3,613 research outputs found

    Floppy swimming: Viscous locomotion of actuated elastica

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    Actuating periodically an elastic filament in a viscous liquid generally breaks the constraints of Purcell's scallop theorem, resulting in the generation of a net propulsive force. This observation suggests a method to design simple swimming devices - which we call "elastic swimmers" - where the actuation mechanism is embedded in a solid body and the resulting swimmer is free to move. In this paper, we study theoretically the kinematics of elastic swimming. After discussing the basic physical picture of the phenomenon and the expected scaling relationships, we derive analytically the elastic swimming velocities in the limit of small actuation amplitude. The emphasis is on the coupling between the two unknowns of the problems - namely the shape of the elastic filament and the swimming kinematics - which have to be solved simultaneously. We then compute the performance of the resulting swimming device, and its dependance on geometry. The optimal actuation frequency and body shapes are derived and a discussion of filament shapes and internal torques is presented. Swimming using multiple elastic filaments is discussed, and simple strategies are presented which result in straight swimming trajectories. Finally, we compare the performance of elastic swimming with that of swimming microorganisms.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figure

    Evolution of community structure in the world trade web

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    In this note we study the bilateral merchandise trade flows between 186 countries over the 1948-2005 period using data from the International Monetary Fund. We use Pajek to identify network structure and behavior across thresholds and over time. In particular, we focus on the evolution of trade "islands" in the a world trade network in which countries are linked with directed edges weighted according to fraction of total dollars sent from one country to another. We find mixed evidence for globalization.Comment: To be submitted to APFA 6 Proceedings, 8 pages, 3 Figure

    Fluorescence kinetics of flavin adenine dinucleotide in different microenvironments

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    Fluorescence kinetics of flavin adenine dinucleotide was measured in a wide time and spectral range in different media, affecting its intra- end extramolecular interactions, and analyzed by a new method based on compressed sensing

    Emergence of a non trivial fluctuating phase in the XY model on regular networks

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    We study an XY-rotor model on regular one dimensional lattices by varying the number of neighbours. The parameter 2γ12\ge\gamma\ge1 is defined. γ=2\gamma=2 corresponds to mean field and γ=1\gamma=1 to nearest neighbours coupling. We find that for γ<1.5\gamma<1.5 the system does not exhibit a phase transition, while for γ>1.5\gamma > 1.5 the mean field second order transition is recovered. For the critical value γ=γc=1.5\gamma=\gamma_c=1.5, the systems can be in a non trivial fluctuating phase for whichthe magnetisation shows important fluctuations in a given temperature range, implying an infinite susceptibility. For all values of γ\gamma the magnetisation is computed analytically in the low temperatures range and the magnetised versus non-magnetised state which depends on the value of γ\gamma is recovered, confirming the critical value γc=1.5\gamma_{c}=1.5

    Hyperfine-mediated transitions between a Zeeman split doublet in GaAs quantum dots: The role of the internal field

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    We consider the hyperfine-mediated transition rate between Zeeman split spin states of the lowest orbital level in a GaAs quantum dot. We separate the hyperfine Hamiltonian into a part which is diagonal in the orbital states and another one which mixes different orbitals. The diagonal part gives rise to an effective (internal) magnetic field which, in addition to an external magnetic field, determines the Zeeman splitting. Spin-flip transitions in the dots are induced by the orbital mixing part accompanied by an emission of a phonon. We evaluate the rate for different regimes of applied magnetic field and temperature. The rates we find are bigger that the spin-orbit related rates provided the external magnetic field is sufficiently low.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Microstructural differences in the thalamus and thalamic radiations in the congenitally deaf

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    There is evidence of both crossmodal and intermodal plasticity in the deaf brain. Here, we investigated whether sub-cortical plasticity, specifically of the thalamus, contributed to this reorganisation. We contrasted diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging data from 13 congenitally deaf and 13 hearing participants, all of whom had learnt British Sign Language after 10 years of age. Connectivity based segmentation of the thalamus revealed changes to mean and radial diffusivity in occipital and frontal regions, which may be linked to enhanced peripheral visual acuity, and differences in how visual attention is deployed in the deaf group. Using probabilistic tractography, tracts were traced between the thalamus and its cortical targets, and microstructural measurements were extracted from these tracts. Group differences were found in microstructural measurements of occipital, frontal, somatosensory, motor and parietal thalamo-cortical tracts. Our findings suggest there is sub-cortical plasticity in the deaf brain, and that white matter alterations can be found throughout the deaf brain, rather than being restricted to, or focussed in auditory cortex

