62 research outputs found

    Jäänpoisto lentokonemateriaaleista lämmityksen avulla: Alumiini, teräs ja termisesti ruiskutetut pinnoitteet

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    Ilmailualalla turvallisuus on merkittävä tekijä, minkä parantamisen eteen tehdään jatkuvasti töitä. Ilma-alukseen kertyvä jää on merkittävä turvallisuusriski ja jää on aiheuttanut useita ihmishenkiä vaatineita onnettomuuksia. Jään muodostuminen on voitava estää ja kertynyttä jäätä täytyy voida poistaa kriittisiltä pinnoilta. Tässä työssä käsittelen tällä hetkellä käytössä olevia jäänesto- ja jäänpoistomenetelmiä sekä niiden käyttökohteita. Lisäksi vertailen eri materiaaleja lämmityksen avulla tapahtuvassa jäänpoistossa. Jäänestoa käytetään kohteissa, joihin jäätä ei haluta muodostuvan lainkaan. Näitä kohteita ovat esimerkiksi moottorin ilmanottoaukot ja erilaiset mittarit ja sensorit. Jäänpoistoa käytetään kohteissa, joista kertynyt jää on kyettävä poistamaan. Tällaisia ovat esimerkiksi siiven ja vakaimien johtoreunat, tuulilasi ja ohjaamon sivuikkunat sekä potkurit. Jäänpoistoon ja -estoon käytetään paineilmalla toimivia poistokumeja, moottorien vuodatusilmaa, sähkövastuksia ja jäänpoistonesteittä. Lämmitys moottorin vuodatusilmalla tai sähkövastuksilla on yleinen jäänpoisto- ja jäänestomenetelmä, mitä käytetään useissa kriittisissä kohteissa. Tämän vuoksi kokeellisessa osassa tutkin alumiinin 2017A-T4, ruostumattoman teräksen 304L sekä termisesti ruiskutettujen polyeteenipinnoitteiden jäänpoistokyvyn eroja lämmityksen avulla. Kokeet suoritettiin Tampereen yliopiston Hervannan kampuksen jäälaboratoriossa. Näytteille kerrytettiin jääkerros, joka sulatettiin irti testattavasta pinnasta lämmityslevyn avulla. Sulamiseen kulunut aika suhteutettiin jään massaan ja eri materiaalien tuloksia verrattiin keskenään. Kokeiden aikana jäälaboratorion kylmähuoneen lämpötila oli –10 ℃ ja mittauksissa käytetyt lämmityslevyn sulatuslämpötilat olivat 20 ℃ ja 10 ℃. Jää irtosi parhaiten alumiinin pinnalta, koska alumiinilla on teräkseen verrattuna huomattavasti korkeampi lämmönjohtavuus. Pinnoittamattomien ja pinnoitettujen näytteiden välillä pinnoitettujen tulokset olivat heikompia. Polyeteenin lämmönjohtavuus on selkeästi metalleja huonompi, mutta pinnoitteen alhaisempi jäänadheesio vaikuttaa positiivisesti sen jäänpoisto-ominaisuuksiin. Eri lämpötiloissa materiaalien järjestys pysyi samana, mutta erot tasaantuivat. Näytteen ja lämmityslevyn välinen lämpötilaero on pienempi matalammalla mittauslämpötilalla. Tällöin näytteet saavuttavat nopeammin tavoitelämpötilan ja sulattavat jäätä pidemmän aikaa samalla lämpötilalla.In the aviation industry safety is a major factor and it is constantly improved. Icing is a significant safety risk and therefore ice protection systems are important. From the critical surfaces ice accretion must be prevented or the already accreted ice must be removed. This work focuses on the most common anti-icing and deicing methods that are used on aircrafts, and the different material performances in thermal deicing are compared. Anti-icing is used on areas where icing is not allowed whereas deicing is used on areas where accreted ice must be removable. Anti-icing can be done thermally on for example engine air inlets and different sensors. Pneumatic boots can be used as deicing method on leading edges, windshields, and propellers. One of the most common ice protection methods is thermal ice protection. It is used on many critical areas of the aircraft and was therefore chosen to be used as the deicing method of this work. Deicing abilities of aluminum 2017A-T4, stainless steel 304L and thermally sprayed polyethylene coatings were studied and compared in this work. Ice layer was accreted on the sample and then melted with a heating plate. Ice detaching time was measured and later set to proportion with the mass of the accreted ice and the results between materials were compared. The experiments were conducted in Tampere University’s ice laboratory in Hervanta campus. The temperature of the ice laboratory was –10 ℃ and the temperature of the heating plate was either 20 ℃ or 10 ℃. Aluminum had the best deicing results due to its high thermal conductivity. Between bulk and coated samples, coated samples had lower performance in these tests. Polyethylene has considerably lower thermal conductivity than metals, but it has better icephobic properties. The latter affects positively to the results. Between 20 ℃ and 10 ℃ temperatures the order of the materials remained the same, but the differences decreased. When the temperature difference between the heating plate and the samples was smaller, all the materials reached the target temperature faster and the ice melted longer in that temperature

