30 research outputs found

    Beethoven the Pianist by Tilman Skowroneck

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    William Kinderman discusses and reviews Skowrowneck\u27s 2010 work. Skowroneck, Tilman. Beethoven the Pianist. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010. ISBN 978-0-521-11959-7

    Off the Record: Performing Practices in Romantic Piano Playing by Neal Peres Da Costa

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    William Kinderman discusses and reviews Peres Da Costa\u27s 2012 work. Peres Da Costa, Neal. Off the Record: Performing Practices in Romantic Piano Playing. New York: Oxford University Press, 2012. ISBN: 978-0-19-538691-

    A Flagellar A-Kinase Anchoring Protein with Two Amphipathic Helices Forms a Structural Scaffold in the Radial Spoke Complex

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    A-kinase anchoring proteins (AKAPs) contain an amphipathic helix (AH) that binds the dimerization and docking (D/D) domain, RIIa, in cAMP-dependent protein kinase A (PKA). Many AKAPs were discovered solely based on the AH–RIIa interaction in vitro. An RIIa or a similar Dpy-30 domain is also present in numerous diverged molecules that are implicated in critical processes as diverse as flagellar beating, membrane trafficking, histone methylation, and stem cell differentiation, yet these molecules remain poorly characterized. Here we demonstrate that an AKAP, RSP3, forms a dimeric structural scaffold in the flagellar radial spoke complex, anchoring through two distinct AHs, the RIIa and Dpy-30 domains, in four non-PKA spoke proteins involved in the assembly and modulation of the complex. Interestingly, one AH can bind both RIIa and Dpy-30 domains in vitro. Thus, AHs and D/D domains constitute a versatile yet potentially promiscuous system for localizing various effector mechanisms. These results greatly expand the current concept about anchoring mechanisms and AKAPs

    Enhanced relapse prevention for bipolar disorder – ERP trial. A cluster randomised controlled trial to assess the feasibility of training care coordinators to offer enhanced relapse prevention for bipolar disorder

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    BACKGROUND: Bipolar Disorder (BD) is a common and severe form of mental illness characterised by repeated relapses of mania or depression. Pharmacotherapy is the main treatment currently offered, but this has only limited effectiveness. A recent Cochrane review has reported that adding psycho-social interventions that train people to recognise and manage the early warning signs of their relapses is effective in increasing time to recurrence, improving social functioning and in reducing hospitalisations. However, the review also highlights the difficulties in offering these interventions within standard mental health services due to the need for highly trained therapists and extensive input of time. There is a need to explore the potential for developing Early Warning Sign (EWS) interventions in ways that will enhance dissemination. METHODS AND DESIGN: This article describes a cluster-randomised trial to assess the feasibility of training care coordinators (CCs) in community mental health teams (CMHTs) to offer Enhanced Relapse Prevention (ERP) to people with Bipolar Disorder. CMHTs in the North West of England are randomised to either receive training in ERP and to offer this to their clients, or to continue to offer treatment as usual (TAU). The main aims of the study are (1) to determine the acceptability of the intervention, training and outcome measures (2) to assess the feasibility of the design as measured by rates of recruitment, retention, attendance and direct feedback from participants (3) to estimate the design effect of clustering for key outcome variables (4) to estimate the effect size of the impact of the intervention on outcome. In this paper we provide a rationale for the study design, briefly outline the ERP intervention, and describe in detail the study protocol. DISCUSSION: This information will be useful to researchers attempting to carry out similar feasibility assessments of clinical effectiveness trials and in particular cluster randomised controlled trials

    Contrast and continuity in Beethoven's creative process

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    Es una traducciĂłn de: Contrast and continuity in Beethoven's creative process en "Beethoven and his world" eds. Scott Burnham y Michael P. Steinberg, Pronceton University Press, 2000, pp. 193 y ss.Juan Carlos Lores Gil (traductor)

    Dramatic recapitulation in "Wagner's Götterdämmerung"

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    Es una traducción de: Dramatic recapitulation in Wagner's Götterdämmerung. "19th-Century music", 1980. University of California Press.Isabel García Adánez.(traductor)

