470 research outputs found

    Special competence in the structure of vocational pedagogical integrity in the sphere of vocational education

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    The significance of the issue under study lies in research of the subject matter, character and components of special competences, as well as defining feasible ways of their formation in the framework of a higher vocational pedagogical institution. The article is aimed at providing the rationale for necessary formation of special competences in education for vocational teachers with implementation of Vocational and Federal State Education Standards. The main method of studying the given issue consists in pedagogical modeling of educational procedures for vocational teachers which allows it to outline the formation process of a special competence in learning specialist disciplines after determining its structure and contents. It was deemed necessary and proved to form special competence in education of future vocational teachers. The process of special training was structured with relevant amendments and supplements to its contents. On the top of it, this process of was accompanied by specially designed learning and teaching materials. The contents of the article could be of interest for graduate students and postgraduates as well as teachers who are involved in working on educational projects for vocational teachers. © Authors

    A theoretical study of the structural phases of Group 5B - 6B metals and their transport properties

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    In order to predict the stable and metastable phases of the bcc metals in the block of the Periodic Table defined by groups 5B to 6B and periods 4 to 6, as well as the structure dependence of their transport properties, we have performed full potential computations of the total energies per unit cell as a function of the c/a ratio at constant experimental volume. In all cases, a metastable body centered tetragonal (bct) phase was predicted from the calculations. The total energy differences between the calculated stable and metastable phases ranged from 0.09 eV/cell (vanadium) to 0.39 eV/cell (tungsten). The trends in resistivity as a function of structure and atomic number are discussed in terms of a model of electron transport in metals. Theoretical calculations of the electrical resistivity and other transport properties show that bct phases derived from group 5B elements are more conductive than the corresponding bcc phases, while bct phases formed from group 6B elements are less conductive than the corresponding bcc phases. Special attention is paid to the phases of tantalum where we show that the frequently observed beta phase is not a simple tetragonal distortion of bcc tantalum

    The managerial mechanism of future competitive technical specialists vocational training: The Russian experience

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    © 2016, Econjournals. All rights reserved.The relevance of the paper is reasoned by the search for adequate mechanisms to manage vocational training of future competitive technical specialists. Modern economies demand the training of technical specialists’ new generation ready to project and engineering, production and technological, organizational and management, science and research, service and operational professional activities, as well as the fulfillment of skilled work using modern equipment for the developed technological process. One of the variants of the organization of vocational training of future competitive technical specialists is based on the integration of educational curricula of different levels (primary, secondary and high). The purpose of the paper is to develop a managerial mechanism for future competitive technical specialists’ training based on the integration of educational curricula at different levels (primary, secondary and high). The leading method is the method of action research, allowing obtain new knowledge on the managerial mechanism for vocational training of specialists, capable of a certain type of practical activities, self-organization and competitiveness on the labor market through the integration of primary, secondary and high levels of educational curricula. The article defines the essence of integrated educational curricula of primary, secondary and high levels of vocational training; it justifies the organization of control and assessment procedures of students’ vocational training through the integration of educational curricula at different levels; proposes an algorithm of students’ selection to study on integrated educational curricula. Paper Submissions can be useful for research and teaching staff of technical specialists’ vocational training system, experts of training and retraining centers in the training content’s selection and structuring of research universities’ scientific and pedagogical staff development

    Surface Properties of the Half- and Full-Heusler Alloys

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    Using a full-potential \textit{ab-initio} technique I study the electronic and magnetic properties of the (001) surfaces of the half-Heusler alloys, NiMnSb, CoMnSb and PtMnSb and of the full-Heusler alloys Co2_2MnGe, Co2_2MnSi and Co2_2CrAl. The MnSb terminated surfaces of the half-Heusler compounds present properties similar to the bulk compounds and, although the half-metallicity is lost, an important spin-polarisation at the Fermi level. In contrast to this the Ni terminated surface shows an almost zero net spin-polarisation. While the bulk Co2_2MnGe and Co2_2MnSi are almost half-ferromagnetic, their surfaces lose the half-metallic character and the net spin-polarisation at the Fermi level is close to zero. Contrary to these compounds the CrAl terminated (001) surface of Co2_2CrAl shows a spin polarisation of about 84%.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    Институт цифровых прав в гражданском праве России

