243 research outputs found

    3d transition metal doping of semiconducting boron carbides

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    The introduction metallocenes, in particular ferrocene (Fe(η5-C5H5)2), cobaltocene (Co(η5-C5H5)2), and nickelocene (Ni(η5-C5H5)2), together with the carborane source molecule closo-1,2-dicarbadodecaborane, during plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition, will result in the transition metal doping of semiconducting boron carbides. Here we report using ferrocene to introduce Fe dop¬ants, and a semiconducting boron-carbide homojunction has been fabricated. The diode characteristics are very similar to those fabricated with Co and Ni doping

    Use of linear mixed models for genetic evaluation of gestation length and birth weight allowing for heavy-tailed residual effects

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The distribution of residual effects in linear mixed models in animal breeding applications is typically assumed normal, which makes inferences vulnerable to outlier observations. In order to mute the impact of outliers, one option is to fit models with residuals having a heavy-tailed distribution. Here, a Student's-<it>t </it>model was considered for the distribution of the residuals with the degrees of freedom treated as unknown. Bayesian inference was used to investigate a bivariate Student's-<it>t </it>(BS<it>t</it>) model using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods in a simulation study and analysing field data for gestation length and birth weight permitted to study the practical implications of fitting heavy-tailed distributions for residuals in linear mixed models.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In the simulation study, bivariate residuals were generated using Student's-<it>t </it>distribution with 4 or 12 degrees of freedom, or a normal distribution. Sire models with bivariate Student's-<it>t </it>or normal residuals were fitted to each simulated dataset using a hierarchical Bayesian approach. For the field data, consisting of gestation length and birth weight records on 7,883 Italian Piemontese cattle, a sire-maternal grandsire model including fixed effects of sex-age of dam and uncorrelated random herd-year-season effects were fitted using a hierarchical Bayesian approach. Residuals were defined to follow bivariate normal or Student's-<it>t </it>distributions with unknown degrees of freedom.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Posterior mean estimates of degrees of freedom parameters seemed to be accurate and unbiased in the simulation study. Estimates of sire and herd variances were similar, if not identical, across fitted models. In the field data, there was strong support based on predictive log-likelihood values for the Student's-<it>t </it>error model. Most of the posterior density for degrees of freedom was below 4. Posterior means of direct and maternal heritabilities for birth weight were smaller in the Student's-<it>t </it>model than those in the normal model. Re-rankings of sires were observed between heavy-tailed and normal models.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Reliable estimates of degrees of freedom were obtained in all simulated heavy-tailed and normal datasets. The predictive log-likelihood was able to distinguish the correct model among the models fitted to heavy-tailed datasets. There was no disadvantage of fitting a heavy-tailed model when the true model was normal. Predictive log-likelihood values indicated that heavy-tailed models with low degrees of freedom values fitted gestation length and birth weight data better than a model with normally distributed residuals.</p> <p>Heavy-tailed and normal models resulted in different estimates of direct and maternal heritabilities, and different sire rankings. Heavy-tailed models may be more appropriate for reliable estimation of genetic parameters from field data.</p

    Managing soil carbon and nitrogen for productivity and environmental quality

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    Includes bibliographical references (pages 774-775).In this study, we investigated the impact of cropping system management on C and N pools, crop yield, and N leaching in a long-term agronomic experiment in Southwest Michigan. Four management types, conventional (CO), integrated fertilizer (IF), integrated compost (IC), and transitional organic (TO) were applied to two crop sequences, a corn (Zea mays L.)–corn–soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.]–wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) rotation and continuous corn, which were grown with and without cover crops in the IF, IC, and TO managements. Using compost as a fertility source and reducing the use of herbicides and other chemicals resulted in long-term changes in soil organic matter pools such TO ≥ IC > IF ≥ CO for total C and N and for the labile C and N measured through aerobic incubations at 70 and 150 d. Mineralizable N varied within the rotation, tending to increase after soybean and decrease after corn production in all systems. Corn yield was closely associated with 70-d N mineralization potential, being greatest for first-year corn with cover and least for continuous corn without cover under all management types. Although the TO and IC systems produced the lowest yield for second-year or continuous corn, the combination of soybean and wheat plus red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) always supported high yield for first-year corn. Fall nitrate level and nitrate leaching were higher for commercially fertilized corn than for any other crop or for compost-amended corn

    5G-enabled education 4.0: enabling technologies, challenges, and solutions

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    New technologies such as mobile phones, social media and artificial intelligence, have significant impacts on every aspect of education, where digital connectivity is the foundation to support the way people learn. Current Internet and pre-5G cellular communication networks can deliver visual and auditory data, which enable distance/virtual learning. However, remote physical interaction between students and learning facilities, which is an essential part of a new education paradigm i.e., Education 4.0, is still missing. The 5G cellular network with excellent latency and reliability performance would be a game changer by enabling students to feel the physical objects and control them remotely. In this paper, we identify and discuss the unique opportunities the 5G networks can bring to Education 4.0, their technical challenges and potential solutions. We also showcase our Education 4.0 prototype of remote lab

    L-Cell Expression of Melanocortin-4-Receptor Is Marginal in Most of the Small Intestine in Mice and Humans and Direct Stimulation of Small Intestinal Melanocortin-4-Receptors in Mice and Rats Does Not Affect GLP-1 Secretion.

