717 research outputs found

    Food addiction : a cost-effective treatment proposal within a developing country context

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    This study explores the possible efficacy of a low carbohydrate and high fat nutritional intervention (LCHF) as a treatment possibility aiming to improve the ability of self-control and regulation in the context of carbohydrate-addiction. The study first outlines why increased simple carbohydrate consumption has been implicated as a risk-factor in numerous chronic conditions, and then explores the possibility that a reduction of such consumption could lower general medical expenditure in the healthcare sector of already overburdened institutions, especially in developing countries like South Africa. Since the neurobiological evidence for food addiction is compelling, this study investigates the impact of a low carbohydrate and high fat eating (LCHF) regimen by measuring the change in the severity of addictive behaviour in relation to a reduced carbohydrate consumption. Results indicate that a LCHF nutritional intervention lessened addictive behaviour after just 30 days, resulting in a statistically significant decrease in addiction symptoms from day 1 to day 30. The weight and BMI values of the participants recorded at the end of the study showed a reduction from those obtained during the pre- treatment stage, and the self-perceived ‘feeling in control’ also improved in all participants after the intervention. The introduction of a LCHF nutritional intervention presents a relatively cost-effective treatment and preventative measure to combat carbohydrate over-consumption and its numerous health complications, and it is therefore hoped that the positive findings of this study will foster further research, using larger samples, into this type of nutritional intervention against addictive eating behaviour.PsychologyM.A. (Psychology

    The obsession for appropriation : how the bureaucratic need for publicity has resulted in tragedy

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    This thesis examines what has happened as a result of bureaucracies placing more importance on their budget appropriations than on doing what the agency was created for to the best of its abilities. Two case studies were observed, the 1986 Challenger disaster and the 1993 BATF raid on the Branch Davidians outside of Waco, Texas. In addition, different contemporary views of bureaucracy, checks on the bureaucracy, and the role of the media were examined in order to help understand how these events transpired. The conclusion reached is that it is extremely rare that bureaucrats make mistakes that result in disaster. However, in the two case studies, the bureaucratic need for mass media coverage and increasing appropriations superseded better and more rational decision making. The Challenger and Waco tragedies could have been easily avoided. Unfortunately, many lives were lost unnecessarily


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    A challenge for all living organisms is to offset the fitness associated risks of environmental uncertainty. Bet-hedging strategies are adaptive in unpredictable environments and are documented in a wide range of taxa spanning all kingdoms (Simons 2011, see Appendix A). There are two general types of bet-hedging strategies, a conservative strategy exemplified by the phrase "a jack of all trades and master of none" and the more common diversified strategy best described by the phrase "don't put all your eggs in one basket" (Seger and Brockman, 1987; Simons, 2011, see Appendix A). Although there are differences between them, both are based on the principle that mean geometric fitness increases by reducing fitness variation among years (Cohen, 1966; Gillespie, 1974; Philippi and Seger, 1989, see Appendix A). In annual plants, small germination fractions and high seed survival in the seed bank are adaptive when good years occur unpredictably or in a low frequency. The opposite is true for environments when the probability of a good year is high. Mathematical models have derived these theoretical predictions (Cohen 1966; Levin et al. 1984; Venable and Brown, 1988; Venable and Lawlor 1980, see Appendix A), but empirical tests of these models remains problematic, primarily because documentation of changes in geometric mean fitness are not realized until different environmental conditions are experienced by the study organism. Since bet-hedging strategies are adapted on an evolutionary time scale, environmental conditions to hedge against may not be experienced in a human lifetime, or longer. Thus, field experiments are not optimal for testing bet-hedging theory. However a few long term observational studies support theoretical expectations (see Pake and Venable 1996; Venable, 2007, see Appendix A), and long-term manipulative experiments that alter environmental conditions (e.g. precipitation frequency) are feasible approaches (Petru and Tielboerger 2008, see Appendix A). Modeling is another method for testing theoretical predictions, specifically by combining demographic models that are coupled with environmental models that alter soil temperature and soil water content. Demographic models have been applied to estimate population growth rates in desert annuals by deriving parameters such as reproductive output, recruitment from the seed bank, and survivorship in response to simulated precipitation regimes (Gremer and Venable 2014; Salguero-Gomez et al. 2012, see Appendix A). Bet-hedging literature consists of a mixture of results that support and reject theoretical predictions, particularly in regard to seed germination and dormancy. This is due, in part, to the inability to incorporate mechanisms such as phenotypic plasticity and maternal effects that confound observations of demographic traits (i.e., seed production and seed dormancy) in natural populations. Another shortcoming is that comparisons of demographic traits at the population level are not incorporated into predictive models, resulting in hampered understanding of underlying genetic differences in the expression of bet hedging strategies, which are important variables determining population persistence and range dynamics. Lastly, and potentially the greatest shortcoming, is that risk avoidance from alternative selection agents (i.e., herbivores) are almost entirely non-existent. For example, frequent pre and post dispersal seed predation (i.e., granivory) may favor adaptations that reduce the risk of predation, such as increased lignification, or accumulation of tannins and similar defense compounds in fruit or seed coats (i.e., pericarp, and testa), that simultaneously alter germination or dormancy. Since plant-animal interactions are ubiquitous, and because the selective pressure animals impose on plant fitness can be extremely strong, we cannot truly understand plant bet hedging strategies without accounting this selective force. Chapter one is an explanation of why the Cox Proportional Hazard (CPH) model is an excellent choice for analyzing germination data. Historically, germination data was analyzed by analysis of variance, however the nature of germination data requires more complicated statistical analysis. The CPH is a suitable choice, but certain shortcomings in the standard CPH were identified (Ritz et al. 2013, see Appendix A). This chapter presents the use of the extended CPH (Kleinbaum and Klein 2012, see Appendix A), and demonstrates its ability to overcome the shortcomings of the standard CPH. The major strength of the extended CPH is the flexibility to statistically compare time intervals of interest to the user. Chapter two presents an investigation into the variability in germination and dormancy among G. ciliata populations in Oklahoma. The germination trends that were observed in chapter one are explained in chapter two and it is shown that significant differences in dormancy exist among populations. Such variation may strongly affect how seedbank and population dynamics. Chapter three is an investigation of how reproductive bet-hedging in an Oklahoma native forb Grindelia ciliata (Asteraceae), is affected by the seed herbivore Schinia mortua (Noctuidae). Female S. mortua moths determine the time, location, and abundance of S. mortua larvae that will consume the G. ciliata seeds. By manipulating location, timing, and abundance of larvae I evaluate the impact that this herbivore has on plant fitness

