1,072 research outputs found

    Proximity effect in granular superconductor-normal metal structures

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    We fabricated three-dimensional disordered Pb-Cu granular structures, with various metal compositions. The typical grain size of both metals is smaller than the superconductor and normal metal coherence lengths, thus satisfying the Cooper limit. The critical temperature of the samples was measured and compared with the critical temperature of bilayers. We show how the proximity effect theories, developed for bilayers, can be modified for random mixtures and we demonstrate that our experimental data fit well the de Gennes weak coupling limit theory in the Cooper limit. Our results indicate that, in granular structures, the Cooper limit can be satisfied over a wide range of concentrations.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure

    3D Magnetic Analysis of the CMS Magnet

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    The CMS magnetic system consists of a super-conducting solenoid coil, 12.5 m long and 6 m free bore diameter, and of an iron flux-return yoke, which includes the central barrel, two end-caps and the ferromagnetic parts of the hadronic forward calorimeter. The magnetic flux density in the center of the solenoid is 4 T. To carry out the magnetic analysis of the CMS magnetic system, several 3D models were developed to perform magnetic field and force calculations using the Vector Fields code TOSCA. The analysis includes a study of the general field behavior, the calculation of the forces on the coil generated by small axial, radial displacements and angular tilts, the calculation of the forces on the ferromagnetic parts, the calculation of the fringe field outside the magnetic system, and a study of the field level in the chimneys for the current leads and the cryogenic lines. A procedure to reconstruct the field inside a cylindrical volume starting from the values of the magnetic flux density on the cylinder surface is considered. Special TOSCA-GEANT interface tools have being developed to input the calculated magnetic field into the detector simulation package.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures, 1 equation, 14 reference

    Chiral photoelectron angular distributions from ionization of achiral atomic and molecular species

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    We show that the combination of two achiral components - atomic or molecular target plus a circularly polarized photon - can yield chirally structured photoelectron angular distributions. For photoionization of CO, the angular distribution of carbon K-shell photoelectrons is chiral when the molecular axis is neither perpendicular nor (anti-)parallel to the light propagation axis. In photo-double-ionization of He, the distribution of one electron is chiral, if the other electron is oriented like the molecular axis in the former case and if the electrons are distinguishable by their energy. In both scenarios, the circularly polarized photon defines a plane with a sense of rotation and an additional axis is defined by the CO molecule or one electron. This is sufficient to establish an unambiguous coordinate frame of well-defined handedness. To produce a chirally structured electron angular distribution, such a coordinate frame is necessary, but not sufficient. We show that additional electron-electron interaction or scattering processes are needed to create the chiral angular distribution

    Anisotropic optical properties of single-crystal GdBa2Cu3O7-delta

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    The optical spectrum of reduced-T(c) GdBa2Cu3O7-delta has been measured for polarizations parallel and perpendicular to the ab plane. The sample was an oxygen-deficient single crystal with a large face containing the c axis. The polarized reflectance from this face was measured from 20-300 K in the spectral region from 30-3000 cm-1, with 300 K data to 30 000 cm-1. Kramers-Kronig analysis was used to determine the spectral dependence of the ab and the c components of the dielectric tensor. The optical properties are strongly anisotropic. The ab-plane response resembles that of other reduced-T(c) materials whereas the c axis, in contrast, shows only the presence of several phonons. There is a complete absence of charge carrier response along c above and below T(c). This observation allows us to set an upper limit to the free-carrier spectral weight for transport perpendicular to the CuO2 planes

    Hole-burning experiments within solvable glassy models

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    We reproduce the results of non-resonant spectral hole-burning experiments with fully-connected (equivalently infinite-dimensional) glassy models that are generalizations of the mode-coupling approach to nonequilibrium situations. We show that an ac-field modifies the integrated linear response and the correlation function in a way that depends on the amplitude and frequency of the pumping field. We study the effect of the waiting and recovery-times and the number of oscillations applied. This calculation will help descriminating which results can and which cannot be attributed to dynamic heterogeneities in real systems.Comment: 4 pages, 8 figures, RevTe

    Kinematically complete experimental study of Compton scattering at helium atoms near the ionization threshold

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    Compton scattering is one of the fundamental interaction processes of light with matter. Already upon its discovery [1] it was described as a billiard-type collision of a photon kicking a quasi-free electron. With decreasing photon energy, the maximum possible momentum transfer becomes so small that the corresponding energy falls below the binding energy of the electron. Then ionization by Compton scattering becomes an intriguing quantum phenomenon. Here we report a kinematically complete experiment on Compton scattering at helium atoms below that threshold. We determine the momentum correlations of the electron, the recoiling ion, and the scattered photon in a coincidence experiment finding that electrons are not only emitted in the direction of the momentum transfer, but that there is a second peak of ejection to the backward direction. This finding links Compton scattering to processes as ionization by ultrashort optical pulses [2], electron impact ionization [3,4], ion impact ionization [5,6], and neutron scattering [7] where similar momentum patterns occur.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Influence of oxygen ordering kinetics on Raman and optical response in YBa_2Cu_3O_{6.4}

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    Kinetics of the optical and Raman response in YBa_2Cu_3O_{6.4} were studied during room temperature annealing following heat treatment. The superconducting T_c, dc resistivity, and low-energy optical conductivity recover slowly, implying a long relaxation time for the carrier density. Short relaxation times are observed for the B_{1g} Raman scattering -- magnetic, continuum, and phonon -- and the charge transfer band. Monte Carlo simulations suggest that these two relaxation rates are related to two length scales corresponding to local oxygen ordering (fast) and long chain and twin formation (slow).Comment: REVTeX, 3 pages + 4 PostScript (compressed) figure

    Commissioning of the CMS Magnet

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    CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid) is one of the large experiments for the LHC at CERN. The superconducting magnet for CMS has been designed to reach a 4 T field in a free bore of 6 m diameter and 12.5 m length with a stored energy of 2.6 GJ at full current. The flux is returned through a 10 000 t yoke comprising of five wheels and two end caps composed of three disks each. The magnet was designed to be assembled and tested in a surface hall, prior to be lowered at 90 m below ground, to its final position in the experimental cavern. The distinctive feature of the cold mass is the four-layer winding, made from a reinforced and stabilized NbTi conductor. The design and construction was carried out by CMS participating institutes through technical and contractual endeavors. Among them CEA Saclay, INFN Genova, ETH Zurich, Fermilab, ITEP Moscow, University of Wisconsin and CERN. The construction of the CMS Magnet, and of the coil in particular, has been completed last year. The magnet has just been powered to full field achieving electrical commissioning. After a brief reminder of the design and construction the first results of the commissioning are reported in this paper

    Altered top-down and bottom-up processing of fear conditioning in panic disorder with agoraphobia

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    Background: Although several neurophysiological models have been proposed for panic disorder with agoraphobia (PD/AG), there is limited evidence from functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies on key neural networks in PD/AG. Fear conditioning has been proposed to represent a central pathway for the development and maintenance of this disorder; however, its neural substrates remain elusive. The present study aimed to investigate the neural correlates of fear conditioning in PD/AG patients. Method: The blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) response was measured using fMRI during a fear conditioning task. Indicators of differential conditioning, simple conditioning and safety signal processing were investigated in 60 PD/AG patients and 60 matched healthy controls. Results: Differential conditioning was associated with enhanced activation of the bilateral dorsal inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) whereas simple conditioning and safety signal processing were related to increased midbrain activation in PD/AG patients versus controls. Anxiety sensitivity was associated positively with the magnitude of midbrain activation. Conclusions: The results suggest changes in top-down and bottom-up processes during fear conditioning in PD/AG that can be interpreted within a neural framework of defensive reactions mediating threat through distal (forebrain) versus proximal (midbrain) brain structures. Evidence is accumulating that this network plays a key role in the aetiopathogenesis of panic disorder
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