429 research outputs found

    Magnetic remanent states in antiferromagnetically coupled multilayers

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    In antiferromagnetically coupled multilayers with perpendicular anisotropy unusual multidomain textures can be stabilized due to a close competition between long-range demagnetization fields and short-range interlayer exchange coupling. In particular, the formation and evolution of specific topologically stable planar defects within the antiferromagnetic ground state, i.e. wall-like structures with a ferromagnetic configuration extended over a finite width, explain configurational hysteresis phenomena recently observed in [Co/Pt(Pd)]/Ru and [Co/Pt]/NiO multilayers. Within a phenomenological theory, we have analytically derived the equilibrium sizes of these "ferroband" defects as functions of the antiferromagnetic exchange, a bias magnetic field, and geometrical parameters of the multilayers. In the magnetic phase diagram, the existence region of the ferrobands mediates between the regions of patterns with sharp antiferromagnetic domain walls and regular arrays of ferromagnetic stripes. The theoretical results are supported by magnetic force microscopy images of the remanent states observed in [Co/Pt]/Ru.Comment: Paper submitted by the Joint European Magnetics Symposia 2008, Dublin (4 pages, 3 figures

    Event registration system for INR Linac

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    The software of the Event registration system for the linear accelerator is described. This system allows receiving of the information on changes of operating mode of the accelerator and supervising of hundreds of key parameters of various systems of the accelerator. The Event registration system consists of the source and listeners of events. The sources of events are subroutines built in existing ACS Linac. The listeners of events are software Supervisor and Client ERS. They are used for warning the operator about change controlled by parameter of the acceleratorСистема регистрации событий это пакет программного обеспечения. Она позволяет оперативно получать информацию об изменениях в режиме работы ускорителя, контролируя более сотни основных параметров различных технологических систем ускорителя. Система регистрации событий состоит из источников и приемников событий. Источниками событий являются подпрограммы, встраиваемые в существующую АСУ ЛУ. Приемниками событий служат программы Диспетчер и Клиент СРС, предназначенные для оповещения оператора об изменении контролируемых параметров.Система реєстрації подій це пакет програмного забезпечення. Вона дозволяє оперативно отримувати інформацію про зміни в режимі роботи прискорювача, контролюючи більше сотні основних параметрів різних технологічних систем прискорювача. Система реєстрації подій складається із джерел і приймачів подій. Джерелами подій є підпрограми, що вбудовуються в існуючу АСУ ЛП. Приймачами подій є програми Диспетчер і Клієнт СРС, що призначені для оповіщення оператора про зміну контрольованих параметрів

    A focusing system control upgrade of MMF linac

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    The computer control systems of H⁺ and H⁻ injectors of the Moscow meson factory linac

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    Technical solutions for the computer control systems which was designed for the proton and H- injectors of the MMF linac are considered. The base of systems is the LabVIEW software. The National Instruments Corp input/output modules are used. Proton injector operator workstation provides the control (up to 73 channels) of the 400 kV pulse generator, which can operate with repetition rate up to 100 Hz. The control of the ion source which is under high potential (45 channels for H⁺ and 104 for H⁻) is carried out with the help of the fiber line. The analog channels transmission band is up to 1.6 MHz

    New precise determination of the \tau lepton mass at KEDR detector

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    The status of the experiment on the precise τ\tau lepton mass measurement running at the VEPP-4M collider with the KEDR detector is reported. The mass value is evaluated from the τ+τ\tau^+\tau^- cross section behaviour around the production threshold. The preliminary result based on 6.7 pb1^{-1} of data is mτ=1776.800.23+0.25±0.15m_{\tau}=1776.80^{+0.25}_{-0.23} \pm 0.15 MeV. Using 0.8 pb1^{-1} of data collected at the ψ\psi' peak the preliminary result is also obtained: ΓeeBττ(ψ)=7.2±2.1\Gamma_{ee}B_{\tau\tau}(\psi') = 7.2 \pm 2.1 eV.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures; The 9th International Workshop on Tau-Lepton Physics, Tau0

    Measurement of \Gamma_{ee}(J/\psi)*Br(J/\psi->e^+e^-) and \Gamma_{ee}(J/\psi)*Br(J/\psi->\mu^+\mu^-)

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    The products of the electron width of the J/\psi meson and the branching fraction of its decays to the lepton pairs were measured using data from the KEDR experiment at the VEPP-4M electron-positron collider. The results are \Gamma_{ee}(J/\psi)*Br(J/\psi->e^+e^-)=(0.3323\pm0.0064\pm0.0048) keV, \Gamma_{ee}(J/\psi)*Br(J/\psi->\mu^+\mu^-)=(0.3318\pm0.0052\pm0.0063) keV. Their combinations \Gamma_{ee}\times(\Gamma_{ee}+\Gamma_{\mu\mu})/\Gamma=(0.6641\pm0.0082\pm0.0100) keV, \Gamma_{ee}/\Gamma_{\mu\mu}=1.002\pm0.021\pm0.013 can be used to improve theaccuracy of the leptonic and full widths and test leptonic universality. Assuming e\mu universality and using the world average value of the lepton branching fraction, we also determine the leptonic \Gamma_{ll}=5.59\pm0.12 keV and total \Gamma=94.1\pm2.7 keV widths of the J/\psi meson.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Search for narrow resonances in e+ e- annihilation between 1.85 and 3.1 GeV with the KEDR Detector

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    We report results of a search for narrow resonances in e+ e- annihilation at center-of-mass energies between 1.85 and 3.1 GeV performed with the KEDR detector at the VEPP-4M e+ e- collider. The upper limit on the leptonic width of a narrow resonance Gamma(R -> ee) Br(R -> hadr) < 120 eV has been obtained (at 90 % C.L.)

    Measurement of main parameters of the \psi(2S) resonance

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    A high-precision determination of the main parameters of the \psi(2S) resonance has been performed with the KEDR detector at the VEPP-4M e^{+}e^{-} collider in three scans of the \psi(2S) -- \psi(3770) energy range. Fitting the energy dependence of the multihadron cross section in the vicinity of the \psi(2S) we obtained the mass value M = 3686.114 +- 0.007 +- 0.011 ^{+0.002}_{-0.012} MeV and the product of the electron partial width by the branching fraction into hadrons \Gamma_{ee}*B_{h} = 2.233 +- 0.015 +- 0.037 +- 0.020 keV. The third error quoted is an estimate of the model dependence of the result due to assumptions on the interference effects in the cross section of the single-photon e^{+}e^{-} annihilation to hadrons explicitly considered in this work. Implicitly, the same assumptions were employed to obtain the charmonium leptonic width and the absolute branching fractions in many experiments. Using the result presented and the world average values of the electron and hadron branching fractions, one obtains the electron partial width and the total width of the \psi(2S): \Gamma_{ee} =2.282 +- 0.015 +- 0.038 +- 0.021 keV, \Gamma = 296 +- 2 +- 8 +- 3 keV. These results are consistent with and more than two times more precise than any of the previous experiments