    Meretojan taudista uutta tietoa kansallisen potilasrekisterin avulla

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    Tiedot Meretojan taudin eli suomalaisen perinnöllisen gelsoliiniamyloidoosin taudinkulusta ovat tähän saakka perustuneet suhteellisen pieniin potilassarjoihin. Uuden kansallisen FIN-GAR-potilasrekisterin avulla voidaan paremmin kartoittaa taudin oireita ja niiden yleisyyttä sekä sen luonnollista kulkua. Potilasrekisteriin on tähän mennessä kerätty tiedot 235 potilaasta, ja siihen toivotaan edelleen täydennystä. Rekisterin mukaan ensioireet alkavat yleensä silmistä. Taudin ensisijainen diagnostinen löydös on potilaalle tyypillisesti jo 20–30-vuotiaana kehittyvä sarveiskalvon verkkomainen rappeuma. Muut oireet ja löydökset kehittyvät suurin piirtein samanaikaisesti, mediaanien osuessa 50 ja 60 ikävuoden välille. Naisilla oireet kehittyvät keskimäärin aiemmin ja erityisesti silmäoireet ovat yleisempiä kuin miehillä. Rannekanavaoireyhtymä, sydämentahdistin ja munuaisensiirrot ovat rekisterin potilailla huomattavasti yleisempiä kuin normaaliväestössä. Näiden tarkkaa patologista yhteyttä Meretojan tautiin tutkitaan ­parhaillaan.Peer reviewe

    Lastensuojelun ja nuorisopsykiatrian yhteisasiakkuus potilaskertomusaineistossa

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    Systeemiteoreettisessa viitekehyksessä tehdyssä tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin, löydetäänkö nuorisopsykiatrisesta sairaalayksiköstä kerätyssä potilaskertomusaineistossa (n=325) lastensuojelun ja nuorisopsykiatrian yhteisasiakkaita ja mitä ominaispiirteitä yhteisasiakkuuteen näyttäisi liittyvän. Sukupuolen, iän, perherakenteen, sosioekonomisten tietojen, diagnoosin ja hoidon syyn analysointi tehtiin ristiintaulukoinneilla ja logistisella regressioanalyysilla. Laadullisesta aineistosta tutkittiin, mitä voi sanoa potilaskertomuksista tiedon lähteenä sekä yhteisasiakkuusilmiöstä, kun sitä tutkitaan potilaskertomusaineistossa esiintyvien lastensuojelumerkintöjen avulla. Tulosten mukaan yhteisasiakkuus eroaa luonteeltaan vain nuorisopsykiatrisessa sairaalayksikössä potilaana olevien nuorten potilaskuvasta. Erityisesti 12-13-vuotiaiden poikien kohdalla yhteisasiakkuus osoittautui yleiseksi. Yhteisasiakkaiden nuorisopsykiatrisen hoidon tarpeen kuvauksessa esiintyi käytökseen, perheeseen, kouluun tai sosiaaliseen ympäristöön laajemmin liittyviä ongelmia useammin kuin muilla nuorilla

    A Person-Oriented Approach to Diary Data : Children's Temperamental Negative Emotionality Increases Susceptibility to Emotion Transmission in Father-Child Dyads

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    The notion that some individuals are more prone to emotion transmission than others has prompted the need for a person-oriented approach to emotion transmission in parent-child dyads. The present study applied a person-oriented analysis to examine the patterns of emotion transmission that can be identified in the diary data of father-child dyads, and the extent to which children with high levels of temperamental negative emotionality are particularly susceptible to emotion transmission within the family. Mothers of 149 first grade children (age 6 to 7) completed questionnaires concerning their child’s temperament. Mothers and fathers maintained diary questionnaires (for a total of 7 days) concerning their child’s negative daily emotions, and fathers (n = 116) maintained diary questionnaires concerning their own negative daily emotions. Results of variable-oriented analyses with prospective change multilevel modeling showed, first, that emotions were, on average, not significantly transmitted in a father-child interaction. However, the person-oriented approach using multilevel mixture regression identified four qualitatively different patterns in the transmission of emotions. These results showed that the higher the level of a child’s temperamental negative emotionality, the more typical it was for the father-child dyad in their daily life to show interaction patterns wherein the father’s negative emotions were transmitted to the child.Peer reviewe

    Finnish gelsolin amyloidosis causes significant disease burden but does not affect survival: FIN-GAR phase II study