    Les étapes de la genèse de la Sonate en mi majeur, op. 109 de Beethoven

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    Diese Studie des kompositorischen Entstehungsprozesses von Beethovens Klaviersonate in E-Dur, op. 109, zeigt die Unzulänglichkeit eines geschlossenen Werkkonzepts und unterstreicht stattdessen die Bedeutung eines Konzepts, in dem das Werk als ein von nie endenden Spannungen durchkreuztes Netz verstanden wird. Der erste Satz wurde ursprünglich als ein von der Sonate unabhängiger Satz konzipiert ; die Skizzen zum zweiten Satz sind ebenso überraschend und aufschlussreich. Die Variationen, die den letzten Satz bilden, zeigen, wie Beethoven sich um einen transformativen Prozess bemühte, indem er im urprünglichen Thema ein ungeahntes Potential zum Vorschein bringt.Este estudo sobre o processo de composição da sonata para piano em mi maior, op. 109, de Beethoven, mostra como é inadequado o conceito de «texto musical» como entidade fechada, ao mesmo tempo que sublinha o interesse de ver a obra de arte como uma configuração atravessada incessantemente por tensões. O primeiro andamento começou por ser um projecto independente, os esboços do segundo revelam uma evolução não menos rica em surpresas, enquanto o último andamento, com variações, mostra como Beethoven, através de um tema de base de grande potência, visava um processo transformacional.This study of the compositional genesis of Beethoven's Piano Sonata in E Major, op. 109, shows the inadequacy of a concept of the musical text as a closed totality, pointing instead to the evolution of the artwork as a dynamic, tensional configuration. The first movement was originally conceived as a separate project, and the sketches for the second movement reveal an equally surprising evolution. Consideration of the closing set of variations shows that Beethoven strove to project a transformative process, revealing unsuspected potential in the basic theme.Lo studio sull'elaborazione della sonata in mi maggiore per pianoforte (op. 109) di Beethoven dimostra quanto la nozione di «testo musicale» si riveli inadeguata, poiché richiama una entità chiusa, e sottolinea invece il bisogno di concepire l'opera d'arte come una struttura percorsa da tensioni irrisolte. Il primo movimento era stato originariamente concepito come un progetto indipendente, e gli abbozzi del secondo movimento rivelano un'evoluzione altrettanto ricca di sorprese. L'ultimo movimento, che contiene delle varianti, mostra infine come, introducendo nel tema di base un potenziale insospettato, Beethoven avesse in mente un processo di trasformazione di quel movimento.Cette étude sur le processus compositionnel de la sonate de piano en mi majeur (op. 109) de Beethoven montre l'inadéquation d'un concept de «texte musical» comme entité close et souligne à la place l'intérêt de concevoir l'œuvre d'art comme une configuration traversée de tensions jamais arrêtées. Le premier mouvement a été originellement conçu comme un projet indépendant, et les esquisses pour le deuxième mouvement révèlent une évolution également riche en surprises. Le dernier mouvement, celui avec les variations, montre quant à lui combien Beethoven, en mettant au jour dans le thème de base un potentiel insoupçonné, visait un processus transformationnel.Este estudio sobre el proceso de composición de la sonata para piano en mi mayor (opus 109) de Beethoven muestra la inadecuación del concepto de «texto musical » como entidad cerrada y subraya en su lugar el interés de considerar la obra de arte como una configuración atravesada por tensiones nunca inertes. El primer movimiento fue concebido originalmente como un proyecto independiente y los esbozos del segundo movimiento revelan una evolution igualmente rica en sorpresas. El último movimiento, que comporta variaciones, muestra, por su parte, hasta que punto Beethoven, actualizando en el tema de base un potencial insospechado, perseguía un proceso transformacional.Kinderman William, Vodoz Isabelle. Les étapes de la genèse de la Sonate en mi majeur, op. 109 de Beethoven. In: Genesis (Manuscrits-Recherche-Invention), numéro 29, 2008. pp. 9-28

    Policy implications of a psychological model of mental disorder

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    Background: Mental health care in the United Kingdom is rapidly changing, but many commentators, particularly sociologists and psychologists, view systems as remaining wedded to a medical model and not “fit for purpose”. If services are to improve, the way that mental health problems are understood by the services providing care needs to change radically. Aims: To illustrate how a psychological model of mental disorder – the “mediating psychological processes model”– could assist mental health service policy development and implementation. Method: A review of selected literature and policy documents was conducted. Results: A “manifesto” for mental health service policy is presented, based on psychological principles. Conclusions: Psychological models, at least in addition to medical approaches, could better inform policy and service design