10 research outputs found

    Step-wise formation of eukaryotic double-row polyribosomes and circular translation of polysomal mRNA

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    The time course of polysome formation was studied in a long-term wheat germ cell-free translation system using sedimentation and electron microscopy techniques. The polysomes were formed on uncapped luciferase mRNA with translation-enhancing 5ā€² and 3ā€² UTRs. The formation of fully loaded polysomes was found to be a long process that required many rounds of translation and proceeded via several phases. First, short linear polysomes containing no more than six ribosomes were formed. Next, folding of these polysomes into short double-row clusters occurred. Subsequent gradual elongation of the clusters gave rise to heavy-loaded double-row strings containing up to 30ā€“40 ribosomes. The formation of the double-row polysomes was considered to be equivalent to circularization of polysomes, with antiparallel halves of the circle being laterally stuck together by ribosome interactions. A slow exchange with free ribosomes and free mRNA observed in the double-row type polysomes, as well as the resistance of translation in them to AMP-PNP, provided evidence that most polysomal ribosomes reinitiate translation within the circularized polysomes without scanning of 5ā€² UTR, while de novo initiation including 5ā€² UTR scanning proceeds at a much slower rate. Removal or replacements of 5ā€² and 3ā€² UTRs affected the initial phase of translation, but did not prevent the formation of the double-row polysomes during translation

    Visualisierung der Smad-vermittelten Signaltransduktion nach Aktivierung mit "Bone Morphogenetic Protein" 4 mittels FRET-basierter Biosensoren

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    The Transforming Growth Factor (TGF) superfamily of cytokines and their serine/threonine kinase receptors play an important role in the regulation of cell division, differentiation, adhesion, migration, organization, and death. Smad proteins are the major intracellular signal transducers for the TGF receptor superfamily that mediate the signal from the membrane into the nucleus. Bone Morphogenetic Protein-4 (BMP-4) is a representative of the TGF superfamily, which regulates the formation of teeth, limbs and bone, and also plays a role in fracture repair. Binding of BMP-4 to its receptor stimulates phosphorylation of Smad1, which subsequently recruits Smad4. A hetero-oligomeric complex consisting of Smad1 and Smad4 then translocates into the nucleus and regulates transcription of target genes by interacting with transcription factors. Although the individual steps of the signaling cascade from the receptor to the nucleus have been identified, the exact kinetics and the rate limiting step(s) have remained elusive. Standard biochemical techniques are not suitable for resolving these issues, as they do not offer sufficiently high sensitivity and temporal resolution. In this study, advanced optical techniques were used for direct visualization of Smad signaling in live mammalian cells. Novel fluorescent biosensors were developed by fusing cyan and yellow fluorescent proteins to the signaling molecules Smad1 and Smad4. By measuring Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) between the two fluorescent proteins, the kinetics of BMP/Smad signaling was unraveled. A rate-limiting delay of 2 - 5 minutes occurred between BMP receptor stimulation and Smad1 activation. A similar delay was observed in the complex formation between Smad1 and Smad4. Further experimentation indicated that the delay is dependent on the Mad homology 1 (MH1) domain of Smad1. These results give new insights into the dynamics of the BMP receptor ā€“ Smad1/4 signaling process and provide a new tool for studying Smads and for testing inhibitory drugs.Die Transforming Growth Factor" (TGF)-Superfamilie der Cytokine und ihrer Serin/Threonin-Kinase-Rezeptoren spielt eine bedeutende Rolle bei der Regulierung der Zellteilung, -differenzierung, -adhƤsion, -migration, -organisation, und beim Zelltod. Die Smad-Proteine sind die wichtigsten intrazellulƤren SignalĆ¼bertrƤger fĆ¼r die TGF-Rezeptor-Familie, da sie das Signal von der Zellmembran zum Kern Ć¼bermitteln. Das ,,Bone Morphogenetic Protein4" (BMP-4) ist ein Vertreter der TGF-Familie, der die Bildung von ZƤhnen, GliedmaƟen und Knochen reguliert und darĆ¼ber hinaus eine Rolle bei der Frakturheilung spielt. Das Binden von BMP-4 an seinen Rezeptor stimuliert die Phosphorylierung von Smad1, welches in der Folge Smad4 rekrutiert. Ein hetero-oligomerer Komplex bestehend aus Smad1 und Smad4 verlagert sich dann in den Zellkern, wo er durch Interaktion mit Transkriptionsfaktoren die Transkription von Zielgenen reguliert. Obwohl die einzelnen Schritte der Signalkaskade vom Rezeptor bis in den Zellkern bereits identifiziert wurden, blieben die Kinetik und die geschwindigkeitsbegrenzenden Schritte bisher unbekannt. GƤngige biochemische Methoden eignen sich nicht um diese Fragen zu lƶsen, da sie nicht Ć¼ber ausreichende Empfindlichkeit und zeitliches Auflƶsungsvermƶgen verfĆ¼gen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden hochentwickelte optische Techniken angewandt, um die Smad-vermittelte Signaltransduktion direkt in lebenden Zellen sichtbar zu machen. Neue fluoreszierende Biosensoren wurden konstruiert, indem gelb- und cyan-fluoreszierende Proteine mit den SignalmolekĆ¼le Smad1 und Smad4 fusioniert wurden. Durch Messung des "Fluorescent Resonance Energy Transfer" (FRET) zwischen den zwei fluoreszierenden Proteinen konnte die Kinetik der BMP-Smad-Signalkaskade bestimmt werden. Zwischen der Stimulation des Rezeptors und der Aktivierung von Smad1 trat eine geschwindigkeitsbegrenzende Verzƶgerung von 2-5 Minuten auf. Eine Ƥhnliche Verzƶgerung wurde bei der Bildung des Komplexes aus Smad1 und Smad4 beobachtet. Weitere Experimente zeigten, dass die Verzƶgerung von der Mad-Homologie-DomƤne 1 (MH1) von Smad1 abhƤngt. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit geben neue Einblicke in die Dynamik der BMP-Rezeptor-Smad1/4 Signaltransduktion und stellen neue Werkzeuge zur Untersuchung von Smads und zur Austestung inhibitorischer Wirkstoffe zur VerfĆ¼gung

