730 research outputs found

    A very special dive in Galapagos waters

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    Holographic Algorithm with Matchgates Is Universal for Planar #\#CSP Over Boolean Domain

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    We prove a complexity classification theorem that classifies all counting constraint satisfaction problems (#\#CSP) over Boolean variables into exactly three categories: (1) Polynomial-time tractable; (2) #\#P-hard for general instances, but solvable in polynomial-time over planar graphs; and (3) #\#P-hard over planar graphs. The classification applies to all sets of local, not necessarily symmetric, constraint functions on Boolean variables that take complex values. It is shown that Valiant's holographic algorithm with matchgates is a universal strategy for all problems in category (2).Comment: 94 page

    Susceptibility amplitude ratios in the two-dimensional Potts model and percolation

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    The high-temperature susceptibility of the qq-state Potts model behaves as Γ∣T−Tc∣−γ\Gamma|T-T_c|^{-\gamma} as T→Tc+T\to T_c+, while for T→Tc−T\to T_c- one may define both longitudinal and transverse susceptibilities, with the same power law but different amplitudes ΓL\Gamma_L and ΓT\Gamma_T. We extend a previous analytic calculation of the universal ratio Γ/ΓL\Gamma/\Gamma_L in two dimensions to the low-temperature ratio ΓT/ΓL\Gamma_T/\Gamma_L, and test both predictions with Monte Carlo simulations for q=3q=3 and 4. The data for q=4q=4 are inconclusive owing to large corrections to scaling, while for q=3q=3 they appear consistent with the prediction for ΓT/ΓL\Gamma_T/\Gamma_L, but not with that for Γ/ΓL\Gamma/\Gamma_L. A simple extrapolation of our analytic results to q→1q\to1 indicates a similar discrepancy with the corresponding measured quantities in percolation. We point out that stronger assumptions were made in the derivation of the ratio Γ/ΓL\Gamma/\Gamma_L, and our work suggests that these may be unjustified.Comment: 17 pages, late

    Interacting dimers on the honeycomb lattice: An exact solution of the five-vertex model

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    The problem of close-packed dimers on the honeycomb lattice was solved by Kasteleyn in 1963. Here we extend the solution to include interactions between neighboring dimers in two spatial lattice directions. The solution is obtained by using the method of Bethe ansatz and by converting the dimer problem into a five-vertex problem. The complete phase diagram is obtained and it is found that a new frozen phase, in which the attracting dimers prevail, arises when the interaction is attractive. For repulsive dimer interactions a new first-order line separating two frozen phases occurs. The transitions are continuous and the critical behavior in the disorder regime is found to be the same as in the case of noninteracting dimers characterized by a specific heat exponent \a=1/2.Comment: latex, 29 pages + 7 figure

    Counting dimer coverings on self-similar Schreier graphs

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    We study partition functions for the dimer model on families of finite graphs converging to infinite self-similar graphs and forming approximation sequences to certain well-known fractals. The graphs that we consider are provided by actions of finitely generated groups by automorphisms on rooted trees, and thus their edges are naturally labeled by the generators of the group. It is thus natural to consider weight functions on these graphs taking different values according to the labeling. We study in detail the well-known example of the Hanoi Towers group H(3)H^{(3)}, closely related to the Sierpi\'nski gasket.Comment: 29 pages. Final version, to appear in European Journal of Combinatoric

    Dimer statistics on the M\"obius strip and the Klein bottle

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    Closed-form expressions are obtained for the generating function of close-packed dimers on a 2M×2N2M \times 2N simple quartic lattice embedded on a M\"obius strip and a Klein bottle. Finite-size corrections are also analyzed and compared with those under cylindrical and free boundary conditions. Particularly, it is found that, for large lattices of the same size and with a square symmetry, the number of dimer configurations on a M\"obius strip is 70.2% of that on a cylinder. We also establish two identities relating dimer generating functions for M\"obius strips and cylinders.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figs included, accepted by Phys. Lett.

