samt uppgyggnad av elektricitet och infrastruktur. 2013 fick BEE beviljat en lĂ„negaranti frĂ„n Sida motsvarande 120 miljoner SEK. En huvudkomponent i projektet Ă€r ett outgrower scheme projekt (kontraksodlingsprojekt) i omkringliggande byar med syftet att organisera bönder att odla och sĂ€lja sockerrör till företaget. Dessa typer av kontraktsodlingar (outgrower schemes) har blivit vanliga i Afrika, dĂ„ det finns ett behov av att hitta lösningar som gynnar sĂ„vĂ€l de stora jordbruksföretagen som de lokala smĂ„brukarna. Det som ofta kĂ€nnetecknar dessa modeller Ă€r upprĂ€ttande av kontrakt, organisering av bönder, support med tekniska hjĂ€lpmedel, rĂ„dgivning och en marknad, i utbyte mot deras produktion. EcoEnergys initiala mĂ„lgrupp för outgrower projektet Ă€r tvĂ„ mindre organisationer i tvĂ„ olika byar som för nĂ€rvarande odlar ris i bevattningssystem. Den hĂ€r studien kommer att beröra och lyfta fram nĂ„gra huvudaspekter kring organisering av dessa tvĂ„ organisationer samt de risker och möjligheter som innefattas i implementeringen av sockerrörs planerna för respektive by/organisation. Medlemmar frĂ„n de tvĂ„ ris-organisationerna har fĂ„tt berĂ€tta om deras erfarenheter och syn pĂ„ projektet i semi-strukturerade intervjuer, som var huvudmetoden för insamling av empiri. Resultatet pĂ„visar om en produktion som kantas av svĂ„righeter och hot sĂ„som samarbetssvĂ„righeter mellan bönder, otillrĂ€ckliga medel och kapital för underhĂ„llskostnader och inköp av produktionsmedel, marknadssvĂ„giheter, infrastrukturella problem, lĂ„g kvalitĂ© pĂ„ den odlade rissorten och miljöfaktorer. Bytet av huvudgröda, frĂ„n ris till sockerrör, Ă€r en stor osĂ€kerhet och risk för de hĂ€r organisationerna. Lantbrukarna i omrĂ„det har ingen erfarenhet av sockerrörsproduktion och ingen tradition eller kultur av att odla gemensamt pĂ„ marken. De stora lĂ„nen Ă€r oproportionerliga i relation till böndernas nuvarande kapacitet och kontext. Vidare Ă€r deras visioner och mĂ„l redan influerade och styrda av EE. För att undvika ett allför stort beroende till planerna, bör de fĂ„ upprĂ€tta sina organisationer pĂ„ det sĂ€tt som frĂ€mst överensstĂ€mmer med deras behov

    Professional Learning through Facebook

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    Facebook Àr den mest anvÀnda sociala plattformen bland vuxna i Sverige idag. HÀr sker dagligen erfarenhetsutbyten mellan individer som samlats kring nÄgot eller nÄgra gemensamma intressen. I det vanliga Facebookflödet kan detta vara familj och vÀnners vÀlmÄende, i Facebookgrupper sker det kring mer specifikt uttalade Àmnen. I Facebookgrupper inriktade mot lÀrare samlas sÄledes dessa kring ett gemensamt intresse för undervisning. Men det erfarenhetsutbyte som sker i dessa grupper och det lÀrande som det ger upphov till har idag ingen status i samhÀllet. Skollagen pÄbjuder att lÀrare ska fortbildas och Skolverket rekommenderar kollegialt lÀrande som modell. I en fallstudie har tre FacebooktrÄdar frÄn en Facebookgrupp inriktad mot matematiklÀrare analyserats och jÀmförts med fem trÄdar frÄn en Facebookgrupp inriktad mot tekniklÀrare. Studien vill se hur pass vÀl de samtal som förekommer i Facebookgrupperna stÀmmer överens med definitionen pÄ ett kollegialt lÀrande. Detta har gjorts genom en samtalsanalys dÀr de utvalda trÄdarna har kopplats till kriterier för lÀrares yrkesmÀssiga kunskapsbas samtidigt som en analys av samtalets utveckling över tid förs. TrÄdarna frÄn matematikgrupperna jÀmförs sedan med trÄdarna frÄn teknikgrupperna för att belysa om samma samtalsutveckling sker oberoende av vilket Àmne som diskuteras i trÄdarna. Slutsatsen Àr att Àmnesrelevanta och didaktiska samtal förs i bÄda Facebookgruppernas alla trÄdar. Detta Àr dock inte tillrÀckligt för att samtalen ska kunna rÀknas till ett kollegialt lÀrande i och med att studien inte kan faststÀlla att lÀrandet sker över lÀngre tid.Facebook is the most used social platform for adults in Sweden today, with a daily exchange of experiences between individuals on topics of common interest. In the normal flow this could concern friends and family and in Facebook groups it focuses on more specific issues. Facebook groups oriented towards teachers are thus guided by a common interest in education, but the exchange of experience that takes place in these groups and the learning it gives rise to, do not have any status in the community. At the same time Skolverket demands that teachers train continually. This training should take place through professional learning. In a case study three Facebook threads from a Facebook group oriented towards mathematic teachers are analysed and compared to five threads from a Facebook group oriented towards technology teachers. The study examine to what extent the conversations that occur in the Facebook groups are consistent with the definition of professional learning. This has been achieved through a conversational analysis where the selected threads have been linked to criteria for teachers' professional knowledge base concurrent with an analysis of the conversation over time. The threads from the mathematics group are then compared with the threads from the technology groups in order to illuminate if the same conversational development takes place independent of what topic is discussed. The conclusion is that relevant and didactic conversations take place in all threads of both Facebook groups. However, this is not enough to conclude that the conversations should be counted as professional learning as the study cannot ascertain that the learning takes place over a longer period of time

    ‘The Separation of Soul from Body in Plato’s Phaedo'

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    The view that the soul can exist separately from the body is commonly associated with dualism. Since Plato’s Phaedo (Phd.) argues that the soul is immortal and survives the death of the body, there seems to be reason to call Plato, in that dialogue at least, a ‘dualist’. Yet, as we know, there are many kinds of dualism, so we have thereby not said very much. Let me therefore start with some distinctions. First of all, we can distinguish between two kinds of dualism which say that the soul is a different kind of substance from the body. On one version, call it ‘strong’ substance dualism, no properties of mind can also be properties of body. Mind is defined as a kind of thing that uniquely has a certain property or set of properties, say consciousness, just as body is defined by its unique properties, say spatial extension. This would seem to be Descartes’ view. On another version, call it ‘weak’ substance dualism, no essential or defining properties of mind are also properties of body. This leaves it open whether the mind and body may share some accidental or non-defining properties. Finally, there is an even weaker kind of dualism which we may call property dualism. According to this view, there are mental properties which are distinct from and irreducible to bodily properties.4 However, these mental properties may or not be properties of an underlying substance that also has bodily properties. In other words, the same thing may have both mental and bodily properties, so having mental properties is not enough to make something a different kind of substance

    The two kinds of end in Aristotle: The view from the de Anima'

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