456 research outputs found

    Establishing Intergenerational Relationships in Youth Ministry

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    Knockout of Endospanin 1 via CRISPR in Zebrafish, Danio rerio

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    I made endospanin 1 knockout (KO) zebrafish to examine its effects on lipid and bone metabolism. Endospanin 1, or leptin receptor overlapping transcript (leprot), is a cytosolic protein linked to the protein hormone leptin that influences the trafficking of leptin receptors to the plasma membrane of cells. Genes for endospanin and tyrosinase (a pigmentation enzyme) were targeted via a microinjection of guide RNAs and CRISPR Cas9 into zebrafish embryos at 2-4 cell stages. I was able to disrupt the endospanin 1 gene (based upon the disruption of tyrosinase), but very few mutant zebrafish fully developed into adults. Only low KO mosaic zebrafish survived to early adulthood. If the assumption that endospanin 1 affects bone metabolism is supported, the results would suggest that endospanin 1’s elimination may prevent bones from properly forming during zebrafish development


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    thesisThe purposes of this research were to present descriptive data on the types of maternity charges for the low-risk maternity client in a community hospital maternity charges to consumers of certified nurse-midwives' family practitioners, and obstetricians' services. The researcher utilized the Delivery Log and billing records to collect demographic information and hospital charges. The sample consisted of hospital bills of women having normal vaginal delivers at a community hospital selected between December 1, 1981 and March 31, 1982, resulting in 60 certified nurse-midwives', 39 obstetricians' and 161 family practitioners' clients. The results of the research identified six items with significant mean charges differences between provider groups. These were: electronic fetal monitoring, extra gowns, extra supplies, anesthesia, pharmacy, and intravenous equipment. This led to a significantly lower mean total hospital charges for the certified nurse-midwifery group. The finding indicated that numerous small charges, perhaps related to provider preferences and practices, resulted in the total hospital charge differences

    The Chariot: A Narrative Exploration in the Digital World

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    With music now being consumed almost entirely in a digital realm, musicians today are tasked with not only creating compelling work, but distributing it with a unique approach that gives listeners another dimension to enjoy the music. Using the web is the most obvious route nowadays for music delivery, but this is rarely executed in an elegant way. Utilizing the web as a medium of artful expression, the Culminating Experience by Sam Kittinger, titled The Chariot, implements web design and development to create an online experience that showcases the conceptual narrative of a five-track original EP with an accompanying music video and interactive ancillary graphics.https://remix.berklee.edu/graduate-studies-production-technology/1131/thumbnail.jp

    Orcutt Area Artists Village

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    Engine spectrometer probe and method of use

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    The engine spectrometer probe and method of using the same of the present invention provides a simple engine spectrometer probe which is both lightweight and rugged, allowing an exhaust plume monitoring system to be attached to a vehicle, such as the space shuttle. The engine spectrometer probe can be mounted to limit exposure to the heat and debris of the exhaust plume. The spectrometer probe 50 comprises a housing 52 having an aperture 55 and a fiber optic cable 60 having a fiber optic tip 65. The fiber optic tip 65 has an acceptance angle 87 and is coupled to the aperture 55 so that the acceptance angle 87 intersects the exhaust plume 30. The spectrometer probe can generate a spectrum signal from light in the acceptance angle 506 and the spectrum signal can be provided to a spectrometer 508

    On-board Optical Spectrometry for Detection of Mixture Ratio and Eroded Materials in Rocket Engine Exhaust Plume

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    Optical spectrometry can provide means to characterize rocket engine exhaust plume impurities due to eroded materials, as well as combustion mixture ratio without any interference with plume. Fiberoptic probes and cables were designed, fabricated and installed on Space Shuttle Main Engines (SSME), allowing monitoring of the plume spectra in real time with a Commercial of the Shelf (COTS) fiberoptic spectrometer, located in a test-stand control room. The probes and the cables survived the harsh engine environments for numerous hot-fire tests. When the plume was seeded with a nickel alloy powder, the spectrometer was able to successfully detect all the metallic and OH radical spectra from 300 to 800 nanometers

