1,550 research outputs found

    Investigating gender differences in the factor structure of the Gudjonsson Compliance Scale

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    Purpose: The Gudjonsson Compliance Scale (GCS) remains, in terms of its psychometrics, an under-researched instrument, in which gender differences in particular have been insufficiently examined. The aim of this research was to therefore investigate the effect of gender on the factor structure of the GCS. Method: The GCS was administered to 441 females and 250 males. The data were factor-analysed, with 1-, 2-, 3-, and 4-factor solutions tested and compared. Procrustean rotation was applied to the male factor loading matrix to investigate structural equivalence across gender. Results: Although a 3-factor solution was the best fit to the male GCS data, a 4-factor solution was the most acceptable fit to the female data. Whilst each of the factors had a high degree of determinacy, the identity coefficients indicated that these factors differ non-trivially across gender. Conclusion: The GCS may measure different aspects of compliance across males and females, which may explain the gender differences in compliance found within the literature to date. The work also allows insight into why males and females may end up complying with police requests, which might ultimately help to inform strategies, implemented by police, to manage vulnerable general population suspects and witnesses. There is a need now to further investigate the structure of compliance across ethnic groups and/or countries where the GCS is administered

    Troubles mentaux graves et abus de substances : composantes efficaces de progammes de traitements intégrés à l’intention des personnes présentant une comorbidité

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    Les approches traditionnelles de soins pour patients souffrant de problèmes de comorbidité qui étaient fondées sur des traitements séquentiels ou en parallèle ont échoué dans les cas de santé mentale et d'abus de substance, ce qui a conduit au développement de programmes de traitements intégrés. Dans cet article, les auteurs définissent les traitements intégrés destinés aux patients ayant ce double diagnostic et identifient les composantes clés des programmes intégrés efficaces, y compris la pratique outreach, l'approche holistique, le partage de la prise de décision, la réduction des méfaits, l'engagement à long terme et le traitement par étapes (basé sur l'approche motivationnelle). Le concept d'étapes de traitement est décrit afin d'illustrer les différents stades de motivation vécus par les personnes à mesure qu'elles se rétablissent de leur dépendance aux substances : l'engagement, la persuasion, le traitement actif et la prévention des rechutes. Les étapes de traitement servent à guider les cliniciens dans l'identification d'objectifs de traitement appropriés à l'état de motivation des patients, et à choisir des interventions fondées sur ces objectifs. En reconnaissant le stade de traitement de chaque personne, les cliniciens peuvent optimiser les résultats en choisissant des interventions qui sont appropriées à l'état de motivation de la personne ou à l'étape de traitement et ainsi minimiser les abandons. Ces programmes intégrés diffèrent dans les services spécifiques qu'ils dispensent. Toutefois, ils partagent des éléments communs dans leur philosophie et leurs valeurs. Des recherches documentent les effets bénéfiques de ces programmes qui s'avèrent de bon augure pour le pronostic à long terme des personnes présentant une comorbidité.Integrated treatment for severe mental illness and substance abuse: Effective components of programs for persons with co-occurring disorders Traditional approaches to treating clients with co-occurring disorders based sequential or parallel mental health and substance abuse treatments have failed, leading to the development of integrated treatment programs. In this article we define integrated treatment for clients with co-occurring disorders, and identify the core components of effective integrated programs, including: assertive outreach, comprehensiveness, shared decision-making, harm-reduction, long-term commitment, and stage-wise (motivation-based) treatment. The concept of stages of treatment is described to illustrate the different motivational states through which clients progress as they recover from substance abuse: engagement, persuasion, active treatment, and relapse prevention. The stages of treatment have clinical utility for guiding clinicians in identifying appropriate treatment goals matched to clients' motivational states, and selecting interventions based on these goals. By recognizing each client's current stage of treatment, clinicians can optimize outcomes by selecting interventions that are appropriate to the client's current motivational state or stage of treatment, and minimize clients dropping out from treatment. Effective integrated treatment programs for clients with co-occurring disorders differ in the specific services they provide, but share common elements in their philosophy and values. Research documents the beneficial effects of these programs, which bodes well for the long-term prognosis of clients with co-occurring disorders.Turbios mentales graves y abusos de sustancias: componentes eficaces de programas de tratamiento integrados para personas presentando una comorbosidad Las aproximaciones tradicionales de cuidos de patientes sufriendo de problemas de comorbosidad fundados sobre tratamientos secuenciales o en paralelo han fracasado en el caso de salud mental y abuso de sustancias, lo que ha conducido al desarrollo de programas de tratamientos integrados. En este artículo los autores definen los tratamientos integrados destinados a patientes con este doble diagnóstico y identifican los componentes claves de programas integrados eficaces, incluyendo la practíca outreach, el aproximación holistica, el reparto de la toma de decisión, la reducción del perjuicio, compromiso a largo plazo y el tratamiento por etapas (basado sobre una aproximación motivacional). El concepto de etapas del tratamiento esta descrito para ilustrar las fases de motivación vividas por las personas al mismo tiempo que se reestablecen de su dependencia de substancia: el empeño, la persuasion, el tratamiento activo y la prevención de recaídas. Las etapas de tratamiento sirven a orientar los clínicos en la identificación de objectivo de tratamiento apropriados al estado de tratamiento de los patientes y a escoger intervenciones fundadas sobre estos objectivos. Reconociendo el estado de tratamiento de cada persona los clínicos puedent optimisar los resultados y escoger intervenciones apropriadas al estado de motivación de la persona o a la etapa de tratamiento y asi minimisar los abandonos. Estos programas integrados diferen en los servicios especificos que dispensan. Sin embargo comparten elementos comunes en su filosofía y sus valores. Investigaciones documenten efectos benificos de estos programas cuales se revelan de buen agüero para el prognostico al largo plazo de personas presentan una comorbosidad

