554 research outputs found

    Improvement of Switching Speed of a 600-V Nonpunch-through Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor Using Fast Neutron Irradiation

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    AbstractFast neutron irradiation was used to improve the switching speed of a 600-V nonpunch-through insulated gate bipolar transistor. Fast neutron irradiation was carried out at 30-MeV energy in doses of 1 × 108 n/cm2, 1 × 109 n/cm2, 1 × 1010 n/cm2, and 1 × 1011 n/cm2. Electrical characteristics such as current–voltage, forward on-state voltage drop, and switching speed of the device were analyzed and compared with those prior to irradiation. The on-state voltage drop of the initial devices prior to irradiation was 2.08 V, which increased to 2.10 V, 2.20 V, 2.3 V, and 2.4 V, respectively, depending on the irradiation dose. This effect arises because of the lattice defects generated by the fast neutrons. In particular, the turnoff delay time was reduced to 92 nanoseconds, 45% of that prior to irradiation, which means there is a substantial improvement in the switching speed of the device

    Static quantities of the W boson in the SU_L(3) X U_X(1) model with right-handed neutrinos

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    The static electromagnetic properties of the WW boson, Δκ\Delta \kappa and ΔQ\Delta Q, are calculated in the SU_L(3)} \times U_X(1) model with right-handed neutrinos. The new contributions from this model arise from the gauge and scalar sectors. In the gauge sector there is a new contribution from a complex neutral gauge boson Y0Y^0 and a singly-charged gauge boson Y±Y^\pm. The mass of these gauge bosons, called bileptons, is expected to be in the range of a few hundreds of GeV according to the current bounds from experimental data. If the bilepton masses are of the order of 200 GeV, the size of their contribution is similar to that obtained in other weakly coupled theories. However the contributions to both ΔQ\Delta Q and Δκ\Delta \kappa are negligible for very heavy or degenerate bileptons. As for the scalar sector, an scenario is examined in which the contribution to the WW form factors is identical to that of a two-Higgs-doublet model. It is found that this sector would not give large corrections to Δκ\Delta \kappa and ΔQ\Delta Q.Comment: New material included. Final version to apppear in Physical Review

    A magnetization equation for non-equilibrium spin systems

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    A magnetization equation for a system of spins evolving non-adiabatically and out of equilibrium is derived without specifying the internal interactions. For relaxation processes, this equation provides a general form of magnetization damping. A special case of the spin-spin exchange interaction is considered.Comment: 9 pages, LATEX file; talk given at Theory Canada III, June 13-16, 2007, University of Alberta, Edmonton; to appear in Canadian Journal of Physic

    CFD analysis of liquid stream going through the wire-screen mesh

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    Paper presented at the 5th International Conference on Heat Transfer, Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics, South Africa, 1-4 July, 2007.Wire-screen mesh is normally used for the removal of particles from a liquid stream. Here we consider a system where fluid passes wire-screen mesh perpendicularly. The configurations of wire-screen mesh such as diameter and shape factor of wire affect the stream of fluid going through the screen. In this study, we performed a theoretical approach to the relation between wire mesh and fluid stream with computational fluid dynamics (CFD). FLUENT is used for the simulation. Head loss can be estimated by Rose equation when the stream passes through the wire-mesh (Rose 1945). The drag coefficient (CD) varies with the stream types. The other parameters depend on a specific mesh, velocity and pressure. In the experiment we used a screen of 50 mesh-size and water as a fluid. The pressure drop during water flow was determined. The average and maximum velocities of water were calculated. On the basis of these values, we derived a proportional factor between the velocity of fluid and head loss that can estimate CD.cs201

    Supersymmetric Model of Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment and Neutrino Masses

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    We propose the novel lepton-number relationship Lτ=Le+LμL_\tau = L_e + L_\mu, which is uniquely realized by the interaction (ν^eμ^e^ν^μ)τ^c(\hat \nu_e \hat \mu - \hat e \hat \nu_\mu) \hat \tau^c in supersymmetry and may account for a possibly large muon anomalous magnetic moment. Neutrino masses (with bimaximal mixing) may be generated from the spontaneous and soft breaking of this lepton symmetry.Comment: 10 pages, including 2 figure

    Discrete symmetries, invisible axion and lepton number symmetry in an economic 3-3-1 model

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    We show that Peccei-Quinn and lepton number symmetries can be a natural outcome in a 3-3-1 model with right-handed neutrinos after imposing a Z_11 x Z_2 symmetry. This symmetry is suitably accommodated in this model when we augmented its spectrum by including merely one singlet scalar field. We work out the breaking of the Peccei-Quinn symmetry, yielding the axion, and study the phenomenological consequences. The main result of this work is that the solution to the strong CP problem can be implemented in a natural way, implying an invisible axion phenomenologically unconstrained, free of domain wall formation and constituting a good candidate for the cold dark matter.Comment: 17 pages, Revtex

