384 research outputs found

    Towards a great ape dictionary : inexperienced humans understand common nonhuman ape gestures

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    Funding: This research received funding from the European Union’s 8th Framework 287 Programme, Horizon 2020, under grant agreement no 802719 to CH (https://ec.europa.eu/info/research-and-innovation/funding/funding-opportunities/funding-programmes-and-open-calls/horizon-2020_en). This work was supported by Gorilla Awards in Behavioural Science who provided the Gorilla.sc licensing fee and an unlimited participant award to KG (https://gorilla.sc/).In the comparative study of human and nonhuman communication, ape gesturing provided the first demonstrations of flexible, intentional communication outside human language. Rich repertoires of these gestures have been described in all ape species, bar one: us. Given that the majority of great ape gestural signals are shared, and their form appears biologically inherited, this creates a conundrum: Where did the ape gestures go in human communication? Here, we test human recognition and understanding of 10 of the most frequently used ape gestures. We crowdsourced data from 5,656 participants through an online game, which required them to select the meaning of chimpanzee and bonobo gestures in 20 videos. We show that humans may retain an understanding of ape gestural communication (either directly inherited or part of more general cognition), across gesture types and gesture meanings, with information on communicative context providing only a marginal improvement in success. By assessing comprehension, rather than production, we accessed part of the great ape gestural repertoire for the first time in adult humans. Cognitive access to an ancestral system of gesture appears to have been retained after our divergence from other apes, drawing deep evolutionary continuity between their communication and our own.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    The gestural repertoire of the wild bonobo (Pan paniscus) : a mutually understood communication system

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    Funding was provided by the Wenner-Gren Foundation Dissertation Fieldwork Grant, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Grant in Aid for Scientific Research, JSPS Core-to-Core Program, and University of St Andrews 600th Anniversary Scholarship.In animal communication, signallers and recipients are typically different: each signal is given by one subset of individuals (members of the same age, sex, or social rank) and directed towards another. However, there is scope for signaller-recipient interchangeability in systems where most signals are potentially relevant for all age-sex groups, such as great ape gestural communication. In this study of wild bonobos (Pan paniscus), we aimed to discover whether their gestural communication is indeed a mutually understood communicative repertoire, in which all individuals can act as both signallers and recipients. While past studies have only examined the expressed repertoire, the set of gesture types that a signaller deploys, we also examined the understood repertoire, the set of gestures to which a recipient reacts in a way that satisfies the signaller. We found that most of the gestural repertoire was both expressed and understood by all age and sex groups, with few exceptions, suggesting that during their lifetimes all individuals may use and understand all gesture types. Indeed, as the number of overall gesture instances increased, so did the proportion of individuals estimated to both express and understand a gesture type. We compared the community repertoire of bonobos to that of chimpanzees, finding an 88% overlap. Observed differences are consistent with sampling effects generated by the species’ different social systems, and it is thus possible that the repertoire of gesture types available to Pan is determined biologically.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Bonobo and chimpanzee gestures overlap extensively in meaning

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    Funding: JSPS Core-to-Core Program http://www.jsps.go.jp/english/e-core_to_core/ (grant number 2012-2014, 2015-2017). Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Grant in Aid for Scientific Research (grant number 25304019, 25257407, 26257408). University of St Andrews https://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/study/ug/fees-and-funding/scholarships/600th-wardlaw/ (grant number 600th Anniversary Scholarship). Wenner-Gren Foundation http://www.wennergren.org/ (grant number Gr. 8950).Cross-species comparison of great ape gesturing has so far been limited to the physical form of gestures in the repertoire, without questioning whether gestures share the same meanings. Researchers have recently catalogued the meanings of chimpanzee gestures, but little is known about the gesture meanings of our other closest living relative, the bonobo. The bonobo gestural repertoire overlaps by approximately 90% with that of the chimpanzee, but such overlap might not extend to meanings. Here, we first determine the meanings of bonobo gestures by analysing the outcomes of gesturing that apparently satisfy the signaller. Around half of bonobo gestures have a single meaning, while half are more ambiguous. Moreover, all but 1 gesture type have distinct meanings, achieving a different distribution of intended meanings to the average distribution for all gesture types. We then employ a randomisation procedure in a novel way to test the likelihood that the observed between-species overlap in the assignment of meanings to gestures would arise by chance under a set of different constraints. We compare a matrix of the meanings of bonobo gestures with a matrix for those of chimpanzees against 10,000 randomised iterations of matrices constrained to the original data at 4 different levels. We find that the similarity between the 2 species is much greater than would be expected by chance. Bonobos and chimpanzees share not only the physical form of the gestures but also many gesture meanings.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Detecting joint attention events in mother-infant dyads : sharing looks cannot be reliably identified by naïve third-party observers

