84 research outputs found

    Comparison of intra-individual coefficients of variation on the paired sampling data when inter-individual variations are different between measures

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    Additional file 2. Supplemental figures for the pain intensity data (residual plots, P–P plots and Cook’s distance against leverage/(1-leverage))

    In Vivo and In Vitro Release of Indomethacin from Water-Soluble and Fatty Base Suppositories

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    The plasma concentration of indomethacin was measured after the rectal administration of water-soluble and fatty base suppositories in rats. The results were compared with the in vitro indomethacin release from suppositories determined by Paddle method using three different types of membranes: cellulose membrane, artificial sausage membrane and natural sausage membrane. The plasma concentrations of indomethacin during the first 4h after the rectal administration were higher in rats that received water-soluble base suppositories than in those that received fatty base types. When either a cellulose membrane or an artificial sausage membrane of cow protein was used in the Paddle method, the amount of indomethacin released from fatty base suppositories was significantly higher than that from water-soluble base ones. However, the results were reversed when a natural sausage membrane of pig colon was used. The discrepancy in the in vitro experiments using water-soluble base suppositories seemed to be due to the difference of pore size of membrane used. Careful consideration should be given to the membrane used in the Paddle method especially when this method is employed to examine the release of poorly soluble drugs like indomethacin in both water-soluble and fatty base suppositories.</p

    A Preliminary Examination of Effect of Massage and Aroma Oil Massage in Foot Care Nursing

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    AbstractFoot care nursing is attracting attention as a medically effective treatment for the foot lesions caused by such problems as diabetes or aging. In this study, we experimentally examined how aromatherapy affects human brain functions during foot care nursing using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). 11 subjects received both foot care nursing massages and aroma oil massages. We analyzed the changes in their oxygenated hemoglobin (oxy-Hb) concentrations based on their brain activity by t-tests, and the t-test results showed significant differences between two kinds of massages in both the somatosensory and prefrontal association areas. The oxy-Hb concentration in both massages with and without aroma oil also showed a tendency to decrease with time. Our questionnaire results showed that our subjects felt more comfortable and relaxed while receiving foot care nursing with aroma oils. These results suggest that aroma oil massages are an effective foot care nursing tool and that foot care nursing is a medically effective treatment

    Sistemas de classificação de enfermagem e sua aplicação na assistência: revisão integrativa de literatura

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    O objetivo deste estudo foi buscar evidências sobre o uso de sistemas de classificação de enfermagem na assistência, por meio de revisão integrativa da literatura. Com a busca nas bases LILACS e PubMed, com as palavras-chave classificação, enfermagem, padronizado, sistema, linguagem, selecionaram-se 38 artigos. Encontraram-se cinco sistemas de classificação principais implementados nos serviços: de diagnósticos de enfermagem (da North American Nursing Diagnosis Association International ), intervenções de enfermagem (Nursing Interventions Classification), resultados de enfermagem (Nursing Outcomes Classification), a Classificação Internacional para a Prática de Enfermagem e a Classificação Internacional das Práticas de Enfermagem em Saúde Coletiva. Os artigos abordaram aspectos relacionados à implementação, avaliação, educação continuada e validação de termos relacionados aos sistemas de classificação. Há benefícios para a assistência com a implementação desses sistemas, com melhora da assistência, da qualidade das informações e da organização do serviço

    Validity of the Short Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire for Japanese Patients with Cancer Undergoing Outpatient Chemotherapy

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    Purpose : To investigate the utility of the Short Nutritional Assessment Questionnaire (SNAQ) in the nutritional evaluation of patients with cancer undergoing outpatient chemotherapy. Methods :We included 229 patients with cancer who were undergoing outpatient chemotherapy between October 2015 and April 2016. The SNAQ and the revised SNAQ (addition of age and body mass index) were implemented, and their relationships with Controlling Nutritional Status (CONUT), an indicator of bionutritional assessment, were examined. Results : The cutoff value of the SNAQ score corresponding to moderate-to-severe undernourishment in CONUT values was 0.5, with a sensitivity of 87.5% and a specificity of 65.9%, and the corresponding values for the revised SNAQ score were 2.5, 91.7%, and 62.9%, respectively. This cutoff value and the corresponding positive prediction value for the revised SNAQ were superior to those of SNAQ. Binary logistic regression analysis with the revised SNAQ and sex as independent variables and the CONUT value as the dependent variable revealed that the higher the SNAQ score, the more likely it was that CONUT moderate-to-severe undernourishment would be identified (odds ratio, 1.48 ; , 1.34-1.96) . Conclusion : Nutritional evaluation with the revised SNAQ can predict moderateto- severe undernourishment according to CONUT in patients with cancer undergoing outpatient chemotherapy

    外来化学療法を受ける患者における口内炎の症状が口腔関連QOL(Quality of life)に及ぼす影響

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    京都府立医科大学医学部看護学科京都府立医科大学泌尿器科学教室京都府立医科大学大学院医学研究科 消化器内科学京都府立医科大学附属病院看護部School of Nursing, Kyoto Prefectural University of MedicineDepartment of Urology, Kyoto Prefectural University of MedicineDepartment of Molecular Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, Graduate School of Medical ScienceDepartment of Nursing, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine Hospital本研究の目的は、外来化学療法を受けているがん患者における口内炎の症状が口腔関連QOL(Quality of life)に及ぼす影響において、患者の基本情報による違いがあるのかを明らかにすることと、面接調査により口内炎に関する患者の思いを明らかにすることの2 点である。外来で抗がん剤治療を受けているがん患者にGeneral Oral Health Assessment Index(以下、GOHAI)による自己記入式質問紙調査および面接調査を実施した。口腔関連QOLでは、口内炎が出現している患者のGOHAI は、出現していない患者に比べて有意に低く、GOHAI の下位尺度の機能面、心理社会面、????痛・不快の3 つの領域すべてで低い傾向がみられた。患者の語りからは、【食べることの制限】【口内炎による辛さや不安】【口の中がしみて痛い】【口内炎に対する自覚】【口腔ケアの実施】【口内炎への対策】の6 つのカテゴリーが抽出された。抗がん剤治療による有害事象である口内炎の症状の出現は、患者のQOⅬを低下させ、患者の食べることを困難にしていた。以上から、抗がん剤治療による口内炎の症状が及ぼす影響を主観的、客観的な側面から把握し、患者の口腔ケアのセルフケアを促進していく支援の必要性が示唆された