    Tetraspanin 15 depletion impairs extracellular vesicle docking at target neurons

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    Abstract Neurons in the central nervous system release extracellular vesicles (EVs) and exosomes in response to synaptic activity to regulate physiological processes at target neurons. The intercellular transfer of proteins, mRNAs, lipids or metabolites through EVs potentially modulates the structure and function of neurons and circuits. Whereas the biogenesis of EVs, their release from donor cells, and their molecular composition have been studied extensively, the critical factors and mechanisms regulating EV interactions with target cells are incompletely understood. Here, we identified tetraspanin 15 (Tspan15) as a component of tumor susceptibility gene 101 protein (TSG101)ā€ and CD81ā€positive EV fractions. Tspan15 fluorescent fusion proteins were released from donor cells and interacted with target cells together with the exosomal marker CD63. EVs collected from wildtype cortical neurons (WTā€EVs) underwent similar association with target neurons derived from either wildtype (+/+) or Tspan15 knockout (āˆ’/āˆ’) mice. In contrast, target cell interactions of EVs collected from Tspan15 (āˆ’/āˆ’) cortical donor neurons (KOā€EVs) were significantly impaired, as compared to WTā€EVs. Our data suggest that Tspan15 is dispensable at target neuron plasma membranes, but is required at the EV surface to promote EV docking at target neurons

    Neurobeachin and the Kinesin KIF21B Are Critical for Endocytic Recycling of NMDA Receptors and Regulate Social Behavior

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    Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) are associated with mutations affecting synaptic components, including GluN2B-NMDA receptors (NMDARs) and neurobeachin (NBEA). NBEA participates in biosynthetic pathways to regulate synapse receptor targeting, synaptic function, cognition, and social behavior. However, the role of NBEA-mediated transport in specific trafficking routes is unclear. Here, we highlight an additional function for NBEA in the local delivery and surface re-insertion of synaptic receptors in mouse neurons. NBEA dynamically interacts with Rab4-positive recycling endosomes, transiently enters spines in an activity-dependent manner, and regulates GluN2B-NMDAR recycling. Furthermore, we show that the microtubule growth inhibitor kinesin KIF21B constrains NBEA dynamics and is present in the NBEA-recycling endosome-NMDAR complex. Notably, Kif21b knockout decreases NMDAR surface expression and alters social behavior in mice, consistent with reported social deficits in Nbea mutants. The influence of NBEA-KIF21B interactions on GluN2B-NMDAR local recycling may be relevant to mechanisms underlying ASD etiology