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    Funding: This study was funded by an European Research Council Consolidator grant (ERC_CoG 2016_724608) awarded to KS (https://erc.europa.eu/funding/consolidator-grants).Joint attention, or sharing attention with another individual about an object or event, is a critical behaviour that emerges in pre-linguistic infants and predicts later language abilities. Given its importance, it is perhaps surprising that there is no consensus on how to measure joint attention in prelinguistic infants. A rigorous definition proposed by Siposova & Carpenter (2019) requires the infant and partner to gaze alternate between an object and each other (coordination of attention) and exchange communicative signals (explicit acknowledgement of jointly sharing attention). However, Hobson and Hobson (2007) proposed that the quality of gaze between individuals is, in itself, a sufficient communicative signal that demonstrates sharing of attention. They proposed that observers can reliably distinguish “sharing”, “checking”, and “orienting” looks, but the empirical basis for this claim is limited as their study focussed on two raters examining looks from 11-year-old children. Here, we analysed categorisations made by 32 naïve raters of 60 infant looks to their mothers, to examine whether they could be reliably distinguished according to Hobson and Hobson’s definitions. Raters had overall low agreement and only in 3 out of 26 cases did a significant majority of the raters agree with the judgement of the mother who had received the look. For the looks that raters did agree on at above chance levels, look duration and the overall communication rate of the mother were identified as cues that raters may have relied upon. In our experiment, naïve third party observers could not reliably determine the type of look infants gave to their mothers, which indicates that subjective judgements of types of look should not be used to identify mutual awareness of sharing attention in infants. Instead, we advocate the use of objective behaviour measurement to infer that interactants know they are ‘jointly’ attending to an object or event, and believe this will be a crucial step in understanding the ontogenetic and evolutionary origins of joint attention.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Shared semantics : exploring the interface between human and chimpanzee gestural communication

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    Career development grant, University ofOslo (PI: Patel-Grosz); EU Horizon 2020Marie Skłodowska-Curie R&I Program,Grant/Award Number: 945408 (Recipient:Patel-Grosz); H2020 European ResearchCouncil, Grant/Award Number: 802719(PI: Hobaiter); RFIEA+LABEX,Grant/Award Number: ANR-11-LABX-0027-01 (Recipient: Patel-Grosz)Striking similarities across ape gestural repertoires suggest shared phylogenetic origins that likely provided a foundation for the emergence of language. We pilot a novel approach for exploring possible semantic universals across human and nonhuman ape species. In a forced-choice task, n = 300 participants watched 10 chimpanzee gesture forms performed by a human and chose from responses that paralleled inferred meanings for chimpanzee gestures. Participants agreed on a single meaning for nine gesture forms; in six of these the agreed form-meaning pair response(s) matched those established for chimpanzees. Such shared understanding suggests apes' (including humans') gesturing shares deep evolutionary origins.Peer reviewe

    Foraging behaviour of three primate species in a Costa Rican coastal lowland tropical wet forest

