1,457 research outputs found

    Strategies for Collecting Data in Physical Education

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    It is important to collect accurate data on student performance in order to be accountable for the instruction and learning of students. Although barriers sometimes impede data collection, they can be overcome through strategies such as (a) planning, (b) matching collection strategies to the setting, (c) recording your own behavior, (d) using specific rubrics, (e) collecting data on one or two students a day, (f) training and directing paraeducators, (g) teaching students to self monitor, and (h) utilizing simple equipment to record data. Once accurate and sufficient data is collected, placements, planning, modifications, instruction, and feedback are easier, more valid, and effective

    Strategies for Collecting Data in Physical Education

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    It is important to collect accurate data on student performance in order to be accountable for the instruction and learning of students. Although barriers sometimes impede data collection, they can be overcome through strategies such as (a) planning, (b) matching collection strategies to the setting, (c) recording your own behavior, (d) using specific rubrics, (e) collecting data on one or two students a day, (f) training and directing paraeducators, (g) teaching students to self monitor, and (h) utilizing simple equipment to record data. Once accurate and sufficient data is collected, placements, planning, modifications, instruction, and feedback are easier, more valid, and effective

    Effects of hydrocarbon spills on the temperature and moisture regimes of Cryosols in the Ross Sea region

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    Hydrocarbon spills have occurred on Antarctic soils where fuel oils are utilized, moved or stored. We investigated the effects of hydrocarbon spills on soil temperature and moisture regimes by comparing the properties of existing oil contaminated sites with those of nearby, uncontaminated, control sites at Scott Base, the old Marble Point camp, and Bull Pass in the Wright Valley. Hydrocarbon levels were elevated in fuel-contaminated samples. Climate stations were installed at all three locations in both contaminated and control sites. In summer at Scott Base and Marble Point the mean weekly maximum near surface (2 cm and 5 cm depth) soil temperatures were warmer (P<0.05), sometimes by more than 10°C, at the contaminated site than the control sites. At Bull Pass there were no statistically significant differences in near-surface soil temperatures between contaminated and control soils. At the Scott Base and Marble Point sites soil albedo was lower, and hydrophobicity was higher, in the contaminated soils than the controls. The higher temperatures at the Scott Base and Marble Point hydrocarbon contaminated sites are attributed to the decreased surface albedo due to soil surface darkening by hydrocarbons. There were no noteworthy differences in moisture retention between contaminated and control sites

    Mechanical effects of optical resonators on driven trapped atoms: Ground state cooling in a high finesse cavity

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    We investigate theoretically the mechanical effects of light on atoms trapped by an external potential, whose dipole transition couples to the mode of an optical resonator and is driven by a laser. We derive an analytical expression for the quantum center-of-mass dynamics, which is valid in presence of a tight external potential. This equation has broad validity and allows for a transparent interpretation of the individual scattering processes leading to cooling. We show that the dynamics are a competition of the mechanical effects of the cavity and of the laser photons, which may mutually interfere. We focus onto the good-cavity limit and identify novel cooling schemes, which are based on quantum interference effects and lead to efficient ground state cooling in experimentally accessible parameter regimes.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figure

    Can U.S. Safeguard Actions Survive WTO Review: Section 201 Investigations in International Trade Law

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    Robust quantum gates on neutral atoms with cavity-assisted photon-scattering

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    We propose a scheme to achieve quantum computation with neutral atoms whose interactions are catalyzed by single photons. Conditional quantum gates, including an NN-atom Toffoli gate and nonlocal gates on remote atoms, are obtained through cavity-assisted photon scattering in a manner that is robust to random variation in the atom-photon coupling rate and which does not require localization in the Lamb-Dicke regime. The dominant noise in our scheme is automatically detected for each gate operation, leading to signalled errors which do not preclude efficient quantum computation even if the error probability is close to the unity.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Single-Photon Generation from Stored Excitation in an Atomic Ensemble

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    Single photons are generated from an ensemble of cold Cs atoms via the protocol of Duan et al. [Nature \textbf{414}, 413 (2001)]. Conditioned upon an initial detection from field 1 at 852 nm, a photon in field 2 at 894 nm is produced in a controlled fashion from excitation stored within the atomic ensemble. The single-quantum character of the field 2 is demonstrated by the violation of a Cauchy-Schwarz inequality, namely w(12,1211)=0.24±0.051w(1_{2},1_{2}|1_{1})=0.24\pm 0.05\ngeq 1, where w(12,1211)w(1_{2},1_{2}|1_{1}) describes detection of two events (12,12)(1_{2},1_{2}) conditioned upon an initial detection 111_{1}, with w0w\to 0 for single photons.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Cavity optomechanics with stoichiometric SiN films

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    We study high-stress SiN films for reaching the quantum regime with mesoscopic oscillators connected to a room-temperature thermal bath, for which there are stringent requirements on the oscillators' quality factors and frequencies. Our SiN films support mechanical modes with unprecedented products of mechanical quality factor QmQ_m and frequency νm\nu_m reaching Qmνm2×1013Q_{m} \nu_m \simeq2 \times 10^{13} Hz. The SiN membranes exhibit a low optical absorption characterized by Im(n)105(n) \lesssim 10^{-5} at 935 nm, representing a 15 times reduction for SiN membranes. We have developed an apparatus to simultaneously cool the motion of multiple mechanical modes based on a short, high-finesse Fabry-Perot cavity and present initial cooling results along with future possibilities.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Quaking Aspen Ecology on Forest Service Lands North of Yellowstone National Park

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    Quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) occupy a small area in the northern Rocky Mountains, but are highly valued as wildlife habitat. Aspen stands in and around Yellowstone National Park commonly consist of few, large, mature overstory stems and numerous root suckers that do not grow above the browsing reach (≈ 2 m) of most wild ungulates. Our primary objective was to determine if the recruitment or density of aspen stems \u3e 2 m tall had changed from 1991 to 2006 on a portion of the Gallatin National Forest. The same aspen stands were surveyed in 1991 and 2006 in the 560 km² study area (n = 316). Secondary objectives were to determine if aspen density was influenced by elk (Cervus elaphus) browsing, conifer establishment, and cattle (Bos spp.) grazing. Mean recruitment stem density did not change from 1991 to 2006 (P = 0.95). Density of stems \u3e 2 m declined 12 percent from 1991 to 2006 (P = 0.04), which indicates that recruitment stems are not being produced at a sufficient rate to replace aging overstories. Areas with the greatest elk densities had the lowest recruitment stem densities and contributed the most to the decline. Although elk browsing seemed to play the largest role, conifer establishment and cattle grazing have also negatively impacted overstory recruitment in aspen stands. Even though elk numbers on the Northern Yellowstone Winter Range have declined since wolf reintroduction, aspen recruitment has not increased at the landscape level on the Gallatin National Forest

    Single Atom Detection With Optical Cavities

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    We present a thorough analysis of single atom detection using optical cavities. The large set of parameters that influence the signal-to-noise ratio for cavity detection is considered, with an emphasis on detunings, probe power, cavity finesse and photon detection schemes. Real device operating restrictions for single photon counting modules and standard photodiodes are included in our discussion, with heterodyne detection emerging as the clearly favourable technique, particularly for detuned detection at high power.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, submitted to PRA, minor changes in Secs. I and IVD.2, and revised Fig.