9 research outputs found

    Stakeholders of Cardiovascular Innovation Ecosystems in Germany: A First Level Analysis and an Example

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    This paper aims to provide a first attempt towards analysis innovation ecosystems for cardiovascular pathologies in Germany through the use of a stakeholder model. We present essential stakeholders for the development and deployment of innovations in the field of cardiovascular research and medicine, and the primary functions they fulfill in the context of these innovation ecosystems. The adopted approach consists of the implementation of a multilevel system model for analyzing stakeholders in this particular field. Data acquisition transpired through systematic literature review of multiple articles and studies. Data analysis phases were executed until reaching a point at which the considerable amount of data was discovered, ensuring consistency across various sources. We demonstrate that innovation ecosystems in cardiovascular medicine involve interconnected networks of stakeholders across different fields. Moreover, through an investigation of innovation ecosystems of cardiovascular pathologies particularly in Germany, we present the functions undertaken by each stakeholder, which are essential for the participation in the innovation ecosystems. The findings presented in this paper hold the potential to bring better understanding of cardiovascular pathology innovation ecosystems in Germany. This assertion is substantiated through a comprehensive examination of relevant scientific literature

    Blast Brain Injury Elevates Catecholamine Biosynthesis in the Nucleus Tractus Solitaries and Oxidative Stress in the Hypothalamus in Rats

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    Introduction: Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) produces major health problems impacting the lives of both military and civilian personnel. TBI disrupts autonomic function but the nature of this disruption is unknown. Following blast brain injury, we assessed selective biochemical markers for autonomic function in adult male Sprague Dawley rats. Methods: Rats were subjected to head-directed overpressure blast injury (OBI) of 358 kPa magnitude at the target. At the same time for sham controls, rats were anesthetized as the previous group but instead of OBI were exposed just to noise being placed at ~ 2 m distance from the shock tube nozzle. Sympathetic nervous system activation of nucleus tractus solitaries and in the hypothalamus was evaluated at 6 hours following blast injury by assessing the expression of catecholamine biosynthesizing enzyme, tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) in the nucleus tractus solitaries and NADPH oxidase activity, a marker of oxidative stress,in the hypothalamus. Results: Following OBI there was a significant elevation in TH protein expression by 49% compared with control (P\u3c0.05). In addition, NADPH oxidase activity was significantly increased by 36% following OBI (P\u3c0.05). Conclusions: Collectively, the increased catecholamine biosynthesis in nucleus tractus solitaries and oxidative stress in the hypotalamus suggest that OBI results in increased sympathoexcitation in the rat brain. Such effects may be one important factor contributing to autonomic dysfunction following OBI. Acknowledgements: Supported by Department of Veteran Affairs; Rehabilitation R&D, GRECC, Medical Research Services, Banyan Biomarkers Inc, University of Florida Brain Institute, NIA, and AH

    Use of an arboretum and DNA barcoding for the detection and identification of leaf-mining insects on alien woody plants

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    Arboreta serve as effective tools for identifying alien insect pests and novel trophic associations. In this study, we used an arboretum in Slovenia to survey woody plants and identify both alien and native leaf miners. The leaves and twigs of 50 woody plant species and their cultivars were examined for characteristic damage. We used an integrative approach that combined identification based on leaf mines and DNA barcoding of the larvae and pupae found in the mines. In total, 62 leaf-mining species were identified, including eight alien species, of which the heliozelid Coptodisca lucifluella (Clemens, 1860) and the agromyzid Cerodontha unisetiorbita Zlobin, 1992 were documented for Slovenia for the first time. Additionally, three presumably native Gracillariidae moths Phyllocnistis labyrinthella (Bjerkander, 1790), P. ramulicola Langmaid & Corley, 2007 and P. saligna (Zeller, 1839) represented the first record for Slovenia. Furthermore, we documented 23 novel-to-science trophic associations, 20 of which involved native insects and alien woody plants, primarily from Asia. This study highlights the importance of arboreta and botanical gardens for the interception of invasive alien insects and the early detection of trophic shifts of native insects to alien plants, which can aid in predicting their potential spread

    NO-Dependent Mechanisms of p53 Expression and Cell Death in Rat’s Dorsal Root Ganglia after Sciatic-Nerve Transection