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    Primates are predominantly distributed across tropical regions, many of which are threatened by deforestation. Removal of mature trees can harm primate populations by reducing available food resources. Understanding the dietary requirements of primates at local levels can help identify key habitats to conserve, and protect plant species on which primates rely. Little is known about local diets of Alouatta palliata (mantled howler monkey), Ateles geoffroyi (black-handed spider monkey), and Cebus capucinus (white-faced capuchin) in Costa Rica's lowland tropical wet forests. Because diet and activity levels are closely connected, studies examining one provide insight into the other. We used group scan sample methods to record activity and diet, identifying all plant species on which the primates fed. We identified nine families of plants eaten by Ateles geoffroyi, four families eaten by Alouatta palliata, and two families eaten by Cebus capucinus. Activity budgets demonstrated that Alouatta palliata was the least active species and Cebus capucinus the most active. We also found differences in the type of plant parts consumed by the three primate species; Alouatta palliata and Ateles geoffroyi fed mostly on fruit and new leaves, whereas Cebus capucinus fed on fruit and insects. The nine families of plants identified in this study are potentially important for all three primate species locally, and warrant conservation

    Comparable reductions in hyperpnoea-induced bronchoconstriction and markers of airway inflammation after supplementation with 6·2 and 3·1 g/d of long-chain n-3 PUFA in adults with asthma

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    Although high dose n-3 PUFA supplementation reduces exercise- and hyperpnoea-induced bronchoconstriction (EIB/HIB), there are concurrent issues with cost, compliance and gastrointestinal discomfort. It is thus pertinent to establish the efficacy of lower n-3 PUFA doses. Eight male adults with asthma and HIB and eight controls without asthma were randomly supplemented with two n-3 PUFA doses (6·2 g/d (3·7 g EPA and 2·5 g DHA) and 3·1 g/d (1·8 g EPA and 1·3 g DHA)) and a placebo, each for 21 d followed by 14 d washout. A eucapnic voluntary hyperpnoea (EVH) challenge was performed before and after treatments. Outcome measures remained unchanged in the control group. In the HIB group, the peak fall in forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1) after EVH at day 0 (−1005 (sd 520) ml, −30 (sd 18) %) was unchanged after placebo. The peak fall in FEV1 was similarly reduced from day 0 to day 21 of 6·2 g/d n-3 PUFA (−1000 (sd 460) ml, −29 (sd 17) % v. −690 (sd 460) ml, −20 (sd 15) %) and 3·1 g/d n-3 PUFA (−970 (sd 480) ml, −28 (sd 18) % v. −700 (sd 420) ml, −21 (sd 15) %) (P<0·001). Baseline fraction of exhaled nitric oxide was reduced by 24 % (P=0·020) and 31 % (P=0·018) after 6·2 and 3·1 g/d n-3 PUFA, respectively. Peak increases in 9α, 11β PGF2 after EVH were reduced by 65 % (P=0·009) and 56 % (P=0·041) after 6·2 and 3·1 g/d n-3 PUFA, respectively. In conclusion, 3·1 g/d n-3 PUFA supplementation attenuated HIB and markers of airway inflammation to a similar extent as a higher dose. Lower doses of n-3 PUFA thus represent a potentially beneficial adjunct treatment for adults with asthma and EIB

    A prebiotic galactooligosaccharide mixture reduces severity of hyperpnoea-induced bronchoconstriction and markers of airway inflammation