    Swimming suppresses correlations in dilute suspensions of pusher microorganisms

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    Active matter exhibits various forms of non-equilibrium states in the absence of external forcing, including macroscopic steady-state currents. Such states are often too complex to be modelled from first principles and our understanding of their physics relies heavily on minimal models. These have mostly been studied in the case of "dry" active matter, where particle dynamics are dominated by friction with their surroundings. Significantly less is known about systems with long-range hydrodynamic interactions that belong to "wet" active matter. Dilute suspensions of motile bacteria, modelled as self-propelled dipolar particles interacting solely through long-ranged hydrodynamic fields, are arguably the most studied example from this class of active systems. Their phenomenology is well-established: at sufficiently high density of bacteria, there appear large-scale vortices and jets comprising many individual organisms, forming a chaotic state commonly known as bacterial turbulence. As revealed by computer simulations, below the onset of collective motion, the suspension exhibits very strong correlations between individual microswimmers stemming from the long-ranged nature of dipolar fields. Here we demonstrate that this phenomenology is captured by the minimal model of microswimmers. We develop a kinetic theory that goes beyond the commonly used mean-field assumption, and explicitly takes into account such correlations. Notably, these can be computed exactly within our theory. We calculate the fluid velocity variance, spatial and temporal correlation functions, the fluid velocity spectrum, and the enhanced diffusivity of tracer particles. We find that correlations are suppressed by particle self-propulsion, although the mean-field behaviour is not restored even in the limit of very fast swimming.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figure

    Evolution of scale-free random graphs: Potts model formulation

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    We study the bond percolation problem in random graphs of NN weighted vertices, where each vertex ii has a prescribed weight PiP_i and an edge can connect vertices ii and jj with rate PiPjP_iP_j. The problem is solved by the q1q\to 1 limit of the qq-state Potts model with inhomogeneous interactions for all pairs of spins. We apply this approach to the static model having Piiμ(0<μ<1)P_i\propto i^{-\mu} (0<\mu<1) so that the resulting graph is scale-free with the degree exponent λ=1+1/μ\lambda=1+1/\mu. The number of loops as well as the giant cluster size and the mean cluster size are obtained in the thermodynamic limit as a function of the edge density, and their associated critical exponents are also obtained. Finite-size scaling behaviors are derived using the largest cluster size in the critical regime, which is calculated from the cluster size distribution, and checked against numerical simulation results. We find that the process of forming the giant cluster is qualitatively different between the cases of λ>3\lambda >3 and 2<λ<32 < \lambda <3. While for the former, the giant cluster forms abruptly at the percolation transition, for the latter, however, the formation of the giant cluster is gradual and the mean cluster size for finite NN shows double peaks.Comment: 34 pages, 9 figures, elsart.cls, final version appeared in NP

    Life at high Deborah number

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    In many biological systems, microorganisms swim through complex polymeric fluids, and usually deform the medium at a rate faster than the inverse fluid relaxation time. We address the basic properties of such life at high Deborah number analytically by considering the small-amplitude swimming of a body in an arbitrary complex fluid. Using asymptotic analysis and differential geometry, we show that for a given swimming gait, the time-averaged leading-order swimming kinematics of the body can be expressed as an integral equation on the solution to a series of simpler Newtonian problems. We then use our results to demonstrate that Purcell's scallop theorem, which states that time-reversible body motion cannot be used for locomotion in a Newtonian fluid, breaks down in polymeric fluid environments

    Steady state solutions of hydrodynamic traffic models

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    We investigate steady state solutions of hydrodynamic traffic models in the absence of any intrinsic inhomogeneity on roads such as on-ramps. It is shown that typical hydrodynamic models possess seven different types of inhomogeneous steady state solutions. The seven solutions include those that have been reported previously only for microscopic models. The characteristic properties of wide jam such as moving velocity of its spatiotemporal pattern and/or out-flux from wide jam are shown to be uniquely determined and thus independent of initial conditions of dynamic evolution. Topological considerations suggest that all of the solutions should be common to a wide class of traffic models. The results are discussed in connection with the universality conjecture for traffic models. Also the prevalence of the limit-cycle solution in a recent study of a microscopic model is explained in this approach.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure