218 research outputs found

    Attachment, infidelity, and loneliness in college students involved in a romantic relationship: the role of relationship satisfaction, morbidity and prayer for partner

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    This study examined the mediating effects of relationship satisfaction, prayer for a partner, and morbidity in the relationship between attachment and loneliness, infidelity and loneliness, and psychological morbidity and loneliness, in college students involved in a romantic relationship. Participants were students in an introductory course on family development. This study examined only students (n = 345) who were involved in a romantic relationship. The average age of participants was 19.46 (SD = 1.92) and 25 % were males. Short-form UCLA Loneliness Scale (ULS-8), (Hays and DiMatteo in J Pers Assess 51:69–81, doi:10.1207/s15327752jpa5101_6, 1987); Relationship Satisfaction Scale (Funk and Rogge in J Fam Psychol 21:572–583, doi:10.1037/0893-3200.21.4.572, 2007); Rotterdam Symptom Checklist (De Haes et al. in Measuring the quality of life of cancer patients with the Rotterdam Symptom Checklist (RSCL): a manual, Northern Centre for Healthcare Research, Groningen, 1996); Prayer for Partner Scale, (Fincham et al. in J Pers Soc Psychol 99:649–659, doi:10.1037/a0019628, 2010); Infidelity Scale, (Drigotas et al. in J Pers Soc Psychol 77:509–524, doi:10.1037/0022-3514.77.3.509, 1999); and the Experiences in Close Relationship Scale-short form (Wei et al. in J Couns Psychol 52(4):602–614, doi:10.1037/0022-0167.52.4.602, 2005). Results showed that relationship satisfaction mediated the relationship between avoidance attachment and loneliness and between infidelity and loneliness. Physical morbidity mediated the relationship between anxious attachment and psychological morbidity. Psychological morbidity mediated the relationship between anxious attachment and physical morbidity. The present results expand the literature on attachment by presenting evidence that anxious and avoidant partners experience loneliness differently. Implications for couple’s therapy are addressed. Future research should replicate these results with older samples and married couples.Acknowledgments This research was supported by Grant Number 90FE0022 from the United States Department of Health and Human Services awarded to the last author

    Evolution of Female Preference for Younger Males

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    Previous theoretical work has suggested that females should prefer to mate with older males, as older males should have higher fitness than the average fitness of the cohort into which they were born. However, studies in humans and model organisms have shown that as males age, they accumulate deleterious mutations in their germ-line at an ever-increasing rate, thereby reducing the quality of genes passed on to the next generation. Thus, older males may produce relatively poor-quality offspring. To better understand how male age influences female mate preference and offspring quality, we used a genetic algorithm model to study the effect of age-related increases in male genetic load on female mate preference. When we incorporate age-related increases in mutation load in males into our model, we find that females evolve a preference for younger males. Females in this model could determine a male's age, but not his inherited genotype nor his mutation load. Nevertheless, females evolved age-preferences that led them to mate with males that had low mutation loads, but showed no preference for males with respect to their somatic quality. These results suggest that germ-line quality, rather than somatic quality, should be the focus of female preference in good genes models

    Observing Exoplanets with the James Webb Space Telescope

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    The census of exoplanets has revealed an enormous variety of planets or- biting stars of all ages and spectral types: planets in orbits of less than a day to frigid worlds in orbits over 100 AU; planets with masses 10 times that of Jupiter to planets with masses less than that of Earth; searingly hot planets to temperate planets in the Habitable Zone. The challenge of the coming decade is to move from demography to physical characterization. The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is poised to open a revolutionary new phase in our understanding of exoplanets with transit spectroscopy of relatively short period planets and coronagraphic imaging of ones with wide separations from their host stars. This article discusses the wide variety of exoplanet opportunities enabled by JWSTs sensitivity and stability, its high angular resolution, and its suite of powerful instruments. These capabilities will advance our understanding of planet formation, brown dwarfs, and the atmospheres of young to mature planets

    Neuronal pentraxin II is highly upregulated in Parkinson’s disease and a novel component of Lewy bodies

