22 research outputs found

    Nursing workload and occurrence of adverse events in intensive care: a systematic review

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    Abstract OBJECTIVE To identifyevidences of the influence of nursing workload on the occurrence of adverse events (AE) in adult patients admitted to the intensive care unit (ICU). METHOD A systematic literature review was conducted in the databases MEDLINE, CINAHL, LILACS, SciELO, BDENF, and Cochrane from studies in English, Portuguese, or Spanish, published by 2015. The analyzed AE were infection, pressure ulcer (PU), patient falls, and medication errors. RESULTS Of 594 potential studies, eight comprised the final sample of the review. TheNursing Activities Score (NAS; 37.5%) and the Therapeutic Intervention Scoring System(TISS; 37.5%) were the instruments most frequently used for assessing nursing workload. Six studies (75.0%) identified the influence of work overload in events of infection, PU, and medicationerrors. An investigation found that the NAS was a protective factor for PU. CONCLUSION The nursing workload required by patients in the ICU influenced the occurrence of AE, and nurses must monitor this variable daily to ensure proper sizing of staff and safety of care

    Work ability in nursing: relationship with psychological demands and control over the work

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    OBJECTIVE: to evaluate the association between psychological demands, control over the work and the reduction of work ability of nursing professionals. METHOD: this cross-sectional study involved 498 nursing professionals of a university hospital in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Data collection was carried out in 2009 using the Brazilian versions of the Work Ability Index and Job Stress Scale, with logistic regression models used for the data analysis. RESULTS: the prevalence of 43.3% for reduced work ability and 29.7% for high-strain in the job (high psychological demand and low control) were observed. The chances for professionals presenting reduced work ability under high-strain were higher and significant when compared to those classified as being under low-strain, even after adjusting for potential confounders, except for age and gender. CONCLUSION: a high prevalence of reduced work ability was observed. This evidence indicates the need for investigation and detailed analysis of the psychosocial aspects of the professionals with regard to the health/disease process of nursing professionals

    Minor psychiatric disorders among nurses university faculties

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    This cross-sectional study addresses 130 nursing faculty members in federal universities from Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. It investigated the psychological demands and decision latitude (the Demand-Control Model by Karasek) and their association with Minor Psychological Disorders (MPDs). The Brazilian versions of the Self-Report-Questionnaire-20 and the Job Stress Scale were used. MPDs were prevalent in 20% of the studied individuals. After adjusting for potential confounders, the chances of participants presenting mental disorders were higher in the quadrant 'active strain jobs' (OR=14.23, 95% CI 1.55 to 130.73), followed by the 'high strain jobs' quadrant (OR=10.05, 95% CI 1.23 to 82.44), compared to nursing professors classified in the 'low strain jobs' quadrant. We conclude that high psychological demands and low control over work can cause disorders in nursing professors, among them, MPDs.Estudio epidemiológico seccional entre 130 enfermeros docentes de las universidades federales del estado de Rio Grande do Sul, en Brasil, que tuvo como objetivo investigar la demanda psicológica y el control del trabajo (Modelo Demanda-Control de Karasek) y sus asociaciones con Disturbios Psíquicos Menores. Se utilizaron las versiones brasileñas del Self-Report-Questionnaire-20 y del Job Stress Scale. La prevalencia de Disturbios Psíquicos Menores fue del 20,1%. Después de ajustar los posibles factores de confusión, las posibilidades de trastornos psíquicos fueron mayores en el cuadrante Trabajo Activo (OR=14,13; IC95%=1,55-130,73), seguido del cuadrante Alta exigencia (OR=10,05; IC95%=1,23-82,44), en comparación con los enfermeros docentes del cuadrante Baja Exigencia. Se concluyó que la alta demanda psicológica y el bajo control del trabajo pueden provocar daños a la salud, entre ellos los Disturbios Psíquicos Menores en enfermeros docentes.Trata-se de estudo epidemiológico seccional, incluindo 130 enfermeiros docentes das Universidades Federais do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, que teve por objetivo investigar a demanda psicológica e o controle sobre o trabalho (Modelo Demanda-Controle de Karasek) e sua associação com os distúrbios psíquicos menores. Foram utilizadas as versões brasileiras do Self-Report-Questionnaire-20 e da Job Stress Scale. A prevalência de distúrbios psíquicos menores foi de 20,1%. Após ajustes, a fim de se evitar potenciais confundidores, a chance de distúrbios psíquicos foi maior no quadrante trabalho ativo (OR=14,23; IC95%=1,55-130,73), seguido do quadrante alta exigência (OR=10,05; IC95%=1,23-82,44), quando comparado aos enfermeiros docentes do quadrante baixa exigência. Conclui-se que a alta demanda psicológica e o baixo controle sobre o trabalho podem desencadear acometimentos, dentre eles os distúrbios psíquicos menores em enfermeiros docentes

    Psychosocial stress and minor psychiatric disorders among Agentes Socioeducadores

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    OBJECTIVE: to ascertain the association between psychosocial stress and the occurrence of Minor Psychiatric Disorders in agentes socioeducadores. METHOD: a cross-sectional study with 381 agentes socioeducadores from the Centros de Atendimento Socioeducativo in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul, in 2011. Brazilian versions of the social demand-control-support at work scale were used, and of the Self Reporting Questionnaire-20. RESULTS: the prevalence of minor psychiatric disorders was 50.1%. The chances of being classified with such a disorder were higher in the high strain work quadrant (OR=2.05; CI95%=1.03-4.09) and active work quadrant (OR=1.99; CI95%=1.09-3.63) when compared to that of low strain, after adjustment for potentially confusing factors. CONCLUSION: there is a positive association between psychosocial stress (high strain and active work) and minor psychiatric disorders among agentes socioeducadores. In order to prevent mental illness among these workers, the planning of health promotion actions is necessary.OBJETIVO: verificar la asociación entre estrés psicosocial y la ocurrencia de Disturbios Psíquicos Menores en agente socio-educadores. MÉTODO: Estudio transversal con 381 agentes socio-educadores de los Centros de Servicio Socio-educativo de Rio Grande do Sul, en 2011. Se utilizaron las versiones brasileñas de la escala de Demanda-control-apoyo social en el trabajo y del Self Reporting Questionnaire-20. RESULTADOS: la superioridad de disturbio psíquico menor fue del 50,1%. Las chances de ser clasificado con tal disturbio fueron mayores en el cuadrante de trabajo en alta exigencia (OR=2,05; IC95%=1,03-4,09) y trabajo activo (OR=1,99; IC95%=1,09-3,63) cuando se comparó a lo de baja exigencia, después del ajuste por potenciales factores de confusión. CONCLUSIÓN: hay asociación positiva entre estrés psicosocial (alta exigencia y trabajo activo) y disturbios psíquicos menores en agentes socio-educadores. Se hace necesaria la planificación de acciones de promoción a la salud, a fin de precaver la enfermedad mental de eses trabajadores.OBJETIVO: verificar a associação entre estresse psicossocial e a ocorrência de Distúrbios Psíquicos Menores em agentes socioeducadores. MÉTODO: estudo transversal com 381 agentes socioeducadores dos Centros de Atendimento Socioeducativo do Rio Grande do Sul, em 2011. Utilizaram-se as versões brasileiras da escala de demanda-controle-apoio social no trabalho e do Self-Reporting Questionnaire 20 (SRQ-20). RESULTADOS: a prevalência de distúrbio psíquico menor foi de 50,1%. As chances de ser classificado com tal distúrbio foram maiores no quadrante trabalho em alta exigência (OR=2,05; IC95%=1,03-4,09) e trabalho ativo (OR=1,99; IC95%=1,09-3,63), quando comparados ao de baixa exigência, após ajuste por potenciais fatores de confusão. CONCLUSÃO: há associação positiva entre estresse psicossocial (alta exigência e trabalho ativo) e distúrbios psíquicos menores em agentes socioeducadores. Faz-se necessário o planejamento de ações de promoção à saúde, a fim de prevenir o adoecimento mental desses trabalhadores

    Caracterização das vítimas e dos acidentes de trabalho fatais Características de las víctimas y accidentes fatales en el trabajo Characteristics of victims and fatal accidents at the workplace

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    Trata-se de uma pesquisa documental, quantitativa, descritiva, retrospectiva sobre os acidentes de trabalho fatais ocorridos no período de 2006 a 2010 e cujos trabalhadores foram atendidos no Hospital do Trabalhador, localizado em Curitiba/Paraná. Foram selecionadas 25 fichas de notificação pelo desfecho óbito. Objetivou-se caracterizar as vítimas e os acidentes de trabalho fatais. Os acidentes de trabalho fatais atingiram trabalhadores com idade média de 35 anos (desvio padrão=13,0694), do gênero masculino n=23 (92%). Os acidentes de trabalho típicos representaram n=13 (52%) dos casos. Uma das medidas preventivas propostas para reduzir esse número de acidentes de trabalho fatais é a realização de um trabalho educativo e preventivo nos ambientes de trabalho, pelos profissionais enfermeiros. Além disso, é necessário repensar a violência no trânsito também como um fator relevante de causa de morte de trabalhadores.<br>Esta es una investigación cuantitativa descriptiva documental retrospectiva sobre los accidentes mortales se produjeron durante el período 2006 a 2010 y los trabajadores fueron tratados en el Hospital del Trabajador , ubicado en Curitiba / Paraná. Se seleccionaron 25 fichas de notificación por los resultados obtenidos. Se objetivo caracterizar a las víctimas y los accidentes de trabajo faltaless. Los accidentes laborales fatalçes alcanzaron a trabajadores coe edad promedio de 35 años (desvio patrón= 13,0694), del género masculino n=23 (92%). Los accidentes laborales típicos representaron n=13 (52%) de los casos. Una de las medidas preventivas propuestas para reducir ese número de accidentes de trabajo fatales es la realización de um trabajo educativo y preventivo en los ambientes de trabajo, por los profesionales enfermeros. Además, es necesario repensar la violencia en el tránsito también un factor relevante de causa de muerte de trabajadores.<br>This is a quantitative, descriptive, retrospective documental study on fatal accidents occurred during the period from 2006 to 2010, in which workers were treated at Hospital do Trabalhador, located in Curitiba/Paraná. We selected 25 notifications for the outcome death. This study aimed to characterize victims and fatal occupational accidents. Fatal occupational accidents hit workers with a mean age of 35 years (SD = 13.0694), of the male sex, n = 23 (92%). Typical occupational accidents accounted for 52% (n = 13) of cases. One of the preventive measures proposed to reduce the number of fatal occupational accidents is the performance of educational and preventive work at the workplace by nurses. Moreover, it is necessary to rethink transit violence as a relevant factor for the cause of death of workers as well