    Collimation and asymmetry of the hot blast wave from the recurrent nova V745 Scorpii

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    The recurrent symbiotic nova V745 Sco exploded on 2014 February 6 and was observed on February 22 and 23 by the Chandra X-ray Observatory Transmission Grating Spectrometers. By that time the supersoft source phase had already ended and Chandra spectra are consistent with emission from a hot, shock-heated circumstellar medium with temperatures exceeding 10^7K. X-ray line profiles are more sharply peaked than expected for a spherically-symmetric blast wave, with a full width at zero intensity of approximately 2400 km/s, a full width at half maximum of 1200 +/- 30 km/s and an average net blueshift of 165 +/- 10 km/s. The red wings of lines are increasingly absorbed toward longer wavelengths by material within the remnant. We conclude that the blast wave was sculpted by an aspherical circumstellar medium in which an equatorial density enhancement plays a role, as in earlier symbiotic nova explosions. Expansion of the dominant X-ray emitting material is aligned close to the plane of the sky and most consistent with an orbit seen close to face-on. Comparison of an analytical blast wave model with the X-ray spectra, Swift observations and near-infrared line widths indicates the explosion energy was approximately 10^43 erg, and confirms an ejected mass of approximately 10^-7 Msun. The total mass lost is an order of magnitude lower than the accreted mass required to have initiated the explosion, indicating the white dwarf is gaining mass and is a supernova Type 1a progenitor candidate.Comment: To appear in the Astrophysical Journa

    Pan-chromatic observations of the remarkable nova LMC 2012

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    We present the results of an intensive multiwavelength campaign on nova LMC 2012. This nova evolved very rapidly in all observed wavelengths. The time to fall two magnitudes in the V band was only 2 days. In X-rays the super soft phase began 13±\pm5 days after discovery and ended around day 50 after discovery. During the super soft phase, the \Swift/XRT and \Chandra\ spectra were consistent with the underlying white dwarf being very hot, ∼\sim 1 MK, and luminous, ∼\sim 1038^{38} erg s−1^{-1}. The UV, optical, and near-IR photometry showed a periodic variation after the initial and rapid fading had ended. Timing analysis revealed a consistent 19.24±\pm0.03 hr period in all UV, optical, and near-IR bands with amplitudes of ∼\sim 0.3 magnitudes which we associate with the orbital period of the central binary. No periods were detected in the corresponding X-ray data sets. A moderately high inclination system, ii = 60±\pm10^{\arcdeg}, was inferred from the early optical emission lines. The {\it HST}/STIS UV spectra were highly unusual with only the \ion{N}{5} (1240\AA) line present and superposed on a blue continuum. The lack of emission lines and the observed UV and optical continua from four epochs can be fit with a low mass ejection event, ∼\sim 10−6^{-6} M⊙_{\odot}, from a hot and massive white dwarf near the Chandrasekhar limit. The white dwarf, in turn, significantly illuminated its subgiant companion which provided the bulk of the observed UV/optical continuum emission at the later dates. The inferred extreme white dwarf characteristics and low mass ejection event favor nova LMC 2012 being a recurrent nova of the U Sco subclass.Comment: 18 figures, 6 tables (one online only containing all the photometry

    The effect of cognitive load on faking interrogative suggestibility on the Gudjonsson Suggestibility Scale

