120 research outputs found

    What Predicts Social Casino Game Playing? Interrelations of Social Casino Gaming, Gambling, and Demographic Factors

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    Social casino games (SCG), for example those played on Facebook and on mobile devices, are one of the most profitable genres of free-to-play games. They are also an example of a convergence trend, where the line between gambling and digital gaming is blurring. Digital games integrate gambling elements, such as loot boxes, while new forms of digital, online and hybrid gambling games use similar immersive elements as those which are employed in video games. The Finnish Player Barometer 2018, a nationally representative dataset (n = 946), included questions about digital gaming, gambling and SCG. It reveals that 5.9% of Finns play SCG at least occasionally and 2% of Finns play them at least once of month. But how is SCG playing connected with offline and online gambling and with digital game playing? Ridge regression analysis was employed to investigate the predictive power of a range of variables regarding the frequency of SCG play. Results show that a higher frequency of SCG play is associated with higher frequency of digital game playing, but with lower frequency of both online and offline gambling. Furthermore, a higher frequency of playing skill based (digital) gambling games is the strongest predictor of SCG playing. Implications: Our analysis contribute to understanding better who SCG players, online and offline gamblers and digital game players are and how playing new forms of gaming and gambling are interrelated

    Monetary consumption in gambling, digital gaming and their converged forms: findings from the Finnish Player Barometer 2022 study

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    In the Finnish Player Barometer study gambling games and other types of games, including non-digital and digital game genres, are studied together. This nationally representative study differs from many other studies, which usually concentrate either on gambling or on other types of gaming. The study also includes many of converged forms between gambling and gaming. Almost all Finns play games at least occasionally. In the year 2022, active digital gamers consumed on average 10,6 € per month on digital gaming, including online gambling. High monetary consumption in digital gaming seems to be connected in active gambling, but also those players, who play actively converged forms of gambling and digital gaming, consume money in digital gaming substantially more than the average Finn. For example, players who actively pay in free-to-play games and actively pay to open loot boxes, consume almost four times more money in digital gaming than average players. In this presentation, we will analyze the new Finnish Player Barometer 2022 dataset (N=1071) and take a closer look, who gamers and gamblers are and how money consumption is connected with playing. Implications for convergence processes between gambling and digital gaming are further discussed. Implications: Our analysis contributes to understanding better who gamblers and digital game players are, and how playing and paying are interrelated in new forms of digital gaming and gambling

    Possibilistic risk aversion with many parameters

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    AbstractThe study of risk aversion of an agent confronted by a risk situations with several parameters is an important topic of risk theory. It is tackled traditionally with probabilistic methods. When these do not offer an appropriate shaping we can use Zadeh's possibility theory. In this paper a possibilistic model of risk aversion with several parameters is proposed. The notion of possibilistic risk premium vector is introduced as a measure of an agent's risk aversion to a situation with several risk parameters. The main result of the paper is an approximate calculation formula of this indicator. The way we can apply this model in risk aversion evaluation in grid computing is sketched out

    Similarities and differences in crypto trading and gambling discourses and practices: why should scholars of gambling be interested?

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    Cryptocurrency trading is an action of selling and/or buying of virtual or digital currencies for profit. The value of many cryptocurrencies has fluctuated greatly, which has led to enormous winnings and losses for some traders. The presentation focuses on the similarities and differences in discourses and practices towards crypto trading and gambling. In addition, the presentation discusses why scholars of gambling should pay closer attention to cryptocurrency trading and the consequences it may have for the gambling industry and regulation. Historical examples of previous divisions between gambling, finance, and speculation are also presented. The presentation is based on an Internet poll made by the Finnish Association for Substance Abuse Prevention EHYT and the Sosped Foundation in 2022. 137 persons answered the poll of whom 88 % were cryptotraders and 12 % persons who confronted crypto traders either in their work or in their voluntary work. 78 % of respondents were men and age ranged from 15-74 year olds. Many respondents acknowledge that there are many similarities between crypto trading and gambling but some claim that crypto trading is a totally new way of investing and earning money and seem to reject the possible risks. Thus, preventing crypto trading harm may prove difficult. Implications: The presentation offers insights into a convergence of cryptos and gambling which is of interest to the regulators, industry, harm prevention parties and researchers. The data is the first data collected in Finland regarding crypto traders’ perceptions of similarities and differences between gambling and crypto tradin

    AIVOVERENKIERTOHÄIRIÖPOTILAS ENSIHOIDOSSA (AVH) : Koulutusmateriaali Keski -Suomen sairaanhoitopiirille

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    Aivoverenkiertohäiriöpotilas ensihoidossa on työelämälähtöinen kehittämisprojekti. Sen tarkoitus on tuottaa paperi - ja sähköisessä muodossa oleva ja ajankohtaista tietoa sisältävä koulutuspaketti Keski -Suomen sairaanhoitopiirin käyttöön. Koulutuspaketti on suunnattu sairaalan ulkopuolisen ensihoidon tarpeisiin: hoitotasoisille ensihoitajille. Koulutuksen tavoitteena on parantaa ensihoitajien hoidollisia valmiuksia kohdata ja hoitaa aivoverenkiertohäiriöpotilasta sekä yhtenäistää ja selkeyttää sairaanhoitopiirin hoitoohjeistusta. Lopullisena tavoitteena on potilaan hoitoviiveen lyhentäminen sekä hoito- ja toipumisennusteen paraneminen Keski -Suomen sairaanhoitopiirin alueella. Koulutusmateriaalia laadittaessa käytetään monipuolista tieteeseen perustuvaa kirja - ja tutkimustietoa. Koulutussuunnitelmassa otetaan huomioon erilaiset opetusmenetelmät ja erilaiset oppijat. Materiaalia laadittaessa huomioidaan sen mahdollinen käyttäminen soveltuvin osin sairaanhoitajien ensihoidon suuntaavissa opinnoissa. Projektin tuotoksena tehdään kahdeksan tuntia kestävä kolmiosainen koulutusmateriaali, joka käsittää teoriaosuuden ja simulaatioharjoitukset.A stroke patient in emergency medicine is a developement project based on working life. The purpose of the project e is to produce a training material both in paper and web form including current information for paramedics working in Central Finland. The training material is made for needs of paramedics outside of hospital. The goal of training is to improve skills of medical treatment of paramedics and readiness to meet and handle stroke patients and also uniform and clear the guidelines of the health care district. The final goal is to shorten the time delay of medical treatment and improve the prognosis of the patient in the region of the Central Finland Health District. The wide science-based knowledge is used during the preparation of training material. In the training program different educational methods and different learning skills have been taken in account. Also the use of training material in appropriate means in emergency studies of nurses is considered. The project produced a training material for eight-hour training that is divided in three sections: theory, simulation and practical training

    Verkkorahapelaamisen muodonmuutos

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