    Realização da técnica de osteotomia de nivelamento do platô tibial em canino

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Campus Curitibanos. Medicina Veterinária.Com a presença cada vez mais significativa e crescente de animais de companhia dentro do convívio familiar, é esperada, consequentemente, uma rotina clínica maior e progressiva dentro da medicina veterinária. Atualmente, a área da ortopedia veterinária se expande e novas técnicas são desenvolvidas e aprimoradas. Uma das principais casuísticas na especialidade é a ruptura do ligamento cruzado, exigindo um conhecimento técnico e aplicação prática de manobras cirúrgicas pelo médico veterinário ortopedista a fim de corrigir esta patologia. Algumas das técnicas mais aplicadas para correção desta condição já são bem antigas e dominadas, porém apresentam alguns reveses, seja por exemplo pelo material utilizado ou pela taxa de insucesso. A técnica de osteotomia de nivelamento do platô tibial (TPLO) é uma técnica mais especializada e portanto apresenta resultados mais satisfatórios em comparação a demais procedimentos de correção de claudicação por ruptura de ligamento cruzado. Este trabalho visa relatar uma execução da técnica realizada na clínica veterinária Vet na Sua Casa, na cidade de Campo Bom (RS), em um paciente canino Pit Bull, fêmea, de 4 anos.With the increasingly significant and growing presence of companion animals within the family life, it is expected, consequently, a greater and progressive clinical routine within veterinary medicine. Currently, the area of veterinary orthopedics is expanding and new techniques are developed and improved. One of the main cases in the specialty is the rupture of the cruciate ligament, requiring technical knowledge and practical application of surgical maneuvers by the orthopedic veterinarian in order to correct this pathology. Some of the most applied techniques to correct this condition are already very old and dominated, but they have some setbacks, either because of the material used or the failure rate. The tibial plateau leveling osteotomy (TPLO) technique is a more specialized technique and therefore presents more satisfactory results compared to other procedures to correct claudication due to cruciate ligament rupture. This work aims to report an execution of the technique performed at the Vet na Sua Casa veterinary clinic, in the city of Campo Bom (RS), in a 4-year-old female Pit Bull canine patient

