3,331 research outputs found

    SUPG Finite Element Simulations of Compressible Flows for Aerothermodynamic Applications

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    This viewgraph presentation reviews the Streamline-Upwind Petrov-Galerkin (SUPG) Finite Element Simulation. It covers the background, governing equations, weak formulation, shock capturing, inviscid flux discretization, time discretization, linearization, and implicit solution strategies. It also reviews some applications such as Type IV Shock Interaction, Forward-Facing Cavity and AEDC Sharp Double Cone

    Fully-Implicit Navier-Stokes (FIN-S)

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    FIN-S is a SUPG finite element code for flow problems under active development at NASA Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center and within PECOS: a) The code is built on top of the libMesh parallel, adaptive finite element library. b) The initial implementation of the code targeted supersonic/hypersonic laminar calorically perfect gas flows & conjugate heat transfer. c) Initial extension to thermochemical nonequilibrium about 9 months ago. d) The technologies in FIN-S have been enhanced through a strongly collaborative research effort with Sandia National Labs

    Development and Verification of the Charring, Ablating Thermal Protection Implicit System Simulator

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    The development and verification of the Charring Ablating Thermal Protection Implicit System Solver (CATPISS) is presented. This work concentrates on the derivation and verification of the stationary grid terms in the equations that govern three-dimensional heat and mass transfer for charring thermal protection systems including pyrolysis gas flow through the porous char layer. The governing equations are discretized according to the Galerkin finite element method (FEM) with first and second order fully implicit time integrators. The governing equations are fully coupled and are solved in parallel via Newton s method, while the linear system is solved via the Generalized Minimum Residual method (GMRES). Verification results from exact solutions and Method of Manufactured Solutions (MMS) are presented to show spatial and temporal orders of accuracy as well as nonlinear convergence rates

    Development and Verification of the Charring Ablating Thermal Protection Implicit System Solver

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    The development and verification of the Charring Ablating Thermal Protection Implicit System Solver is presented. This work concentrates on the derivation and verification of the stationary grid terms in the equations that govern three-dimensional heat and mass transfer for charring thermal protection systems including pyrolysis gas flow through the porous char layer. The governing equations are discretized according to the Galerkin finite element method with first and second order implicit time integrators. The governing equations are fully coupled and are solved in parallel via Newton's method, while the fully implicit linear system is solved with the Generalized Minimal Residual method. Verification results from exact solutions and the Method of Manufactured Solutions are presented to show spatial and temporal orders of accuracy as well as nonlinear convergence rates

    BLIMPK/Streamline Surface Catalytic Heating Predictions on the Space Shuttle Orbiter

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    This paper describes the results of an analysis of localized catalytic heating effects to the U.S. Space Shuttle Orbiter Thermal Protection System (TPS). The analysis applies to the High-temperature Reusable Surface Insulation (HRSI) on the lower fuselage and wing acreage, as well as the critical Reinforced Carbon-Carbon on the nose cap, chin panel and the wing leading edge. The object of the analysis was to use a modified two-layer approach to predict the catalytic heating effects on the Orbiter windward HRSI tile acreage, nose cap, and wing leading edge assuming localized highly catalytic or fully catalytic surfaces. The method incorporated the Boundary Layer Integral Matrix Procedure Kinetic (BLIMPK) code with streamline inputs from viscous Navier-Stokes solutions to produce heating rates for localized fully catalytic and highly catalytic surfaces as well as for nominal partially catalytic surfaces (either Reinforced Carbon-Carbon or Reaction Cured Glass) with temperature-dependent recombination coefficients. The highly catalytic heating results showed very good correlation with Orbiter Experiments STS-2, -3, and -5 centerline and STS-5 wing flight data for the HRSI tiles. Recommended catalytic heating factors were generated for use in future Shuttle missions in the event of quick-time analysis of damaged or repaired TPS areas during atmospheric reentry. The catalytic factors are presented along the streamlines as well as a function of stagnation enthalpy so they can be used for arbitrary trajectories

    Neuromuscular factors contributing to reductions in muscle force after repeated, high-intensity muscular efforts

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    Multiple neuromuscular processes contribute to the loss of force production following repeated, high-intensity muscular efforts; however, the relative contribution of each process is unclear. In Experiment 1, 16 resistance trained men performed six sets of unilateral isometric plantar flexor contractions of the right leg (3 s contraction/2 s rest; 85% maximal voluntary contraction torque; 90-s inter-set rest) until failure with and without caffeine ingestion (3 mg kg-1) on two separate days. Corticospinal excitability and cortical silent period (cSP) were assessed before and immediately, 10 and 20 min after the exercise. In Experiment 2, electrically evoked tetanic force and persistent inward current (PIC)-mediated facilitation of the motor neuron pool (estimated using neuromuscular electrical stimulation with tendon vibration) were assessed before and after the same exercise intervention in 17 resistance trained men. Results showed decreases in peak plantar flexion torque (Experiment 1: -12.2%, Experiment 2: -16.9%), electrically evoked torque (20 Hz -15.3%, 80 Hz -15.3%, variable-frequency train -17.9%), and cSP (-3.8%; i.e., reduced inhibition) post-exercise which did not recover by 20 min. Electromyographic activity (EMG; -6%), corticospinal excitability (-9%), and PIC facilitation (-24.8%) were also reduced post-exercise but recovered by 10 min. Caffeine ingestion increased torque and EMG but did not notably affect corticospinal excitability, PIC amplification, or electrically evoked torque. The data indicate that a decrease in muscle function largely underpins the loss of force after repeated, high-intensity muscular efforts, but that the loss is exacerbated immediately after the exercise by simultaneous decreases in corticospinal excitability and PIC amplitudes at the motor neurons

    The seasonal evolution of subglacial drainage pathways beneath a soft-bedded glacier

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    Subglacial hydrology is a key element in glacier response to climate change, but investigations of this environment are logistically difficult. Most models are based on summer data from glaciers resting on rigid bedrocks. However a significant number of glaciers rest on soft (unconsolidated sedimentary) beds. Here we present a unique multi-year instrumented record of the development of seasonal subglacial behavior associated with an Icelandic temperate glacier resting on a deformable sediment layer. We observe a distinct annual pattern in the subglacial hydrology based on self-organizing anastomosing braided channels. Water is stored within the subglacial system itself (till, braided system and ‘ponds’), allowing the rapid access of water to enable glacier speed-up events to occur throughout the year, particularly in winter.publishedVersio

    Applied Aeroscience and CFD Branch Overview

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    The principal mission of NASA Johnson Space Center is Human Spaceflight. In support of the mission the Applied Aeroscience and CFD Branch has several technical competencies that include aerodynamic characterization, aerothermodynamic heating, rarefied gas dynamics, and decelerator (parachute) systems

    Overview of the CHarring Ablator Response (CHAR) Code

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    An overview of the capabilities of the CHarring Ablator Response (CHAR) code is presented. CHAR is a one-, two-, and three-dimensional unstructured continuous Galerkin finite-element heat conduction and ablation solver with both direct and inverse modes. Additionally, CHAR includes a coupled linear thermoelastic solver for determination of internal stresses induced from the temperature field and surface loading. Background on the development process, governing equations, material models, discretization techniques, and numerical methods is provided. Special focus is put on the available boundary conditions including thermochemical ablation and contact interfaces, and example simulations are included. Finally, a discussion of ongoing development efforts is presented
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