26 research outputs found

    Helicobacter - An Emerging New Zoonotic Pathogen

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    Animal Assisted Intervention for Rehabilitation Therapy and Psychotherapy

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    Animal-assisted Intervention (AAI) is a goal-oriented intervention that intentionally includes or incorporates animals in health, education, and human service for the purpose of therapeutic gains in humans. AAI incorporates human-animal teams in formal human service such as Animal-assisted Therapy (AAT) or Animal-assisted Education (AAE). Animal-assisted Activity (AAA) is the informal AAI often conducted on a volunteer basis by the human-animal team for motivational, educational, and recreational purposes. AAI could be used for rehabilitation therapy and psychotherapy for patients with various symptoms. AAI uses animals, mostly dogs, to aid in healing patients holistically. Dogs have an overwhelming gratitude and exuberance for life and this effect on people is astounding. Furthermore, AAI has been researched and its effectiveness on patients’ outcomes and healing is documented. With a soaring trend of the incorporation of complementary therapies into the mainstream of therapy and health care, animal-facilitated therapy has become a popular interest for the therapy team to integrate into a patient’s plan of therapy

    A hermaphrodite dog with bilateral ovotestes and pyometra

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    Hermaphroditism was identified in a 3-year-old American Cocker spaniel with an enlarged os clitoridis that was shown as reddish finger-like structure protruding from the vulva. The urethral orifice was located cranially to the base of the os clitoridis. The gonads were situated caudal to the kidneys at the cranial tips of the uterine horns, and were composed mainly of seminiferous tubules and interstitial cells and had ovarian follicles in the cortices. The uterus was enlarged and revealed pyometra. Gross and histopathological findings of the dog suggested hermaphroditism with bilateral ovotestes and pyometra

    Acupuncture treatment for idiopathic Horner's syndrome in a dog

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    A one-year-old female English Cocker Spaniel dog with idiopathic Horner's Syndrome is described. The specific clinical signs in this specimen were miosis, ptosis, enophthalmos, and prolapsed nictitans for 2 days following sudden onset. According to history taking, ophthalmic, neurological, and radiological examination, the patient was diagnosed with idiopathic Horner's syndrome. Manual acupuncture treatment was applied to the dog on local points two times in 2 days. The local acupoints were ST-4 (Di Chang) and GB-1 (Tong Zi Liao). The day after the initial acupuncture treatment, clinical signs related to idiopathic Horner's syndrome had almost disappeared. The day after the second treatment, specific clinical signs were completely absent. During this period, the dog did not receive any orthodox treatment. Thus, it is suggested that manual acupuncture might be an effective therapy for idiopathic Horner's syndrome

    Absence of vertical transmission of Helicobacter pylori in an experimental murine model

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    Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection is acquired mainly in early childhood but the precise transmission routes are unclear. This study examined the maternal H. pylori infection status in order to determine the potential of perinatal transmission. These issues were investigated using an experimental murine model, the Mongolian gerbil, which has been reported to be the most suitable laboratory animal model for studying H. pylori. Pregnant Mongolian gerbils, infected experimentally with H. pylori, were divided into two groups. The stomachs of the mother and litters were isolated and assessed for the transmission of H. pylori at the prenatal period (2 weeks after pregnancy) and at the parturition day. The bacterial culture, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and rapid urease test were used to examine the presence of the transmitted H. pylori. There was no H. pylori observed in any of the fetuses during pregnancy and in the litters at parturition. This suggests that vertical infection during the prenatal period or delivery procedure is unlikely to be route of mother-to-child transmission of a H. pylori infection

    Experimental peritonitis induced by oral administration of indomethacin in Mongolian gerbils

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    The possibility of inducing peritoneal inflammation in three murine species (gerbils, rats and mice) via the oral administration of indomethacin was investigated with the overall aim of developing an experimental animal model for human peritonitis. Gerbils given high doses of indomethacin at a rate of 30 mg and 40 mg/kg body weight showed swelling of the abdomen, depression and dyspnea within 4 days after the treatment. The severity of the clinical symptoms increased with time. The animals were confirmed as having developed peritonitis based on the pathological features including inflammation of the peritoneum, and fibrinous adhesion of the abdominal organs in the abdominal cavity. The severity of peritonitis increased with increasing dose of indomethacin, and was not related to the gender of the animal. On the other hand, peritoneal inflammation did not develop in the rats and mice even at high doses. Therefore, the administration of 30 mg/kg body weight of indomethacin is an effective and simple method of inducing peritonitis in 5-week-old Mongolian gerbils. The animal peritonitis model used in this study can be used as an effective tool for examining potential therapeutic compounds for preventing peritoneal damage during peritonitis, and provide insight into the pathophysiology of peritonitis