129 research outputs found

    Highly Sensitive InO x

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    InOx thin films with a thickness of the order of 100 nm were grown by dc magnetron sputtering on glass, Si and flexible (PET) substrates. The electrical conductivity of InOx thin films exhibited a change of two orders of magnitude during photoreduction with ultraviolet light and subsequent oxidation in ozone concentrations from 2370 to 15 ppb, at room temperature. Optical transparency of over 85% for all substrates was maintained. Film structural and ozone sensing properties were analyzed. Surface morphology investigations carried out by SEM for films on PET substrates showed extended surface cracking for bending angles beyond 40∘. Optimization of growth conditions has led to films with extremely low detection levels for ozone down to 15 ppb at room temperature, demonstrating the wide prospective of utilizing these metal oxides as gas sensors on flexible substrates for a variety of automotive and air-conditioning applications

    Self-powered, flexible and room temperature operated solution processed hybrid metal halide p-type sensing element for efficient hydrogen detection

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    Hydrogen (H2) is a well-known reduction gas and for safety reasons is very important to be detected. The most common systems employed along its detection are metal oxide-based elements. However, the latter demand complex and expensive manufacturing techniques, while they also need high temperatures or UV light to operate effectively. In this work, we first report a solution processed hybrid mixed halide spin coated perovskite films that have been successfully applied as portable, flexible, self-powered, fast and sensitive hydrogen sensing elements, operating at room temperature. The minimum concentrations of H2 gas that could be detected was down to 10 ppm. This work provides a new pathway on gases interaction with perovskite materials, launches new questions that must be addressed regarding the sensing mechanisms involved due to the utilization of halide perovskite sensing elements while also demonstrates the potential that these materials have on beyond solar cell applications

    Zinc oxide as an ozone sensor

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    Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 96, nÂș3This work presents a study of intrinsic zinc oxide thin film as ozone sensor based on the ultraviolet sUVd photoreduction and subsequent ozone re oxidation of zinc oxide as a fully reversible process performed at room temperature. The films analyzed were produced by spray pyrolysis, dc and rf magnetron sputtering. The dc resistivity of the films produced by rf magnetron sputtering and constituted by nanocrystallites changes more than eight orders of magnitude when exposed to an UV dose of 4 mW/cm2. On the other hand, porous and textured zinc oxide films produced by spray pyrolysis at low substrate temperature exhibit an excellent ac impedance response where the reactance changes by more than seven orders of magnitude when exposed to the same UV dose, with a response frequency above 15 kHz, thus showing improved ozone ac sensing discrimination

    Multiperiodicity in the large-amplitude rapidly-rotating ÎČ\beta Ceph ei star HD 203664

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    We perform a seismic study of the young massive ÎČ\beta Cephei star HD 203664 with the goal to constrain its interior structure. Our study is based on a time series of 328 new Geneva 7-colour photometric data of the star spread over 496.8 days. The data confirm the frequency of the dominant mode of the star which we refine to f1=6.02885f_1=6.02885 c d−1^{-1}. The mode has a large amplitude of 37 mmag in V and is unambiguously identified as a dipole mode (ℓ=2\ell=2) from its amplitude ratios and non-adiabatic computations. Besides f1f_1, we discover two additional new frequencies in the star with amplitudes above 4σ4\sigma: f2=6.82902f_2=6.82902 c d−1^{-1} and f3=4.81543f_3=4.81543 c d−1^{-1} or one of their daily aliases. The amplitudes of these two modes are only between 3 and 4 mmag which explains why they were not detected before. Their amplitude ratios are too uncertain for mode identification. We show that the observed oscillation spectrum of HD 203664 is compatible with standard stellar models but that we have insufficient information for asteroseismic inferences. Among the large-amplitude ÎČ\beta Cephei stars, HD 203664 stands out as the only one rotating at a significant fraction of its critical rotation velocity (∌40\sim 40%).Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in A&A (Astronomy & Astrophysics

    On the stability of very massive primordial stars

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    The stability of metal-free very massive stars (ZZ = 0; M = 120 - 500 \msol) is analyzed and compared with metal-enriched stars. Such zero-metal stars are unstable to nuclear-powered radial pulsations on the main sequence, but the growth time scale for these instabilities is much longer than for their metal-rich counterparts. Since they stabilize quickly after evolving off the ZAMS, the pulsation may not have sufficient time to drive appreciable mass loss in Z = 0 stars. For reasonable assumptions regarding the efficiency of converting pulsational energy into mass loss, we find that, even for the larger masses considered, the star may die without losing a large fraction of its mass. We find a transition between the Ï”\epsilon- and Îș\kappa-mechanisms for pulsational instability at Z\sim 2\E{-4} - 2\E{-3}. For the most metal-rich stars, the Îș\kappa-mechanism yields much shorter ee-folding times, indicating the presence of a strong instability. We thus stress the fundamental difference of the stability and late stages of evolution between very massive stars born in the early universe and those that might be born today.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures. Minor changes, more results given in Table 1, accepted for publication in Ap