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    Gut microbes have a substantial influence on systemic immune function and allergic sensitisation. Manipulation of the gut microbiome through prebiotics may provide a potential strategy to influence the immunopathology of asthma. This study investigated the effects of prebiotic Bimuno-galactooligosaccharide (B-GOS) supplementation on hyperpnoea-induced bronchoconstriction (HIB), a surrogate for exercise-induced bronchoconstriction, and airway inflammation. A total of ten adults with asthma and HIB and eight controls without asthma were randomised to receive 5·5 g/d of either B-GOS or placebo for 3 weeks separated by a 2-week washout period. The peak fall in forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1) following eucapnic voluntary hyperpnoea (EVH) defined HIB severity. Markers of airway inflammation were measured at baseline and after EVH. Pulmonary function remained unchanged in the control group. In the HIB group, the peak post-EVH fall in FEV1 at day 0 (−880 (SD 480) ml) was unchanged after placebo, but was attenuated by 40 % (−940 (SD 460) v. −570 (SD 310) ml, P= 0·004) after B-GOS. In the HIB group, B-GOS reduced baseline chemokine CC ligand 17 (399 (SD 140) v. 323 (SD 144) pg/ml, P =0·005) and TNF-α (2·68 (SD 0·98) v. 2·18 (SD 0·59) pg/ml, P= 0·040) and abolished the EVH-induced 29 % increase in TNF-α. Baseline C-reactive protein was reduced following B-GOS in HIB (2·46 (SD 1·14) v. 1·44 (SD 0·41) mg/l, P=0·015) and control (2·16 (SD 1·02) v. 1·47 (SD 0·33) mg/l, P=0·050) groups. Chemokine CC ligand 11 and fraction of exhaled nitric oxide remained unchanged. B-GOS supplementation attenuated airway hyper-responsiveness with concomitant reductions in markers of airway inflammation associated with HIB

    Many morphs : parsing gesture signals from the noise

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    AM was funded by a Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship. CH, GB, KEG, CG, and AS were supported by funding from the European Research Council under Gestural Origins Grant No: 802719. KS and CW were supported by funding from the European Research Council under Grant No: ERC_CoG 2016_724608. We thank all the staff of the Budongo Conservation Field Station, its founder Vernon Reynolds, and the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland who provide core funding.Parsing signals from noise is a general problem for signallers and recipients, and for researchers studying communicative systems. Substantial efforts have been invested in comparing how other species encode information and meaning, and how signalling is structured. However, research depends on identifying and discriminating signals that represent meaningful units of analysis. Early approaches to defining signal repertoires applied top-down approaches, classifying cases into predefined signal types. Recently, more labour-intensive methods have taken a bottom-up approach describing detailed features of each signal and clustering cases based on patterns of similarity in multi-dimensional feature-space that were previously undetectable. Nevertheless, it remains essential to assess whether the resulting repertoires are composed of relevant units from the perspective of the species using them, and redefining repertoires when additional data become available. In this paper we provide a framework that takes data from the largest set of wild chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) gestures currently available, splitting gesture types at a fine scale based on modifying features of gesture expression using latent class analysis (a model-based cluster detection algorithm for categorical variables), and then determining whether this splitting process reduces uncertainty about the goal or community of the gesture. Our method allows different features of interest to be incorporated into the splitting process, providing substantial future flexibility across, for example, species, populations, and levels of signal granularity. Doing so, we provide a powerful tool allowing researchers interested in gestural communication to establish repertoires of relevant units for subsequent analyses within and between systems of communication.Peer reviewe

    Need for timely paediatric HIV treatment within primary health care in rural South Africa

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    &lt;p&gt;Background: In areas where adult HIV prevalence has reached hyperendemic levels, many infants remain at risk of acquiring HIV infection. Timely access to care and treatment for HIV-infected infants and young children remains an important challenge. We explore the extent to which public sector roll-out has met the estimated need for paediatric treatment in a rural South African setting.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Methods: Local facility and population-based data were used to compare the number of HIV infected children accessing HAART before 2008, with estimates of those in need of treatment from a deterministic modeling approach. The impact of programmatic improvements on estimated numbers of children in need of treatment was assessed in sensitivity analyses.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Findings: In the primary health care programme of HIV treatment 346 children &#60;16 years of age initiated HAART by 2008; 245(70.8%) were aged 10 years or younger, and only 2(&#60;1%) under one year of age. Deterministic modeling predicted 2,561 HIV infected children aged 10 or younger to be alive within the area, of whom at least 521(20.3%) would have required immediate treatment. Were extended PMTCT uptake to reach 100% coverage, the annual number of infected infants could be reduced by 49.2%.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Conclusion: Despite progress in delivering decentralized HIV services to a rural sub-district in South Africa, substantial unmet need for treatment remains. In a local setting, very few children were initiated on treatment under 1 year of age and steps have now been taken to successfully improve early diagnosis and referral of infected infants.&lt;/p&gt