287 research outputs found

    The empirical examination of changes related to value drivers in the effects of the 2007-2008 crisis

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    The article brings into the focus the corporate value creation and the main value drivers. The first goal of the study is to classify the most relevant value drivers, and their function of the firms’ value. Further objective of this paper is to present the effects of the 2007-2008 global financial crisis. This article demonstrates the following. The first part introduces the value chain and illustrates the primary and the support activities of the companies. The second section briefly presents the 2007-2008 global economic crisis, introducing its causes, events and financial aspects. The third empirical part of the paper analyses the database featuring data from 18 European countries, 10 sectors and 1553 firms in the period between 2004 and 2011. At the end, the fourth part contains conclusions. Based on the related literature reviewed and in the conducted empirical research it can be assessed that 2008 can be seen unambiguously as the year of the crisis. In this year, all independent variables had a negative effect on the dependent variable

    A vállalat értékét befolyásoló tényezők szerepének vizsgálata angolszász és kontinentális vonatkozásokban

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    The study examines the value drivers and their influencing role in a regional perspective.The study is based on the theoretical equation emphasizing that the firm’s value is determined by its ability to generate cash flow and the return of the invested capital. However, regarding the firm’s value the management literatureis not uniform. Differences between the Anglo-Saxon and Continental trends can be revealed in areas such as the financial system, the ownership structure of certain countries, the owner controls of various companies and the legal form of the concentration of capital resources. The main objective of this study is to identify the value drivers at a regional level. This study proceeds as follows. The first section presents the shareholder value theory and its practical implementation. The second part describes the stakeholder approach. The third part illustrates the Anglo-Saxon and Continental financial system and value concept. Finally, the fourth section includes concluding remarks

    Spatial and temporal distribution patterns of zooplankton (Rotifera, Cladocera, Copepoda) in the water bodies of the Floodplain Gemenc (Duna-Dráva National Park, Hungary)

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    The Gemenc Floodplain, situated between the 1498th and 1470th river-kilometres of the River Danube, is part of the Danube–Dráva National Park in Hungary. The floodplain is one of the largest in Europe with an area of 18,000 hectares, and within its territory various typical side arms and backwaters can be found. The area needs hydrological revitalization because of the sinking river bed, caused by the regulation of the main arm at the end of the 19th century. In order to assess the conditions of the intervention, an exhaustive knowledge about the hydrobiological relations of the different water bodies will be necessary. The aim of our study was to explore connections between the hydrological events, the physical–chemical parameters of the waterbodies, and the abundance of the planktonic crustacean and rotifer assemblages

    A hazai autópályák pihenőinek atkái

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    A hazai autópálya pihenőkben végzett akarológiai kutatások eredménye

    Chia seeds as a novel food

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    One of today’s popular products is the seed of Salvia hispanica, more commonly known as chia seeds. Its popularity stems from its high nutrient content, and also from the beneficial health effects associated with its consumption. Salvia hispanica was one of the staple crops of the Aztec and Mayan civilizations and, in addition to being consumed as a food, it was also used in medicine because of its special nutrient content. These days chia seed consumption is experiencing a renaissance again, for example, in the USA, Canada and Australia, it has been used for more than eight years as a food ingredient, because of its potentially beneficial health effects. The protein, essential fatty acid and fiber contents of chia seed are outstanding, and it is an excellent natural source of antioxidants. Chia seeds are classified as a “novel food” in the European Union, so there are strict conditions for its marketing and use for business purposes. The use of chia seeds as a food ingredient was approved by the Directorate-General For Health and Food Safety (DG SANTE) in 2009, the conditions of which were modified in 2013, 2014 and 2015. However, consumption of more than 15 grams a day can cause gastrointestinal malfunctions, therefore, in the European Union, consumers have to be warned about this. In addition, its potential allergizing effect also has to be taken into consideration when consuming it. Today, the positive effects of chia seed consumption have not yet been proved, and further research is needed regarding its future role played in the food industry

    Microcrustacean community structure in the different water bodies of the Lake Fertő/Neusiedler See (Fertő-Hanság National Park, Hungary): new invaders, recurring and missing taxa