    Equilibriumlike invaded cluster algorithm: critical exponents and dynamical properties

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    We present a detailed study of the Equilibriumlike invaded cluster algorithm (EIC), recently proposed as an extension of the invaded cluster (IC) algorithm, designed to drive the system to criticality while still preserving the equilibrium ensemble. We perform extensive simulations on two special cases of the Potts model and examine the precision of critical exponents by including the leading corrections. We show that both thermal and magnetic critical exponents can be obtained with high accuracy compared to the best available results. The choice of the auxiliary parameters of the algorithm is discussed in context of dynamical properties. We also discuss the relation to the Li-Sokal bound for the dynamical exponent zz.Comment: 11 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Single-cluster dynamics for the random-cluster model

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    We formulate a single-cluster Monte Carlo algorithm for the simulation of the random-cluster model. This algorithm is a generalization of the Wolff single-cluster method for the qq-state Potts model to non-integer values q>1q>1. Its results for static quantities are in a satisfactory agreement with those of the existing Swendsen-Wang-Chayes-Machta (SWCM) algorithm, which involves a full cluster decomposition of random-cluster configurations. We explore the critical dynamics of this algorithm for several two-dimensional Potts and random-cluster models. For integer qq, the single-cluster algorithm can be reduced to the Wolff algorithm, for which case we find that the autocorrelation functions decay almost purely exponentially, with dynamic exponents zexp=0.07(1),0.521(7)z_{\rm exp} =0.07 (1), 0.521 (7), and 1.007(9)1.007 (9) for q=2,3q=2, 3, and 4 respectively. For non-integer qq, the dynamical behavior of the single-cluster algorithm appears to be very dissimilar to that of the SWCM algorithm. For large critical systems, the autocorrelation function displays a range of power-law behavior as a function of time. The dynamic exponents are relatively large. We provide an explanation for this peculiar dynamic behavior.Comment: 7 figures, 4 table

    Asymptotic energy of graphs

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    The energy of a simple graph GG arising in chemical physics, denoted by E(G)\mathcal E(G), is defined as the sum of the absolute values of eigenvalues of GG. We consider the asymptotic energy per vertex (say asymptotic energy) for lattice systems. In general for a type of lattice in statistical physics, to compute the asymptotic energy with toroidal, cylindrical, Mobius-band, Klein-bottle, and free boundary conditions are different tasks with different hardness. In this paper, we show that if {Gn}\{G_n\} is a sequence of finite simple graphs with bounded average degree and {Gn′}\{G_n'\} a sequence of spanning subgraphs of {Gn}\{G_n\} such that almost all vertices of GnG_n and Gn′G_n' have the same degrees, then GnG_n and Gn′G_n' have the same asymptotic energy. Thus, for each type of lattices with toroidal, cylindrical, Mobius-band, Klein-bottle, and free boundary conditions, we have the same asymptotic energy. As applications, we obtain the asymptotic formulae of energies per vertex of the triangular, 33.423^3.4^2, and hexagonal lattices with toroidal, cylindrical, Mobius-band, Klein-bottle, and free boundary conditions simultaneously.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    Quadri-tilings of the plane

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    We introduce {\em quadri-tilings} and show that they are in bijection with dimer models on a {\em family} of graphs {R∗}\{R^*\} arising from rhombus tilings. Using two height functions, we interpret a sub-family of all quadri-tilings, called {\em triangular quadri-tilings}, as an interface model in dimension 2+2. Assigning "critical" weights to edges of R∗R^*, we prove an explicit expression, only depending on the local geometry of the graph R∗R^*, for the minimal free energy per fundamental domain Gibbs measure; this solves a conjecture of \cite{Kenyon1}. We also show that when edges of R∗R^* are asymptotically far apart, the probability of their occurrence only depends on this set of edges. Finally, we give an expression for a Gibbs measure on the set of {\em all} triangular quadri-tilings whose marginals are the above Gibbs measures, and conjecture it to be that of minimal free energy per fundamental domain.Comment: Revised version, minor changes. 30 pages, 13 figure
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