806 research outputs found

    Anticipating Information Needs Based on Check-in Activity

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    In this work we address the development of a smart personal assistant that is capable of anticipating a user's information needs based on a novel type of context: the person's activity inferred from her check-in records on a location-based social network. Our main contribution is a method that translates a check-in activity into an information need, which is in turn addressed with an appropriate information card. This task is challenging because of the large number of possible activities and related information needs, which need to be addressed in a mobile dashboard that is limited in size. Our approach considers each possible activity that might follow after the last (and already finished) activity, and selects the top information cards such that they maximize the likelihood of satisfying the user's information needs for all possible future scenarios. The proposed models also incorporate knowledge about the temporal dynamics of information needs. Using a combination of historical check-in data and manual assessments collected via crowdsourcing, we show experimentally the effectiveness of our approach.Comment: Proceedings of the 10th ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining (WSDM '17), 201

    Effects of perturbing forces on the orbital stability of planetary systems

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    We consider dynamical effects of additional perturbative forces due to the non-point mass nature of stars and planets: effects such as quadrupolar distortion and tidal friction in the systems of exo-planets. It is shown that these forces should not be neglected while modelling the dynamics of planetary systems, especially taking into account the undefined real masses of the planets due to unknown orbital inclinations and the unsatisfactory application of Keplerian fits to the radial velocity data in multiple planetary systems.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, accepted by ApJ Le

    Влияние цифровизации на инвестиционный потенциал города

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    The digital transformation of all socio-economic spheres of the country determines the inclusion of digital factors in the assessment of investment potential. The aim of this paper is to justify the need to include digital factors in assessing the investment potential and the assessment of the digital potential of St. Petersburg. The study includes statistical methods of correlation analysis, average values, comparison, and grouping. This paper defines the concept of digital potential; highlights indicators of digital technology development; presents a methodology and assessment of the digital capacity of St. Petersburg compared with other cities of federal status through 2016–2018. The author features three key components of digital potential: information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure, digital government, and e-business. The study shows that St. Petersburg’s digital potential is sustainably growing. The research reveals that the digital capacity of St. Petersburg is improving by boosting the “e-business” component which reflects the use of ERP and CRM systems by organizations, as well as by the e-commerce. The low level of the “digital government” component has a negative effect on the integral level of digital potential despite the ongoing digitization process in the public sector services. The conclusions of the study suggest that the use of digital channels to interact with public authorities, the digitization of businesses, as well as the implementation of electronic workflow processes will improve the digital potential of St. Petersburg. Taking digital factors into account as a part of the investment potential of a city will make it possible to accurately assess its investment attractiveness. The findings of the study may be useful to scientists, rating agencies, and government officials when making investment decisions. The prospects for future research on this topic consist of expanding its base, clarifying the components of the digital potential factors, and methods for assessing the investment attractiveness of a territorial entity.Цифровая трансформация всех сфер социально-экономического развития страны обусловливает актуальность включения цифровых факторов в оценку инвестиционного потенциала. Цель статьи — обоснование необходимости включения цифровых факторов в оценку инвестиционного потенциала и оценка цифрового потенциала города Санкт-Петербурга. Автор использует методы сравнения и группировки, обобщения и синтеза, индексный и корреляционный анализ. Определено понятие цифрового потенциала; предложены показатели, характеризующие развитие цифровых технологий; разработана методика и проведена оценка цифрового потенциала города Санкт-Петербурга в сравнении с другими городами федерального значения за период 2016–2018 гг. Выделены три ключевые компоненты  цифрового  потенциала:  информационно-коммуникационная  инфраструктура,  цифровое  правительство и электронный бизнес. Показано, что цифровой потенциал города Санкт-Петербурга имеет тенденцию к умеренному росту. Реализации цифрового потенциала Санкт-Петербурга способствует высокий уровень компоненты «электронный бизнес», который отражает использование организациями ERP и CRM-систем, а также продажи через сеть Интернет. Низкий уровень компоненты «цифровое правительство» отрицательно влияет на интегральный уровень цифрового потенциала, несмотря на продолжающиеся процессы цифровизации при оказании  государственных услуг населению. Сделан вывод, что повышению цифрового потенциала Санкт-Петербурга будет способствовать использование цифровых каналов для осуществления взаимодействия с органами власти, интеграция информационных систем внутри организаций, а также активное использование электронного документооборота. Учет цифровых факторов в составе инвестиционного потенциала города позволит более точно оценить его инвестиционную привлекательность. Результаты исследования могут быть полезны ученым, рейтинговым агентствам и государственным служащим для принятия инвестиционных решений. Перспективы дальнейшего исследования данной тематики — в расширении ее базы, уточнении состава частных факторов цифрового потенциала и методики оценки инвестиционной привлекательности территориального образования

