7 research outputs found

    Cloning, expression and functional analysis of picornavirus protein 2C

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    Picornavirus-infected cells are characterised by the appearance of smooth vesicles and the disappearance of the Golgi apparatus. Replication of the viral RNA takes place on these virus-induced vesicles. Expression of the viral protein 2BC, and to some extent 2C, has similar effects on cells. Protein 2C has been proposed to hold these replication complexes together and is known to bind to the membranes, however the mechanism of this binding is unknown. Previous work by Knox et al showed an interaction between FMDV protein 2C and the protein kinase A anchoring protein 10 (AKAP 10). The 2C gene from the CA9, ECHO 22, FMDV, HAV HM175, HAV wt1, HeCV, HRV 85 and TME picornaviruses were cloned into both translation and expression vectors (the FMDV and HRV 85 were donated by C. Knox and N. Moir respectively). Translation products were then used in a binding assay and interaction with AKAP 10 was shown for ECHO 22, FMDV, HAV wt1, HeCV, HRV 85 and TME. These results indicate AKAP 10 binding as a general function of 2C in all picornaviruses. An expression system was optimised for HRV 85 2ABC, 2BC and 2C proteins, and was shown to produce the other picornavirus 2C proteins at similar levels. Cellular expression of protein 2BC is known to bring about membrane rearrangements and the binding of 2C to AKAP 10 may help explain this aspect of the cytopathic effect and the targeting of virus replication to membranes

    What Have Future Generations Done for Me Lately?: Climate Change Causes, Consequences, and Challenges in the New Millennium

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    It is a brave new world, where people across the planet increasingly grapple with the causes and consequences of climate change. Detrimental impacts and dire forecasts have now been well-catalogued. People deal with climate-related challenges in their material lives through their ability to meet livelihood needs, and in their social and discursive spaces in terms of how considerations for climate action are meaningful. Initiatives and plans that were formerly confined to the climate-controlled quarters of high-level policy briefing rooms and scientific conference halls are increasingly prevalent around the kitchen table, bar stool, front porch and corner shop. There is an explosion of books and news coverage on climate change, and climate issues increasingly permeate entertainment and leisure. As this engagement grows, social and cultural movements shift more rapidly than the physical climate, thereby reshaping the terrain of possibility for our collective future. Within these critical challenges reside possibilities for, as well as indications of, different future paths. Amid the white noise of daily activities, these signals take shape in ecological, meteorological, cultural, social, scientific and political events. For two recent instances, we can look to politics. In October, UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown announced a new Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC), 1 thus acknowledging that activities need to be stepped up more coherently to meet European Union and Kyoto Protocol targets and timetables. Upon taking up the post, newly appointed DECC chief Ed Miliband promptly called for tougher commitments than those made before, saying that 80 percent reductions of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) were needed across the UK by 2050. 2 In November, the world witnessed th

    Antibacterial activity in vitro of the ethanol extract of fruits of physalis peruviana L. (Aguaymanto) against Streptococcus Mutans Atcc 25175 And Staphylococcus Aureus Atcc 25923

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    La presente investigación es de diseño experimental, explicativo, cuantitativo, población de 10 kilos de frutos de Physalis peruviana L. (Aguaymanto) y cepas de Streptococcus mutans ATCC 25175 y Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 por otro lado, la muestra estuvo constituida por 4 kg de frutos de Physalis peruviana L. y la muestra biológica usada fueron las placas Petri. El procedimiento fitoquímico fue el tamizaje fitoquímico, según la metodología de Olga Lock y el método microbiológico usado fue el de difusión en agar Mueller Hinton y estuvo constituida de los grupos experimentales al 15%, 50% y 85%, grupo control, ciprofloxacino 5 µg, Clorhexidina y Dimetilsulfoxido (DMSO). Resultados: Los metabolitos secundarios que se detectaron en la prueba del tamizaje fitoquímico del extracto hidroalcohólico de los frutos de Physalis peruviana L. (Aguaymanto) fueron alcaloides, lactonas α, β insaturadas, compuestos fenólicos, terpenos y esteroides, alcaloides, taninos y flavonoides. Por otro lado, mediante la prueba de ANOVA (p<0,05) y Tukey, se demostró como resultado diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre los grupos experimentales al 15 %, 50 % y 85 % comparado con el control (DMSO) frente a Streptococcus mutans ATCC 25175 y Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923. Conclusión: El extracto etanólico del fruto de Physalis peruviana L. presentó efecto antibacteriano frente a Streptococcus mutans ATCC 25175 y Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923


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    OBJETIVO: El presente trabajo de investigación tiene por objetivo recopilar datos sobre los aspectos etnobotánicos, perfil fitoquímico y actividad farmacológica de la especie Alnus Glutinosa (L.) Gaertn. MATERIAL Y METODO: El estudio es de enfoque cualitativo, diseño metodológico es una investigación no experimental, descriptiva y de revisión sistemática puesto que nos encargamos de puntualizar las características de la especie vegetal. RESULTADOS: En la búsqueda realizada en las bases de datos descritas anteriormente, con el término Alnus glutinosa L. luego de eliminar los resultados repetidos y ordenar por relevancia se obtuvieron 45 artículos referentes al estudio etnobotánico, compuestos fitoquímicos y actividad farmacológica. CONCLUSIONES: Se encontraron en total 45 artículos en diferentes bases de datos referentes a las características etnobotánicas, compuestos fitoquímicos y actividad farmacológica lo cual toda esta información sea sintetizado y resumido para facilitar la comprensión de toda la información disponible de Alnus glutinosa (L.) Gaertn


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