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    Peripheral-nerve injury is a frequent cause of disability. Presently, no clinically effective neuroprotectors have been found. We have studied the NO-dependent expression of p53 in the neurons and glial cells of the dorsal root ganglia (DRG) of a rat’s spinal cord, as well as the role of NO in the death of these cells under the conditions of axonal stress, using sciatic-nerve axotomy as a model. It was found out that axotomy led to the nuclear–cytoplasmic redistribution of p53 in neurons, 24 h after trauma. The NO donor led to a considerable increase in the level of p53 in nuclei and, to a smaller degree, in the cytoplasm of neurons and karyoplasm of glial cells 4 and 24 h after axotomy. Application of a selective inhibitor of inducible NO-synthase (iNOS) provided the opposite effect. Introduction of the NO donor resulted in a significant increase in cell death in the injured ipsilateral DRG, 24 h and 7 days after trauma. The selective inhibitor of iNOS demonstrated a neuroprotective effect. Axotomy was shown to upregulate the iNOS in nuclei and cytoplasm of DRG cells. The NO-dependent expression of p53, which is particularly achieved through iNOS activation, is believed to be a putative signaling mechanism of neural and glial-cell death after axotomy

    Дренування рани після тотального ендопротезування кульшового суглоба

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    Diseases and injuries of the hip joint take a significant place in the structure of orthopaedic pathology. Total hip arthroplasty is the main treatment method of the hip joint osteoarthritis of the III–IV stages and fractures of the femoral neck in the elderly people. Objective: to analyze the effectiveness of the post­operative wound management after total hip arthroplasty without draining. Methods: a group of 140 patients (age — from 45 to 78 years) who underwent total hip arthroplasty in the period from the beginning of 2017 to April 2019 was sampled for this study. Diagnosis: hip joint osteoarthritis of the III–IV stages, aseptic necrosis of the femoral head, rheumatoid arthritis and the femoral neck fracture. The patients were divided into groups: I — the wound was drained, II — the postoperative wound was without drainage. The groups did not differ in age, sex, body mass index and distribution of diagnosis. Results: blood loss during the operation did not differ and was equal in group I — (367.59 ± 16.19) ml, II — (351.6 ± 7.97) ml. The count of erythrocytes was significantly higher in group I, which characterizes less blood loss after surgery. Prior to surgery, ESR and CRP levels did not differ significantly in both groups. After the surgery and at discharge, we noted significantly lower markers of the inflammation in the I group of patients. The maximum intense of the pain according to VAS scale was 5 points for patients of the Ist group and 9 points in the IInd group. Body temperature in patients of the Ist group elevated up to 37.7°C, II — 39.4°C. There were no differences in the timing of postoperative wound healing. Patients were activated for the next day after the surgery. Patients in group I were discharged from the hospital on average of 2 days earlier than group II. Conclusions: in the group of patients without joint draining revealed faster normalization of erythrocytes, CRP and ESR, low intensity of postoperative pain according to VAS, shortened hospital stay.Заболевания и травмы тазобедренного сустава занимают значительное место в структуре ортопедической патологии. Основным методом лечения коксартроза III–IV стадий и переломов шейки бедренной кости у пожилых людей является тотальное эндопротезирование тазобедренного сустава (ТЭТБС). Цель: проанализировать период после ТЭТБС без дренирования раны. Методы: отобрано 140 пациентов (возраст 45–78 лет), которым с начала 2017 по апрель 2019 выполнено ТЭТБС. Диагноз: коксартроз III–IV стадий, асептический некроз головки бедренной кости, ревматоидный артрит, перелом шейки бедренной кости. Пациентов разделили на группы: I — без дренажа, II — послеоперационную рану дренировали. Группы были одинаковыми по показателям возраста, пола, индекса массы тела, распределения нозологий. Результаты: кровопотеря в операционной не отличалась и составляла в группе I (367,59 ± 16,19) мл, II — (351,6 ± 7,97). Количество эритроцитов была значимо больше у пациентов I группы, что соответствует меньшей кровопотере после операции. До операции уровень СОЭ и СРБ достоверно не отличались в обеих группах. После вмешательства и на момент выписки уровень этих маркеров воспаления был существенно меньшим у больных I группы. Максимальные показатели боли по шкале ВАШ в I группе составили 5 баллов, II — 9. Температура тела у пациентов I группы поднималась до отметки 37,7 °С, II — 39,4 °С. Различий в сроках заживления послеоперационной раны не установлено. Активизацию пациентов проводили на следующие сутки после операции. Выписку из стационара пациентов I группы осуществляли в среднем на 2 суток раньше, чем II. Выводы: в группе пациентов без дренирования сустава выявлена более быстрая нормализация показателей эритроцитов крови, СРБ и СОЭ, низкая интенсивность послеоперационной боли по ВАШ, сокращение срока пребывания в стационаре.Захворювання і травми кульшового суглоба займають значне місце в структурі ортопедичної патології. Основним методом лікування коксартрозу III–IV стадій і переломів шийки стегнової кістки в людей похилого віку є тотальне ендопротезування кульшового суглоба (ТЕКС). Мета: проаналізувати період після ТЕКС без дренування рани. Методи: відібрано 140 пацієнтів (вік 45–78 років), яким із початку 2017 по квітень 2019 р. виконано ТЕКС. Діагноз: коксартроз III–IV стадій, асептичний некроз головки стегнової кістки, ревматоїдний артрит, перелом шийки стегнової кістки. Пацієнтів розділили на групи: І — без дренажу, ІІ — післяопераційну рану дренували. Групи були однаковими за показниками віку, статі, індексу маси тіла, розподілу нозологій. Результати: крововтрата в операційній не відрізнялась і дорівнювала в групі І (367,59 ± 16,19) мл, ІІ — (351,6 ± 7,97). Кількість еритроцитів була значуще більшою в пацієнтів І групи, що відповідає меншій крововтраті після операції. До операції рівні ШОЕ і СРБ достовірно не відрізнялися в обох групах. Після втручання та на момент виписки рівень цих маркерів запалення був суттєво меншим у хворих І групи. Максимальні показники болю за шкалою ВАШ у І групі дорівнювали 5 балів, ІІ — 9. Температура тіла в пацієнтів І групи піднімалася до позначки 37,7 °С, ІІ — 39,4 °С. Відмінностей у термінах загоєння післяопераційної рани не встановлено. Активізовано хворих на наступну добу після хірургічного лікування. Пацієнтів І групи виписано зі стаціонару в середньому на 2 доби раніше, ніж ІІ. Висновки: у групі пацієнтів без дренування суглоба виявлено швидшу нормалізацію показників еритроцитів крові, СРБ і ШОЕ, низьку інтенсивність післяопераційного болю за ВАШ, скорочення терміну перебування в стаціонарі