    Raman spectroscopy of InN films grown on Si

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    We have used Raman spectroscopy to study indium nitride thin films grown by molecular beam epitaxy on (111) silicon substrates at temperatures between 450 and 550 C. The Raman spectra show well defined peaks at 443, 475, 491, and 591 cm{-1}, which correspond to the A_1(TO), E_1(TO), E_2^{high}, and A_1(LO) phonons of the wurtzite structure, respectively. In backscattering normal to the surface the A_1(TO) and E_1(TO) peaks are very weak, indicating that the films grow along the hexagonal c axis. The dependence of the peak width on growth temperature reveals that the optimum temperature is 500 C, for which the fullwidth of the E_2^{high} peak has the minimum value of 7 cm{-1}. This small value, comparable to previous results for InN films grown on sapphire, is evidence of the good crystallinity of the films.Comment: 3 pages, 1 eps figure, RevTe

    Relatório de estágio curricular supervisionado na área de clínica médica e cirúrgica de pequenos animais

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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Campus Curitibanos. Medicina Veterinária.O estudo e aprendizado de qualidade dentro da faculdade é essencial, indispensável e indiscutível. O maior complemento a toda essa base, que é formada pelo aluno de medicina veterinária em ambiente da universidade, é o estágio, pois essa é a oportunidade de colocar em prática o aprendizado, além de aperfeiçoá-lo e aprender a lidar com o mercado de trabalho. No presente relatório estão contidas informações colhidas a respeito de casuística, logística e estrutura dos ambientes de estágio no período de estágio curricular supervisionado no mérito de clínica médica e cirúrgica de pequenos animais, dividido entre duas concedentes: A primeira é o Hospital Veterinário Zoocare, referência na cidade de Balneário Camboriú (SC) e região. A segunda concedente é a clínica veterinária Vet na Sua Casa, essa, por sua vez, referência na região do município de Campo Bom (RS).Quality study and learning within the college is essential, indispensable and indisputable. The greatest complement to this entire base, which is formed by the veterinary medicine student in a university environment, is the internship, as this is the opportunity to put what learning into practice, in addition to improving it and learning to deal with the market of work. This report contains information collected about the casuistry, logistics and structure of the internship environments in the supervised curricular internship period in the medical and surgical clinic of small animals, divided between two grantors: The first is the Zoocare Veterinary Hospital, reference in the city of Balneário Camboriú (SC) and region. The second grantor is the Vet na Sua Casa veterinary clinic, which, in turn, is a reference in the region of the municipality of Campo Bom (RS)

    Coulomb parameters and photoemission for the molecular metal TTF-TCNQ

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    We employ density-functional theory to calculate realistic parameters for an extended Hubbard model of the molecular metal TTF-TCNQ. Considering both intra- and intermolecular screening in the crystal, we find significant longer-range Coulomb interactions along the molecular stacks, as well as inter-stack coupling. We show that the long-range Coulomb term of the extended Hubbard model leads to a broadening of the spectral density, likely resolving the problems with the interpretation of photoemission experiments using a simple Hubbard model only.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Dichlorido(9-methyl­adenine-κN 7)(η5-penta­methyl­cyclo­penta­dien­yl)iridium(III) dichloromethane solvate

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    In the title complex, [Ir(C10H15)Cl2(C6H7N5)]·CH2Cl2 or [Ir(η5-C5Me5)Cl2(9-MeAde-κN 7)]·CH2Cl2 (9-MeAde = 9-methyl­adenine), the coordination geometry of the IrIII atom approximates to a three-legged piano stool. The 9-methyl­adenine ligand is coordinated in a monodentate fashion to the Ir centre through its N-7 atom. The crystal structure contains centrosymmetric pairs of mol­ecules, inter­acting through two N—H⋯N hydrogen bonds. An intra­molecular N—H⋯Cl hydrogen bond is formed between the H atom of an NH2 group and a chlorido ligand. Further short intra- and inter­molecular C—H⋯Cl contacts are observed

    catena-Poly[[4′,5′-bis­(methyl­sulfan­yl)-4,5-ethyl­enedithio­tetra­thio­fulvalene] [[dichloridomercurate(II)]-μ-dichlorido]]

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    The title compound, {(C10H10S8)[HgCl3]}n, is a sulfur-rich charge-transfer compound in which C10H10S8 + cations and HgCl3 anions are assembled by S⋯S [3.371 (5)–3.588 (5) Å] and S⋯Cl [2.833 (4)–3.488 (4) Å] contacts, and by weak inter­molecular C—H⋯Cl hydrogen bonds, forming a two-dimensional wave-like structure. The two C atoms of the –CH2—CH2– group in one of the cations are disordered over two sites with relative occupancies of 0.83 (2) and 0.17 (2)