5,421 research outputs found

    Strategies to Identify and Reduce Workplace Bullying to Increase Productivity

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    Workplace bullying caused business owners to lose about 80 million employees\u27 workdays each year. Workplace bullying can cost an organization up to 300billionforincreasedmedicalclaims,lostproductivity,andemployeeturnovers,andupto300 billion for increased medical claims, lost productivity, and employee turnovers, and up to 23 billion in additional expenses, such as costs for employee absenteeism and legal costs. The purpose of this single case study was to explore successful strategies to address workplace bullying used by 7 human resource (HR) managers and executives in 1, small-to-medium-sized organization in Central Florida. The HR managers and executives had 5 or more years of HR experience. The risk management framework and theory of planned behavior were the conceptual frameworks that guided exploration of the phenomenon. Data were collected from semistructured interviews with HR managers and executives and from company artifacts, such as HR and risk management policies. Member checking and transcript review strengthened trustworthiness of data analysis and interpretations. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis. Five themes emerged from the data analysis: enhanced training, encourage reporting, develop HR business partner model, implement policies and guidelines, and enforce zero-tolerance policy. The findings of this study may contribute to positive social change by building awareness of workplace bullying for employees, organizations, and society, and by providing strategies to reduce the number of bullied victims and enrich social harmony within organizations and communities

    The Beatles in Help Re-Imagining the English Man in Mid 1960s Britain

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    This article uses the male cultural phenomenon that is The Beatles as a text through which to examine changing representations of men and masculinities at a particular historical moment illustrating the ways in which the Beatles film Help 1965 represents the re-imagining of what is meant to be an English man in the mid 1960s containing as it does discourses which challenge notions of masculinity prevalent of the time Discourses around hair clothing physical appearance and style are at work in the text It also raises questions about establishment values and the link between male identity and work which up to that point had been central to the male cinematic identity The text also references ideas around upward mobility prevalent at the time of its production and argues that The Beatles provide a focus for debates around men and masculinity given their global popularity which was partly achieved through the medium of fil

    The Play Workforce in Wales – Perceptions from Local Authority Play Sufficiency Lead Officers

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    As part of the Welsh Play Workforce Study, seven lead local authority officers responsible for facilitating the three-year Play Sufficiency Assessment (PSA) were interviewed in respect of Matter G: Securing and developing the play workforce development. Thematic analysis constructed three themes from the findings: play profile, collaboration and funding. Although each lead officer was passionate about the importance of play, their play profile differed concerning their play and playwork experience, knowledge and qualifications. The study indicates the importance of collaborative and partnership working both within and external to the local authority, especially with the ever-changing play-related policy and potential funding streams. However, the unpredictable nature of funding for developing a play workforce is reflected in different local authority priorities where some have or support an established play workforce, whilst others have a sparse or no play workforce at all. What the PSA and the role of the lead officer does enable is a link between statutory legislation and the play workforce on the ground which is unique to Wales

    The Play Workforce in Wales – An Exploratory Demographic Study

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    An online survey of 211 playworkers, 90 childcare and early years workers, and 90 ‘other play’ professionals provided demographic data from 391 people involved in the play workforce in Wales. This was the first extensive survey of the Welsh play workforce since 2008 and was part of a larger Welsh play workforce study. Results of the study found the play workforce in Wales is predominately white, female with no disabilities. Differences within the play workforce exist in relation to the average age where playworkers are younger compared to childcare/early years workers and ‘other play’ professionals. There is a significant difference between the average years employed, hourly rate for both full-time and part-time employment, and types of play-related qualifications when comparing playworkers with childcare/early years workers and ‘other play’ professionals. The results from the study can contribute to both the statutory Play Sufficiency Assessment each of the 22 local authorities has to undertake as well as the current play review. The study could be replicated in England, Scotland, and Northern Ireland

    Comparative Analysis and Fusion of MRI and PET Images based on Wavelets for Clinical Diagnosis

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    Nowadays, Medical imaging modalities like Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Positron Emission Tomography (PET), Single Photon Emission Tomography (SPECT), and Computed Tomography (CT) play a crucial role in clinical diagnosis and treatment planning. The images obtained from each of these modalities contain complementary information of the organ imaged. Image fusion algorithms are employed to bring all of this disparate information together into a single image, allowing doctors to diagnose disorders quickly. This paper proposes a novel technique for the fusion of MRI and PET images based on YUV color space and wavelet transform. Quality assessment based on entropy showed that the method can achieve promising results for medical image fusion. The paper has done a comparative analysis of the fusion of MRI and PET images using different wavelet families at various decomposition levels for the detection of brain tumors as well as Alzheimer’s disease. The quality assessment and visual analysis showed that the Dmey wavelet at decomposition level 3 is optimum for the fusion of MRI and PET images. This paper also compared the results of several fusion rules such as average, maximum, and minimum, finding that the maximum fusion rule outperformed the other two

    Comparative Analysis and Fusion of MRI and PET Images based on Wavelets for Clinical Diagnosis

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    Nowadays, Medical imaging modalities like Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Positron Emission Tomography (PET), Single Photon Emission Tomography (SPECT), and Computed Tomography (CT) play a crucial role in clinical diagnosis and treatment planning. The images obtained from each of these modalities contain complementary information of the organ imaged. Image fusion algorithms are employed to bring all of this disparate information together into a single image, allowing doctors to diagnose disorders quickly. This paper proposes a novel technique for the fusion of MRI and PET images based on YUV color space and wavelet transform. Quality assessment based on entropy showed that the method can achieve promising results for medical image fusion. The paper has done a comparative analysis of the fusion of MRI and PET images using different wavelet families at various decomposition levels for the detection of brain tumors as well as Alzheimer’s disease. The quality assessment and visual analysis showed that the Dmey wavelet at decomposition level 3 is optimum for the fusion of MRI and PET images. This paper also compared the results of several fusion rules such as average, maximum, and minimum, finding that the maximum fusion rule outperformed the other two

    Dietary Intakes of Elite 14 - 19 Year Old English Academy Rugby Players During a Pre-Season Training Period.