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    In the light of recent studies into the impact of cognitive load on detecting deception, the impact of cognitive load on faking on the Gudjonsson Suggestibility Scale (GSS) was investigated. Eighty undergraduate students participated in the study, and were randomly assigned to one of four conditions resulting from a combination of the factors: instruction type (genuine or instructed faking, see Hansen, Smeets, & Jelicic, 2009) and concurrent task (yes or no). Findings show that instructed fakers, not performing a concurrent task, score significantly higher on yield 1 in comparison to genuine interviewees. This is in line with previous studies into faking on the GSS. However, instructed fakers, performing a concurrent task, achieved significantly lower yield 1 scores than instructed fakers not performing a concurrent task. Genuine (non fakers) showed a different response to increased cognitive load during the dual-task paradigm. This study suggests that increasing cognitive load may potentially indicate (and preclude) faking attempts on the yield dimension of the Gudjonsson Suggestibility Scale

    Development of Wireless Techniques in Data and Power Transmission - Application for Particle Physics Detectors

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    Wireless techniques have developed extremely fast over the last decade and using them for data and power transmission in particle physics detectors is not science- fiction any more. During the last years several research groups have independently thought of making it a reality. Wireless techniques became a mature field for research and new developments might have impact on future particle physics experiments. The Instrumentation Frontier was set up as a part of the SnowMass 2013 Community Summer Study [1] to examine the instrumentation R&D for the particle physics research over the coming decades: {\guillemotleft} To succeed we need to make technical and scientific innovation a priority in the field {\guillemotright}. Wireless data transmission was identified as one of the innovations that could revolutionize the transmission of data out of the detector. Power delivery was another challenge mentioned in the same report. We propose a collaboration to identify the specific needs of different projects that might benefit from wireless techniques. The objective is to provide a common platform for research and development in order to optimize effectiveness and cost, with the aim of designing and testing wireless demonstrators for large instrumentation systems

    Phagocytes produce prostaglandin E2 in response to cytosolic Listeria monocytogenes

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    Listeria monocytogenes is an intracellular bacterium that elicits robust CD8+ T-cell responses. Despite the ongoing development of L. monocytogenes-based platforms as cancer vaccines, our understanding of how L. monocytogenes drives robust CD8+ T-cell responses remains incomplete. One overarching hypothesis is that activation of cytosolic innate pathways is critical for immunity, as strains of L. monocytogenes that are unable to access the cytosol fail to elicit robust CD8+ T-cell responses and in fact inhibit optimal T-cell priming. Counterintuitively, however, activation of known cytosolic pathways, such as the inflammasome and type I IFN, lead to impaired immunity. Conversely, production of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) downstream of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) is essential for optimal L. monocytogenes T-cell priming. Here, we demonstrate that vacuole-constrained L. monocytogenes elicit reduced PGE2 production compared to wild-type strains in macrophages and dendritic cells ex vivo. In vivo, infection with wild-type L. monocytogenes leads to 10-fold increases in PGE2 production early during infection whereas vacuole-constrained strains fail to induce PGE2 over mock-immunized controls. Mice deficient in COX-2 specifically in Lyz2+ or CD11c+ cells produce less PGE2, suggesting these cell subsets contribute to PGE2 levels in vivo, while depletion of phagocytes with clodronate abolishes PGE2 production completely. Taken together, this work demonstrates that optimal PGE2 production by phagocytes depends on L. monocytogenes access to the cytosol, suggesting that one reason cytosolic access is required to prime CD8+ T-cell responses may be to facilitate production of PGE2

    The Newman-Janis Algorithm, Rotating Solutions and Einstein-Born-Infeld Black Holes

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    A new metric is obtained by applying a complex coordinate trans- formation to the static metric of the self-gravitating Born-Infeld monopole. The behaviour of the new metric is typical of a rotating charged source, but this source is not a spherically symmetric Born-Infeld monopole with rotation. We show that the structure of the energy-momentum tensor obtained with this new metric does not correspond to the typical structure of the energy momentum tensor of Einstein-Born-Infeld theory induced by a rotating spherically symmetric source. This also show, that the complex coordinate transformations have the interpretation given by Newman and Janis only in space-time solutions with linear sources

    Diffusive Ionization of Relativistic Hydrogen-Like Atom

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    Stochastic ionization of highly excited relativistic hydrogenlike atom in the monochromatic field is investigated. A theoretical analisis of chaotic dynamics of the relativistic electron based on Chirikov criterion is given for the cases of one- and three-dimensional atoms. Critical value of the external field is evaluated analitically. The diffusion coefficient and ionization time are calculated.Comment: 13 pages, latex, no figures, submitted to PR
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