    XUV digital in-line holography using high-order harmonics

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    A step towards a successful implementation of timeresolved digital in-line holography with extreme ultraviolet radiation is presented. Ultrashort XUV pulses are produced as high-order harmonics of a femtosecond laser and a Schwarzschild objective is used to focus harmonic radiation at 38 nm and to produce a strongly divergent reference beam for holographic recording. Experimental holograms of thin wires are recorded and the objects reconstructed. Descriptions of the simulation and reconstruction theory and algorithms are also given. Spatial resolution of few hundreds of nm is potentially achievable, and micrometer resolution range is demonstrated.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Super-conservative interpretation of muon g-2 results applied to supersymmetry

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    The recent developments in theory and experiment related to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon are applied to supersymmetry. We follow a very cautious course, demanding that the supersymmetric contributions fit within five standard deviations of the difference between experiment and the standard model prediction. Arbitrarily small supersymmetric contributions are then allowed, so no upper bounds on superpartner masses result. Nevertheless, non-trivial exclusions are found. We characterize the substantial region of parameter space ruled out by this analysis that has not been probed by any previous experiment. We also discuss some implications of the results for forthcoming collider experiments.Comment: 10 pages, latex, 3 fig

    Implications of the Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment for Supersymmetry

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    We re-examine the bounds on supersymmetric particle masses in light of the E821 data on the muon anomalous magnetic moment. We confirm, extend and supersede previous bounds. In particular we find (at one sigma) no lower limit on tan(beta) or upper limit on the chargino mass implied by the data at present, but at least 4 sparticles must be lighter than 700 to 820 GeV and at least one sparticle must be lighter than 345 to 440 GeV. However, the E821 central value bounds tan(beta) > 4.7 and the lighter chargino mass by 690 GeV. For tan(beta) < 10, the data indicates a high probability for direct discovery of SUSY at Run II or III of the Tevatron.Comment: 20 pages LaTeX, 14 figures; references adde

    Retardadores de crescimento no desenvolvimento e na qualidade ornamental de Zinnia elegans Jacq. 'Lilliput' envasada

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    As zínias têm grande potencial como plantas floríferas envasadas e representam rápida fonte de novidade para a floricultura com o auxílio de retardadores de crescimento. Avaliaram-se os efeitos de retardadores de crescimento no desenvolvimento e na produção de plantas envasadas de porte baixo, compactas e atrativas de 'Lilliput' Zinnia elegans, cultivar altamente ornamental, com sementes de baixo custo. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, com dez tratamentos (controle e três concentrações de cada retardador: daminozide, paclobutrazol e chlormequat) e quatro repetições (dois vasos por unidade experimental, com uma planta por vaso de 0,6 L). Paclobutrazol (0,5; 0,75 e 1,0 mg i.a. por vaso) e chlormequat (1,0; 2,0 e 3,0 g L-1) foram aplicados ao substrato (40 mL por vaso), enquanto o daminozide (2,5; 3,75 e 5,0 g L-1) foi aplicado através de pulverização foliar (10 mL por vaso), no estádio de gema floral apical visível. Daminozide (2,5 e 3,75 g L-1), paclobutrazol (0,5; 0,75 e 1,0 mg i.a. por vaso) e 1,0 g L-1 de chlormequat reduziram significativamente a altura das plantas e o comprimento dos ramos laterais, sem afetar o diâmetro dos capítulos, atrasar o ciclo de produção e causar fitotoxicidade. Entretanto, as plantas não se apresentaram suficientemente baixas e compactas para atender às exigências de qualidade do mercado. Chlormequat (2,0 e 3,0 g L-1) causou fitotoxicidade e daminozide (5,0 g L-1) aumentou o ciclo de produção.Zinnias have good potential to be used as flowering, potted plants, being a quick source of novelty for the floriculture industry with the aid of growth retardants. This study evaluated the effect of growth retardants on development and production of short, compact and attractive plants of potted 'Lilliput' Zinnia elegans, a highly ornamental zinnia with low cost seeds. Trials were set up in randomized blocks, with ten treatments (control and three treatments of each retardant: daminozide, paclobutrazol and chlormequat) and four replications (two pots per experimental unit, with one plant per 0.6-L pot). Paclobutrazol (0.5, 0.75 and 1.0 mg a.i. per pot) and chlormequat (1.0, 2.0 and 3.0 g L-1) were applied as a single drench (40 mL per pot), and daminozide (2.5, 3.75 and 5.0 g L-1) as a single foliar spray to runoff (10 mL per pot), at apical flower bud stage. Daminozide (2.5 and 3.75 g L-1), paclobutrazol (0.5, 0.75 and 1.0 mg a.i. per pot) and chlormequat at 1.0 g L-1 significantly reduced plant height and side branches length, without affecting flower diameter, delaying production cycle and causing phytotoxicity symptoms. However, plants were not short and compact enough to meet market quality demand. Chlormequat (2.0 and 3.0 g L-1) caused phytotoxicity symptoms and daminozide (5.0 g L-1) delayed production cycle