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    The subject of the study is the institution of digital rights, which has recently been enshrined in Russian legislation. This topic is relevant since the definition of digital rights causes numerous discussions and disputes. Practice on this issue has not yet developed, and there are conflicts in the current legislation. The purpose of the article is to consider the scope of digital rights and define the category "digital rights", given that there is a deep difference between its broad and narrow definitions. The following tasks have been solved to achieve this goal: (1) to consider the regulatory framework governing digital rights; (2) to analyze the main approaches to the definition of digital rights; (3) to study various definitions of digital objects; (4) to highlight the main characteristics of digital objects; (5) to propose original definitions of "digital rights" and "digital objects".Methodology. The authors use the general scientific dialectical method, as well as formallegal, system-structural, formal-logical methods and methods of cognition. The synergetic method is used to clarify the main features of digital rights. It allows isolating new rules and reality from the creative potential of chaos.The main results and the scope of the study. Considering law as a variable phenomenon, it has been proved that it is constantly changing. Analysis allows the authors to conclude that digital rights are an independent special type of rights that arise only in relation to digital objects created in digital form. The features of digital rights include: digital format, occurrence only in the cyber-physical space, consolidation in the form of software algorithms, the accounting system is carried out without an intermediary, the owner’s digital rights are realized with access to the Internet and a key in the form of login.The main qualitative characteristics of digital objects include the following: digital objects are not material; in some cases, they cannot be materialized and there is no need for that; digital objects are created using modern high-tech systems; it is possible to make transactions with digital objects only in the cyber-physical space; the right of inheritance for some digital objects is limited to inheritance by will due to the peculiarities of ownership of these objects; digital objects can be disposed of without the participation of third parties and intermediaries; transactions with digital assets are confidential.Conclusions. Based on the study results, original definitions of "digital rights" and "digital objects" have been proposed. Digital right is a digital algorithm that enshrines the powers of individuals and legal entities to own, use, and alienate digital objects of civil rights in hightech systems, given that technical means provide the owner with the opportunity to exercise their powers. Digital objects represent an independent legal category, which is a cryptographic code that gives the owner the right to perform any actions with it - to own, dispose of, alienate, make transactions, and other actions not prohibited by law. Legislative amendments to the current Russian legislation are developed.Предметом исследования является институт цифровых прав в гражданском праве России. Цель статьи – рассмотреть объем цифровых прав и дать определение категории «цифровые права», учитывая, что между широким и узкоспециальным определением существует глубокое различие. Для реализации поставленной цели решаются следующие задачи: 1) рассмотреть нормативную базу, регламентирующую цифровые права; 2) проанализировать основные подходы к определению цифровых прав; 3) изучить различные дефиниции определения «цифровые объекты»; 4) выделить основные характеристики цифровых объектов; 5) предложить авторские определения «цифровых прав» и «цифровых объектов». В исследовании использован общенаучный диалектический метод, а также формально-юридический, системно-структурный, формально-логический методы познания. Синергетический метод использовался для выяснения особенностей и основных признаков цифровых прав, он позволил из созидательного потенциала хаоса вычленить новые правила и новую реальность. Проведенный анализ позволил сделать вывод, что цифровые права являются самостоятельным особым видом прав, которые возникают только в отношении цифровых объектов, созданных в цифровой форме. К особенностям цифровых прав следует отнести: цифровой формат, возникновение только в киберфизическом пространстве, закрепление в виде программного алгоритма, осуществление системы учета без посредника, реализация цифровых прав собственника при наличии доступа к сети «Интернет» и ключа в виде логина. Авторы дали узкоспециальные опредления «цифровых прав» и «цифровых объектов», предложили законодательные поправки

    The Hidden Promotion of Unconventional Sexual Relations Among Minors in Social Networks as a Destructive Social Phenomenon

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    В ходе исследования были выделены специфические маркеры формирования толерантного отношения детей и подростков к сексуальной инаковости. Контент-анализ постов из популярных сообществ сети Интернет позволил выявить среднее соотношение, риторику и характерные черты скрытых «пропагандистских» материалов.In the course of the study, specific markers of the formation of a tolerant attitude of children and adolescents to sexual otherness were identified. Content analysis of posts from popular Internet communities revealed the average ratio, rhetoric and characteristic features of hidden “propaganda” materials

    Synthesis, structure, and visible-light-driven activity of o-YbFeO3/h-YbFeO3/CeO2 photocatalysts