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    The composition and community parameters of the microcrustacean assemblages were studied at twenty one sampling sites located in different water bodies/habitats (open water, inner ponds, canal, reed belt) of the shallow turbid alkaline Lake Fertő/Neusiedler See. 53 taxa (24 Cladocera, 9 Ostracoda, 20 Copepoda) were recorded from the lake, Alona affinis (Leydig, 1860) and Eurytemora velox (Lilljeborg, 1853) were detected for the first time. Including these two species, the microcrustacean fauna of the lake increased to 112 (49 Cladocera, 27 Ostracoda, 36 Copepoda) species on the basis of 15 published faunistic studies. Variations in composition, species richness, density, and diversity of communities of the different water bodies of the lake became obvious. In the reed belt, significant differences were detected between the species composition of the healthy and degraded reed stands. The long-term changes in the microcrustacean fauna are in accordance with the high instability and spatial variability of lake habitats and with several factors which are consequences of the extreme shallowness (water level fluctuations, extensive reed belt, high turbidity, wind effects, periodic anoxic conditions)

    A kárpátaljai magyar nyelvhasználat megítélése ügynökmódszeres vizsgálattal

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    Tanulmányomban a kárpátaljai magyar nyelvhasználathoz kapcsolódó attitűdöket vizsgáltam ügynökmódszerrel. A felmérés során Kárpátalján és Magyarországon felsőoktatásban tanuló kárpátaljai magyar hallgatók nyelvi attitűdjeit hasonlítottam össze. Vizsgálatomban az adatközlőknek két hangfelvételt kellett meghallgatniuk. A két felvételen ugyanaz a beszélő (ügynök) szólalt meg két különböző nyelvváltozatban. Az egyik hanganyag szövege kárpátaljai magyar nyelvhasználatra jellemző orosz és ukrán kölcsönszókat tartalmazott, a másik szövegben pedig a kölcsönszók a magyarországi megfelelőikkel voltak helyettesítve. A kutatást arra a feltételezésre alapoztam, hogy a hallgatók a magyarországi változatban megszólaló ügynököt fogják pozitívabban megítélni a kárpátaljai változatban beszélővel szemben. Továbbá feltételeztem, hogy a Kárpátalján tanuló főiskolai hallgatók kedvezőbben értékelik majd a kárpátaljai változatban megszólaló ügynököt, mint a Magyarországon tanuló kárpátaljai magyar egyetemisták. Az eredmények azt mutatták, hogy mindkét csoportban a résztvevők a magyarországi változatban beszélő ügynököt ítélték meg pozitívabban

    Határon túli magyar egyetemisták nyelvhasználatának megítélése

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    Tanulmányom a nyelvi változatossággal kapcsolatos attitűdöket ismerteti. Határon túli magyar, illetve magyarországi származású egyetemisták vélekedései alapján mutatom be a kétnyelvű és egynyelvű magyar nyelvhasználat közötti különbségeket, valamint a különböző nyelvváltozatokhoz kapcsolódó értékítéleteket. A kutatás során arra a kérdésre kerestem a választ, hogy a tanulmányi céluk miatt mobilis hallgatók nyelvhasználatára milyen hatással van a kétnyelvű magyar közegből az egynyelvű magyar közegbe való beilleszkedés, és ez milyen nyelvi attitűdöket eredményez. A kétnyelvű magyar beszélők nyelvhasználata eltér az egynyelvű magyarokétól annak okán, hogy a mindennapos kommunikációjukat egyszerre két vagy több nyelv, és annak változatai is befolyásolják. Ebből kifolyólag azt is megvizsgálom, hogy a magyarországi származású egyetemisták egy csoportja, akik a mindennapok során gyakran érintkeznek külhoni magyar hallgatókkal, hogyan vélekednek a határon túli magyarok nyelvhasználatáról, és ők milyen különbségeket fedeznek fel a kétfajta magyar nyelvhasználat között

    Phytoseiid mites (Acari, Mesostigmata) from the rest areas of Hungarian highways

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    The mesostigmatid mite family Phytoseiidae was surveyed in rest areas of Hungarian highways by examination of leaves collected from arboreal plants. All together 15 species, ca. 20 % of the Hungarian Phytoseiid fauna were recorded. Seven species were collected from the ring highway around Budapest (M0), ten species were found alongside the northwestern highway (M1), six-six species were recorded from the north-eastern and south-eastern highways (M3 and M5), and five species from the area of south-western highway (M7), finally two species were found on the newly built southern highway (M6). Euseius finlandicus (Oudemans, 1915) was present in most of the sampling sites, while other common species were Phytoseius macropilis (Banks, 1909); Kampimodromus aberrans (Oudemans, 1930); Neoseiulella aceri (Collyer, 1957) and Typhlodromus (Typhlodromus) tiliae Oudemans, 1929. Typhloseiulus peculiaris (Kolodochka, 1980) was shown at the first time from Hungary in the framework of our study, thus a short description and new illustrations are given to this species