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    Abstract Background Hereditary gelsolin (AGel) amyloidosis is an autosomal dominantly inherited systemic amyloidosis that manifests with the characteristic triad of progressive ophthalmological, neurological and dermatological signs and symptoms. The National Finnish Gelsolin Amyloidosis Registry (FIN-GAR) was founded in 2013 to collect clinical data on patients with AGel amyloidosis, including altogether approximately one third of the Finnish patients. We aim to deepen knowledge on the disease burden and life span of the patients using data from the updated FIN-GAR registry. We sent an updated questionnaire concerning the symptoms and signs, symptomatic treatments and subjective perception on disease progression to 240 members of the Finnish Amyloidosis Association (SAMY). We analyzed the lifespan of 478 patients using the relative survival (RS) framework. Results The updated FIN-GAR registry includes 261 patients. Symptoms and signs corresponding to the classical triad of ophthalmological (dry eyes in 93%; corneal lattice amyloidosis in 89%), neurological (numbness, tingling and other paresthesias in 75%; facial paresis in 67%), and dermatological (drooping eyelids in 86%; cutis laxa in 84%) manifestations were highly prevalent. Cardiac arrhythmias were reported by 15% of the patients and 5% had a cardiac pacemaker installed. Proteinuria was reported by 13% and renal failure by 5% of the patients. A total of 65% of the patients had undergone a skin or soft tissue surgery, 26% carpal tunnel surgery and 24% at least unilateral cataract surgery. As regards life span, relative survival estimates exceeded 1 for males and females until the age group of 70–74 years, for which it was 0.96. Conclusions AGel amyloidosis causes a wide variety of ophthalmological, neurological, cutaneous, and oral symptoms that together with repeated surgeries cause a clinically significant disease burden. Severe renal and cardiac manifestations are rare as compared to other systemic amyloidoses, explaining in part the finding that AGel amyloidosis does not shorten the life span of the patients at least for the first 75 years

    Adaptive Number Knowledge in Secondary School Students: Profiles and Antecedents

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    The present study aims to examine inter-individual differences in adaptive number knowledge in secondary school students. Adaptive number knowledge is defined as a well-connected network of knowledge of numerical characteristics and arithmetic relations. Substantial and relevant qualitative differences in the strategies and expression of adaptive number knowledge have been found in primary school students still in the process of learning arithmetic. We present a study involving 879 seventh-grade students that examines the structure of individual differences in adaptive number knowledge with students who have completed one year of algebra instruction. Results of a latent profile analysis reveal a model that is similar than was previously found in primary school students. As well, arithmetic fluency and the development of arithmetic fluency are strong predictors of adaptive number knowledge latent profile membership. These results suggest that adaptive number knowledge may be characteristic of high-level performance extending into secondary school, even after formal instruction with arithmetic concludes. </p

    Ice resistance of hydrophobic fluoropolymerized nanostructured alumina films for antireflective coatings

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    The functionality and durability of nanostructured alumina coatings exposed to atmospheric icing has been assessed to probe their usability in practical applications and to estimate the need for further development of the coatings. In particular, the changes in surface microstructure and in optical performance as well as in the wetting characteristics of the surfaces are reported. Without a hydrophobicity treatment the alumina nanostructures are superhydrophilic and do not endure large environmental changes. Hydrophobicity treated fluoropolymerized nanostructured alumina provides characteristics with partial anti-icing capabilities, enhanced durability, and excellent transmission levels of >95%, but the performance degrades in cyclic icing/de-icing. However, the hydrophobic nanostructured alumina outperforms both the nanostructured and planar alumina coatings and possesses increased durability and stability even under harsh conditions, such as the atmospheric icing. This indicates a clear need to use a hydrophobicity treatment for the nanostructured alumina antireflection coatings to be used in any environments. Therefore, its utilization in applications where little or occasional exposure to icing or other humidity and temperature changes is favorable over standard planar coatings. Further process optimization of the hydrophobicity treatment is still needed for better durability for cyclical icing exposure.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Parenting Styles and Children’s Emotional Development during the First Grade : The Moderating Role of Child Temperament

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    This study investigated the associations between parenting styles (affection, behavioral control, and psychological control) and children’s emotional development (emotion expression) during the first grade of primary school, and the moderating role of children’s temperament (easy, difficult, and inhibited) in these associations. Mothers and fathers of 152 children responded to a questionnaire concerning their parenting styles and their child’s temperament at the beginning of their child’s first grade (Time 1). They also filled in a structured diary questionnaire concerning their child’s negative and positive emotions over seven successive days (diary) at the beginning (Time 1) and at the end (Time 2) of their child’s first grade. The results showed that mothers’ psychological control at Time 1 was associated with a subsequent high level of negative emotions among children, independently of the child’s temperament. Mothers’ high affection, in turn, was associated with subsequently low levels of negative emotions, particularly among children with inhibited temperament. Mothers’ behavioral control, on the other hand, was associated with low levels of negative emotions among children with difficult temperament. Fathers’ psychological control was associated with subsequently high levels of negative emotions among children with difficult temperament. No associations were found between parenting styles and children’s positive emotions.Peer reviewe