19 research outputs found

    Fundamental building blocks of eumelanins: electronic properties of indolequinone-dimers

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    We present results from the theoretical INDO calculations of the electronic structure for stacked eumelanins' monomers. As basic indolic components of the eumelanin structure 5,6-dihydroxyindole (DHI or HQ) and its oxidized forms (SQ and IQ) were chosen. The results reveal dependency of electronic properties of such aggregates on monomers' redox states. They point out also a tendency to localize an extra charge on one of dimer's subunits that could be suggestive of an electron hopping as a model mechanism forthe electron transfer in eumelanins.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Advanced ankylosing spondylitis diagnosed after infection of the digestive tract — case report

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    Inflammatory spondyloarthrophaties (SpA) are a group of diseases with a close aetiology and clinical course. Infections , especially bacterial, of the digestive tract are possible causes of SpA. Infectious pathogens may penetrate the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract, of the urogenital tracts, respiratory tract and induce the reactive arthritis or exacerbate the previously diagnosed, chronic SpA. Dysbiosis also plays an important role in the pathogenesis of SpA. In the report, authors presented a case of a patient with a long-time backbone pain, in whom Yersinia enterocolitica infection of the digestive tract preceded the peripheral arthritis and inflammatory pain of the spine. The radiological images showed the characteristic changes of the advanced ankylosing spondylitis

    Serotype-Specific Pneumococcal Status prior to PCV 13 Administration in Children and Adolescents with Inflammatory Bowel Disease

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the serotype-specific pneumococcal status of children and adolescents with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) who were naïve to pneumococcal vaccination before administering the 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV 13). This was an open, prospective study on children and adolescents aged 5–18 years who had IBD and were naïve to pneumococcal vac­cination. A single dose of PCV 13 was administered to each patient. The geometric mean concentrations (GMCs) were measured for all 13 serotypes. A total of 122 subjects completed the study. Prevaccination GMCs ranged from 0.55 μg/ml (serotype 4) to 4.26 μg/ml (sero­type 19A). Prior to the administration of PCV 13, high GMCs were detected in older children and adolescents who had IBD and were naïve to pneumococcal vaccination

    Flexible job time schedules

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    Aim of this dissertation is to characterize the flexible job time systems and flexible work time schedules regulated in Chapter VI of the Labor Code. The first attempt was made to clarify the concept of flexibility in the context of employment law. Particular attention was paid to the need to take into account the limits of the introduction of flexible working time arrangements. It was stressed that regardless of the working time system must respect the rights of employees and guarantee them safe and healthy working conditions. The study described the concept of the system and working time. Attention is paid to problems arising from lack of regulation of the law in this field. The remainder of this study was characterized the flexible systems and work time schedules. At the end of this study, described flexible work arrangements in anti-crisis law, namely the possibility of extending the settlement periods and introducing an individual working time arrangements. In the conclusions postulated arrangement of concepts related to working time. Showed the difficulties arising from their use and prompted by the legislature. In summary, one of the most important demands was the need to protect the interests of both employers and employees.Celem pracy jest charakterystyka elastycznych systemów i rozkładów czasu pracy uregulowanych w dziale VI Kodeksu pracy. W pierwszej kolejności podjęto próbę wyjaśnienia pojęcia elastyczność w kontekście prawa pracy. Szczególna uwagę zwrócono na konieczność uwzględnienia granic przy wprowadzaniu elastycznych rozwiązań dotyczących czasu pracy. Podkreślono, że niezależnie od systemu czasu pracy należy przestrzegać praw pracowników oraz zagwarantować im bezpieczne i higieniczne warunki pracy. W pracy przybliżono także pojęcia systemu i rozkładu czasu pracy. Zwrócono uwagę na problemy wynikające z braku regulacji kodeksowej w tym zakresie. W dalszej części pracy scharakteryzowano elastyczne systemy i rozkłady czasu pracy, uwzględniając ich specyfikę, przesłanki warunkujące ich wprowadzenie oraz sposób ich ustalania. Na koniec opisano rozwiązania dotyczące uelstycznienia czasu pracy zawarte w ustawie antykryzysowej, a mianowicie możliwość przedłużenia okresów rozliczeniowych czasu pracy oraz ustalenia indywidualnego rozkłądu czasu pracy. We wnioskach postulowano uporządkowanie pojęć związanych z czasem pracy. Sygnalizowano także trudności wynikające z ich rozbieżnego stosowania przez ustawodawcę. W podsumowaniu za jeden z najbardziej istotnych postulatów uznano konieczność ochrony zarówno interesów pracodawców, jak i pracowników przy wprowadzaniu rozwiązań uelastyczniających czas pracy

    Artificial protein cage delivers active protein cargos to the cell interior

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    [Image: see text] Artificial protein cages have potential as programmable, protective carriers of fragile macromolecules to cells. While natural cages and VLPs have been extensively exploited, the use of artificial cages to deliver active proteins to cells has not yet been shown. TRAP-cage is an artificial protein cage with an unusual geometry and extremely high stability, which can be triggered to break apart in the presence of cellular reducing agents. Here, we demonstrate that TRAP-cage can be filled with a protein cargo and decorated with a cell-penetrating peptide, allowing it to enter cells. Tracking of both the TRAP-cage and the cargo shows that the protein of interest can be successfully delivered intracellularly in the active form. These results provide a valuable proof of concept for the further development of TRAP-cage as a delivery platform