    Genetic Diversity in Local Taraxacum officinale L. Populations from Habitats Varied in Toxic Load

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    The level of lipid peroxidation (a stress indicator) and the quantitative traits of leaf tissue (the number and size of mesophyll cells and chloroplasts) were determined in Taraxacum officinale L. plants from five habitats near the city of Nizhniy Tagil that differ in terms of the heavy metal content in the soil. It is shown that in pollutedhabitats, the content of heavy metals (Cu2+ and Zn2+) in leaves is significantly higher compared to plants from background areas, with leaf thickness, mesophyll cell volume and chloroplast number per cell increasing. Both Inter Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) analysis and cluster analysis of dandelion genetic diversity based oneight primers have revealed that four groups of plants are closely related genetically. Of the observed differences between five local populations, 78% are caused by intrapopulation variability and 22% by interpopulation variability. It is supposed that Taraxacum officinale’s tolerance to heavy metal contamination in the studied localities is not genetically fixed adaptation, but acclimation within genetically selected rangesof tolerance. Keywords: heavy metals, local populations, ISSR markers, leaf trait

    Internet environment as a driver for learning the Latin language

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    The use of information and communication technologies in educational activities has expanded the possibilities of linguodidactic services, including the process of learning the Latin language. Digital educational resources have changed the quality of life in the context of globalization by providing new opportunities for access to digital resources of world libraries, active use of the linguodidactic potential of teaching Latin from leading educational institutions and practitioners. This actualizes the presented study, the problem of which is to reveal the educational potential of the Internet environment as a driver for learning the Latin language.The purpose of the research is to substantiate the possibility of using Internet resources as a means of Linguodidactics in the study of the Latin language. To achieve the stated goal a set of research methods has been used: analysis of scientific research on the problem under study, generalization of information sources on the Internet, systematization, classification, methods of visual presentation.The results and key conclusions are as follows: a range of educational Internet resources that can be used to learn the Latin language have been reviewed; the didactic potential of Internet resources in Latin analyzed; the advantages of computer linguodidactics for learning the Latin language described.The results of the research expand the understanding of linguodidactic services on the Internet using the example of the Latin language, which in general expands the theory and teaching methods. The proposed classification of educational Internet resources can be used by teachers in teaching the Latin language

    Modernization of Traditional Educational Forms in the Context of Distance Learning

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    The research aims to reveal the contradictions and issues of higher education in the context of a rapid digital transformation related to the pandemic. We carry out a comparative analysis of students’ academic performance in traditional, distance, and mixed educational formats. Based on the analysis of the literature, teaching practice, and the survey conducted with students, we revealed that despite the visible increase in academic performance during online studying and mixed learning environment, issues regarding technical equipment, stable Internet connection, students’ non-involvement in the educational process, the change of their priorities in favor of part-time job or even the complete loss of communication with the university became more complicated. We conclude that improving the traditional educational form towards more effective ICT adaptation to lectures is crucial, including practical and laboratory classes. It is necessary to conduct classes in a digital format, despite the presence or absence of a pandemic. The mixed learning format will allow us to combine the advantages of traditional and distance learning

    Museum space as an educational resource

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    Рассматривается проблема создания эффективного музейного пространства, включенного в современную образовательную системуThe article is devoted to the problem of creating an effective museum space, included into the modern educational syste