    Foldibot the Autonomous Clothes Folder

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    As society becomes more technologically advanced, so does the demand for innovative products that save time; products like the Roomba have revolutionized household chores. Our teams’ vision was to develop a solution for another time-consuming household chore: folding laundry. The goal of this project was to conceptually design a marketable “robot” capable of autonomously folding clothes and explore a potential design by prototyping and testing it. Our team utilized our culmination of knowledge acquired over five years of engineering studies to turn a “pen and paper” sketch into a functioning prototype; this project used engineering tools such as a Weighted Decision Matrix, Functional Decomposition Diagram, 3D CAD models, and Python coding. The results of this project were: a robot that was under budget, a complete mechanical folding system design and construction, and coding to control the robots x and y axis

    Terrestrische Huminstoffe in Oberflächengewässern als Eisenkomplexbildner unter salinen Bedingungen

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    Eisen bleibt, entgegen seines äußerst niedrigen Löslichkeitsproduktes, unter salinen Bedingungen in küstennahem Meerwasser teilweise löslich. Dies ist vor allem für Lebewesen, die für die Primärproduktion im Meer verantwortlich sind essentiell, da Eisen den limitierenden Faktor in diesem Lebensraum darstellt. Um die Rolle von terrestrischen Huminstoffen in der Komplexierung von Eisen und seine damit einhergehende erhöhte Löslichkeit unter salinen Bedingungen genauer zu untersuchen, wurden Proben aus Schottland von zwei verschiedenen Flüssen, die jeweils Hochlandmoore in diesem Gebiet entwässern, untersucht. Ziel war es neun bekannte Bestandteile von Huminstoffen auf ihren möglichen Einfluß auf die Eisenkomplexierungsfähigkeit von Huminstoffen zu charakterisieren. Dazu wurden die Proben in vier Schritten untersucht. Zunächst wurden die Proben durch Zugabe von zehn im Meerwasser vorkommenden Salzen in den entsprechenden Konzentrationen ausgesalzen und abfiltriert. Danach folgte eine Aufkonzentration der Probe mittels einer Festphasenextraktion über eine C18 Reversed Phase Säule. Die konzentrierte Probe wurde daraufhin durch eine Größenausschlußchromatographie in Fraktionen aufgetrennt, die auf deren Eisengehalt mit Inductively-Coupled-Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES) untersucht wurden. Fraktionen mit hohem Eisengehalt wurden dann in weiterer Folge mit Fraktionen niedrigen Eisengehalts verglichen indem beide jeweils mittels GC-MS Analyse untersucht wurden. Die Ergebnisse lieferten weitere Hinweise auf die große Rolle von Huminstoffen in der Komplexierung von Eisen unter salinen Bedingungen, da die Konzentration des in Lösung verbleibenden Eisens nach dem Aussalzen immer noch ca. 20% des in der Urprobe vorhandenen Eisens betrug. Weiters zeigte sich, dass in beiden untersuchten Proben Eisen bevorzugt in den Fraktionen mit Huminstoffen höherer molekularer Massen zu finden ist, während der Gehalt an Eisen in Fraktionen mit Huminstoffen mit abnehmenden Molekulargewicht signifikant absinkt. Von den neun zu untersuchenden Verbindungen, konnte insbesondere bei der Syringasäure nachgewiesen werden, dass diese bevorzugt in Fraktionen zu finden war, die eine erhöhte Konzentration an Eisen aufwiesen. Dies deutet darauf hin, dass diese Verbindung möglicher Weise Einfluss auf die Eisentragfähigkeit von Huminstoffen haben könnte

    ARMYPEDIA: A “Special Chronicle” of Multilingual Digital Crowdsourcing

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    This case study investigates how ARMYPEDIA, a contributory digital archive, reflects the global nature of the BTS K-pop fandom. The research provides an overview of fan interaction with ARMYPEDIA by randomly sampling ARMYPEDIA posts and cluster sampling tweets about ARMYPEDIA, coding the content of the posts and tweets, and analyzing the codes for themes in languages used, text content, and multimedia contributions. The analysis of this case has potential implications for digital library spaces with regard to crowdsourcing, multilingual contributions, and engagement.Master of Science in Library Scienc
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