    Evaluating DNA barcoding for species identification and discovery in European Gracillariid moths

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    Abstract Gracillariidae is the most species-rich leaf-mining moth family with over 2,000 described species worldwide. In Europe, there are 263 valid named species recognized, many of which are difficult to identify using morphology only. Here we explore the use of DNA barcodes as a tool for identification and species discovery in European gracillariids. We present a barcode library including 6,791 COI sequences representing 242 of the 263 (92%) resident species. Our results indicate high congruence between morphology and barcodes with 91.3% (221/242) of European species forming monophyletic clades that can be identified accurately using barcodes alone. The remaining 8.7% represent cases of non-monophyly making their identification uncertain using barcodes. Species discrimination based on the Barcode Index Number system (BIN) was successful for 93% of species with 7% of species sharing BINs. We discovered as many as 21 undescribed candidate species, of which six were confirmed from an integrative approach; the other 15 require additional material and study to confirm preliminary evidence. Most of these new candidate species are found in mountainous regions of Mediterranean countries, the South-Eastern Alps and the Balkans, with nine candidate species found only on islands. In addition, 13 species were classified as deep conspecific lineages, comprising a total of 27 BINs with no intraspecific morphological differences found, and no known ecological differentiation. Double-digest restriction-site associated DNA sequencing (ddRAD) analysis showed strong mitonuclear discrepancy in four out of five species studied. This discordance is not explained by Wolbachia-mediated genetic sweeps. Finally, 26 species were classified as “unassessed species splits” containing 71 BINs and some involving geographical isolation or ecological specialization that will require further study to test whether they represent new cryptic species