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    Received: 29.09.2021. Revised: 27.11.2021. Accepted: 30.11.2021. Available online: 02.12.2021.Photo-Fenton-like oxidation of organic substances is one of the key advanced oxidation processes based on the reversible Fe2+↔Fe3+ transition and the generation of a strong oxidant ·OH in the presence of H2O2 and is currently considered as a promising method for the purification of polluted aqueous media. However, the absence of effective and stable photocatalysts of this process, operating under the action of visible light, necessitates the exploratory studies, mainly among iron oxides and ferrites of various compositions and structures. In this work, using the method of solution combustion followed by heat treatment in air the heterojunction nanocomposites based on ytterbium orthoferrite and cerium dioxide of the composition o-YbFeO3/h-YbFeO3/CeO2 (0–20 mol.%) with high absorption in the visible region and advanced photo-Fentonlike activity were obtained. The nanocomposites were studied by EDS, SEM, XRD, BET, and DRS methods. The photo-Fenton-like activity of the nanocomposites was investigated during the degradation of methyl violet under the action of visible (λmax = 410 nm) radiation. As a result, the formation of I-type heterojunction based on stable rhombic (55.4–79.0 nm) and metastable hexagonal (19.5–24.0 nm) modifications of ytterbium orthoferrite (o-YbFeO3 and h-YbFeO3, respectively) and cubic cerium dioxide CeO2 (13.2–19.2 nm) nanocrystals was established. It was shown that the obtained nanocomposites had foamy morphology and were characterized by a specific surface in the range of 9.1–25.0 m2/g, depending on the CeO2 content. It was found that nanocrystalline components were chemically and phase-pure, uniformly spatially distributed over the nanocomposite, and had multiple contacts with each other. Based on this fact and the established electronic structure of the nanocomposite components, the formation of I-type heterojunction with the participation of o-YbFeO3 (Eg = 2.15 eV), h-YbFeO3 (Eg = 2.08 eV), and CeO2 (Eg = 2.38 eV) was shown, the presence of which increased photocatalytic activity of the resulting nanocomposite. The optimal content of CeO2 in the nanocomposite was 5%, and the o-YbFeO3/h-YbFeO3/CeO2–5% sample was characterized by the highest rate constant of photo-Fenton-like degradation of methyl violet under the action of visible light equal to k = 0.138 min–1, which was 2.5 to 5 times higher than for nanocomposites based on ytterbium orthoferrite. The obtained results obtained indicate that the developed nanocomposites can be considered as a promising basis for the advanced oxidation processes for the purification of aqueous media from organic pollutants.This work is supported by the Grant of President of the Rus-sian Federation МК-795.2021.1.3. The XRD, SEM, and EDS studies were performed on the equipment of the Engineer-ing Center of Saint Petersburg State Institute of Technology

    Влияние лечения тяжелой хронической обструктивной болезни легких тиотропия бромидом на коморбидные соматогенные тревожно-депрессивные расстройства

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    The aim of comparative research was the estimation of alarm and depression dynamics at patients with stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease under influence of tiotropium treatment on HADS questionnaire. Are surveyed 30 patients who were not receiving supporting therapy and 27 patients, using a fluticasone/salmeterol combination. After 3 months of tiotropium treatment the level of alarm and depression decreased in both groups.С целью оценить динамику тревоги и депрессии у больных стабильной хронической обструктивной болезнью легких на фоне лечения тиотропия бромидом по опроснику HADS обследовано 30 больных, не получавших поддерживающей терапии, и 27 пациентов, применявших комбинацию флутиказона и сальметерола. Через 3 мес лечения тиотропия бромидом в обеих группах уровень тревоги и депрессии уменьшился

    Forecasting of the Socio-Economic Damage Resulting from Outbreaks of Infectious Diseases, by the Example of Crimean Hemorrhagic Fever

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    Objective of the study was to develop a method of assessment and forecasting of socio-economic damage inflicted by the outbreaks of infectious diseases using DALY index by the example of Crimean hemorrhagic fever. WHO expert-designed DALY index was adapted for use in the territory of the Russian Federation with due account of GDP values and age distribution among the population. Put forward was a scheme for prognostication of a possible social damage caused by infectious disease outbreak, expressed in the aggregate number of wasted years of productive life and economic loss resulted from GDP decrement. The method developed can be used for forecasting of socio-economic damage inflicted by the outbreaks of infectious diseases and evaluation of effectiveness as regards anti-epidemic and therapeutic interventions. Carried out has been assessment of economic and social losses which resulted from outbreaks of Crimean hemorrhagic fever in the Southern Federal District of Russia inclusive of the data on morbidity rates over the period of 1999-2010. Major economic damage is factored by the labor forces loss consequent to fatal cases of infection. Such a method of prognostication based on DALY index has been implemented in the territory of the Russian Federation for the first time ever

    Live Birth of a Healthy Child in a Couple with Identical mtDNA Carrying a Pathogenic c.471_477delTTTAAAAinsG Variant in the MOCS2 Gene.

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    Molybdenum cofactor deficiency type B (MOCODB; #252160) is an autosomal recessive metabolic disorder that has only been described in 37 affected patients. In this report, we describe the presence of an in-frame homozygous variant (c.471_477delTTTAAAAinsG) in the MOCS2 gene in an affected child, diagnosed with Ohtahara syndrome according to the clinical manifestations. The analysis of the three-dimensional structure of the protein and the amino acid substitutions suggested the pathogenicity of this mutation. To prevent transmitting this mutation to the next generation, we used preimplantation genetic testing for the monogenic disorders (PGT-M) protocol to select MOCS2 gene mutant-free embryos for transfer in an in vitro fertilization (IVF) program. As a result, a healthy child was born. Interestingly, both parents of the proband shared an identical mitochondrial (mt) DNA control region, assuming their close relationship and thus suggesting that both copies of the nuclear rare variant c.471_477delTTTAAAAinsG may have been transmitted from the same female ancestor. Our estimation of the a priori probability of meeting individuals with the same mtDNA haplotype confirms the assumption of a possible distant maternal relationship among the proband's direct relatives