5 research outputs found

    Interaction with potential donors' families: The professionals' community of concern—a phenomenological study

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    The aim of this paper was to explore the health professionals' experiences and gain a deeper understanding of interaction with families of critically ill or traumatized patients with severe brain injuries. The methodological approach was qualitative and phenomenological. Data were collected through participant observation and in-depth interviews with nurses, physicians, and chaplains working in two ICUs in a Norwegian university hospital. A thematic analysis was used for analyzing data. Two main themes emerged from analysis: Patient oriented even when present and Family oriented even when absent. Each main theme is divided into two sub-themes. The themes appeared as phases in an interaction process. In the two first phases the interaction may be characterized as Alternating between being absent and present and Following up and withholding information and in the two last phases as Turning point and changing focus and Partly present when waiting for death. The findings are in the discussion illuminated by the phenomenological concept of concern. Concern is visible as care, and the distinction in care between “leaps in” and “leaps ahead” and “ready-to-hand” and “unready-to-hand” are topics in the discussion. Because of the complexity of caring for both patient and family, the situation demands efforts to relieve nurses in particular, during the most demanding phases of the process

    Integrasjon av praksis, undervisning og forskning : hvordan kan man sikre høyest mulig kvalitet innen omsorg og behandling av alvorlig syke og døende pü kommunalt nivü?

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    Bitcoin je novonastala kriptovaluta kojoj je cilj uvelike promijeniti funkcioniranje platnog prometa u svijetu, a prvenstveno na internetu. Nastao je nakon objave rada na internetu pod nazivom ‘’Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System“ autora Satoshija Nakamota 2008. godine. Rad možemo podijeliti na 3 dijela: bitcoin kao novac, bitcoin kao stvar i bitcoin kao vrijednosni papir. Problem podvrgavanja bitcoina pod pravni režim novca je dvojak. Problem nastaje kod same građanskopravne definicije novca u teoriji, a drugi problem se javlja prilikom analiziranja prisilnopravnih propisa. Bitcoin može biti stvar u smislu Zakona o vlasništvu koji u čl. 2. st. 6. nudi opciju da i entiteti izjednačeni sa stvari koji nemaju tjelesnu narav budu objekt građanskog prava. Bitcoin je u tom smislu pokretnina, a po naravi je zamjenljiva, nepotrošna, djeljiva stvar. Bitcoin se može steći originarno (rudarenjem) ili derivativno (pravnim poslom). Prema postojećem zakonodavstvu nemoguće je podvesti bitcoin pod pojam vrijednosnog papira jer bitcoin nema izdavača u smislu izdavača kod vrijednosnih papira. Bitcoin još uvijek nije detaljnije reguliran u svijetu pa smo sve pravne situacije u kojima je on centralni element prisiljeni podvoditi pod postojeće pravne propise. Treba imati na umu da je Hrvatska članica EU-a pa tako sva pravila donesena na razini EU-a vrijede i u Hrvatskoj, a postoje indicije da će se EU upustiti u reguliranje bitcoina

    Norwegian nurses' perceptions of assisted dying requests from terminally ill patients : a qualitative interview study

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    This study explores the perceptions of Norwegian nurses who have receivedassisted dying requests from terminally ill patients. Assisted dying is illegal inNorway, while in some countries, it is an option. Nurses caring for terminally illpatients may experience ethical challenges by receiving requests for euthanasia andassisted suicide. We applied a qualitative research design with a phenomenologicalhermeneutic approach using open individual interviews. A total of 15 registerednurses employed in pulmonary and oncology wards of three university hospitals andhome care in one municipality were recruited. Four themes emerged from theanalysis: (1) unprepared for the request; (2) meeting direct, indirect, and nonverbalrequests; (3) working in a gray zone, and (4) feeling alone and powerless. The studyfound that nurses were unsure how to handle such requests due to professionaluncertainty about assisted dying. Working in an environment where the topic istaboo made nurses morally uncertain, and some perceived this as moral distress. Thehospital chaplain played a significant role in providing support to these nurses. Keywords: assisted dying requests, ethical challenge, interviews, moral distress, moral uncertainty, nurses'experiences, phenomenological hermeneutic designpublishedVersio