177 research outputs found

    Household affiliation among young adult women and men in Italy and Norway: The significance of work, culture, and money

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    Italy and Norway are characterized by different co-residence rates of young adults with youth in Italy being more likely to live in their parents' house much longer than Norwegian youth. This paper aims at analysing the reasons of household's patterns in both countries by looking at cultural, income and employment factors allowing a gender comparisons of the different results. Particular attention is provided to the different effect of youth employment conditions on their living arrangements in the two countries. Multivariate analyses conducted on 2007 (a time where the economic prospects and the labour market situation were relatively un-dramatic in both countries) EU SILC microdata show a higher impact of income and employment condition on the living arrangements of Italian youth with a significant impact of the area where they live and dissimilarities by gender in the presence of different living arrangements and in the impact of the different factors. JEL: D1, J12, J13, J16, Z1

    Hvilken kompetanse har instruktører ved HSRF i dag, og i hvilken grad dekker denne kompetansen behovet HSRF har for å drive utdanning av rekrutter?

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    Denne oppgaven kartlegger hvilken kompetanse som finnes blant instruktørene på Hærens skole for rekrutt- og fagutdanning, samt om denne kompetansen er tilstrekkelig for å drive en troverdig og forsvarlig utdanning av rekrutter. Rekrutter er kommende soldater som skal tjenestegjøre i Forsvaret, noe som stiller krav til instruktørene som skal gjennomføre utdanningen. Gjennom å undersøke teoretiske perspektiver på begrepene kompetanse, utdanning og pedagogikk, samt intervjuer med totalt fem respondenter, har vi undersøkt om kompetansen dekker behovet HSRF har for å drive utdanning. Datainnsamlingen og drøftingen viser at det er stor variasjon i hvilken kompetanse avdelingens instruktører har i dag. Det kommer frem at kompetansen til å drive faglig utdanning av rekrutter er til stede, men at avdelingen har mer å gå på når det gjelder danningen av rekruttene, som videre kan bli en utfordring ved å utvikle rekruttenes holdninger, oppførsel og verdier. Dette kan være et resultat av for få instruktører opp mot rekrutter, som kommer frem gjennom presentasjonen av data. Studien viser altså at det nødvendigvis ikke bare er instruktørenes kompetanse som er en utfordring i dag, men også mangelen på personell

    Barnets rettigheter som fornærmet i straffesak

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    En gjennomgang av barnets rettigheter, og en rettspolitisk analyse av disse.MasteroppgaveJUS399MAJUR-2MAJU

    The Scenario of Carbonaceous Aerosols and Total Solar Radiation in Two Cities in Nepal

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    Measurement of elemental carbon (EC) and black carbon (BC) aerosols was carried out using AE-31, 7 channel aethalometer at Kathmandu and Biratnagar; two mega cities of Nepal, for five months, January to May 2011 to study its temporal and spatial variation. Total solar radiation was also monitored using Kipp and Zonen CMP 6 pyranometer. Monthly concentration variation for EC and BC was distinct in both study sites. At Biratnagar, monthly EC concentration varies from 3.3 -20.7 µg /m3 while in Kathmandu it varies between 6.0-13.7 µg /m3. Similarly, BC monthly concentration ranges from 3.3 -20.1 µg /m3 and 7.0-14.9 µg /m3 respectively. It was found that both EC and BC were highest during January in both the sites and it decreases gradually. Monthly average solar radiation shows a maximum value in May and minimum in January. A distinct anti-correlation between monthly average carbonaceous aerosols and total solar radiation was observed. Moreover, there was a pronounced diurnal variation of both carbonaceous aerosols EC and BC in the sites with two high peaks one in the morning at about 9:00 and another at late evening 20:00 local time with minimum concentration in the afternoon. The nature of peaks were different at two sites. Biratnagar shows a larger evening peak while Kathmandu shows in the morning inferring heavy domestic and industrial fuel consuming activities in evening and morning respectively. In addition to this, daily and monthly concentration of EC was more than BC at Biratnagar reflecting slightly more biomass fuel consumption than fossil fuel for domestic, industrial and other urban activities. In contrast to this, Kathmandu shows more domination of fossil fuel than biofuel because of reverse order concentration of carbonaceous aerosols. Total solar radiation also shows apparent diurnal variation in both sites with the highest value at around noon time

    Kvinner og menn i deltidsarbeid : Fordeling og forklaringer

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    I denne rapporten kartlegger vi omfanget og fordelingen av deltidsarbeid i Norge og analyserer mulige årsaker til ulike typer deltidsarbeid blant kvinner og menn. Analysen er basert på datamateriale innhentet i Arbeidskraftundersøkelsene (AKU) 2001, påkoblet en rekke registeropplysninger. Vi skiller mellom fire forskjellige deltidstilpasninger, både såkalte selvvalgte og ufrivillige ordninger, i tillegg til heltid som "kontrollgruppe". Til grunn for inndelingen ligger intervjupersonenes samlete avtalte arbeidstid i et eller flere arbeidsforhold

    Floating photovoltaics: modelled and experimental operating temperatures and the impact of wind speed and direction

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    Floating photovoltaics (FPV) is rapidly emerging as a promising alternative to ground-mounted PV (GPV) where available land area is scarce or expensive. Improved cooling has often been reported as a benefit of FPV, as cell temperature is an important parameter for the performance of a PV system. However, more recent literature shows that the cooling effect depends strongly on FPV technology and that it is not always superior to that of open rack GPV systems. There is still a need for more information on how to estimate cell temperatures for FPV systems, and how to consider the influence of various environmental factors such as wind speed and direction. Operating cell temperature may be estimated with the PVsyst model, where heat loss coefficients (U-values) denote the heat transfer capabilities of the PV system. In this work, cell temperatures and U-values for a small footprint FPV system with east-west orientation and a 15° tilt located in Sri Lanka are studied using both module temperature measurements and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modelling. CFD modelling allows for investigating the influence of both wind speed and direction on cell temperatures, as well as to look at the distribution of cell temperatures within the system under different wind conditions. Calculations based on measurements give Uc = 22.6 W/m2K and Uv = 4.9 Ws/m3K and correlate well with CFD calculations. We also show that wind direction, system configuration and sensor placement influence the estimated U-values, complicating the use of tabulated values for any given technology
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