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    Neuronal pentraxin II (NPTX2) is the most highly upregulated gene in the Parkinsonian substantia nigra based on our whole genome expression profiling results. We show here that it is a novel component of Lewy bodies and Lewy neurites in sporadic Parkinson’s disease (PD). NPTX2 is also known as the neuronal activity-regulated protein (Narp), which is secreted and involved in long-term neuronal plasticity. Narp further regulates AMPA receptors which have been found to mediate highly selective non-apoptotic cell death of dopaminergic neurons. NPTX2/Narp is found in close association with alpha-synuclein aggregates in both substantia nigra and cerebral cortex in PD but unlike alpha-synuclein gene expression, which is down-regulated in the Parkinsonian nigra, NPTX2 could represent a driver of the disease process. In view of its profound (>800%) upregulation and its established role in synaptic plasticity as well as dopaminergic nerve cell death, NPTX2 is a very interesting novel player which is likely to be involved in the pathway dysregulation which underlies PD

    Physical education undergraduate students’ perceptions of their learning using the jigsaw learning method

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    Recognising the limited research around the use of cooperative learning in higher education, this case study sought to explore physical education students’ perceptions of learning using the jigsaw learning method. It examined the impact of two different aesthetic activities and two different groupings on students’ perceptions of their learning. A purposive sample of 36 third-year undergraduates was selected for the study. Data were collected using focus group interviews and reflective journals. Inductive analysis illustrated students’ perceptions of their own and others’ abilities, students’ empathy towards their peers, and how their perceptions of gymnastics and dance impacted on their perceptions of learning. Students felt that heterogeneous and friendship groupings have the potential to encourage high-order social and cognitive learning. However, those students with limited psychomotor abilities appear to be better served in friendship groupings to facilitate such learning. Students also favoured the ‘structured’ nature of gymnastics in comparison to dance for their own teaching and learning purposes. Irrespective of aesthetic activity or grouping utilised, students felt their psychomotor learning was limited. It is recommended that university staff consider using a mixture of groupings with a single cohort dependent on the practical ability of students and the use of more ‘structured’ activities. In doing so, students’ perceptions of their social, cognitive and psychomotor learning may improve and thereby encourage greater and more effective use of this innovative method in schools

    Gene expression clines reveal local adaptation and associated trade-offs at a continental scale

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    Local adaptation, where fitness in one environment comes at a cost in another, should lead to spatial variation in trade-offs between life history traits and may be critical for population persistence. Recent studies have sought genomic signals of local adaptation, but often have been limited to laboratory populations representing two environmentally different locations of a species' distribution. We measured gene expression, as a proxy for fitness, in males of Drosophila subobscura, occupying a 20° latitudinal and 11 °C thermal range. Uniquely, we sampled six populations and studied both common garden and semi-natural responses to identify signals of local adaptation. We found contrasting patterns of investment: transcripts with expression positively correlated to latitude were enriched for metabolic processes, expressed across all tissues whereas negatively correlated transcripts were enriched for reproductive processes, expressed primarily in testes. When using only the end populations, to compare our results to previous studies, we found that locally adaptive patterns were obscured. While phenotypic trade-offs between metabolic and reproductive functions across widespread species are well-known, our results identify underlying genetic and tissue responses at a continental scale that may be responsible for this. This may contribute to understanding population persistence under environmental change

    Treatment of Infected Hip Arthroplasty

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    The clinical outcomes of a consecutive series of deep total joint infections treated with a prosthesis retaining protocol were reviewed. The treatment of deep periprosthetic joint infections is challenging. In recent years, two-stage exchange arthroplasty has emerged as the gold standard for successful elimination of infection. With success rates averaging 82% to 96%, this treatment method has both the highest and most consistent rate of infection eradication. Another alternative in the treatment of the deep periprosthetic infection is the single-stage exchange arthroplasty. Successful eradication of infection after single-stage exchange arthroplasty has been reported to average from 60% to 83% after total hip infections. While both the single and two-stage exchange arthroplasty are viable treatment options, they are associated with negative factors such as they are time consuming, expensive, and may entail a 6- to 12-week period with a minimally functioning extremity after prosthesis removal. This paper reports the general principles of management, the treatment of acute infection occurring in the postoperative period or later, and the treatment of chronic infection by exchange arthroplasty or resection arthroplasty