    Muskelin regulates actin-dependent synaptic changes and intrinsic brain activity relevant to behavioral and cognitive processes

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    Muskelin (Mkln1) is implicated in neuronal function, regulating plasma membrane receptor trafficking. However, its influence on intrinsic brain activity and corresponding behavioral processes remains unclear. Here we show that murine Mkln1 knockout causes non-habituating locomotor activity, increased exploratory drive, and decreased locomotor response to amphetamine. Muskelin deficiency impairs social novelty detection while promoting the retention of spatial reference memory and fear extinction recall. This is strongly mirrored in either weaker or stronger resting-state functional connectivity between critical circuits mediating locomotor exploration and cognition. We show that Mkln1 deletion alters dendrite branching and spine structure, coinciding with enhanced AMPAR-mediated synaptic transmission but selective impairment in synaptic potentiation maintenance. We identify muskelin at excitatory synapses and highlight its role in regulating dendritic spine actin stability. Our findings point to aberrant spine actin modulation and changes in glutamatergic synaptic function as critical mechanisms that contribute to the neurobehavioral phenotype arising from Mkln1 ablation

    The Kinesin KIF21B Regulates Microtubule Dynamics and Is Essential for Neuronal Morphology, Synapse Function, and Learning and Memory

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    The kinesin KIF21B is implicated in several human neurological disorders, including delayed cognitive development, yet it remains unclear how KIF21B dysfunction may contribute to pathology. One limitation is that relatively little is known about KIF21B-mediated physiological functions. Here, we generated Kif21b knockout mice and used cellular assays to investigate the relevance of KIF21B in neuronal and inĀ vivo function. We show that KIF21B is a processive motor protein and identify an additional role for KIF21B in regulating microtubule dynamics. In neurons lacking KIF21B, microtubules grow moreĀ slowly and persistently, leading to tighter packing in dendrites. KIF21B-deficient neurons exhibit decreased dendritic arbor complexity and reduced spine density, which correlate with deficits in synaptic transmission. Consistent with these observations, Kif21b-null mice exhibit behavioral changes involving learning and memory deficits. Our study provides insight into the cellular function of KIF21B and the basis for cognitive decline resulting from KIF21B dysregulation

    Spastin depletion increases tubulin polyglutamylation and impairs kinesin-mediated neuronal transport, leading to working and associative memory deficits.

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    Mutations in the gene encoding the microtubule-severing protein spastin (spastic paraplegia 4 [SPG4]) cause hereditary spastic paraplegia (HSP), associated with neurodegeneration, spasticity, and motor impairment. Complicated forms (complicated HSP [cHSP]) further include cognitive deficits and dementia; however, the etiology and dysfunctional mechanisms of cHSP have remained unknown. Here, we report specific working and associative memory deficits upon spastin depletion in mice. Loss of spastin-mediated severing leads to reduced synapse numbers, accompanied by lower miniature excitatory postsynaptic current (mEPSC) frequencies. At the subcellular level, mutant neurons are characterized by longer microtubules with increased tubulin polyglutamylation levels. Notably, these conditions reduce kinesin-microtubule binding, impair the processivity of kinesin family protein (KIF) 5, and reduce the delivery of presynaptic vesicles and postsynaptic Ī±-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) receptors. Rescue experiments confirm the specificity of these results by showing that wild-type spastin, but not the severing-deficient and disease-associated K388R mutant, normalizes the effects at the synaptic, microtubule, and transport levels. In addition, short hairpin RNA (shRNA)-mediated reduction of tubulin polyglutamylation on spastin knockout background normalizes KIF5 transport deficits and attenuates the loss of excitatory synapses. Our data provide a mechanism that connects spastin dysfunction with the regulation of kinesin-mediated cargo transport, synapse integrity, and cognition