    Unstable quasi g-modes in rotating main-sequence stars

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    This paper studies the oscillatory stability of uniformly rotating main-sequence stars of mass 3-8 M_sun by solving the linearized non-adiabatic, non-radial oscillation equations with a forcing term and searching for resonant response to a complex forcing frequency. By using the traditional approximation the solution of the forced oscillation equations becomes separable, whereby the energy equation is made separable by approximation. It is found that the kappa-mechanism in rotating B-stars can destabilize not only gravity- or pressure modes, but also a branch of low frequency retrograde (in corotating frame) oscillations in between the retrograde g-modes and toroidal r-modes. These unstable quasi g-modes (or `q-modes') hardly exhibit rotational confinement to the equatorial regions of the star, while the oscillations are always prograde in the observer's frame, all in contrast to g-modes. The unstable q-modes occur in a few narrow period bands (defined by their azimuthal index m), and seem to fit the oscillation spectra observed in SPB stars rather well. The unstable q-mode oscillation spectrum of a very rapidly rotating 8 M_sun star appears similar to that of the well studied Be-star mu Cen. The unstable q-modes thus seem far better in explaining the observed oscillation spectra in SPB-stars and Be-stars than normal g-modes.Comment: 15 pages, 16 figures, to appear in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Most Detects G- and P-Modes in the B Supergiant HD 163899 (B2Ib/II)

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    The {\it Microvariability and Oscillations of Stars (MOST)} satellite observed the B supergiant HD 163899 (B2 Ib/II) for 37 days as a guide star and detected 48 frequencies \la 2.8 c d−1^{-1} with amplitudes of a few milli-magnitudes (mmag) and less. The frequency range embraces g- and p-mode pulsations. It was generally thought that no g-modes are excited in less luminous B supergiants because strong radiative damping is expected in the core. Our theoretical models, however, show that such g-modes are excited in massive post-main-sequence stars, in accordance with these observations. The nonradial pulsations excited in models between 20M⊙20M_\odot at log⁥Teff≈4.41\log T_{\rm eff} \approx 4.41 and 15M⊙15M_\odot at log⁥Teff≈4.36\log T_{\rm eff} \approx 4.36 are roughly consistent with the observed frequency range. Excitation by the Fe-bump in opacity is possible because g-modes can be partially reflected at a convective zone associated with the hydrogen-burning shell, which significantly reduces radiative damping in the core. The {\it MOST} light curve of HD 163899 shows that such a reflection of g-modes actually occurs, and reveals the existence of a previously unrecognized type of variable, slowly pulsating B supergiants (SPBsg) distinct from α\alpha Cyg variables. Such g-modes have great potential for asteroseismology.Comment: 24 pages, 9 figures, Astrophysical Journal in pres

    Local Radiative Hydrodynamic and Magnetohydrodynamic Instabilities in Optically Thick Media

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    We examine the local conditions for radiative damping and driving of short wavelength, propagating hydrodynamic and magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves in static, optically thick, stratified equilibria. We show that so-called strange modes in stellar oscillation theory and magnetic photon bubbles are intimately related and are both fundamentally driven by the background radiation flux acting on compressible waves. We identify the necessary criteria for unstable driving of these waves, and show that this driving can exist in both gas and radiation pressure dominated media, as well as pure Thomson scattering media in the MHD case. The equilibrium flux acting on opacity fluctuations can drive both hydrodynamic acoustic waves and magnetosonic waves unstable. In addition, magnetosonic waves can be driven unstable by a combination of the equilibrium flux acting on density fluctuations and changes in the background radiation pressure along fluid displacements. We briefly describe the conditions under which these instabilities might be manifested in both main sequence stellar envelopes and accretion disks.Comment: 55 pages, revised version accepted for publication by ApJ. New appendix added justifying WKB analysi

    Long-term stability of transparent n/p ZnO homojunctions grown by rf-sputtering at room-temperature

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    ZnO-based n/p homojunctions were fabricated by sputtering from a single zinc nitride target at room temperature on metal or ITO-coated glass and Si substrates. A multi-target rf-sputtering system was used for the growth of all oxide films as multilayers in a single growth run without breaking the vacuum in the growth chamber. The nitrogen-containing films (less than 1.5 at.% of nitrogen) were n-type ZnO when deposited in oxygen-deficient Ar plasma (10% O2) and p-type ZnO when deposited in oxygen-rich Ar plasma (50% O2). The all-oxide homojunction ITO/n-ZnO/p-ZnO/ITO/glass was fabricated in a single deposition run and exhibited visible transparency in the range of 75–85%. The n/p ZnO homojunctions, having metallic contacts, formed on conventionally processed substrates showed a fairly unstable behavior concerning the current-voltage characteristics. However, the same homojunctions formed on Si3N4-patterned substrates and stored in atmosphere for a period of five months were stable exhibiting a turn-on voltage of around 1.5 V. The realization of a room temperature sputtered transparent and stable ZnO homojunction paves the way to the realization of all-oxide transparent optoelectronic devices