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    The molecular sensors underlying nutrient-stimulated GLP-1 secretion are currently being investigated. Peripheral administration of melanocortin-4 receptor (MC4R) agonists have been reported to increase GLP-1 plasma concentrations in mice and humans but it is unknown whether this effect results from a direct effect on the GLP-1 secreting L-cells in the intestine, from other effects in the intestine or from extra-intestinal effects. We investigated L-cell expression of MC4R in mouse and human L-cells by reanalyzing publicly available RNA sequencing databases (mouse and human) and by RT-qPCR (mouse), and assessed whether administration of MC4R agonists to a physiologically relevant gut model, isolated perfused mouse and rat small intestine, would stimulate GLP-1 secretion or potentiate glucose-stimulated secretion. L-cell MC4R expression was low in mouse duodenum and hardly detectable in the ileum and MC4R expression was hardly detectable in human L-cells. In isolated perfused mouse and rat intestine, neither intra-luminal nor intra-arterial administration of NDP-alpha-MSH, a potent MC4R agonist, had any effect on GLP-1 secretion (P ≥0.98, n = 5-6) from the upper or lower-half of the small intestine in mice or in the lower half in rats. Furthermore, HS014-an often used MC4R antagonist, which we found to be a partial agonist-did not affect the glucose-induced GLP-1 response in the rat, P = 0.62, n = 6). Studies on transfected COS7-cells confirmed bioactivity of the used compounds and that concentrations employed were well within in the effective range. Our combined data therefore suggest that MC4R-activated GLP-1 secretion in rodents either exclusively occurs in the colon or involves extra-intestinal signaling

    The structure of Mediterranean rocky reef ecosystems across environmental and human gradients, and conservation implications

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    Historical exploitation of the Mediterranean Sea and the absence of rigorous baselines makes it difficult to evaluate the current health of the marine ecosystems and the efficacy of conservation actions at the ecosystem level. Here we establish the first current baseline and gradient of ecosystem structure of nearshore rocky reefs at the Mediterranean scale. We conducted underwater surveys in 14 marine protected areas and 18 open access sites across the Mediterranean, and across a 31-fold range of fish biomass (from 3.8 to 118 g m22). Our data showed remarkable variation in the structure of rocky reef ecosystems. Multivariate analysis showed three alternative community states: (1) large fish biomass and reefs dominated by non-canopy algae, (2) lower fish biomass but abundant native algal canopies and suspension feeders, and (3) low fish biomass and extensive barrens, with areas covered by turf algae. Our results suggest that the healthiest shallow rocky reef ecosystems in the Mediterranean have both large fish and algal biomass. Protection level and primary production were the only variables significantly correlated to community biomass structure. Fish biomass was significantly larger in well-enforced no-take marine reserves, but there were no significant differences between multi-use marine protected areas (which allow some fishing) and open access areas at the regional scale. The gradients reported here represent a trajectory of degradation that can be used to assess the health of any similar habitat in the Mediterranean, and to evaluate the efficacy of marine protected areas

    Collaborative database to track Mass Mortality Events in the Mediterranean Sea

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    Anthropogenic climate change, and global warming in particular, has strong and increasing impacts on marine ecosystems (Poloczanska et al., 2013; Halpern et al., 2015; Smale et al., 2019). The Mediterranean Sea is considered a marine biodiversity hotspot contributing to more than 7% of world\u2019s marine biodiversity including a high percentage of endemic species (Coll et al., 2010). The Mediterranean region is a climate change hotspot, where the respective impacts of warming are very pronounced and relatively well documented (Cramer et al., 2018). One of the major impacts of sea surface temperature rise in the marine coastal ecosystems is the occurrence of mass mortality events (MMEs). The first evidences of this phenomenon dated from the first half of \u201980 years affecting the Western Mediterranean and the Aegean Sea (Harmelin, 1984; Bavestrello and Boero, 1986; Gaino and Pronzato, 1989; Voultsiadou et al., 2011). The most impressive phenomenon happened in 1999 when an unprecedented large scale MME impacted populations of more than 30 species from different phyla along the French and Italian coasts (Cerrano et al., 2000; Perez et al., 2000). Following this event, several other large scale MMEs have been reported, along with numerous other minor ones, which are usually more restricted in geographic extend and/or number of affected species (Garrabou et al., 2009; Rivetti et al., 2014; Marb\ue0 et al., 2015; Rubio-Portillo et al., 2016, authors\u2019 personal observations). These events have generally been associated with strong and recurrent marine heat waves (Crisci et al., 2011; Kersting et al., 2013; Turicchia et al., 2018; Bensoussan et al., 2019) which are becoming more frequent globally (Smale et al., 2019). Both field observations and future projections using Regional Coupled Models (Adloff et al., 2015; Darmaraki et al., 2019) show the increase in Mediterranean sea surface temperature, with more frequent occurrence of extreme ocean warming events. As a result, new MMEs are expected during the coming years. To date, despite the efforts, neither updated nor comprehensive information can support scientific analysis of mortality events at a Mediterranean regional scale. Such information is vital to guide management and conservation strategies that can then inform adaptive management schemes that aim to face the impacts of climate change