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    Good nutrition is essential for the physical development of adolescent athletes, however data on dietary intakes of adolescent rugby players are lacking. This study quantified and evaluated dietary intake in 87 elite male English academy rugby league (RL) and rugby union (RU) players by age (under-16 (U16) and under-19 (U19) years old) and code (RL and RU). Relationships of intakes with body mass and composition (sum of 8 skinfolds) were also investigated. Using 4-day diet and physical activity diaries, dietary intake was compared to adolescent sports nutrition recommendations and the UK national food guide. Dietary intake did not differ by code, whereas U19s consumed greater energy (3366 ± 658 vs. 2995 ± 774 kcal.day-1), protein (207 ± 49 vs. 150 ± 53 g.day-1) and fluid (4221 ± 1323 vs. 3137 ± 1015 ml.day-1) than U16s. U19s consumed a better quality diet than U16s (greater intakes of fruit and vegetables; 4.4 ± 1.9 vs. 2.8 ± 1.5 servings.day-1; non-dairy proteins; 3.9 ± 1.1 vs. 2.9 ± 1.1 servings.day-1) and less fats and sugars (2.0 ± 1. vs. 93.6 ± 2.1 servings.day-1). Protein intake vs. body mass was moderate (r = 0.46, p < 0.001), and other relationships were weak. The findings of this study suggest adolescent rugby players consume adequate dietary intakes in relation to current guidelines for energy, macronutrient and fluid intake. Players should improve the quality of their diet by replacing intakes from the fats and sugars food group with healthier choices, while maintaining current energy, and macronutrient intakes


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    The aim of this study was to investigate whether any adjustment is made during the board contact phase of 1-m springboard forward dives. Variability of body orientation angle at landing from hurdle (touchdown) and at takeoff together with joint angle time histories of 15 forward pike dive takeoffs, performed by an international diver, were determined using video analysis. A computer simulation model of a diver and springboard was used to determine the effects of perturbations of initial conditions on takeoff variability. The variation at takeoff obtained in the simulation outcome was much greater than in the actual performance, indicating that the diver made adjustments during the board contact phase. The diver varied his body configuration during the board recoil phase to adjust his body orientation, leading to low variability at takeoff

    Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin: its response to hypoxia and association with acute mountain sickness.

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    Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS) is a common clinical challenge at high altitude (HA). A point-of-care biochemical marker for AMS could have widespread utility. Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) rises in response to renal injury, inflammation and oxidative stress. We investigated whether NGAL rises with HA and if this rise was related to AMS, hypoxia or exercise. NGAL was assayed in a cohort (n = 22) undertaking 6 hours exercise at near sea-level (SL); a cohort (n = 14) during 3 hours of normobaric hypoxia (FiO2 11.6%) and on two trekking expeditions (n = 52) to over 5000 m. NGAL did not change with exercise at SL or following normobaric hypoxia. During the trekking expeditions NGAL levels (ng/ml, mean ± sd, range) rose significantly (P < 0.001) from 68 ± 14 (60-102) at 1300 m to 183 ± 107 (65-519); 143 ± 66 (60-315) and 150 ± 71 (60-357) at 3400 m, 4270 m and 5150 m respectively. At 5150 m there was a significant difference in NGAL between those with severe AMS (n = 7), mild AMS (n = 16) or no AMS (n = 23): 201 ± 34 versus 171 ± 19 versus 124 ± 12 respectively (P = 0.009 for severe versus no AMS; P = 0.026 for mild versus no AMS). In summary, NGAL rises in response to prolonged hypobaric hypoxia and demonstrates a relationship to the presence and severity of AMS

    Parents’ experiences of neonatal care in England

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    With the greater need for specialist neonatal care in England over the last decade, increased attention has been given to developing and implementing quality measures to ensure that babies and their families receive the highest quality care. Patient experience is recognised as a key measure of quality, therefore it is essential to assess parents’ experiences of neonatal services to understand how these can be improved. In this paper we detail findings from the second large scale survey of parents’ experiences of neonatal care carried out in England in 2014, focusing on results that highlight aspects of family-centred care: information sharing; communication; support; and involvement. The results reveal great variations between individual units, as well as highlight key areas in which units could improve to provide family-centred care. This includes parents being able to speak to their doctor more, as well as receiving important information to understand their baby’s condition, and about support services available. Positively, many parents felt they were able to visit their baby as much as they wanted and were involved in their day-to-day care, which are fundamental to parents forming a bond with their baby. The survey is a rich data source that provides neonatal units in England with results that allow them to focus improvement efforts on what matters most to those using their services. It also enables neonatal units to evaluate how they are performing on key standards of care, supporting them in striving for clinical best practice